Author Topic: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?  (Read 5817 times)

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Offline jr2

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With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
Just realized anything posted that's interesting to a great deal of the HLP population may be on the ignore list (like the SHA1 collision thread I just posted in Gen Disc, or the liquid crystal 3x PPI display thread or the Ryzen pricing thread.

On that topic, perhaps a sci-fi thread may be in order as well.

Reason I'm saying this is no one here finds those things objectionable, and they don't fit in Gaming Discussion (ok, maybe the Ryzen and PPI threads could be justified as it's related to gaming tech) or Programming (although SHA1 could sort of fit there).



Offline karajorma

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
I think that anyone interested in that sort of thing already goes to Gen Discuss for it.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline jr2

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
I think that anyone interested in that sort of thing already goes to Gen Discuss for it.

I thought there were several members that actively avoided Gen Disc and were happy it no longer showed up in unread topics?  AFAIK they aren't the type to not enjoy tech stuff (I honestly don't know if there's anyone here that doesn't enjoy tech to varying degrees).  That was what I was thinking, anyway.  Also categorization.

Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
I think that anyone interested in that sort of thing already goes to Gen Discuss for it.

I thought there were several members that actively avoided Gen Disc and were happy it no longer showed up in unread topics?  AFAIK they aren't the type to not enjoy tech stuff (I honestly don't know if there's anyone here that doesn't enjoy tech to varying degrees).  That was what I was thinking, anyway.  Also categorization.

Yeah, my understanding is that people avoid gen disc like plague due to the political & co touchy topics, hence why some people suggested that gen disc could be split in two.

Currently, generic tech stuff, whatever happens in your life, what are you reading/watching/listening to topics are standing side-by-side with the do-not-want topics.

Although perhaps this discussion should take place in the "let's talk" topic ?


Offline jr2

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
I think that anyone interested in that sort of thing already goes to Gen Discuss for it.

I thought there were several members that actively avoided Gen Disc and were happy it no longer showed up in unread topics?  AFAIK they aren't the type to not enjoy tech stuff (I honestly don't know if there's anyone here that doesn't enjoy tech to varying degrees).  That was what I was thinking, anyway.  Also categorization.

Yeah, my understanding is that people avoid gen disc like plague due to the political & co touchy topics, hence why some people suggested that gen disc could be split in two.

Currently, generic tech stuff, whatever happens in your life, what are you reading/watching/listening to topics are standing side-by-side with the do-not-want topics.

Although perhaps this discussion should take place in the "let's talk" topic ?

I was trying to avoid derailing that topic.  Perhaps a link to this topic, or is the consensus that it would be better discussed there?

Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?

I wrote a really snarky, sarcastic reply to one of your tech threads today, and then held off on posting it to avoid being a complete bag of dicks.

The thrust of it was--and it's encapsulated in the three threads you chose as examples--that you don't have anything to say about tech.  In all three of those threads, you posted a link without comment to an article (or quoted the article in its entirety, without further comment), under a thread title almost identical to the title of the article itself.  On the occasions when that does kick off a discussion, you often opt not to reply, unless you were addressed directly.

I'm not opposed to a dedicated tech subforum.  I'm also not opposed to a dedicated politics and religion subforum being made to detoxify General Discussion for those who avoid that kind of content.  I just don't think that the person who posts empty threads that link to other people's thoughts on technology has much cause to advocate for either of those changes.

(That's about as diplomatic as I can manage right now.)


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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
I wrote a really snarky, sarcastic reply to one of your tech threads today, and then held off on posting it to avoid being a complete bag of dicks.

The thrust of it was--and it's encapsulated in the three threads you chose as examples--that you don't have anything to say about tech.  In all three of those threads, you posted a link without comment to an article (or quoted the article in its entirety, without further comment), under a thread title almost identical to the title of the article itself.  On the occasions when that does kick off a discussion, you often opt not to reply, unless you were addressed directly.

I'm not opposed to a dedicated tech subforum.  I'm also not opposed to a dedicated politics and religion subforum being made to detoxify General Discussion for those who avoid that kind of content.  I just don't think that the person who posts empty threads that link to other people's thoughts on technology has much cause to advocate for either of those changes.

(That's about as diplomatic as I can manage right now.)

Honestly, I would kind of agree with this. In the past, I've warned people for just doing drive-by link posting; I find it to be generally uninteresting and (depending on context) kind of rude.

Look at it this way: If I see a techy post from someone, I am generally not so much interested in the news link (since chances are that I've already seen it elsewhere), but rather in whatever the person posting the link is taking away from it.

(And yes, on a more general note, if we absolutely do have to have a toxic zone, it should be firewalled from the good discussions as much as possible)
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
GenDisc no longer appears on unread topics?

Well thank you for giving me the notice, I guess. Always learning things.


Offline karajorma

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
It came up on the thread in the announcements board. If you're not reading announcements, how were we supposed to tell you? :p
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Luis Dias

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
I demand personal announcements to be made directly to me, preferably hand written in an expensive paper, with a royal stamp on it, sent out to my personal home.

I won't tell you what my address really is either, what are you a stalker or smth?


Offline General Battuta

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
Unread posts is for modding and FS stuff now.

For a list of general tech/science threads you can just click on GenDisc!


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
Yeah I even agree with it, it may do great good to my blood pressure. I was just surprised by it that's all.

Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
I demand personal announcements to be made directly to me, preferably hand written in an expensive paper, with a royal stamp on it, sent out to my personal home.

Should we cut corners on those papers as well Luis? :P


Offline jr2

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
I think I'm just going to start a thread labeled 'stuff jr2 finds interesting' so that certain people don't have to be burdened reading everything I have to say.  It's even in Gen Disc, so you won't see it unless you go looking for it.  :rolleyes: 


Offline deathspeed

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
I'm trying not to get mad about this again, but it irks me that those of us who regularly read GenDisc have to now jump thru extra hoops to see unread posts there, while the option to ignore it on Unread Posts ALREADY EXISTS for those who don't want to see anything in that forum.  The haters got their way, and killed GenDisc, even though there were other reasonable alternatives and suggestions, such as putting it behind a member wall or having people request access to it.
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Offline jr2

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
I'm trying not to get mad about this again, but it irks me that those of us who regularly read GenDisc have to now jump thru extra hoops to see unread posts there, while the option to ignore it on Unread Posts ALREADY EXISTS for those who don't want to see anything in that forum.  The haters got their way, and killed GenDisc, even though there were other reasonable alternatives and suggestions, such as putting it behind a member wall or having people request access to it.

Just bookmark it, that's what I'll be doing.  I've been ignoring certain threads in Gen Disc for a while now as I know which ones will invariably turn into a snark-fest, so it's not like I'm going to start foaming at the mouth if I see a thread title I don't like.  :rolleyes:


Offline jr2

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?


Offline Mongoose

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
Shockingly you can still go down and open up the completely-visible folder from the main index.  In a new tab too, if you so desire! :p

I think I'm just going to start a thread labeled 'stuff jr2 finds interesting' so that certain people don't have to be burdened reading everything I have to say.  It's even in Gen Disc, so you won't see it unless you go looking for it.  :rolleyes:
There's nothing wrong with posting interesting stuff, but generally speaking, simply posting a drive-by link without starting off the conversation yourself isn't a great way to engender discussion.  It doesn't have to be a whole essay or anything, just a sentence or two!  Also, copypasta-ing the entire article text doesn't really accomplish anything (unless it's behind a subscriber wall or something) and just bloats the OP.  Quote a short blurb from it: if people are interested in reading the whole thing, they can click through to the original article.

(Also if you're wondering what happened to your Ryzen thread, I merged it with the active one in Gaming.)


Offline jr2

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
Shockingly you can still go down and open up the completely-visible folder from the main index.  In a new tab too, if you so desire! :p

I think I'm just going to start a thread labeled 'stuff jr2 finds interesting' so that certain people don't have to be burdened reading everything I have to say.  It's even in Gen Disc, so you won't see it unless you go looking for it.  :rolleyes:
There's nothing wrong with posting interesting stuff, but generally speaking, simply posting a drive-by link without starting off the conversation yourself isn't a great way to engender discussion.  It doesn't have to be a whole essay or anything, just a sentence or two!  Also, copypasta-ing the entire article text doesn't really accomplish anything (unless it's behind a subscriber wall or something) and just bloats the OP.  Quote a short blurb from it: if people are interested in reading the whole thing, they can click through to the original article.

(Also if you're wondering what happened to your Ryzen thread, I merged it with the active one in Gaming.)


I just feel wrong re-stating the obvious.  Makes me feel like a bloviating blow-hard, honestly, if I don't actually add anything to what's already stated in the article.  If I feel the audience might need a little push to get their interest piqued, sure, but about everyone here loves tech things, so... 

I guess I'll have to fight that feeling and provide summaries anyway.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: With the removal of Gen Disc from Unread Posts, can has generalized tech thread?
I'm trying not to get mad about this again, but it irks me that those of us who regularly read GenDisc have to now jump thru extra hoops to see unread posts there, while the option to ignore it on Unread Posts ALREADY EXISTS for those who don't want to see anything in that forum.  The haters got their way, and killed GenDisc, even though there were other reasonable alternatives and suggestions, such as putting it behind a member wall or having people request access to it.

I — bh — wuh — but how is it dead? Is it that much of an extra hoop to click on 'general discussion' instead of 'show unread posts' on the forum index?