Author Topic: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter  (Read 59712 times)

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Offline z64555

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Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
BlackDove shared a link to the kickstarter on the #hard-light IRC, I thought a few people would be interested.

I'm stickying this topic temporarily to raise awareness. Ordinarily I wouldn't pull rank but this looks to be a fantastic project and is very much relevant to the origins of our own community too. Descent and FreeSpace have gone hand in hand, plus the developers involved in making this project really know their stuff. We owe this one our support. - Fineus
« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 12:08:00 pm by Fineus »
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Offline deathfun

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
But uh... can they do this? I mean, Interplay isn't exactly known for allowing this sort of stuff

Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
Didn't the last thing called "Descent" get pretty brutally stomped by the roving corpse of Interplay?

Just like... this... will... *researches so as to not stick foot in mouth*

This project looks like it's going to be a real, official Descent game...
EDIT: Or at least officially sanctioned Descent game.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 12:58:51 am by Scourge of Ages »


Offline deathfun

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
Didn't the last thing called "Descent" get pretty brutally stomped by the roving corpse of Interplay?

Just like... this... will... *researches so as to not stick foot in mouth*

Well I'll be. It's a legit thing
This makes me hilariously giddy

Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
It seems that Interplay allows such projects if they get some license fees. The same that Games Workshop does with its Warhammer franchise...

Actually i do not like this course... i hope there will be no developer that have the idea to make a new freespace title... but i fear something like this in a near future  :shaking:
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Offline InsaneBaron

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move." - Captain America

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
"Collect loot"

"Level up"

oh..... oh GOD.

Descent, what have they DONE TO YOU?! :shaking:
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Offline BirdofPrey

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
Where's the Pyro?
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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
it says on their website that they got permission from interplay to use the name.
also this apparently takes place before the other descent games, which is why we don't see the classic descent ship designs.
I'm worried that they are going to stray far from the classic feel of descent, but I think that Eric Peterson is someone who will listen to the community if enough people complain about "level up" and "collect loot". The game is only just beginning development.


Offline deathfun

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
Honestly, I don't want another Descent game like the other Descent games. What I'd like to see are strives to modernize the Descent games as opposed to simply making a shinier version of something I've already played

The classic feel is generally speaking, in the 6DoF, claustrophobia inducing mineshafts, music and screeching noises from green cloaking bastards. Now, that is of course, my opinion and it'll differ from person to person, but I won't mind seeing new elements introduced to bring a more dynamic experience

Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
"Collect loot"

"Level up"

oh..... oh GOD.

Descent, what have they DONE TO YOU?! :shaking:

Pretty much my reaction. They're using the name "Descent", but it bears almost zero resemblance to Descent.  :banghead:
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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
"Collect loot"

"Level up"

oh..... oh GOD.

Descent, what have they DONE TO YOU?! :shaking:

+1 to that. There's nothing "Descent" about this project except the name and 6DOF fighting.


Offline Mongoose

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
Yeah, I'm decidedly unexcited as well.  It feels waaaaaay too much like the marketing setup for Star Citizen (which makes sense given the dev team), and that's an active turn-off for me.

Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
Okay, I've done some digging around, and have something that makes me tentatively look upon this more favorably:

They apparently only very recently got the license for the Descent trademark, so everything they've done up to this point was not-Descent, which explains why it looks and feels so different. Now that they're legally allowed to, the devs have hinted that they want to push the game into being actually part of the Descent universe.

This was a response to one fan who queried them regarding the singleplayer mode and whether virus-crazed mining robots would be involved:

Yes, and how stupid of us not to mention it on the first day...DOH !! There will be bots in the first iteration, but we have a bigger story based single player game on the rise of the PTMC and the material defenders - we are a prequel to the original, and we want to tell that story.
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Offline deathspeed

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
I think I am still more interested in Sol Contingency (the first link in Scourge of Ages' post).  It's a fan-made remake, who got a C&D from Interplay so they have been re-doing some of their assets,  But they are still planning on moving forward, even with this officially licensed version on the way also.
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Offline Scotty

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
My interest in a project is inversely proportional to the number of exclamation marks used to pitch that project to me.


Offline StarSlayer

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
Pfft, how can it be underground if they are blatantly advertising!  They most defs just sold out and lost cred.
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Offline Ulala

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
Looks somewhat interesting. I'm think I'm more interested in the campaign than the multiplayer though.
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Offline BirdofPrey

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
So I asked about the Pyro,  and the message back mentioned there is a discussion on how to include it on the dev forum
The Great War ended 30 years ago.
Our elders tell stories of a glorious civilization; of people with myths of humanity everlasting, who hurled themselves into the void of space with no fear.

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Offline Yuuz

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Re: Descent: Underground on Kickstarter
They say the genre is under representated.. which is trueish. For years the space sim and 6d0f people had nothing to go on, hence SCP. All of a sudden we will have too many games for the available clientile. Star citizen, elite dangerous, no mans sky, and now this one too... whats next?