Author Topic: Release: 3.6.14 Final  (Read 68159 times)

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Offline chief1983

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Release: 3.6.14 Final
After far too long, we now have a 3.6.14 release that shouldn't launch Skynet, lead to the singularity, or crash a lot.  Included below is the commit history since RC9
Previous 3.6.12 Release Thread

As always, you need OpenAL installed.  Linux and OS X come with it but Windows users will need to get Creative's OpenAL installer.

Also, since the internal code linking for TrackIR was revised, an external DLL is now required for FSO to use TrackIR functions.
The following DLL is simply unpacked in to you main FreeSpace2 root dir.
TrackIR is only supported on Windows.
TrackIR SCP DLL (Mirror) (Mirror) (Mirror)

Launchers, if you don't have one already:
All platforms:  wxLauncher (ongoing project for a unified launcher)
Windows:  Launcher 5.5g (Mirror) (Mirror) (Mirror)
OS X:  Soulstorm's OS X Launcher 3.0
Linux:  YAL or by hand or whatever you can figure out.

Known issues:
  • The now-standard Inferno builds have trouble converting retail pilots.  You might experience crashes.  Post logs.
  • See the list of Fix for next release bugs - mark a bug as an elevated priority (high, urgent, immediate) to get it included in that filter.
  • Here is the filter for Target 3.6.14 bugs.

Compiled on MSVC 2008

Inferno Builds
If you don't know which one to get, get the third one (no SSE).  If you don't know what SSE means, read this:
You can use freely available tools like CPU-Z to check which SSE capabilities your CPU has. (Mirror) (Mirror)
This one is based on the SSE2 Optimizations from the MSVC Compiler.
MD5: d626bbd63c48b0248bee3930d78e04ec (Mirror) (Mirror)
This one is based on the SSE Optimizations from the MSVC Compiler.
MD5: e5490e5eb2c0c4eafb2490194a9cfdce (Mirror) (Mirror)
MD5: 3ff1c8041dc5b3b14e16d7519019cd7c

What are those SSE and SSE2 builds I keep seeing everywhere?
Your answer is in this topic.

OS X Builds
Compiled on Xcode 3.2.6

Inferno Build
FS2_Open-3.6.14.dmg (Mirror) (Mirror)
MD5: d229df406072b9568a86cacf4fd8945f

LINUX Builds
Compiled on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bit

Inferno Build
fs2_open_3.6.14.tar.bz2 (Mirror) (Mirror)
MD5: fcddc8f89f424d9d2494a568056ea055

Source Code Export
fs2_open_3_6_14_src.tgz (Mirror) (Mirror)
MD5: fa9ccf5a3bb7799fe5641bd7864c71c1

Changelog since RC9:
( Additionally, see here: 3.6.13 Changelog (since 3.6.12) )
Code: [Select]
r9270 | Goober5000 | 2012-10-15 21:42:45 -0500 (Mon, 15 Oct 2012) | 1 line

Backport: Trunk 9268; add arrival_delay and departure_delay arguments to set-arrival-info and set-departure-info
r9272 | Goober5000 | 2012-10-15 22:23:01 -0500 (Mon, 15 Oct 2012) | 1 line

Backport: Trunk 9271; fix for Mantis #2643 (generated shield quadrants displayed in the wrong spots)
r9276 | chief1983 | 2012-10-23 02:07:43 -0500 (Tue, 23 Oct 2012) | 1 line

FINAL BUILD STAGE COMMIT:  Sets Revision and Version properties to this commit version.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 10:16:19 am by chief1983 »
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"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays

Re: Release: 3.6.14 Final
Congratulations! It took a while longer than expected, but it'll be all the more stable for it. Onwards to 3.7!


Offline Spoon

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Re: Release: 3.6.14 Final
Milestone achieved.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Macfie

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Re: Release: 3.6.14 Final
Does this use the same shaders as the RC9 release?
Normal people believe that if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it isn't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
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An optimist sees the glass half full; the pessimist sees it half empty. An engineer sees that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.


Offline Dragon

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Re: Release: 3.6.14 Final
Milestone achieved.
It's only a start though. 3.7 is getting closer and closer. :D
At this point, the future of SCP looks really awesome. New pilot code, shadows, deferred lighting... Awesome doesn't even begin to describe what's waiting for us. :)


Offline headdie

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Re: Release: 3.6.14 Final
Yay, whoop whoop whoop
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Re: Release: 3.6.14 Final
Excellent! I've been waiting for the full release, will make sure to upgrade my machines and see if I can apply all the new goodies in my own work. Thank you for your continued support and upgrading of the SCP.
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Offline s1rrah

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Re: Release: 3.6.14 Final
Hi... quick question . ..

I just recently (like the past three weeks) started playing the FS2 Open game again ...

I researched how to set everything up with FS2 Open a year or so back and have since forgotten how the whole thing sticks together/is structured.

Anyway ... in the FS2 Open Launcher, I currently have "fs2_open_3_6_12r_INF.exe" selected at the top and next to the "Browse" button. And, to move up to 3.6.14, I'm pretty sure all I need to do is point that instead to the "fs2_open_3_6_14" file, correct?

But what I'm curious about and before I commit to any changes (as 12 is working really well) is the fact that in the area just beneath that *.exe selection box, just beneath all the set up tabs, is a button that says "Select Mod" ... and here I have pointed to a subdirectory under my Freespace2 root called "/mediavps_3612" ...

Do I continue pointing to this or is there a set of files I need to add to a new, "/mediavps_3614" directory and then point to that?

I really can't recall how/why that /mediavps_3612 directory got there but I'm sure it's essential cause everything plays and looks fantastic.

Anyway, wanted to run that by you folks before upgrading to the .14 release.

Thanks and keep up the good work. I'm amazed at the shelf life you've given this legendary game. So fun to revisit.



Offline z64555

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Re: Release: 3.6.14 Final
Hi... quick question . ..

I just recently (like the past three weeks) started playing the FS2 Open game again ...

I researched how to set everything up with FS2 Open a year or so back and have since forgotten how the whole thing sticks together/is structured.

Anyway ... in the FS2 Open Launcher, I currently have "fs2_open_3_6_12r_INF.exe" selected at the top and next to the "Browse" button. And, to move up to 3.6.14, I'm pretty sure all I need to do is point that instead to the "fs2_open_3_6_14" file, correct?

Yes, that is all that is needed in order to use the 3.6.14 version with the existing launcher.

But what I'm curious about and before I commit to any changes (as 12 is working really well) is the fact that in the area just beneath that *.exe selection box, just beneath all the set up tabs, is a button that says "Select Mod" ... and here I have pointed to a subdirectory under my Freespace2 root called "/mediavps_3612" ...

Do I continue pointing to this or is there a set of files I need to add to a new, "/mediavps_3614" directory and then point to that?

The Media VP's are a collection of enhanced FSO assets, and in itself can be considered a mod (hence the reason why it is selected via the mod's button). The 3612 version of the mediavps should do just fine with the new .exe.

If (or when ;)) the 3614 version of the mediavps gets released, you can be sure to look for it in the FreeSpace Upgrage Project forums.
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Offline jr2

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Re: Release: 3.6.14 Final
The .14 exe (the engine) is separate from the mod (media .vp files upgrade version .12, MVP version .14 isn't released yet).

So, you will be using the .14 engine on .12 upgrade assets

The mod selector allows you to select which mod you want, in the case, the upgrades to the FS2 retail assets.  Other mods might be the FreeSpace 1 Port (FSPort).

Also, mods can call other mods; this is done automatically.  For example, if the mod FSPort is selected, it can call the FS2 mediavps_3612 and use its assets.  This is accomplished through the mod.ini file in the mod's directory (the FSPort mod.ini would point to the mediavps_3612 directory as a dependency if it needed it, for example).

Does that make sense?

