Author Topic: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi  (Read 107125 times)

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Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
It's a bit odd that a parody of MRAs has the media blaming MRAs for it.

I'm sure MRAs are going to call their edit "the chauvinist edit", similarly to how the KKK calls song of the south "the racist movie" and feminists call the scum manifesto "the misandric book".
I'm not sure it's meant to be a parody, I saw people expressing worse stuff completely seriously.
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Offline Luis Dias

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Poe's law in action.


Offline Mika

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Yeah, that scene explicitly says "Luke tried to train new Jedi, failed, and then went off to find the original Jedi temple".

It actually doesn't say he became a hermit and ran away, but instead went to search for more information, possibly trying to determine where he failed. Now a little disclaimer would be in order: I don't find Luke failing in the Jedi school teaching very far fetched for the character. It's the handling of the failure after discovering the Jedi temple that's out of character.

Wrong again. JJ Abrams collaborated with Rian Johnson on the plot line for TLJ during its development. If none of JJ Abrams ideas for the contents of his mystery boxes made it into the final film that suggests that

a) He flat out refused to explain them to Rian even though they had extensive discussions during which he explained his vision of the 2nd film.
b) He knew the answers to the questions and asked Rian to leave them for the 3rd film.
c) Rian Johnson or Johnson AND Abrams decided that his ideas weren't that good and came up with better ones.
d) He had no idea how to deal with those hooks in the first place.

The fact that Rian complained that no one knew the backstory (and notice he complained about no one knowing it, not that he didn't have access to it!) means that d) is the most likely. In which case this is 100% JJ Abrams fault for introducing plot points he didn't understand. Next most likely is b) but even there, the fault still lies with JJ Abrams. You can't complain that Rian didn't reveal secrets if he was deliberately forbidden to by Abrams. If you want to blame Rian Johnson for TLJ you're going to have to prove that c) happened and that JJ Abrams disagrees with Rian's changes. Good luck!

The funny thing is you are acting like Rian destroyed all chance of their being answers to these questions. That's nonsense. Several of JJ Abrams mystery boxes are still left unopened. Luke's Lightsaber's origins. Whether Rey really was the child of nobodies or if Ren simply lied. Lots of mysteries left. And JJ Abrams is up next. So how about waiting to judge how good the answers to JJ Abrams mysteries are for when you see JJ Abrams try to answer them? If he can't do a good job himself, then it becomes even more unfair to complain at someone else not doing a good job.

It depends on how one takes Rian saying no-one knew the backstory. I take that as it wasn't explicitly known by even JJ Abrams or Disney. I can see this kind of situation arising when a Star Wars trilogy is being planned by Disney for the first time. It is well possible that JJ Abrams' contract didn't state anything about him creating the backstory. It will be interesting to hear if JJ Abrams says anything about this during the time he directs Episode 9.

Regarding the four choices, it's also possible Rian managed to convince JJ Abrams out of his ideas, leading him to think his were better. That's another way to think about it. However, this doesn't mean Abrams didn't have ideas, but that Johnson had ideas that sounded better on paper, the key word being "sounded". Further commentary about Johnson from Hamill and also Disney seems to indicate he is easy to work with. This is not necessarily a good thing in director, as it can also signify he is open for all sorts of ideas and may not have a very strong vision of where he wants to take things. It's kind of funny that the episodes that were mostly defined by the cast and the staff arguing most with the director (Ep. 4-6) turned out to be the best. Kubrick and Verhoeven are notorious, but are pretty consistent in getting good stuff out.

Further cases of series that I have never watched would indicate that Abrams has a habit of adding complexities to the plot, so that does weigh the scales against Abrams.

Rian didn't destroy all the mysteries, that's true. But he sure wiped out most of the interesting ones. The open ones I don't particularly care about due to Johnson's failure of advancing the character development in Episode 8. I had to check some of the key moments from the OT to check if it all was just nostalgia, but in my case it's really not. The older movies still manage to pull the most convincing and impressive Yoda. Without any CGI fighting.

I'd pay actual money to see that clip.

Where's the Kickstarter for that?  :lol: For what it sounds like, the closest thing available to that is Kung Fury. If you haven't already seen it, except overtly cheesy and hilarious good bad movie.
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Offline karajorma

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Oh come on, it's pretty obvious that you're really desperately trying to blame Rian Johnson for stuff that isn't his fault. JJ Abrams has a track record of introducing mysteries to films when he has no idea how to solve them. Why are you trying to claim that he didn't do it here when there is ample proof that he did?

Further commentary about Johnson from Hamill and also Disney seems to indicate he is easy to work with. This is not necessarily a good thing in director, as it can also signify he is open for all sorts of ideas and may not have a very strong vision of where he wants to take things. It's kind of funny that the episodes that were mostly defined by the cast and the staff arguing most with the director (Ep. 4-6) turned out to be the best. Kubrick and Verhoeven are notorious, but are pretty consistent in getting good stuff out.

You know who else famously have reputations for being easy to work with? Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, & The Coen Brothers. So I'm calling bull**** on your claim that easy to work with means no clear vision of a film. You're trying to extrapolate a simple comment into an entire argument just so that you can blame Rian Johnson for what are obviously problems introduced by JJ Abrams. I don't really see much point in arguing with someone who's going to do that. It's only a short step from this kind of nonsense to arguing you are correct cause moon dragons told you.
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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
It depends on how one takes Rian saying no-one knew the backstory. I take that as it wasn't explicitly known by even JJ Abrams or Disney. I can see this kind of situation arising when a Star Wars trilogy is being planned by Disney for the first time. It is well possible that JJ Abrams' contract didn't state anything about him creating the backstory. It will be interesting to hear if JJ Abrams says anything about this during the time he directs Episode 9.

So, on the one hand, we have JJ Abrams. A director who openly admits that he likes setting up mysteries, but isn't interested in resolving them.
On the other, we have Rian Johnson saying that JJ Abrams set up a bunch of mysteries with no resolution planned in advance.

And you're still saying that it's Johnson's fault?

Also, wow, you are really reaching here. Disney, after acquiring Marvel and their track record of building a universe using planning across multiple films and genres, has no idea how to structure a trilogy?

Regarding the four choices, it's also possible Rian managed to convince JJ Abrams out of his ideas, leading him to think his were better. That's another way to think about it. However, this doesn't mean Abrams didn't have ideas, but that Johnson had ideas that sounded better on paper, the key word being "sounded". Further commentary about Johnson from Hamill and also Disney seems to indicate he is easy to work with. This is not necessarily a good thing in director, as it can also signify he is open for all sorts of ideas and may not have a very strong vision of where he wants to take things. It's kind of funny that the episodes that were mostly defined by the cast and the staff arguing most with the director (Ep. 4-6) turned out to be the best. Kubrick and Verhoeven are notorious, but are pretty consistent in getting good stuff out.

For all your talk about how successful you are at your company, please let me know which company that is so I can avoid having to deal with them in any way. A director being "difficult to work with" isn't an indicator of quality. Tommy Wiseau is really difficult, and the worst. Spielberg isn't, and makes really good movies. Is a manager who's difficult to work with automatically a good manager? No. Is a manager who's easy to work with a spineless pushover? No.

Further cases of series that I have never watched would indicate that Abrams has a habit of adding complexities to the plot, so that does weigh the scales against Abrams.

You really should.

Rian didn't destroy all the mysteries, that's true. But he sure wiped out most of the interesting ones. The open ones I don't particularly care about due to Johnson's failure of advancing the character development in Episode 8. I had to check some of the key moments from the OT to check if it all was just nostalgia, but in my case it's really not. The older movies still manage to pull the most convincing and impressive Yoda. Without any CGI fighting.

Right. TLJ "fails to advance character development". In a movie that has all of its main cast go through substantial character development.
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There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
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Offline Luis Dias

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
You could argue that Rey goes nowhere, or at least finds she's a nobody.

Incredibly enough, I've seen lots of "fans" who were really hurt by this reveal, because they actually expected she was part of the royalty or whatever. The amount of youtube titles shredding the movie I've seen the past weeks are just amazing. It's like an industry of itself.


Offline karajorma

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Basically a lot of people are pissed off that they spent ages trying to figure out who Rey and Snoke were and when they didn't get their answers they got mad at Rian Johnson rather than blaming the people who set the unsolvable puzzles in the first place. Mika's doing the exact same thing.

The saddest thing about the whole raft of complaints is that we have an FS3 like situation. No answer to those mysteries was going to as good as the fan theories. They couldn't possibly be. The fans had two years to come up with answers and weren't constrained by what they could make actually fit into a film's narrative structure. I saw a fan theory that said that Snoke should have turned out to be Darth Plagueis the Wise. How would you introduce that fact in the film and in what way would it add any value to the film to know it? Same goes for Rey. Unless we have some bull**** reason why she's Luke or Leia's child why would we give a damn about who her parents were? How would it make it a better film to have some link to the past in her heritage?
« Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 10:53:23 am by karajorma »
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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I like that Rey parents are nobodies. Any other conclusion would be a combination of a less shocking "I am your father" reveal and an even further focus on inheritance and bloodlines, or to put it another way: Making the entire universe revolve around Anakin again. If anything, the revelation is an important one for Rey: It doesn't matter who your parents are, it matters who you are (you know, basic morals :P ). I also quite like how this is shocking to a lot of people, which Rey having been related to the Skywalkers in some ways definitely would not have been.

Here's some more articles: David Roberts on Vox argues that The Last Jedi didn't go far enough. One of interesting tidbits linked is How fans reacted to the Empire Strikes Back. It was divisive!


Offline Aesaar

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Rey's parents being nobodies fits perfectly within the themes of the movie: that you need to let go of the past to move forward.  It doesn't matter who her parents are, and her obsessing over her parents is one of the things that held her back.

If JJ decides that Kylo Ren was lying and Rey's parents were important, it would cheapen her character development and this movie so much.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 07:31:09 pm by Aesaar »


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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Rey's parents being nobodies fits perfectly within the themes of the movie: that you need to let go of the past to move forward.  It doesn't matter who her parents are, and her obsessing over her parents is one of the things that held her back.

If JJ decides than Kylo Ren was lying and Rey's parents were important, it would cheapen her character development and this movie so much.

Preach it.

Rey's entire baggage is premised on the fact that she's "waiting for her family to come back."  Except they're aren't coming back - and it's for a perfectly normal tragic reason which she needs to overcome, not some epic universe-shaking reason that will conveniently make her "important."  This was the absolute best thing they could have done with her backstory.  The revelation that Rey is a nobody who also happens to be an extremely powerful natural Force user helps turn the mythological reverence afforded to the Jedi (particularly by some members of the fanbase) on its head.  The Jedi are just people; flawed people who tried to be better, and ultimately failed at that because they got too wrapped up in their own affairs and hubris.
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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The four-dimensional hall of dark side mirrors also telegraphed that reveal very well, I thought. It basically culminates in a classic JJ Abrams carrot-on-a-string manoeuvre, making it look like it chickened out of the reveal, but in fact it told you everything there is to know about Rey's parents right there.
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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Subject change, AKA On To Mysteries We're Still Left With: If Luke was training the next generation of Jedi, what happened to the rest of the trainees? Are they the knights of Ren? Or at least, the ones who didn't oppose Kylo's actions? Perhaps the Jedi Academy was named the Ren Jedi Academy or something.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2018, 03:11:13 am by Sandwich »
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"...The quintessential quality of our age is that of dreams coming true. Just think of it. For centuries we have dreamt of flying; recently we made that come true: we have always hankered for speed; now we have speeds greater than we can stand: we wanted to speak to far parts of the Earth; we can: we wanted to explore the sea bottom; we have: and so  on, and so on: and, too, we wanted the power to smash our enemies utterly; we have it. If we had truly wanted peace, we should have had that as well. But true peace has never been one of the genuine dreams - we have got little further than preaching against war in order to appease our consciences. The truly wishful dreams, the many-minded dreams are now irresistible - they become facts." - 'The Outward Urge' by John Wyndham

