Author Topic: Rotating Hull on Omega  (Read 2523 times)

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Rotating Hull on Omega
How come the rotating hull section on the Omega class destroyers only works on the server end? Whenever people connect to play, the hull section is not rotating. Thanks.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Rotating Hull on Omega
It's a known bug with the multiplayer code.



  • Self-Propelled Trouble Magnet
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Re: Rotating Hull on Omega
Wait someone is actually playing mulit?

* FUBAR-BDHR Falls over

That's great to hear actually.  I'd like to point out that it's not just the Omega's it's all rotating objects on all ships.  Turrets do rotate from time to time but where they are on the client may not be where they actually are as they don't update all the time like on the host. 
No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras

Re: Rotating Hull on Omega
My brothers and I regularly play b5 multi and blueplanet. We create our own missions for b5, and we converted the blueplanet campaign to coop so we could play them. They are awesome, and with heavy tweaking, the blueplanet campaigns are just as enjoyable cooperatively. The space-sim is not that popular and freespace open is one of the better ones(mostly because of the mods). Until Christopher Robert's star citizen comes out, we will play FS2 open all day.  Thanks for letting us know about the bugs in the multi-player code. It saves us lots of time with trying to figure out if it is a problem with our software or hardware.


Offline Fury

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Re: Rotating Hull on Omega
and we converted the blueplanet campaign to coop so we could play them. They are awesome, and with heavy tweaking, the blueplanet campaigns are just as enjoyable cooperatively.
That sounds very awesome. :)

I still wonder if my two TBP multiplayer missions actually exist anywhere anymore. They still remain the only missions I have ever publicly released.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Rotating Hull on Omega
My brothers and I regularly play b5 multi and blueplanet. We create our own missions for b5, and we converted the blueplanet campaign to coop so we could play them. They are awesome, and with heavy tweaking, the blueplanet campaigns are just as enjoyable cooperatively. The space-sim is not that popular and freespace open is one of the better ones(mostly because of the mods). Until Christopher Robert's star citizen comes out, we will play FS2 open all day.  Thanks for letting us know about the bugs in the multi-player code. It saves us lots of time with trying to figure out if it is a problem with our software or hardware.

You should post those co-op campaigns!

Re: Rotating Hull on Omega
We are playing through the entire campaign and I will post them after we finish. As we play through we are noticing a few bugs in multi-player that we are still working out.