Author Topic: EVE Online mod  (Read 36580 times)

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Offline majorvader111

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Being able to use these in the near future...  ;)

Oh my god only took 3 years
STRAYA... Home of Death, Trash Internet & The Police State Downunder.


Offline majorvader111

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found some interesting stuff here from fanfest about the future texture upgrades
. Also hows it going man haven't heard anything from u in a while. Also i managed to get my hands on the spacedatafactory file but i have not idea how the materials work in the code. Anyway hope to hear from u soon  :D
STRAYA... Home of Death, Trash Internet & The Police State Downunder.


Offline majorvader111

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well i must say this new file system for eve has officially screwed me over
STRAYA... Home of Death, Trash Internet & The Police State Downunder.


Offline Nu11u5

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I've been busy with some traveling, job hunting, and having to recover my PC (data is fine, just some hardware-related instability that I can't afford to fix right now).  Can't say I've been able to work on this a lot lately, but I still very much want to finish what I'm working on.

Yah, I saw that graphics presentation from Fanfest.  New 4k textures, detail maps, new material parameters... means everything will look great but I will have to update a ton of stuff  :doubt:

The new file system isn't impossible to navigate manually - you just need to search the index file first to find the file hash.  Though someone really needs to make a browser app for it.  Still, I backed up all of the Tiamat resource files before the update rolled out.

We should chat and compare notes sometime.


Offline majorvader111

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We should chat and compare notes sometime.

When Ever is fine. just the times differences are, yeah
STRAYA... Home of Death, Trash Internet & The Police State Downunder.

Damn you guys have been at work! o_O

I'm very sorry but I've been really busy with school this semester and didn't do anything, haven't even checked this tread since January 20th (I'm not being notified anymore for some reason). I really feel ashamed seeing what Nu11u5 has done. I was merely coming to share this:

It looks like you found a way to script the process of getting the files prepared for PCS2? Awesome! I tough about doing that but don't have any programming knowlege outside of MatLab. Have you tried it on big ships with 2 "texture sections"? I tried to do ships like the Providence and the Thanathos and had problems with those.

Turrets and light effects? Damn you're a boss man!

I won't be able to work on that project until summer for sure unfortunately. I'm really sad that I can't after what I just saw. At the same time, I don't really know what to, I don't think I can mingle with Blender like you do (and I understand we can script that anyway?) but if you think there's work in PCS2 or coding in the tables that's on my level, I could get going on that.

We should make a formal list of our objectives with this mod and set up tasks. From there we can see what have been done and what's next (and what I can do since I'm a total scrub).
« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 12:22:11 pm by Kopakapat »


Offline Nu11u5

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Damn you guys have been at work! o_O

I'm very sorry but I've been really busy with school this semester and didn't do anything, haven't even checked this tread since January 20th (I'm not being notified anymore for some reason). I really feel ashamed seeing what Nu11u5 has done. I was merely coming to share this:

Don't be.  It sounds like you've been busy.  Meanwhile, I've been unemployed.  :ick:

It looks like you found a way to script the process of getting the files prepared for PCS2? Awesome! I tough about doing that but don't have any programming knowlege outside of MatLab. Have you tried it on big ships with 2 "texture sections"? I tried to do ships like the Providence and the Thanathos and had problems with those.

Yep.  The image of the Thany a few posts back was set up with my script.  Everything is parameterized, so if the game can read it from the data file, so can I.  In theory, it will process any number of texture files applied to any number of material slots.

Turrets and light effects? Damn you're a boss man!

Turrets still need to be edited by hand.  This is because Eve turrets use skeleton animations that are a) not exported by the converters I have, and b) not compatible with FSO anyway.  The process is really easy though and just requires one to split the mesh into subobjects and move around a few origins.  I can also use my script to skin it same as ships.

I won't be able to work on that project until summer for sure unfortunately. I'm really sad that I can't after what I just saw. At the same time, I don't really know what to, I don't think I can mingle with Blender like you do (and I understand we can script that anyway?) but if you think there's work in PCS2 or coding in the tables that's on my level, I could get going on that.

We should make a formal list of our objectives with this mod and set up tasks. From there we can see what have been done and what's next (and what I can do since I'm a total scrub).

I'm not a 3D artist by any stretch - I just decided to learn Blender so I could figure out this stuff.  But, yah, my goal is to make a proper addon for Blender so working with Eve ships and related effects is easy, whether that be for 3D artists or game modders.  I really need to stop being distracted by some extra features, though, and work on getting a first release out.   :banghead:

PCS2 is missing a few features that would make all of this easier.  Things like importing normal vectors for glowpoints and turrets and blink data for glowbanks.  Eve ships have a ton of blinking glowlights, and having to do those manually would be a huge PITA when I can otherwise access the data directly with the Blender script.

