Hi folks,
in the German ubuntuusers-Wiki there is a new installation instruction for WCS:DD in Linux using PlayonLinux and wineport_lib
http://sourceforge.net/projects/wineportscripts/Preparation (PoL 4.2.6 is the current version from the PPA):
wget -q "http://deb.playonlinux.com/public.gpg" -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget "http://deb.playonlinux.com/playonlinux_$(lsb_release -cs).list" -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --reinstall playonlinux
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/wineportscripts/wineport_lib-0.4.1_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
Now download the tar.gz from here (unfortunately, there is no torrent available yet):
http://ah.bothsides.de/WingCommanderSaga.tar.gzand check the md5sum. It should read:
md5sum WingCommanderSaga.tar.gz
a4c74980d50625ca39a86ba0b12c316b WingCommanderSaga.tar.gz
Now unpack it to your /home folder and double-click the file "setup".
Install the provided
packages as described, because the "setup" file was compiled with 64bit:
sudo dpkg -i ~/WingCommanderSaga/packages/*.deb
For 32 bit users: The folder "packages" contains PoL version 4.2.4 and wineport_libs, it is installed as described. Feel free to update PoL as described above.
In any case it creates a new menu entry. The first start from the menu opens the PlayonLinux config assistant installing the correct Wine-version, libraries, DirectX9, etc.
Confirm any questions for additional components. This may take some time. Also confirm the licence(s).
Installation path:
/home/$USER/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/WingCommanderSaga/drive_c/Program Files
Translated from here: