Author Topic: Joysticks: Nov. 2016 edition  (Read 1897 times)

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Joysticks: Nov. 2016 edition
Hey guys, long time player and lurker reporting in.

With so many high quality mods and excellent replayability, I've been looking into joysticks and custom setups lately.

With the number of keyboard combinations used, I've started making a custom controller based off of the AVR 32U4 since it can act as a HID/USB device.

Joysticks, however, are something that I would rather not DIY. I'd love to replay the campaign using a proper stick, even though I can usually finish the game on hard/insane. I feel it would add a whole new element.

So, tl;dr, what do you guys typically use? Any interesting custom setups?

Re: Joysticks: Nov. 2016 edition
Actually I use a custom left hand controller that combines a joystick with the T handle from a CH Product Pro Throttle. It gives me tons of button and hats at my finger tip. Combined with the Warthog stick I don't need to use the keyboard for much. I also use Voiceattack coupled with the built in Voice Recognition in Freespace to send out commands. It adds some immersion to the game as well.

Re: Joysticks: Nov. 2016 edition
Interesting setup, anywhere I can read more about it?

I ended up not sleeping and researching joysticks all night, and I'm thinking I want to go with the CH throttle and VKB Gladiator pro, seems like it would be good for space and flight sims. That thumbstick on the CH throttle is a really nice touch.

And the voice commands are one of my favorite parts of FS2 open!

Something about screaming at your squad mates to cover your ass is very immersive, though it seems like (On my headset anyways) random noise (volume too high, other people in the room) ALWAYS ends up calling in for a rearm.

I never realized how difficult parts of this game could be on the higher difficulties if you ignore the squad commands. It's been a long time, but I seem to recall a mission in the first or second game where you had to defend a ship by attacking a stupid amount of bombers and bombs, took me probably 20 attempts until I started using the commands and squad ship layouts effectively. Got it first try after I took the time to play commander.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2016, 08:15:46 pm by Death Cog Unit »

Re: Joysticks: Nov. 2016 edition
I still use a Logitech Force 3D as my primary joystick.  It's somehow managed to stay working well despite fairly heavy use over 10+ years.  I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority because I've heard plenty of people complaining about this one.

They don't sell the force feedback version anymore but this is otherwise identical to it and still makes a pretty good entry-level joystick.  Comfortable, responsive, lots of buttons, generally decently durable.

I have it combined with the CH Throttle for a full HOTAS setup, which works ok for me now. 

Eventually I want to replace the joystick and get some pedals, but it just hasn't happened yet.  And sadly as the years go on it seems there's fewer and fewer options in the joystick business.  Apparently flight sims aren't profitable.

Sadly, in order to get these both working in FSO, you need a 3rd party program to wrap both joysticks into a single device, because SDL 1.1 can't detect more than one device at once.  While that's an ok workaround, those programs can't map analogue sticks from the second device, so that nice little thumb stick on the throttle gets ignored.  It's one of the reasons I'm really looking forward to the switch to SDL2, which can natively detect multiple joystick devices.

Re: Joysticks: Nov. 2016 edition
Now this is pretty cool, and it's DIY. What do you guys think of these two designs?

I've worked with delta bots before, but never thought of applying the idea to a controller. Might be a bit awkward at first  :lol:

Edit: I'm still downloading everything (Very slow internet), but if I recall correctly there is no strafing in FS2 or FS2 open, right? I do seem to remember a glide function I would always accidentally toggle.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 08:47:58 pm by Death Cog Unit »

Re: Joysticks: Nov. 2016 edition
Some details

I am working on a new controller. Waiting on some wire I ordered.

Re: Joysticks: Nov. 2016 edition
Some details

I am working on a new controller. Waiting on some wire I ordered.

Star Citizen has awful joystick support.  The developers are determined to make it a point and click mousefest a la Freelancer, despite promising the Best Damn Space Sim Ever in the kickstarter.  They promised a lite sim, but instead are delivering a stupid first person mouse aim beats everything shooter.  It is retarded.  Don't support them.  They're a bunch of liars.