As expected.
This would make sense...except if they could do that, they could hit a lot of other, softer targets (like Lopez or Leinonen), disrupt Steele's well-laid plans, and throw him off-balance considerably. And yet, there's no evidence of this in Tenebra. I'm not sure if they had the equipment or information to do that. It's clear some long-range communications are taking place, but is that because the Fedayeen have the capability to transmit, or because they are receiving transmissions from those who do?
Lopez was been "used" by UEF twice, and both successful attempts did not require Fedayeen mocking with her (at least we know of none). Those were simple strategies, which used her personal flaws.
The point here is simple: if you would take control of a vessel's captain and forced him/her to disobey an order from the Admiral (we need to remember that Steele gives the orders and any Tev commanding officer in Sol is just following them, not running on their own), you would most likely cause a mutiny (I doubt that one man could oppose entire crew, consider that they also aren't mindless pawns) or marking the vessel as traitor and destroying it by Tevs. But remember that Steele has a pretty large amount of assets already in Sol, and he still receives a constant flow of them from the GTVA. Losing several units would barely slow him down, as shown twice in Act 3 (first mission and HFH). Yes, there was a possibility of actually winning the war by UEF in Delenda Est, but there the loss of a destroyer-sized asset wouldn't force Steele to back down - it would be the political disappointment of the rest of GTVA, probably showing him making even worse mistake than Severanti did.
We also need to remember that, if the Fedayeen are behind Steele's visions, the only piece of equipment to cause them would be Cassie. While it is simply amazing, it has its own limitations for sure - and since Fedayeen seem to use it rather extensively, there might not be much resources remaining to torment people in their sleep - so they just point them at the most valuable target they can.
And I wouldn't call this a long-range communication. From what we know of Nagari, we can tell that it is a way of communicating without any distance degrading it anyhow. Something like means of coordinating a multi-galaxy wide empire (Brahmans? Shivans? Vishnans?) without any lag. And since Steele is inside Sol all the time, Fedayeen may be using something far less advanced against him. Heck, they might be doing it accidentally, without knowing it.
By the way, the only long-range (meaning to/from outside Sol) comms having place in Fedayeen Dreamscape seem to be HoL (but not the Tev crewmen, if they even employ Zods, but rather the survivors of the attack against the Lucifer, which returned to their brethren after AoA), Greenfly Gef cell, some funky funky stuff if Laporte decides to go behind those firewalls and, of course, UT2 - but thanks to special transmitter created especially for that opportunity. Besides that Dreamscape seems to be confined only to Sol itself.
Not sure if I buy the entire Solaris crew being influenced. Putting that aside, the plan sounds insane. If Steele had a half dozen Mjolnirs for station defense, it's safe to say that the Tevs would throw up node blockades every step of the way. How many Mjolnir hits can a Murugan take, even if they took over the project from the Jovians? And how useful would the Sanctuary, a destroyer with Great War technology, be as a military asset? Even with an overwhelming force -- the remnants of the 14th, most of First Home Fleet, and maybe a Murugan or two -- it's hard to say they'd put up much of a fight against the rest of the GTVA fleet. They'd have to plow through at least two battlegroups -- assuming Steele or the 19th doesn't give chase -- to get to N362 to do...what? There's no solid proof the Vishnans are there, or that the system is special to them. Why go to N362 to do something you could do at Earth?
First, remember what an Oculus can do to Tev beams. Anyone who seen it in action (Aristea, Delenda Est, Her Finest Hour) should agree that someting like that would cause serious problems to Tev armament. Especially if we get to mount a lot of this stuff onto bigger ships.
Second, the Sanctuary was in hands of First Fleet for over 18 months. That's more than enough time to make at least a partial refit (which should be easy since UEF tech seems to be pretty compatible)... or disassemble the vessel for supplies (to build something else).
Third, an insane plan is the best plan, especially when the enemy is blocking you from using any sane plans. I think Phantom Hoover explained this well in his post, and with Shambala providing muscle/speed/other to punch through to N362... it might work.
<What if Shambala is just a pocket Knossos with the ability to be aimed at
any star system? So that there is no need for a brutal push?>
Why N362? Because Knossos. It's been there in an alternate reality (or not exactly), with a half of 14th BG using it, and its presence there in our realm has been confirmed in GH files, with GTVI considering a scouting run using MORPHEUS countermeasures. It seems that both sides are sure that Vishnans are on the other side.
Why move and not do it on Earth? Probably because thin resources. Remember what the Fedayeen needed to push Laporte into Nagari? A comm device, the Idun's Dictionary, CASSANDRA and someone on the "other side" to help with a temporary transfer. How many of those do Elders have? The comm device design was been given to Laporte by some HoL agent, and if someone there actually went through her personal files to find it, that would be Fedayeen for sure. If a copy of the Dictionary was all the time in Council's hands, Fedayeen may have had a chance of obtaining it from them, not from Jovian gas platform. And there seems to be only one Cassie in existance. And Vishnans do not seem being eager to help with that.
<What if Shambala needs to do *something* really close to Vishnan "bodies"... and they are going to order a cull because of fear of *this* happening?>