Author Topic: A possible link with The Crucible?  (Read 1977 times)

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Offline Fregle

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A possible link with The Crucible?
Since I bought Freespace 2 three months ago I've been mucking about a lot with all those user-made campaigns I found through (to get them working properly with the newest mediavps, to repackage them without settings/backup/thumbs.db files, to change bitmaps so they work with wxlauncher, etc...), and one change I've made might be usefull to Silent Threat: Reborn.

In the intro speech - dated 4/15/2335 - there is a reference to your actions under admiral Po on the GTD Intrepid. In The Crucible you are a pilot on the Intrepid, but the dates are 5/29/2335 in mission 1 and 6/13/2335 in mission 6a. I thought it would add a lot of flavor if those 2 campaigns could fit together.

So I simply changed those two dates to 3/30/2335 and 4/12/2335 respectively (The Crucible isn't vp'd so that was easy), added The Crucible as a primary to ST:Rs mod.ini and upgraded them both to MediaVPs 2014. Now I can play The Crucibles campaign while ST:R is activated (that's not necessary, but I tested it and it works), and I can use the pilot for ST:Rs campaign.

Now I'm not a canon expert, but afaik the GTD Intrepid isn't mentioned anywhere else around those dates (which would put it in two places at once), and it is plausibe that the alliance had a counter-offensive planned for the day after the destruction of the Lucifer. I can't push the dates of ST:R forward to make more wiggleroom since those dates are canon so this is the best I could do.

Anyway, if you all think this was a good idea, then I am more than willing to upload the (very slightly) updated and repackaged version of The Crucible for public consumption, and the edited ST:R mod.ini if necessary.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: A possible link with The Crucible?
This is a pretty cool idea, and I love the idea of campaigns fitting together. :yes:  In the same way, we arranged to have some overlap between ST:R and Echo Gate (of Blaise Russel's "Shivans" release) while both were in development.

I haven't played The Crucible yet (shocking, I know) so I don't know if we want to make it "canon" from ST:R's perspective.  Additionally, I wouldn't want to make The Crucible part of the ST:R release package, because Echo Gate isn't part of the release package either.  But changing the dates is a simple and easy tweak that can be made independently from any of that.  By all means, upload your modified package.  The user can decide for himself whether The Crucible and ST:R are part of the same continuity.

Also, as an important clarification, ST:R isn't canon and neither are its dates.  The original ST is canon, but it didn't provide any date references for us to use.  But just because ST:R isn't canon doesn't mean it isn't "fanon" for some players and some projects. :)

Finally, :welcome:!


Offline Fregle

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Re: A possible link with The Crucible?
Ok then, I'll do it. :) But before I upload it I'm also going to tweak mission 2 a little. It is much harder than the other missions so the learning curve feels off (is it possible that FSPort freighters are a lot more dangerous than retail Freespace 1 freighters? The original campaign is older than FSPort...). Can I upload it somehow on And can I edit the wiki page of The Crucible? That would be handy...

Thanks for the warm welcome. ;)


Offline Goober5000

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Re: A possible link with The Crucible?
The game engine changed between FS1 and FS2, so it's entirely possible the freighters became more dangerous.  One verified balance change is that missiles (especially the Interceptor) are more accurate and more likely to hit their target.

Normally you would be able to upload your campaign to fsmods but it's currently under heavy load from the Steam release.

I would recommend coordinating with the FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project.  They might be able to roll your changes into the version of The Crucible that they maintain... or at least provide an "add-on" enhancement mod.

Editing the wiki page of The Crucible is okay as long as you clearly differentiate between the original campaign and your changes.


Offline Fregle

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Re: A possible link with The Crucible?
Ok, will do, and thanks a lot for the help.  :yes: