Author Topic: What is Omnitech?  (Read 5395 times)

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Offline Blxz

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So, what exactly is it? As far as I can tell it is a either a mod or a standalone that you guys are making. There doesn't really seem to be any threads that explain what it is in the detail I'm looking for. Is anyone able to link me, point me in the right direction or just flat out explain in a post?


So, what exactly is it? As far as I can tell it is a either a mod or a standalone that you guys are making. There doesn't really seem to be any threads that explain what it is in the detail I'm looking for. Is anyone able to link me, point me in the right direction or just flat out explain in a post?

It's a standalone enhanced version of MC2. It's also freeware. Try it and find out for yourself, if you liked MC series you won't be disappointed.


Offline Blxz

  • 23
Trying it out now. My internet didn't seem to like the download link and it took about 5 hours to download for some reason. Wanted to know if it is worth it.

Thanks for the answer.


Offline Blxz

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Having issues with the resolution. I can only see the top left of the main screen. Can barely click the left side of the main menu buttons.

If I run the game in 640x480 compatibility resolution then the game will load properly but in-game resolution has no effect and the game is way too zoomed in (plus can't see the people speaking in the campaign in the top right).

Anyone know about this/how to fix it?

EDIT: Ahh, its from the gosnojoystick command that i need to use to run the game. Alt-enter works. Oddly I don't need to do this with Mechcommander 2 the original game.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 03:24:51 am by Blxz »

Having issues with the resolution. I can only see the top left of the main screen. Can barely click the left side of the main menu buttons.

If I run the game in 640x480 compatibility resolution then the game will load properly but in-game resolution has no effect and the game is way too zoomed in (plus can't see the people speaking in the campaign in the top right).

Anyone know about this/how to fix it?

EDIT: Ahh, its from the gosnojoystick command that i need to use to run the game. Alt-enter works. Oddly I don't need to do this with Mechcommander 2 the original game.
Run compatibility mode with all options on. It works, and you can change res to 1024x768. If I was able you should too.
As for the game being zoomed in, just zoom out using mouse scroll. It's a full 3D game, so set your camera as you wish.
Yes, you can't see the people speaking in campaigns. I don't know if you can remedy this.


Offline Wilmet

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About the lack of in-game videos/mission briefings, they weren't included when microsoft released the game's source code. Probably a third party software.

Multiplayer is also disabled at the moment for the same reason.
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Offline Blxz

  • 23
I wonder, can I just copy this game over my MC2 install and overwrite some files to get the actor video's back? Or is it far more complicated then that?


Offline Starman01

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Sorry, but that won't work. The thing is, in the Souce Code MS released Multiplayer AND Video has been disabled. This include briefing vids and even the small animated windows. So, even if you have the files in the MCO folder, they won't run. Maybe later :)

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Offline headdie

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how much of a task would it be for you guys to re-enable the video playback? perhaps doing a detect on start up to see if the video files are there?
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Offline Starman01

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Honestly, I don't know. Magic is the only one who can answer that, since he pretty much knows the code and is our only coder (and more or less the only person who ever worked on it in the entire internet, at least the one with the most patience :) )  But I doubt that MS simply commented the codeparts out, they are more likely removed completly. How difficult it is to add a new code, I don't know. I hope not so much  :p

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Offline Karl

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The video file format used in MC2 is .bnk which is a third party format, MS had to remove this code as they could not release the source code of a third party freely.

As stated before it is on the list of goals for MCO but as magic is doing it all himself it will get done time and motivation allowing.

As for multiplayer, though you guys are on MCO 153 there have been several internal releases on MCO for testing or new game mechanics and other changes.

Once such change has been the reintroduction of multiplayer. The current state of play is that it is now selectable from the menu and takes you through to the vanilla MC2 multiplayer screens but fails from there. Again it will take time for Magic to bug fix this problem as well but there has been progress.

Cheers guys


Offline cowboy

  • 26
Man, everything from that area ran on Bink, didn't it?

Fond memories of Red Faction 1...


I was also looking around to find out exactly what omnitech was as well. I've downloaded the game and played a couple of missions and I was curious to know is there a multiplayer setup for this or plans for multiplayer in the future?

I believe there is multiplayer planned for the future, but currently it does not work.
Unfortunately, microsoft removed multiplayer from the source code.


Offline Aardwolf

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Have you guys considered making a stickied "wtf is MechCommander OmniTech?" thread?


Offline Starman01

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Hm, I thought we had  :p I have to look if the explanation text from the first release at moddb is still around, was pretty good.

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