Something we could work on is the actual game design.  Visuals are neat, but they don't make a game.  We should start designing player and AI ships that handle like Eve ships should.  Eve Valkyrie is moving over to a semi-newtonian flight model (think "space drifting") which was something that was previously done for the BSG mod Diaspora and should be investigated.  Then we have to also look at things like ship speeds, projectile speeds, weapon ranges, damage, shield/armor, etc.  Eve also has a lot of mechanics such as EW, scramming, webbing, neuting, damping, painting, etc, that we can investigate if they can be made into interesting mechanics in the mod.

If we can make some good progress I also want to look at finding a writer for a campaign.  Eve has it's fair share of lore-buffs and fiction writers.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 02:46:37 pm by Nu11u5 »


Turrets still need to be edited by hand.  This is because Eve turrets use skeleton animations that are a) not exported by the converters I have, and b) not compatible with FSO anyway.  The process is really easy though and just requires one to split the mesh into subobjects and move around a few origins.  I can also use my script to skin it same as ships.

I don't think we need to import every turret type anyway. We can just export 1 T1 variant for each type and size of guns. Beams+Pulse+Rails+Blasters+Auto+Arty+Rockets+Missiles, times Small+Med+Large+XLarge, that makes 7*4=28 turrets only. At least as a first release.

PCS2 is missing a few features that would make all of this easier.  Things like importing normal vectors for glowpoints and turrets and blink data for glowbanks.  Eve ships have a ton of blinking glowlights, and having to do those manually would be a huge PITA when I can otherwise access the data directly with the Blender script.

Honestly I can't be bothered with adding all the glowlights. I think if we have the lightmaps that's already good. If we can't do it with the script we shouldn't do it by hand.

Thruster points and turret harpoints are a must tough, but I don't mind doing them by hand. Maybe it's possible to get the data in text form so that we can enter it manually into PCS2 but not actually moving them by hand? That would help a lot.

Something we could work on is the actual game design.  Visuals are neat, but they don't make a game.  We should start designing player and AI ships that handle like Eve ships should.  Eve Valkyrie is moving over to a semi-newtonian flight model (think "space drifting") which was something that was previously done for the BSG mod Diaspora and should be investigated.  Then we have to also look at things like ship speeds, projectile speeds, weapon ranges, damage, shield/armor, etc.  Eve also has a lot of mechanics such as EW, scramming, webbing, neuting, damping, painting, etc, that we can investigate if they can be made into interesting mechanics in the mod.

I did start some tests with different ship sizes and stats. One thing is sure tough: we can't give drones and fighters their EVE in-game stats. It's totally unplayable, even by the AI. Even with reduced speeds, closer to FS2 bases, you can easily outrun your own lasers with the afterburner on.

"Capital ships" are interesting. In the Valkyrie Q&A, they said that the ships in the trailer were on hard rails and they are looking at making them more dynamic. We definitely have to look into this. Frigates should not move like quick carriers. Maybe they can be slow fighters, we know that you can put turrets on fighters, as some bombers in FS2 have turrets (like the Medusa i think). But is it really good to have interceptors go at 50m/s, when they can easily get to 3km/s in EVE? And if a fighter only has mounted turrets, how does the AI react? That's stuff we need to test.

If some ships are to tough to make work and don't have a good gameplay for a fighter game, I'm ok letting them out. An intercpetor will rarely be dealt with fighters, or light drones for example.

If we can make some good progress I also want to look at finding a writer for a campaign.  Eve has it's fair share of lore-buffs and fiction writers.

For a first release, I think we should stick to the ships and maybe a few missions, but no campaign. With a solid mod, we can post to /r/eve and find some support there, maybe even voice actors. One thing at a time tough. Have you downloaded Vengence's files? (page 1 post 14) That's the kind of thing I was hoping to do, even without the custom lasers/ projectiles, but that doesn,t seem so far fetched with your help.


Offline Nu11u5

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I don't think we need to import every turret type anyway. We can just export 1 T1 variant for each type and size of guns. Beams+Pulse+Rails+Blasters+Auto+Arty+Rockets+Missiles, times Small+Med+Large+XLarge, that makes 7*4=28 turrets only. At least as a first release.

Yah, I've only been working on the turrets that look interesting.  It takes me about 20-40 minutes to prep a turret model by hand, so it's not too bad.

Honestly I can't be bothered with adding all the glowlights. I think if we have the lightmaps that's already good. If we can't do it with the script we shouldn't do it by hand.

I can get the glowpoints, just not any blinking data into PCS2 as it doesn't support importing that data right now.

Thruster points and turret harpoints are a must tough, but I don't mind doing them by hand. Maybe it's possible to get the data in text form so that we can enter it manually into PCS2 but not actually moving them by hand? That would help a lot.

