Author Topic: First Steps in FS2 Diaspora  (Read 2911 times)

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First Steps in FS2 Diaspora

i am relative new to FS2. About 3 years ago i already had a look to FS2 an BTRL. I was impressed but there were no multiplayer options, so i lost the focus for FS2.
A couple of days ago i rember the project i read about - Diaspora - and i saw it was released. After downloading and spending some time playing in single player i want to tell my thanks to the developers. The work you spend is great afford.

Next weekend i am on a oldschool LAN Party. We are a little group and met from time to time to have some fun. I like to introduce to them FS2 Diaspora. We never played space simulations on our LANs before and i want to show them how impressive such games are.
So i am looking for some missions where we can fly in a wing against some cylone bots. I already found the '3rd Party Missions' subforum but the attached files there seemed to be removed.

I am not that kind of people who want things to work without reading any instructions or help docs. The point is, it is hard to find documentations and tutorials.
Actually i am learning to use FRRED to build missions. Unfortunately in the FRED help i found only a placeholder for multiplayer documentation (there is no multiplayer documentation in the help files).

I was also looking for documentation of minor functionality. Such as how to share my keyboard layout to my people (it is easyer to teach them FS2 when we have the same keyboard functionality).

So my question is: How can in find documentation so that the time with Diaspora on our LAN will be a success?



Offline karajorma

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Re: First Steps in FS2 Diaspora
Well the bad news about the multiplayer walkthrough is that I never actually got around to writing it. The differences between multiplayer and singleplayer are so minor that I never really felt the desire to sit down and write a tutorial that would either

1) Be incomplete
2) Be mostly a re-hash of what I'd explained in the singleplayer tutorial.

The good news on the other hand is that

1) You can find the missions from the 3rd party forum here.
2) As I said above, multiplayer and singleplayer are very similar. In fact simple singleplayer missions can be turned into multiplayer missions simply by going to the Mission Specs editor and selecting multiplayer rather than single player. All you then need to do is to select the player's wing and use the Player Start option from the Ships Editor. After selecting up to 12 ships as player ships (In TvT up to 8) you're pretty much done.

Something with the complexity of the main Diaspora campaign would require a lot more effort but simple missions can be converted and it's not hard to build your own missions.

I can't think of any way to share your keyboard layout off the top of my head other than simply giving them a copy of your pilot (from diaspora/data/players/multi/inferno) and having them simply clone it to create theirs.

If you have any other questions, we're all happy to help.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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