Author Topic: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi  (Read 107167 times)

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Offline Scotty

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Most criticisms of Holdo's character seem to stem from "She didn't do what I think was the correct course of action for someone in her position" and I'm left wondering how that constitutes a plot hole or negative criticism.

Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Going to through my thoughts into the fray here.
I did not like this movie. There were several "Immersion-Breakers" (scenes/acts that make me think 'what?' or otherwise remove me from enjoying the plot) that jarred me heavily, most of which have already been mentioned (the bombers, the income inequality lesson (really the whole finn/rose thing in general),...).
There were some good parts though. Visual effects were, as expected, 10/10 (the lightspeed ram was very well done). Also, Mark Hamill was fantastic in pretty much every scene, even when I took umbrage with the direction Rian took with his character.
That all being said...

The biggest problem I have with this film is how it ends. I just am not really compelled to go see another movie. With the original trilogy, you wanted to see how it ended - how the plot was resolved, the final development of the characters, and how the ultimate nemesis (empire) was defeated. Darth Vader (and the Emperor) were to be feared (Darth never lost a battle until the RoTJ).

I just don't get that with TLJ. What is the First Order now? Snoke was a nobody and Kylo was already bested by a relatively untrained Rey and has no real presence or motive (what does he even stand for? Just controlling everything?). It all just seems so trite.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Most criticisms of Holdo's character seem to stem from "She didn't do what I think was the correct course of action for someone in her position" and I'm left wondering how that constitutes a plot hole or negative criticism.
It's neither.  It's perfectly believable that someone in such a high command position could **** up like that.  It's not a criticism of the movie, just of the person.  Her failure is one of leadership.

Also I have no idea how Poe managed to get promoted so far, given how little he deserves to be trusted with responsibility.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2017, 10:42:53 pm by Aesaar »


Offline Mongoose

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
He's a damn good pilot and the Resistance desperately needs them?  Hell, the Rebellion made Han and Lando generals.


Offline Scotty

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
He's a damn good pilot and the Resistance desperately needs them?  Hell, the Rebellion made Han and Lando generals.

Well yeah, but in that case somebody told Alliance leadership about Lando's little maneuver at the Battle of Tanaab.  Totally different.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
He's a damn good pilot and the Resistance desperately needs them?  Hell, the Rebellion made Han and Lando generals.
Good pilot doesn't mean he's a good commander.  By all means, stick him in a fighter, but the fact that he's so willing to tell his chain of command to **** off when he thinks he's right means he's completely unreliable.  He shouldn't be put in command of anything.  I get that movies tend to glorify the whole 'loose cannon' thing, but this movie does a fairly good job of showing why behavior like that can't be tolerated.  Poe is a really, really, really ****ty subordinate.  A hero complex is dangerous.

If this movie showcases the best of what the Resistance has, I guess it makes perfect sense that it got almost completely wiped out.

Well yeah, but in that case somebody told Alliance leadership about Lando's little maneuver at the Battle of Tanaab.  Totally different.
It kinda is, yeah.  I've seen Poe be a good pilot, but leadership isn't just about how well you can fly a plane.  That blurb, on its own, tells us that Lando was a decent tactician, and we already knew he had leadership skills because he was running Bespin successfully.

The OT did 'show, don't tell' quite well, barring a few exceptions (like stormtroopers).
« Last Edit: December 28, 2017, 11:42:56 pm by Aesaar »


Offline The E

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Spend quite some time listening to nerds on the internet talking about the movie, most of which I agree with.
Red letter media has a 47 minute video talking about it:
Angry Joe did an hour long rant, not really a fan of his movie related stuff because he has his friends over and Joe just kind of talks over them most of the time, but the points they make are for the most part pretty spot on:
This isn't a review or anything, just some washed up ex-starcraft 2 player talking about it with some friends for like two hours. They hit on most points that bothered me too over the course of it:
And one more 36 minute one for the road:

Movie falls apart in so many ways when you actually turn your brain on.

Spoon, if you want me to expend effort reacting to your writing, you should put effort into your posts first.
The E, I don't want you to expend any effort into your writing, your opinion is wrong anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Do you want me to link you reviews of critics you don't respect and aren't going to read or watch in response?

But for the sake of not wasting anyone's time, I'm just going to end it here. I'm not going to convince you, no matter how well-reasoned any arguments I might bring up are, but I would really like to implore you to listen to better critics than gaming personalities and alt-right weirdos (Armoured Skeptic? Really? Who's next, Davis Aurini?).
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Offline Luis Dias

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Armored ain't no alt right lol

Anyways, I also find Holdo's critics a little bit beyond the red line for me. Everyone claims it's not because it's a woman, but because she should have explained Poe the Plan. But why? All she currently knows about this dude is that he's a good pilot who just had disobeyed direct orders and wasted an entire squadron of bombers, and was now out of order against a superior officer. If Holdo had been a man, would all of this criticism had ever come to light? I think maybe not! Poe was out of line and obviously if she knew him better, she would have guessed he would try his stupid mutiny. But given she didn't, I find this demand that she should have guessed it absurd and just mind bogglingly stupid.

Granted, this wasn't my favorite interaction. She could have played it better. Probably what irks me a little bit more is her talk with Leia praising Poe at the end of that arc. She should still be furious at him at that moment, but hey minor quibble.

Regarding RLM criticism, I haven't yet listened to it because I didn't want to spoil the movie for me, but I will give it a go next week when I get home. I usually agree with everything they say, and I don't think this will be much of an exception. I think I'll just disagree with my emotional take on it!


Offline The E

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Well yeah, but in that case somebody told Alliance leadership about Lando's little maneuver at the Battle of Tanaab.  Totally different.
It kinda is, yeah.  I've seen Poe be a good pilot, but leadership isn't just about how well you can fly a plane.  That blurb, on its own, tells us that Lando was a decent tactician, and we already knew he had leadership skills because he was running Bespin successfully.

The OT did 'show, don't tell' quite well, barring a few exceptions (like stormtroopers).

You must have missed that one line where Poe goes "That's Admiral Holdo? From the battle of <place>?" We know as much about Holdo's qualifications for military command as we do of Lando's.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns

Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Holdo was okay. I actually thought she was going to betray everyone. I just think shes really, really way too pink and the hair. It's a little much.

But for the sake of not wasting anyone's time, I'm just going to end it here. I'm not going to convince you, no matter how well-reasoned any arguments I might bring up are, but I would really like to implore you to listen to better critics than gaming personalities and alt-right weirdos (Armoured Skeptic? Really? Who's next, Davis Aurini?).

Pffffft. Okaaaay.


Offline Mika

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Depiction of Holdo's actions doesn't work because it's not clear for the audience we are suddenly witnessing things from Poe's point of view. This is a fundamental problem in the execution and direction of the movie, but this isn't the only recent movie suffering from the very same issue. The reaction would have been different had Holdo been seen discussing the plan with his commanding officers before Poe storming in (would have only needed one short line of dialogue), or then the camera following Poe more rigorously in the surrounding scenes. Or that the rest of the crew is shown preparing to execute Holdo's plan while Poe has no clue.

The light speed ramming in general introduces a continuity problem; apparently nobody in the pursued fleet thought of that before their capital ships were wiped out barring one. Visually stunning yes, but doesn't work in the context of why didn't the already then desperate Rebels try this with the Death Star. Or Starkiller Base. It's a Deus Ex Machina. Snoke force connecting two force sensitives across the galaxy and then failing to notice Hux is mishandling the pursuit of the Rebels - that is not instructing part of the fleet to intercept them - portrays Snoke as mostly smoke and mirrors. Yet he is shown to be very keen on observing the progress of destroying the Rebel fleet escape pods. As a brilliant mastermind, he didn't recognize the opportunity of smashing the Rebels earlier?

The other problem is that the screenwriters are weaving a massive number of subplots to movies, leaving less time to handle the actual plot or explore the characters. The same thing happens when they attempt complex plot lines which almost invariably turn out to be horrible since they tend to overestimate their own abilities on pulling that stuff out. The end result in both cases is not a convincing universe or anybody thinking this was a particularly clever movie, but instead a fragmented movie with no clear direction. Here, less is more and the KISS principle holds.

The issue of questioning character motivations such as Luke's, is that then the motivations of everybody are under the loop equally. We only have Finn's word of him being kidnapped if even that in the actual movie, and we all know what happened with the lore expanding books. It doesn't make sense for the First Order to kidnap kids to the army due to obvious motivational or desertion reasons as clearly demonstrated by Finn himself. So it's starting to look like more the First Order either killed Finn's parents for a good reason, or took him under their custody and protection, while the kid didn't realize what's actually going on. What is actually Rey's motivation for helping anyone and not staying away from the whole intergalactic mess? While Luke was dismantled in the story, Rey appears as the unquestionable beacon of light side hope.

I'm seeing some undertones of political commentary, though I'm not sure if it's only me in this case though. The new episodes 7 and 8 seem to make a point that a dictator is actually required for the galaxy to remain stable. That's principally what the Chinese are saying. None of the movies shows the difference of everyday life under the Empire and New Republic, and apparently, there's no difference.

I agree, I'm not interested at all in seeing how this ends in Episode 9, even if there's a different director. The story arc is an unrecoverable mess, and none of the remaining characters are interesting. Rebels are now closer to the historical communist agitators with zero organizational skill and only doing things by the feeling, and people are calling them out for that - galaxy wide.
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Offline Lorric

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi

But for the sake of not wasting anyone's time, I'm just going to end it here. I'm not going to convince you, no matter how well-reasoned any arguments I might bring up are, but I would really like to implore you to listen to better critics than gaming personalities and alt-right weirdos (Armoured Skeptic? Really? Who's next, Davis Aurini?).
So people on a gaming forum shouldn't respect gaming personalities' views on a movie, and a communist is on a high horse telling us we can't respect people's opinions on a movie because of their political views. All this when Spoon said those views are his own, and is merely using those people as a vehicle to transmit his views to you. Views which you asked him for.


Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Spend quite some time listening to nerds on the internet talking about the movie, most of which I agree with.
Red letter media has a 47 minute video talking about it:
Angry Joe did an hour long rant, not really a fan of his movie related stuff because he has his friends over and Joe just kind of talks over them most of the time, but the points they make are for the most part pretty spot on:
This isn't a review or anything, just some washed up ex-starcraft 2 player talking about it with some friends for like two hours. They hit on most points that bothered me too over the course of it:
And one more 36 minute one for the road:

Movie falls apart in so many ways when you actually turn your brain on.

Spoon, if you want me to expend effort reacting to your writing, you should put effort into your posts first.
The E, I don't want you to expend any effort into your writing, your opinion is wrong anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I am a Star Wars nerd since I was twelve (thirty-something now), EU, videogames and all and I am sincerely baffled by the reaction of many nerd to this movie, often it feels like they weren't paying attention to what they were watching and rewatching over the years.
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Offline The E

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi

But for the sake of not wasting anyone's time, I'm just going to end it here. I'm not going to convince you, no matter how well-reasoned any arguments I might bring up are, but I would really like to implore you to listen to better critics than gaming personalities and alt-right weirdos (Armoured Skeptic? Really? Who's next, Davis Aurini?).
So people on a gaming forum shouldn't respect gaming personalities' views on a movie, and a communist is on a high horse telling us we can't respect people's opinions on a movie because of their political views. All this when Spoon said those views are his own, and is merely using those people as a vehicle to transmit his views to you. Views which you asked him for.

