Author Topic: Need CVS help  (Read 1959 times)

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Offline RandomTiger

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Hello, Im using CVS 1.11.2 on XP and Im trying to create my own repository. I've tryed starting from scratch and using import and everything goes Ok until I try to commit.

cvs [commit aborted]: your apparent username (Tom) is unknown to this system

Its so strange, my username is Tom and if I do a annotate the files are all marked as Tom on the left.

CAn anyone help?


Offline penguin

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It depends on how your cvs server is set up... you shouldn't get this message if there is no server (ie you're building a cvs repository on your local system).  If you are trying to create a repository on the local disk, make sure your CVSROOT is set correctly and is not pointing to a server.

I'm a little wooly on the details of setting up users and permissions and so forth on a cvs server -- I can do it when I have to, but I couldn't recite the steps.  I think the easiest way to do it would be to create a login account for yourself (tom) on your server.

Your best bet would be to read the cvs documentation, check out -- there's a section on setting up a server, but unless you've got sysadmin experience, be careful...
your source code slave


Offline RandomTiger

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Its all local, I've been looking through the docs all day. I've even done it before with help from a friend. Not sure whats going on, Im starting to suspect it my be a bug.


Offline penguin

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make sure your CVSROOT variable is set to a local directory, e.g., /usr/local/cvsroot

When you're importing, if you don't have CVSROOT set, do it in the command line:

cvs -d /usr/local/cvsroot import repository tag1 tag2

this is from memory, I don't have the CVS docs handy.  I think you need to specify two tags for some reason when you're importing
your source code slave


Offline RandomTiger

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Looks like it was a bug. I've reverted back to a previous version of cvs and it seems to work. God damn it, thats wasted two days and really annoyed me. I even tryed Source Safe but it didnt make too much sence so I abandoned that.

I assume that PC user dont have any problems checking in for the remote fs2_open with the provided version of cvs?


Offline Inquisitor

None that I am aware of, except, occasionally I lose the write access list (but I have a backup, so, it's a quick fix)
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