Author Topic: Non-FreeSpace Texture Request  (Read 3478 times)

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Offline FlamingCobra

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Non-FreeSpace Texture Request
I'm looking for a texture artist to create a high-resolution version of a texture for a non-FreeSpace game. I really didn't think this thread goes here, but I was advised to put it here by The E.

Specifically I'd like someone to remake Samus' textures from Metroid Prime 1 for GameCube/Wii.

This is a dump of the texture file from which Samus Aran's textures are loaded. The first thing you'll notice, aside from the fact that it's really small (256x256) is that it looks like it is actually 4 texture files crammed into one image. The second thing you'll probably notice is that the textures look really crappy. Upon closer inspection, one can see that the image has a lot of discoloration and artifacts, which suggests it was saved using a lossy compression format like .jpeg.
Consequently, the power suit looks kind of bad in-game, even on actual hardware. It looks practically hideous when playing on an emulator with the internal resolution set to 1080p.

Samus' textures from Metroid Prime 2 (shown below) are much nicer. The texture file is twice as large (512x512) and it doesn't have a lot of artifacts that I can see.

While I can't say that Samus looks great in Metroid Prime 2 at 1080p, the "lines" on her suit aren't so blurry and jaggedy that it makes me cringe like it does in Prime 1.

This isn't super important or anything, but it's just something I'd like to be done. The game uses texture coordinates rather than pixel offsets, so if Samus' MP1 texture file is scaled up to 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, etc., it will still work. I am not asking anyone to apply textures to the model or do any UV mapping. None of that will be necessary. I'm just asking someone to remaking the MP1 texture in high-resolution and make it look pretty.

I decided to ask the people here because the graphic artists in our community are so talented. I think it's amazing how some of you guys can take an old model with no UV mapping like the Cain/Lilith or the Hatsheput, make a new model with lots of details where none existed before, and then apply really nice textures to it. The end product is not only pretty, but looks like it belongs in the FS Universe.
So I guess I really like you guys' work and wanted to see what someone here could do with it.

Edit: If someone is interested in this but would like more reference images, I will provide whatever I can.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 01:13:12 pm by FlamingMamba »


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Re: Non-FreeSpace Texture Request
Even if no one wants to actually re-make the texture entirely, there's some basic image processing you can do to get rid of the worst jaggies and artifacts. For example, here's a quick'ish 1024x1024 version which ought to look quite a bit better even though it's of course no substitute for a proper re-make.

[attachment deleted by an evil time traveler]

Re: Non-FreeSpace Texture Request
Texture quality notwithstanding, you gotta admit that for what they have, it's still some fine design work on that armor.

There is a slim chance I'll give it a shot, but don't hold your breath. Also this would be my first ever texture, if I tried it. Wow, I'm really building confidence here, huh?

EDIT: How particular is the texture about edges and stuff? Like if I blow the original texture up and trace the outlines, will the difference between a smooth line and the original pixels cause trouble? Or will I have to trace every original pixel along the edges? (That sounds silly to me, but still worth knowing)
« Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 10:57:39 am by Scourge of Ages »


Offline FlamingCobra

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Re: Non-FreeSpace Texture Request
Not sure, scourge. And sadly when messing around with that texture myself I found out that it's actually more intricate than I originally thought. Now I don't think that texture actually does anything. I need to find out which bits actually matter. I thought I had found those bits, but they don't seem to do anything either.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 05:27:45 pm by FlamingMamba »

Re: Non-FreeSpace Texture Request
And sadly when messing around with that texture myself I found out that it's actually more intricate than I originally thought.

Same here. Kinda quit messing with it for now.

Re: Non-FreeSpace Texture Request
That's not the main texture, it's the world texture. It's only used in the brief moments where Samus is shown in 3rd person, like while switching in/out of Morph Ball.

This album contains the actual suit textures (used in the Pause Menu and all cutscenes) and the spec maps, plus the Morph Ball texture.