Author Topic: No default weapon?  (Read 960 times)

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I'm searching for a way to make the defaut bank in FRED appear as none for a ship by editing a tbm file bu to no avail. Is there a way or keyword to make the defaut bank be "None"?

Just another question related to tbm editing, I know of the +nocreate operator, is there another one allowing to "overwrite" just a section without using what's written in the tbl?

For example the faustus has the following line in ships.tbl which is wrong because there's only one firingpoint for turret03
$Subsystem:                     turret03, 2, 1.0
   $Default PBanks:        ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Akheton SDG" )
   $Default SBanks:        ( "Tempest" "Rockeye" )
   $SBank Capacity:        ( 50,50 )

However if I make a tbm (with highest priority of course) with just this line (with +nocreate)
$Subsystem:                     turret03, 2, 1.0
   $Default PBanks:        ( "Terran Turret Weak" )
the rest of the parameters are not overwritten so they still appear in FRED (there's still 2 primaries and 2 secondary weapons but in game only the first get fired anyway).

I'd also like to use this to make capships with turrets that can be primaries/secondary depending on your choice in the editor so I'd like one of the two weapons to be "none" by default.

Thanks for your answers!

Edit: Found a way to make a bank disappear by using blank brackets instead of nothing
eg    $Default PBanks:        ( "Terran Turret Weak" "" )
   $Default SBanks:        ( "" "" )
will grey out 3 banks and will not allow to select a weapon in this slot
« Last Edit: November 14, 2014, 11:35:31 am by krevett62 »