Being a good games critic and being a good movie critic are related, but slightly different skillsets. The only guys from Spoon's list who know how to do film criticism are the RedLetterMedia people, and even they aren't that good at it, especially when it comes to Star Wars.
AngryJoe, who has made his reputation and brand based on being an angry dude who shouts at games, is someone I cannot take seriously: He does have the occasional good point, but his entire approach to criticism is based on hyperbole and anger. When it comes to Star Wars, he comes at it from the perspective of someone who likely still mourns the death of the SWEU; He's someone who isn't going to be on board with something he would likely see as a betrayal of the old Star Wars films. TLJ is a thorough deconstruction of the SW mythos (just like TFA was a thorough reconstruction of it), and that's something that people who are die-hard fans of the old movies simply aren't going to be able to accept without significant mental dissonance.
Armoured Skeptic, lastly, is someone who has made his "name" based on his takedowns of creationism, and like a lot of fellow skeptics, has recently transitioned to screaming at "The Left" and feminism; He is not "alt-right", no, but he is a gateway drug into that sphere. Now, a person like that is going to have ~opinions~ about a film that's very much based on socialist, feminist and deconstructionist thought as TLJ is, but those opinions are going to be bad.

Secondly, I asked Spoon for his views. In response, he posted links to over 4 hours of video content which he agrees with. I'm very sorry, but I really do not have the patience to a) sit through all of that, b) analyze these videos for points where the people making them misunderstood the films or are analyzing them badly and c) type up a response that explains all of this to Spoon. I am not asking you to sit through x hours of content made by people who have similar opinions to me, I am giving you my opinions directly and hope that you can read and then contemplate them. What Spoon did here (intentionally or not) is a rhetorical technique called the "Gish Gallop", a technique that the videos he's linking to also employ. I refuse to engage with that, because it's ultimately fruitless: I could refute every single point, and I'd still not be any closer to convincing anyone of my views because I spent ages in refutation instead of building my own arguments.

There is better film criticism out there, better perspectives than endless nitpicking (which is something that the big critic explosion from the TGWTG days promoted as a valid form and which CinemaSins currently is the flagbearer of). People like Lindsay Ellis, Mikey Neumann or Dan Olson can show you how it's done right.
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--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline Aesaar

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
You must have missed that one line where Poe goes "That's Admiral Holdo? From the battle of <place>?" We know as much about Holdo's qualifications for military command as we do of Lando's.
I didn't say she wasn't qualified for command.  I said she ****ed up.  It was Poe I said wasn't suitable for command because he's unreliable.

Anyways, I also find Holdo's critics a little bit beyond the red line for me. Everyone claims it's not because it's a woman, but because she should have explained Poe the Plan. But why? All she currently knows about this dude is that he's a good pilot who just had disobeyed direct orders and wasted an entire squadron of bombers, and was now out of order against a superior officer. If Holdo had been a man, would all of this criticism had ever come to light? I think maybe not! Poe was out of line and obviously if she knew him better, she would have guessed he would try his stupid mutiny. But given she didn't, I find this demand that she should have guessed it absurd and just mind bogglingly stupid.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I went into this movie expecting exactly this, that people were too harsh on her because she was a woman.  But no, she really did **** up, IMO, and I'm pretty sure I'd be just as hard on her if she was a man.  She denied Poe information not for the sake of OpSec, but just because she wanted to put Poe in his place.  Maybe she wanted to really feel like she was in charge.  I've seen officers do that before.  And again, I think it was fairly obvious that the impulsive hotshot with a hero complex would try something if he wasn't satisfied with what his commander was doing, because he had literally just done that.  By refusing to inform him, she ensured he wouldn't be satisfied.  She, like any commander, bears responsibility for being unable to control her subordinates.  Leia and Ackbar do too, for tolerating his behavior long enough for it to become a problem.

I mean, seriously, were you surprised Poe tried something?  I wasn't.  I was only surprised (pleasantly) that the movie was brave enough to make the attempt fail.

