Author Topic: Continuity  (Read 1676 times)

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Offline Apollo

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According to the wiki, ST:R shares a continuity with Echo Gate, Shrouding the Light (Origins), and the FSPort version of Operation Templar. Is this official, or do they just go together really well?

Also, how open are you to other campaigns incorporating them?
Current Project - Eos: The Coward's Blade. Coming Soon (hopefully.)


Offline General Battuta

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In the case of Echo Gate, it was sort of an accident that emerged late in development of both ST:R and Russell's campaign. They each nod to the other, and there was a bit of mutual effort to make this happen.

ST:R has never objected to other campaigns referencing it, although right now I'm only aware of one that does so heavily.


Offline Goober5000

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Battuta has the gist of it.  Indeed, Echo Gate was a fortuitous collaboration because the destruction of the SD Demiurge was an outstanding way to kick off the second plot arc in ST:R.  Without this idea, the transition would have been a rather weak "okay, you're fighting Shivans now".

I certainly do not object to other campaigns referencing ST:R; in fact, I'm delighted when this happens.  But I like to remind people to keep in mind a mental footnote that, just because one campaign's continuity includes ST:R, does not mean ST:R's continuity includes that campaign.  Echo Gate is an unusual case in that both campaigns reference one another, but in most cases that doesn't happen.  For example, although Blue Planet references ST:R in several ways, ST:R's continuity does not incorporate some of Blue Planet's major plot points.  (Two examples are the existence of the Vishnans and the history of Earth after the collapse of the node.)


To specifically answer your question, ST:R, Echo Gate, and the Ported version of Operation Templar take place in the same continuity.  ST:R foreshadows some things that take place in Shrouding the Light, but we're agnostic on whether their continuities overlap.  ST:R is part of Blue Planet's continuity but Blue Planet is not part of ST:R's continuity.  ST:R is also part of the continuity for Scroll of Atarnkharzim but not vice versa.  ST:R and Awakenings take place in completely separate continuities.

Does that help? :D
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 06:35:05 pm by Goober5000 »


Offline Apollo

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Yes. Thank you.
Current Project - Eos: The Coward's Blade. Coming Soon (hopefully.)