Author Topic: Why is $lod0_name needed?  (Read 1089 times)

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Why is $lod0_name needed?
I noticed that if you have a LODded submodel, you can't simply name it <submodelname> (and then its LODs <submodelname>b and <submodelname>c) but have to name it <submodelname>a if you want submodel animations, -destroyed models etc to work right with the LODs.

Is there any useful purpose for this limitation? The reason for why the $lod0_name submodel prop exists is apparently to allow one to add new LODs to models which lack the trailing "a" on their LOD0 submodel names without actually changing said name. However, if the game simply recognized <submodelname> in addition to <submodelname>a, then there wouldn't be any need for the feature in the first place. Would it be okay to lift the above limitation?



  • Self-Propelled Trouble Magnet
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  • Master Drunk
    • 165th Beer Drinking Hell Raisers
Re: Why is $lod0_name needed?
One case I can think of is where you have $special subsystems that were named something like engine and enginea (or one $special subsystem and one subobject subsystem).  Automatically looking for the a on the end of the tabled name could cause 2 enginea subsystems and no engine one thus breaking backward compatibility with existing missions. 
No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras