Author Topic: another cel test  (Read 3965 times)

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Offline KillMeNow

  • The Empire Lives
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cel shading wise lightwave 7.5 is probally your prog of choice - cinema 4d also comes with it as standard - lightwave 7 is what i use cause the upgraded deleted half my files and still didn't work so i never forgave it

max 5 apparently comes with toon shader which is similar but not quite the same i believe still not sure if it does the edges - lightwave gives you many options for edges so its a nice easy one to start with


Offline Stryke 9

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Pretty much every prog has the Toon shader in some incarnation or another, I think... I've seen it on three seperate progs. And it's not all that good. Looks nothing like that, for one thing... It's excellent for a few specific things, but doesn't look like anime and isn't for the sorts of thing 90% of the people here do.

LightWave is excellent for anything rendered, including cels. Ray Dream has some very nice cel shaders, but I'm in no mood for a long upload so you've gotta buy a copy. MAX is just plain bad at it.


Offline Gortef

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  • A meat popsicle
Hmm hmm... pretty good sketches :nod:

now I'm quite thrilled to see final product :D
Habeeb it...


Offline Nico

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Originally posted by KillMeNow
max 5 apparently comes with toon shader which is similar but not quite the same i believe still not sure if it does the edges

yeah it does, with the same thing you can do schematic-like renders, white/black viewzs ( hard to explain, it's, her... a kind of very clean pic with all the edges drawn in black lines, the pic I've seen had very thin lines, looked really cool )
Anyway, brb: I've got a new method :D, I'll use flash now :lol:
you make a render of your model w/o any of the cell tweaks, you import the render ( or the frames if you want an animation ), you convert to vectorial colours ( with 4 or 5 instances, you get an anime feeling ), with the ink tool you do the outlines ( it runs along the areas of different colours, it's cool ), banzai it's done :) ( of course it's not THAT simple but you get the idea ).