Author Topic: GVB Petbe, a Monster in detail  (Read 1364 times)

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GVB Petbe, a Monster in detail
And I have my version here.

Ok...when I saw this and played this long time ago. I always felt it was a bit too small for a bomber. Fast forward to the present, now that I am modeling regularly, I was going through my old files and came across this model and remembered the smallness of it and decided if I can do something about that.   

At first, it looks no different than the original, but it is in fact MUCH larger. Just look at the cockpit glass (yes I know it's not easy to see at first) and you'll see how much bigger. There is a full cockpit with two Vasuden crewmen....or is that crewbeings?  :D

The Pilot is above while the Tactical Officer is below him. I added 12 missile tubs and it's armed with two large (for a fighter/bomber role) cannon to make any pilot happy to fire the guns.

Overall, I have some mixed feelings about it's current state. For one, it's a very unusual design and in a strange way, I like that. :)
But that strange configuration also presents problems for loadouts and all that. You need room for the Fusion reactor, the sub systems, life support, etc. So I widened it some to give room for a decent missile loadout and room for the Fushion reactor and it's engine systems.

I am thinking of making them arms moveable in the same way as the GTF Hercules's ventral fin I did earlier. Why? Well it will give this ship in my opinion a better way to dock, store it ship side.
Anyway, comments and all that are welcomed!

All the best,
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