Author Topic: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS  (Read 10764 times)

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Offline phr33ky

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Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
Hello all - first off. FS 1 and 2 have always and will forever be my favorite space game. I splurged and got an X-55 HOTAS for Elite Dangerous and thought, heck, I wanna play through FS1 and 2 again, and since I knew of the Open project before, this was a perfect opportunity, then I hit a snag.

The stick and throttle are wired seperately. They are their own entities on the device manager and controller settings. wxLauncher will only allow me to choose one, so I can use the stick, but not the throttle, or the throttle and the not the stick (they work in game, just one at a time, even though the throttle acts as a joystick)




Offline jr2

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
I think such programs as Joy2Key and PPJoy will help there.
EDIT:  Oh, this one looks like it's the right one (the others could probably be arsed to do it as well, dunno, but):

UJR using vJoy

EDIT2: Edited to include links --
Joy2Key is a joystick button / axis to keypress / alternate axis mapper,
PPJoy is intended for multiple devices to one device but IIRC you had to disable driver signature enforcing on Windows by enabling Test mode or somesuch for Vista on up, and
UJR through vJoy seems to work for that with no fuss (it has signed drivers).

For reference, vJoy.

tl;dr: use UJR through vJoy; you may be able to find some useful tutorials on YouTube with a search.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 06:53:39 am by jr2 »


Offline phr33ky

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
I'll give it a shot and update here. Thank you much!


Offline phr33ky

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
Good god it's like brain surgery for your joysticks.... might take me awhile....


Offline phr33ky

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
So I got the throttle working in-game, and everything seems to be working in UJR - however, when I go to calibrate, it's stuck on 0 X axis and won't register any movement.. It's working properly in the app, I checked in game just to see if it was a fluke and it's still just turns left... gonna have to dig deeper =(


Offline phr33ky

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
Fixed, so many options I forgot to reset some that I had fiddled with. Working as intended, thank you so much!


Offline jr2

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
Glad it helped.  :nod:   Sorry I couldn't point to a tutorial or anything; I haven't used them with a two-device joystick personally, just heard of them and remembered what to search for.  Considering how tedious and unintuitive it is to sit through the configuration of an XB360 controller with Joy2Key, I can imagine, though. 

Be sure to save your settings as a profile if UJR / vJoy permits, and put that config file in your documents or something so it gets backed up.  No sense going through that twice.

EDIT: Edited my response for anyone else reading this later.  I found that there are some walkthroughs on YouTube if you search vjoy ujr, linked to that (search).
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 06:54:52 am by jr2 »


Offline Thoemse

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
I hope real support for multiple input devices gets added ad some point.
vjoy does not work if you have an oculus rift. Some libraries are conflicting it appears.


Offline Thoemse

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
Any news on multiple controller support?


Offline NLS

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
Let me raise my hand from the crowd.

Please add support for multiple USB controls and axis.


Offline jr2

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
I think that is waiting for SDL to merge IIRC.  So not until after 3.7.4 is out.


Offline NLS

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
Ah thanks.
Where is the proper thread to read about the progress of merge of SDL?
(are we close?)


Offline jr2

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Re: Trouble with x-55 HOTAS
You could look here:  The FS2 Open Coding - The Source Code Project (SCP)   Let's see, there's the nightly build section...

I think right now they're trying to get 3.7.4 completely ready, then they will work on merging SDL and some other features in.   I think you can also find a build that has SDL in it..  Ah, here, it was in the Test Builds section of The FS2 Open Coding - The Source Code Project (SCP) board.

So, probably stalk anything labelled Andtipodes or SDL in the Test Builds section.