Author Topic: another cel test  (Read 3966 times)

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Offline KillMeNow

  • The Empire Lives
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ok beginign to think its to simplistic i think more detail will be required for the models than i had thought but shouldn't be to extreme though but more than this agreed??



Offline Stryke 9

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That sentence made no sense at all. Yeah, that's fine, I guess. Too much detail tends to **** up cell shaders something serious.

And I don't know how well beemer tanks and block condos go together, man. Maybe something a bit more... post-apocalyptic?


Offline KillMeNow

  • The Empire Lives
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nope i'm avoiding the whole post apocalyptic thing there will be some difference in global warming will have make many parts of the planet desert and inbetween the major citys there are vast tracks of empty desert where trucks carrying goods between the citys travel and fall prey to a new breeed of pirate - the road pirates

as for this render iknow i know but i'm lacking many models suited to cel shading andits more interesting than a flat horizon


Offline Stunaep

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I liked the last one better. The buildings look... well crap. They are kind of little, which gives a bit too much detail, if you know what I mean.,
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Offline Stryke 9

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Well, whatever, then. Put some variety in the buildings, at least. Right now, with all the same-looking square buildings, it looks like a crappy Tank War game clone.


Offline Stunaep

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Originally posted by Stryke 9
Well, whatever, then. Put some variety in the buildings, at least. Right now, with all the same-looking square buildings, it looks like a crappy Tank War game clone.

[english accent] By Jove, I think you've got it [/english accent]
"Post-counts are like digital penises. That's why I don't like Shrike playing with mine." - an0n
Bah. You're an admin, you've had practice at this spanking business. - Odyssey


Offline KillMeNow

  • The Empire Lives
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ok updated the tank abit and yes in time there will be more buildings =) but i was just doing a test render really off the truck since i had just made it

but anyway the tank



Offline Stryke 9

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Kinda more of a Jeep thing, now.


Offline KillMeNow

  • The Empire Lives
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as i point out its nota tank its a custom high speed all terrian attack vehicle


Offline aldo_14

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Cool :yes:

BTw, does Max have/do a cell shader (or is there a free plugin for that?)


Offline KillMeNow

  • The Empire Lives
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according to venom the colour is easy enough but the edges well aren't as for therebeing plugins yes there is but freeones no idea

ask venom he will know more than me


Offline Stryke 9

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Just commenting on the practicality of the design, man. Not often you see an armored antivehicle turret on a car with a big glass cockpit. It just looks inconsistent. You wanna have a jeepy thing, make it light all over, not light in front and chunk armor stuff in back. You wanna tank, make it a tank all over. Or stick to the first one, which was incongruous in a cutesy kinda way that perversely made sense, like bay windows with a planter on a submarine...


Offline Nico

  • Venom
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meh, put at least 3 levels of atenuation, not two ( aka bright red/dark red, needs a medium red ). Also, don't think that because you can do cell shading, you can have super low polycount. Granted, you can drop the details. but you need really curved lines. The "wheels" in the treads look terrible if you ask me, you HAVE to make them rounded.


Offline Bobboau

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I like it, a little more varity in the buildings but maintain the stile, it looks like an intentionaly crapy looking type thing, very mundane and inconsistant and yet it all seems to go together
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Offline Gortef

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I like the "tank" the way it is going to be right now :)

bah who cares if it's not so realistic... it's going to apppear in an Anime :D

Keep up the same good work, and as the others have said... more variety to the buildings.
Habeeb it...


Offline Bobboau

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this cell shadeing is kind of interesting I found a cell shader for truespace and made a quick test, if anyone cares,
I should try this on a smoother hulled object
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Offline KillMeNow

  • The Empire Lives
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acaully nearly all those have 4 colours - teh red has black darkred - red and white as for the wheels well they are plenty rounded its the cels that make it look polygonal if you look closely you can see the edge lines are very rounded perhaps i should add some bleeding to the joins i dont know but i kinda like it like that sorry the tracks well yeah they are abit polygonal but i'm still trying to work out how i animate them and they will probally need made again to suit the aniamtion so no point yet in fixing them

as for the design of the thing i dont want it to be a tank!!!! i dont want it to be a jeep!!!!!!!! its jsut a custom thing ok not been thought out by committees on whats the best possible design

its just a vehiecle for the sexy chicks that will be driving it and i wanted it to be abit more interesting than a bog standard tank or jeep


Offline Nico

  • Venom
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Originally posted by KillMeNow
acaully nearly all those have 4 colours - teh red has black darkred - red and white as for the wheels well they are plenty rounded its the cels that make it look polygonal if you look closely you can see the edge lines are very tounded

yes you're right, sorry. No need to blend or anything, it's just a matter of lightning in fact.


Offline KillMeNow

  • The Empire Lives
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well thought i could post some of my concepts now first time i think i ever done this but normally i dont do to many concepts cause i'm better at modeling than drawing but when it comes to characters well sudednly i can draw better than i can model lol =) and let me tell you its not becuase i can draw characters really well lol =)

anyway the character at the bottom left is the amin character shes acaully got a sheet of paper to herself but i thought i qould squeeze everything onto one the other character is hte mains characters sister the face that was my first attempt at anime styling the motorerbike thing well afew issues with it needs to be redesigned slightly soa person cna acaully ride it but the styling should remain similar but thats why its not finished

anyway here you go - enjoy or if your good at drawing you may wish to cringe =)



Offline Sandwich

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KMN (or anyone, really) - How exactly do you render cell shading? We can start with what program you use, what version, etc. :D
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