EDIT: ninja'd


Offline s1rrah

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The .14 exe (the engine) is separate from the mod (media .vp files upgrade version .12, MVP version .14 isn't released yet).

So, you will be using the .14 engine on .12 upgrade assets

The mod selector allows you to select which mod you want, in the case, the upgrades to the FS2 retail assets.  Other mods might be the FreeSpace 1 Port (FSPort).

Also, mods can call other mods; this is done automatically.  For example, if the mod FSPort is selected, it can call the FS2 mediavps_3612 and use its assets.  This is accomplished through the mod.ini file in the mod's directory (the FSPort mod.ini would point to the mediavps_3612 directory as a dependency if it needed it, for example).

Does that make sense?

Perfectly clear.

Like I said...I researched and set the  whole thing up like a year ago and just wrote it to a DVD. Now that I've played a bit and after yours and the previous dudes comments, I have a decent sense of the shape of the thing.

Another question and perhaps this isn't the thread for it but feel free to PM me if that's the case ... I'm currently playing through the retail FS2 game (can't wait to get to the custom campaigns though) ... and since I have a pretty heavy duty rig to play on, I'm wanting to get the maximum graphical upgrade I can get. Is there something other than the "mediavps_3612" mod  you would suggest in regards to such? Perhaps something (as you mention) I could call via .INI to work in conjunction with the mediavps mod?

Thanks for the clarification, otherwise. Gonna start the .14 executable this evening.  :)

Rock on.



Offline ninsei

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Congratz! been waiting for this :)


Offline General Battuta

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Another question and perhaps this isn't the thread for it but feel free to PM me if that's the case ... I'm currently playing through the retail FS2 game (can't wait to get to the custom campaigns though) ... and since I have a pretty heavy duty rig to play on, I'm wanting to get the maximum graphical upgrade I can get. Is there something other than the "mediavps_3612" mod  you would suggest in regards to such? Perhaps something (as you mention) I could call via .INI to work in conjunction with the mediavps mod?

Thanks for the clarification, otherwise. Gonna start the .14 executable this evening.  :)

Rock on.


Make sure everything pretty sounding (like post processing) is enabled in the launcher. Get a dev build more recent than 3.6.14 off someone on IRC and turn on stuff like framebuffer shockwaves and soft particles.


Offline Nuke

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no shaders this time? do i need to get rid of the old ones?
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Offline jr2

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Also, you could try using wxLauncher, as it has some decent explanations for what the options do built into it.  Using wxLauncher doesn't prevent you from using the traditional 5.5g launcher; you can go back and forth as you please.

Also, wxLauncher is normally installed to a different location than FS2; this is normal.  If you really want wxLauncher in the FS2 directory, put it in a sub-directory, not the FS2 root.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, it has several sets of lighting options built in as presets that you can try out; these make a huge difference, be sure to check them out as well!
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 07:13:44 pm by jr2 »


Offline s1rrah

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Also, you could try using wxLauncher, as it has some decent explanations for what the options do built into it.  Using wxLauncher doesn't prevent you from using the traditional 5.5g launcher; you can go back and forth as you please.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, it has several sets of lighting options built in as presets that you can try out; these make a huge difference, be sure to check them out as well!

Great. I'll try that alternate launcher as well.

For now, I've just enabled *everything* in the n ew .14 launcher.  Things look down right bang up at 2560x1440 res. Awesome...

thanks for the assist.


Offline Luis Dias

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Down'ldin. Congrats.


Offline chief1983

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Zacam will be updating the mv_root in the MediaVPs to no longer contain shaders now, as soon as that's done this build should work with the MediaVPs.  You can use the set in the RC9 post to override the ones in the MediaVPs now, but I'd just wait.   Don't forget to get rid of those shaders when you update the MediaVPs.
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"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays

*Applauds* :D

Is there actually much point in providing generic 'Linux' builds? That label is basically just misleading; it's unlikely to work without tweaking on any distro other than the one for which it was compiled, and if you can do the tweaks you're better off compiling yourself anyway.
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