Thrusters are already in.  "Turrets" are imported as empty hardpoints that you have to attach the turret model in Blender to.  Moving an object to the location and orientation of another object in Blender is a simple command.  Eventually I may add the functionality to automatically assign turrets to ships in my addon, but not in the first release.

I did start some tests with different ship sizes and stats. One thing is sure tough: we can't give drones and fighters their EVE in-game stats. It's totally unplayable, even by the AI. Even with reduced speeds, closer to FS2 bases, you can easily outrun your own lasers with the afterburner on.

We may want to look at increasing the projectile speed for some weapons anyway, and seeing if weapons can be disabled while boosting for balance reason.  Also, there is a flag that makes projectiles inherit the speed of your ship when you fire (no idea where that is enabled off the top of my head).

"Capital ships" are interesting. In the Valkyrie Q&A, they said that the ships in the trailer were on hard rails and they are looking at making them more dynamic. We definitely have to look into this. Frigates should not move like quick carriers. Maybe they can be slow fighters, we know that you can put turrets on fighters, as some bombers in FS2 have turrets (like the Medusa i think). But is it really good to have interceptors go at 50m/s, when they can easily get to 3km/s in EVE? And if a fighter only has mounted turrets, how does the AI react? That's stuff we need to test.

Yep.  I see that as being a potential issue.  I don't know if FSO has an AI can be set up to basically evade like a fighter but attack like a capital (turret broadsides), which is what we would want Frigates, Destroyers, and some Cruisers to do.

Ship speeds, weapon accuracies, speed, and ranges, mission area size,... all things we will need to experiement with.

For a first release, I think we should stick to the ships and maybe a few missions, but no campaign. With a solid mod, we can post to /r/eve and find some support there, maybe even voice actors. One thing at a time tough. Have you downloaded Vengence's files? (page 1 post 14) That's the kind of thing I was hoping to do, even without the custom lasers/ projectiles, but that doesn,t seem so far fetched with your help.

Yah, I have a tendancy to get ahead of myself sometimes.


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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I don't know if FSO has an AI can be set up to basically evade like a fighter but attack like a capital (turret broadsides), which is what we would want Frigates, Destroyers, and some Cruisers to do.
Since FSO doesn't even have capital ships do that, no, there is no current AI setting that will allow this.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.

Since FSO doesn't even have capital ships do that, no, there is no current AI setting that will allow this.

I've put a Fighter AI on a frigate model and it looked ok at first. I just wonder how it would move while in combat if it didn't have foward facing cannons and just turrets.


Offline Nu11u5

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Since FSO doesn't even have capital ships do that, no, there is no current AI setting that will allow this.

I've put a Fighter AI on a frigate model and it looked ok at first. I just wonder how it would move while in combat if it didn't have foward facing cannons and just turrets.

Wouldn't a fighter AI attempt to approach a target head on then break off and repeat?

How do the other classes of AI factor into movement?


Offline BirdofPrey

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Hey, random question: is it possible to pull a ship model from EvE Online and then render it with Cel Shading?

I had an idea for a corp recruitment poster that something like this would be useful for.
The Great War ended 30 years ago.
Our elders tell stories of a glorious civilization; of people with myths of humanity everlasting, who hurled themselves into the void of space with no fear.

In testing: Radar Icons


Offline Nu11u5

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Hey, random question: is it possible to pull a ship model from EvE Online and then render it with Cel Shading?

I had an idea for a corp recruitment poster that something like this would be useful for.

It's definitely possible.  You can render it however you like if you know how to use the tools.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Keep it up people.  Doing good work here :yes:

When you convert the Hel and the Avatar let me know :nod:
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline majorvader111

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hey Nu11u5 if i was to ask u to make some maps up for the confessor, the blackbird, the Svipul, and the Exequror, would it be too hard to do them up for me, if u are heres what the texture system looks like in homeworld rm

Anyway i hope u are able to do it and if not let me know, plus what timezone do u live in and what times are u usually on here?

Just thought it would be easier for u to do them there rather then rushing a plugin out.

Anyway cheers and hope to hear from u soon.
STRAYA... Home of Death, Trash Internet & The Police State Downunder.


Offline Nu11u5

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I'll take a look at it but if that post is an accurate document on how the texture file system works with the default shaders it might be a little tricky.


Offline majorvader111

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hows it going man if the homeworld texture setup is to hard, then just do it as either eve before pbr setup or freespace setup, preferly eve before pbr setup, hope to hear from u soon man.
STRAYA... Home of Death, Trash Internet & The Police State Downunder.

School is over! \o/

So Nu11u5 is it possible for you to send me one ship of each size, turreted at the very least, so I can start working on stats for their AI and stuff?
