Author Topic: Slower subsystems recharge rate  (Read 1868 times)

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Slower subsystems recharge rate
I think it would be much more realistic if it the rate at which the subsystems regenerate would be altered or stopped altogether.

Perhaps the rate of self-repair would be 1% every 10 seconds or something. I'm not refering to the support ship repairing, coz that's cool.

This would benefit mod and campaign makers by allowing more realistic environments systems. This way, your subsystem damage directly effects your performance and adds a new dynamic to the game.

This is of course of low importance.


I heard this was possible, coz I heard that the support ship has been altered to repair the hull now, so I'm sure this is also possible. What do you think?


Offline WMCoolmon

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Slower subsystems recharge rate
Note these lines in "my modifications to fs2 source"
Code: [Select]
#define SHIELD_REPAIR_RATE 0.20f // Percent of shield repaired per second.
#define HULL_REPAIR_RATE 0.075f // Percent of hull repaired per second.
#define SUBSYS_REPAIR_RATE 0.10f // Percent of subsystems repaired per second.

Should be pretty easy :nod:

Slower subsystems recharge rate
Does anyone think that this is a good idea to change?

It would be good to be able to have it as a function in the ships.tbl:
$Subsystems Recharge Rate:       20       ; the lower the number, the faster the recharge rate. 0 for no-recharge.

I think it would be good to make FS ships more diverse. It would be cool to have the Shivan's ships capable of subsystem-self-regeneration, while Terran and Vasudan pilots have to get a Support ship to do all that.

Like I said in a previous post, one of the biggest problems that reviewers had with FS2 was the fact that the ship aren't too diverse in their performance.


Offline Fineus

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Slower subsystems recharge rate
Make it ship specific and settable via the tables and I think it'd be a great idea - hard code balancing the game should be left optional to the individual (as changing it might unbalance standard campaign missions and so on... we don't want to do that!).


Offline Bobboau

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Slower subsystems recharge rate
make it an optional string in the table, (default == -1) in the code that uses it, if the ships info index says -1 for it then use the default value
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Offline KARMA

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Slower subsystems recharge rate
this, and any other modification that will affect gameplay (like the way cpships are destroyed, check the geo-mod thread) may be very useful in designing new campaigns to obtain results more similar to what a modder may have in mind, but what may be good for some ppl may be unuseful or negative for some others or in specific situations.
my suggest is to make all these things very possible (i liked what came out from the geo-mod thread, those suggestion were relatively important and not too difficult to obtain i think), but not definitive leaving to the modders the choice to activate an option or not by editing the tables
fs2 had more success to modders than to gamersc just because it is extremely flexible and moddable....lets increase this moddability!!!;)
i perfectly agree with bobau and thunder:)


Offline phreak

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Slower subsystems recharge rate
Originally posted by WMCoolmon
Note these lines in "my modifications to fs2 source"
Code: [Select]
#define SHIELD_REPAIR_RATE 0.20f // Percent of shield repaired per second.
#define HULL_REPAIR_RATE 0.075f // Percent of hull repaired per second.
#define SUBSYS_REPAIR_RATE 0.10f // Percent of subsystems repaired per second.

Should be pretty easy :nod: [/B]

thats for the support ship
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Offline Sandwich

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Slower subsystems recharge rate
Originally posted by Pegasus V
I think it would be good to make FS ships more diverse. It would be cool to have the Shivan's ships capable of subsystem-self-regeneration, while Terran and Vasudan pilots have to get a Support ship to do all that.

:yes2: :nod: :yes:
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