And since you actually brought sexism into this, maybe people wouldn't be so willing to defend Holdo if she wasn't a woman?  I've talked about Poe's problems too, so I think any accusation that I'm picking on her because she's a woman is unfair.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2017, 10:01:54 am by Aesaar »


Offline Snarks

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Just watched TLJ last weekend and liked it, with the qualifier that it's a Star Wars movie, but it's far from on my list of top films. It's the sort of film that's fun to watch, but you have to accept that the writing is not very tight and that the rule of cool will take continuity and respect for previous source material and drown in under a pool of nonsense.

So accepting that, my main critique of the film is that it has terrible pacing, mostly as a result of rather poor characterization. The movie sticks in a joke every 10-15 minutes, utterly destroying dramatic moments. This is especially damning for Luke, who is supposed to be a broken man haunted by his failures, but can't resists making somekind of juvenile joke. Comic relief is supposed to lighten up the mood every once in a while, not interrupt a character's dramatic monologue. Luke came off more as an insane man, rather than a man haunted by his past. Since when was Luke such a sassy character anyways? Hux and Kylo Ren are so utterly incompetent that it felt like I was watching Spaceballs 2. Kylo Ren has repeatedly been bested by Rey, who seems to be the only character utterly incapable of failure. Hux comes off as having no authority whatsoever and possibly the most inept admiral character ever. I have to believe that The First Order, under the command of Hux and Kylo Ren, was somehow able to defeat the New Republic, leads me to believe that the New Republic is pathetic as an institution and cheapens the original trilogy, whose end product was the establishment of the New Republic.

Moving away from that, I thought Finn and Rose's interactions were some of the better written scenes. They had a balance of humor and drama, and I'm able to buy the idea that they are essentially ordinary soldiers in the Resistance. Their interactions with the Codebreaker is a nice subversion of the "heart of gold" rogues that we've come to expect. Hodor came off as an inept leader, but it makes sense in the context that she's an auxiliary commander, so she shouldn't be the beacon of hope and leadership that Leia or Ackbar are. She redeems her failure as a commander by fixing her mistake as best she can through her kamikaze run. (Weaponizing hyperdrive should not be a thing in Star Wars, but again, see the rule of cool. Personally, I would have prefer a more in-universe friendly deus ex-machina.)


Offline Lorric

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I can respect that response, E. Thanks.


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Aesaar, I just can't agree with you. You've seen how Poe took the Plan. Not well. Even after being explained by Leia, he didn't seem to like it. Yes, Holdo wasn't the perfect general that would cater to every Poe's whims, but she did try to calm him down referencing Leia's motto. When he pressed on, he was totally out of order. No general would take that well. But even if she explained it, I'm pretty sure there would be scuffle too. Perhaps she realised there was no arguing with this idiot and decided to get him out of the bridge.

I think the main reason why it feels slightly off is because we the audience recognize the trope instantly and realise the catch is there is no plan or something to that effect. In "real life", however, that guy would face court martial.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Again, if she'd told him the plan, she could see how he takes it.  If he doesn't take it well, if he keeps arguing, fine.  You can't be surprised he's going to try to do something, right?  There's no way him trying something is in any way surprising to anyone, because the whole prologue of this movie is him disobeying orders to do what he thinks is right.

If you can't trust him not to try something, which is to say, not to undermine you, then there's only one thing you can reasonably do.  A commanding officer can't afford to let anyone take matters into their own hands in defiance of orders.  You lock him up.  You isolate him.  Lock him in his quarters, and if that doesn't work, throw him in the brig.  Do not just tell him to **** off and throw him off the bridge so he can go find a way to not feel as powerless as he is.

Doing nothing about him is absolutely a failure in leadership.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 01:23:53 am by Aesaar »


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Moving away from that, I thought Finn and Rose's interactions were some of the better written scenes.

Not disagreeing, but I have heard a lot of people say different.  The more opinions I hear about this movie, the more I realize that it was kind of like a buffet, in that there were many good reasons to enjoy or not enjoy it, but not everyone is going to like the same things about it.

I personally believe that if they had had another six months to refine the story and take more time on editing, that what they were trying to do would have come across much better, and this could have been one of the best SW movies.