After far too long, we now have a 3.6.14 release that shouldn't launch Skynet, lead to the singularity, or crash a lot. Included below is the commit history since
RC9Previous 3.6.12 Release ThreadImportant!!As always, you need OpenAL installed. Linux and OS X come with it but Windows users will need to get Creative's
OpenAL installer.
Important!!Also, since the internal code linking for TrackIR was revised, an external DLL is now required for FSO to use TrackIR functions.
The following DLL is simply unpacked in to you main FreeSpace2 root dir.
TrackIR is only supported on Windows.
Mirror) (
Mirror) (
Launchers, if you don't have one already:
All platforms:
wxLauncher (ongoing project for a unified launcher)
Launcher 5.5g (
Mirror) (
Mirror) (
OS X: Soulstorm's
OS X Launcher 3.0Linux:
YAL or
by hand or whatever you can figure out.
Known issues:
- The now-standard Inferno builds have trouble converting retail pilots. You might experience crashes. Post logs.
- See the list of Fix for next release bugs - mark a bug as an elevated priority (high, urgent, immediate) to get it included in that filter.
- Here is the filter for Target 3.6.14 bugs.
WINDOWS BuildsCompiled on MSVC 2008
Inferno BuildsIf you don't know which one to get, get the third one (no SSE). If you don't know what SSE means, read this: can use freely available tools like
CPU-Z to check which SSE capabilities your CPU has. (
Mirror) (
This one is based on the SSE2 Optimizations from the MSVC Compiler.
MD5: d626bbd63c48b0248bee3930d78e04ec (
Mirror) (
This one is based on the SSE Optimizations from the MSVC Compiler.
MD5: e5490e5eb2c0c4eafb2490194a9cfdce (
Mirror) (
MD5: 3ff1c8041dc5b3b14e16d7519019cd7c
What are those SSE and SSE2 builds I keep seeing everywhere?Your answer is in this topic.
OS X BuildsCompiled on Xcode 3.2.6
Inferno BuildFS2_Open-3.6.14.dmg (
Mirror) (
MD5: d229df406072b9568a86cacf4fd8945f
LINUX BuildsCompiled on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bit
Inferno Buildfs2_open_3.6.14.tar.bz2 (
Mirror) (
MD5: fcddc8f89f424d9d2494a568056ea055
Source Code Exportfs2_open_3_6_14_src.tgz (
Mirror) (
MD5: fa9ccf5a3bb7799fe5641bd7864c71c1
Changelog since RC9:
( Additionally, see here:
3.6.13 Changelog (since 3.6.12) )
r9270 | Goober5000 | 2012-10-15 21:42:45 -0500 (Mon, 15 Oct 2012) | 1 line
Backport: Trunk 9268; add arrival_delay and departure_delay arguments to set-arrival-info and set-departure-info
r9272 | Goober5000 | 2012-10-15 22:23:01 -0500 (Mon, 15 Oct 2012) | 1 line
Backport: Trunk 9271; fix for Mantis #2643 (generated shield quadrants displayed in the wrong spots)
r9276 | chief1983 | 2012-10-23 02:07:43 -0500 (Tue, 23 Oct 2012) | 1 line
FINAL BUILD STAGE COMMIT: Sets Revision and Version properties to this commit version.