Author Topic: On Being a Dick  (Read 7890 times)

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Offline Spoon

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Just becasue someone is an admin doesn't mean they can fix/change things in the code of the forum, which is what the quoted post was implying as I read it.
Any other obvious things you would like to share?  :p

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Scotty

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Just becasue someone is an admin doesn't mean they can fix/change things in the code of the forum, which is what the quoted post was implying as I read it.
Any other obvious things you would like to share?  :p

I've got one.  Stop being a dick.


Offline Spoon

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wow rude

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Scotty

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Yes, you were.


Offline Spoon

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I really wasn't?

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Scotty

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I disagree.  I suggest not arguing.


Offline Spoon

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I will argue that you are wrong.

Please do point out where exactly I was 'being a dick'.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Scotty

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Per a (relatively) unrelated report, this part of the discussion has been split.


Offline Spoon

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[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Scotty

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Thank you for providing further evidence of being a dick in one handy quote-capable post.  Locking.


Offline karajorma

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I really wasn't?

I keep assuming I must have misread your post somehow, but I really can't see how your reply to Rev was anything other than rude.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Zacam

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We all filter based solely on our experience and perceptions as well as assumptions. That being said, while Spoon has had no small number of reasons to be upset about things and has put that out on display, assuming that he'll always be angry shapes the context to seeing anger in every post.

And while context matters, that is so much more difficult to accomplish in this medium than in any other when we are left with a lack of tone of voice or mannerisms by which to work with.

That being said, there is indeed a smiley involved. Whether or not one could perceive its usage to indicate that the post is "tongue in cheek" or as a "I jest, good sir" or as additive salt to the wound will largely revolve around an already defined presupposition or predisposition towards viewing it within that context.

Completely aside from Spoon as an individual and to a larger issue address, we have any number of (shall we say) "personalities" in this community.

Some of them are hand-wavium'd as "oh, that so-n-so is just *insert whatever*" and little is thought of it. Brusque people (when they're right) may not have that brusqueness called into question despite being right even if it is borderline scathing. Jovial attempts at "humor" gone wrong or unchecked lead to indefensible positions of assuming trollishness, or worse, actual trollishness is regarded or defended as being misunderstood humor or as a tongue-in-cheek "just makin a point, boss".

This is where discussion, or a request for discussion or review, needs to take place rather than just de-facto assuming a judgement. I can say that personally I don't see Spoon as having done anything wrong (which should not be confused with any sort of assumption that he can do no wrong or that he's got any sort of a "free pass" due to prior circumstances), but I do think that this went so far left field and it really shouldn't have. Privatizing it or actually raising/asking a question within the conversation first as to intent and establishing that first before having allowed things to go the way they did probably would have worked out better for everyone.

And on a final note, I believe that if rev_posix believed himself to be under some sort of assault or insult, he has the capability of raising that concern himself, recusing himself from any interaction on a disciplinary sense if one was warranted. Which isn't to say that you can't find something offensive about offensive content even if it's not directed to you, but at least check with whomever it WAS directed at to see if they feel the same and actually establish that there IS a problem first otherwise we end up with one.

So, I'm going to take a chance of unlocking this. Here is what I don't want to see happen when I do:
1: No blame game. Be sincere, but civil.

2: I don't care if anybody apologizes, but I do care that we don't start another spiral.

3: If I have to re-lock this or see that it got re-locked because points 1 and 2 were ignored, everybody gets to take a (Moderated Posts or what have you) Vacation, consider this the warning.

4: If anybody thinks it would be fun to wade in when they were not already involved? Moderated Posts vacation.

5: Any "all aboard" the dog-pile train? You get to ride the Vacation Train.

I realize that unlocking this -could- lead to a can of worms and it may be foolish to hope that said worms won't happen anyway. But I do feel it is slightly unjust not being able to have a contextual conversation regarding this without it causing a spill over (as has already partially happened in other topics) and would much prefer that it gets addressed WHERE IT STARTED so that maybe, just maybe, we can get better as a community at keeping it from happening in the first place.
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[08/01 16:53:11] <sigtau> EveningTea: I have decided that I am a 32-bit registerkin.  Pronouns are eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
[08/01 16:53:40] * EveningTea froths at the mouth
[08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys


Offline Luis Dias

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Zacam, this thread is a split from the actual content-filled thread. If you look at this one, it is filled with nothing whatsoever of interest...

Or perhaps you are under the impression that "on being a dick" was an actual thoughtful theme for a conversation? :D

User was Monkied for this post as per the very clear warning delivered (See Point #4). The parties involved know what this is all about.
Said Monkey status was then removed after ensuring that the point has been made and will be discussed via PM.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 07:23:59 pm by Zacam »


Offline Spoon

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The voice of reason has arrived, thanks Zacam.

So okay, I'll give my story, now that it seems im finally allowed to.
I was not intentionally being a dick or trolling, I was wondering where rev_posix was going with his line of thought. But since he didn't replied, I shrugged and let it be. Then a couple of days later, comes Scotty out of the left field accusing me of being a dick. Which made me go "man lol wut? whats your issue all of the sudden? What did I do this time."
As seen above, it didn't seem Scotty was at all interested in clarifying his position or explaining at all where I was preceived being a dick. Just that it seemed like he really was intend on calling me names. Naturally I didn't take this at all serious, because it just seemed so completely random to me. If rev_posix felt offended by anything I said, he could have let me know himself? Not that I feel I actually said anything to get offended over...
Like wise karajorma in this thread just drops in a message after the thread gets locked that he too assumes I'm being supposedly rude without at all being interested in hearing me out about it. Clearly it is just A-okay to just assume everything I post is meant in malice.

Again I just shrugged this off as "random bad 'moderating'" (Mind you, I wouldn't exactly go so far as to call this moderating). And I wasn't really interested in bringing it up again because of the needless drama. But what pissed me off was Karajorma's typical attitude of writing me off as some kind of rebel without a cause. By saying **** like
Then we have Spoon once again refusing to accept any and all moderation whenever he is in the wrong.
in that other thread.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline rev_posix

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This was a case of misunderstanding.  I didn't reply as I didn't see a point in it at the time (and I saw my nick tagged in IRC with a link to the thread). :)

Spoon, the original post was missing things like sarcasm 'tags' or simileys (sp?), so I parsed it as a 'statement of fact', as it were, not tongue in cheek.

I've run into enough humans with the opinion that just because someone knows a specific computer-related discipline, that means that they, by all the gods that humans follow, should and will fix any all all things unless they are just lazy, and will 'go after' anyone that falls within that point of view.

That being said, I felt that my reply was warranted as a correction/counter-point to the view presented, as I parsed it.

At the time, I'm sorry to say, your reply did come across as flippant to me and (obviously ;)) a few others as well.  That is where I dropped it as I didn't see a point in continuing and possibly starting an argument.

Now that we all know it was not meant as such, meh, it's in the past and I hold no grudge or ill will toward anyone over it.  I'll just mark it up in my mental log book as a misunderstanding and probably forget about it shortly.  :P

Sound like a plan?

POSIX is fine, as is Rev or RP

"Although generally it is considered a no no to disagree with a mod since it's pretty much equivalent to kicking an unpaid janitor in the nuts while he's busy cleaning up somebody elses vomit and then telling them how bad they are at cleaning it up cause you can smell it down the hall." - Dennis, Home Improvement Moderator @ DSL Reports

"wow, some people are thick and clearly can't think for themselves - the solution is to remove warning labels from poisons."


Offline Spoon

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Works for me.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline karajorma

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Okay, let me post my point of view of this issue. I might get the chronology slightly wrong as the moderation log cuts out on Feb 11th and this all happened on the 10th :rolleyes: Yeah, if someone had bumped this a day earlier I would have had access to it. :D The reports themselves have also gone so I have no record of the moderator discussion but I do have the emails that were sent, so I know what the reporters said.

1) I arrive on HLP to find 3 reports stemming from the same same thread. This is always a bad sign. two of the reports are from Spoon and one is a request to split out the nonsense, whatever that may be.

2) I look at the thread. On first reading I see what looks like

Response from Rev Posix saying that all the admins aren't coders
Request from Spoon for more information on this
Response from Rev Posix saying that some admins can't understand the forum code

Then I see what looks like a sarcastic comment from Spoon saying that Rev Posix is stating the obvious. Spoon says that this was a joke and I'm perfectly willing to accept that he might have intended it as such, but I still can't see how it isn't rude. If you ask for a question and then reply to it with something along the lines of "Thanks for the answer Captain Obvious" I can't see how that isn't rude. But okay, maybe I simply don't appreciate Spoon's sense of humour or it's an in-joke I still don't get. It's enough for me that Spoon says that he wasn't intentionally being rude. But at the time, I've only got what I can see in front of me.

Scotty apparently has apparently read the response in the same way I have and has told Spoon not to be a dick. Not the choice of words I would have used when talking directly to a user and telling them off (I use the phrase when talking about bad behaviour in general but it's not a good idea to use it directly to a user). That said, it's a fairly succinct way of saying "Don't be rude to other forum members" and I suspect that's exactly what Scotty intended to impart. Still, it's a bad way to do it.

Spoon's response to this is to say "wow rude" and then to then report Scotty's post with text that says that since he got a warning for insults, calling someone a dick should also be unacceptable.

Scotty responds reiterating that he thinks Spoon was rude, Spoon denies this, and the thread descends into a childish argument followed by a lock and Spoon reporting a different post and asking if he can call people a dick too.

3) So at this point it's quite clear that the thread needs some attention. We have a request for a split (I honestly can't remember if I split the thread or someone else did, but the On Being a Dick title does sound like something I'd give it). More importantly we have two moderator posts being reported, as far as I'm concerned that means this requires admin level attention.

4) I reread the thread a further two times. I have history with Spoon, so I want to make sure I'm giving him a fair chance. But no, I still can't see how his original post was not him being rude to Rev Posix. More importantly though, I see no attempt to explain how he wasn't being rude. If someone calls me a dick, I'll explain why I wasn't being one - That's partly why I've spent so much time typing this response out. I consider that to be one of the more common methods of human interaction, if someone says you did something you didn't do, the first thing you say is "I didn't do it." if someone reiterates that you did, you explain why you couldn't have done it.

Now I'll admit there is a point where Spoon asks for Scotty to point out where he was rude, but I can easily see why Scotty ignored it. This is now Spoon's third post after being told to stop being rude, and he hasn't yet tried to give any explanation of what happened, instead asking Scotty to spend his time explaining why the post is rude.

5) I reread the reports. I can't remember if anyone else had commented but I post, telling the other mods and admins that I can't see how this wasn't an unprovoked attack on Rev Posix.

6) I post to the effect that I literally can't see any way of reading Spoon's post as not being an unprovoked, unnecessarily rude answer to response Spoon himself solicited. But since I have history with Spoon, I point out that maybe I'm reading the thread wrong. As far as I'm concerned, that's my official response to Spoon's reports, Scotty is not going to be censured over for bad moderation because as far as I can see, Spoon was being unnecessarily rude to Rev Posix. Even if I don't like the way Scotty may have initially replied at that point I 100% back his decision to do so and I don't see anything in Spoon's later responses that make me reconsider that.

I'll freely admit I probably should have written out a longer explanation stating that was what it was and how I'd arrived at that conclusion but I had already spent quite a bit of time on the thread and I had other things to do.

So okay, I'll give my story, now that it seems im finally allowed to.

Let me start here, you were allowed to give your story before. After the issue kicked off, you posted a further four times and reported two posts. At no point did you attempt to give your story then. The only reason this thread was reopened is because I sent a PM to Axem and Zacam basically saying "Spoon seems to have an issue with this thread, I want you two to read it and try to tell me his side of the story since he made no attempt to." Hell, probably the only reason I'm so calm to see this thread reopened is precisely because Axem did do that.

In the end, I think this is why you have such a problem with moderation on this forum, you make no attempt to avoid problems, in fact you make them worse and then don't take responsibility for doing that.

In the case of the WoD forum issues, we've repeatedly stated that you made that problem worse by not using the report button. I've never seen any indication you accept that either. I've never seen any sign that you don't believe the problem was 100% the moderators fault (and I'm not saying the moderators weren't at fault, just that you made the issue worse).

In this issue, you may have been making a simple joke which was misinterpreted, but I still see no sign that you accept that your joke was poorly worded even though Rev Posix just flat out stated he also took it that way. Your post in response to Rev Posix shows no sign you accept your mistake and can just as easily be read as you accepting his.
 I see no sign at all that you realise Scotty didn't randomly decide to call you a dick. I see no sign you realise you escalated the issue by not explaining that it was a joke that was misunderstood. And I see no sign you realise you escalated the situation by continually giving out sarcastic responses and reporting the thread but not explaining yourself.   

Now it maybe that you've always realised that but simply give no indications in your posts, but I hope to **** that whether you did or didn't before, you do realise that now.

I hope to **** you don't still believe this was 100% the moderators fault.

I hope to **** that my explanation of where I was coming from has sunk in and made you reconsider that maybe you had a part to play in this little drama and that maybe your actions also should have been different.

And I hope to **** that you finally get that I don't have any particular grudge against you and realise that if you're willing to forget about any previous issues you've had with me, I'm happy to do likewise.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Scotty

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Minor clarification (since Kara covered most everything more thoroughly than I would have - or did), I'm the one who split out the nonsense, following the report.  Then, perhaps against my better judgment, I left the thread open hoping that nothing else bad would come of it.  Whoops.


Offline karajorma

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Yeah, I couldn't remember if it was all one thread or if I simply read this one and the one it was split from separately.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline General Battuta

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I'm hesitant to dive further in, but I'm concerned that above post doesn't achieve its objectives. You spent a lot of time telling Spoon that he's doing stuff wrong and failing to check boxes, and you close by swearing at him a lot (well, in his direction). I just can't imagine having a positive response to it if I were in Spoon's position.

When moderation finally got involved in Spoon's forum problems it made the situation much worse. It's hard to condemn him for not mashing report in retrospect.