That is correct, you pretty much need to hit it directly from above the launcher, facing it towards the inner part of the arm. I've found that I pretty much never miss the thing; as long as I'm hitting it from above I one shot the things. I'd argue that this is actually intended behavior (weapons subsystems should, tbh, require some precision to take out in one blow), but if the rest of the team want to do something with that hit box I wouldn't mind either. What I agree with is that the current system can be misleading because you basically need to ignore what your targeting system is telling you and hit it from an angle you estimated yourself. So either some larger collision box, or require the same angle but have the targeting system actually show an X from all angles that don't work. Solution #2 would be something I'd prefer, as I don't think one-shot-ing these kinds of subsystems should be too easy, but I'm not sure how complex would it be to implement.