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Offline karajorma

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The movie does cover this very briefly. Some of the trainees followed Kylo Ren, presumably they became the Knights of Ren. The rest were slaughtered.
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Offline Luis Dias

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The four-dimensional hall of dark side mirrors also telegraphed that reveal very well, I thought. It basically culminates in a classic JJ Abrams carrot-on-a-string manoeuvre, making it look like it chickened out of the reveal, but in fact it told you everything there is to know about Rey's parents right there.

and I have to agree with Bob with how funny it was that Luke was so ****ing scared of this place, when it only has a mirror.


Offline Mika

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi

So, on the one hand, we have JJ Abrams. A director who openly admits that he likes setting up mysteries, but isn't interested in resolving them.
On the other, we have Rian Johnson saying that JJ Abrams set up a bunch of mysteries with no resolution planned in advance.

And you're still saying that it's Johnson's fault?

Abrams set up the plot devices, that's true. But to say they are unresolvable or unworkable is not - Johnson just gave up in trying or working around them. But I think that's going to be bad from the point of view of his customer (who likely is only now starting to realize what's happened), and any explanation for at least some of the points would have been received better by the general audience than just ending them up. It's Johnson's decisions that make the movie look like a mess, and I've already said several times that the story line was still recoverable at the beginning of TLJ. It's certainly not that any more. I personally didn't think TFA was a particularly good movie, left me with the feeling alright, I see what you're doing but let's see where you headed next. Pretty much the only reason I came to see TLJ were the plot hooks and the old cast. There's no reason to see Episode 9 any longer.

Also, wow, you are really reaching here. Disney, after acquiring Marvel and their track record of building a universe using planning across multiple films and genres, has no idea how to structure a trilogy?

Ever heard of management level screw-ups such as Ratner effect and Osbourne effect? Or Elop effect that's both of them together? Remember that Marvel universe is already written and Disney hasn't changed much there. With Star Wars, well, EU and all that... Especially with a recent acquisition of Lucas Films, I really don't find it difficult to believe Disney insisted on making movies with a quicker pace and at the same time cancelled the EU stories. This leaves the first director hanging and also with not a lot of time to write any compelling backstories as you'll have to write the plot to the movie as well. That is how you end up recycling ANH. This is how I read what you said about Johnson's comment - he said no-body, which I took to include also Disney. Finding the article where he said that might make me think differently.

For all your talk about how successful you are at your company, please let me know which company that is so I can avoid having to deal with them in any way. A director being "difficult to work with" isn't an indicator of quality. Tommy Wiseau is really difficult, and the worst. Spielberg isn't, and makes really good movies. Is a manager who's difficult to work with automatically a good manager? No. Is a manager who's easy to work with a spineless pushover? No.

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
That's just so brilliant that I may have to put that in a frame in my office!

You haven't been in a lot of company to company negotiations, have you? If you had, you'd probably know that what you are saying would break one of the earliest clauses in the mutual company to company or employer to employee contracts. And unlike certain directors, I honor my contracts and put my customer's advantage first. So how about a resounding NO?

What I did was providing an alternate explanation for why the movie is a mess also from the cutting perspective. That's because the director has allowed all sorts of ideas to be included in his vision. I find it hard to believe the Canto Bight animal rights (ignoring slave kids) is particularly Johnson's idea, or the Porgs in the Millennium Falcon. Or Chewbacca going vegan in a particularly jarring scene that NO bird actually does. These are likely coming directly from Disney.

The point is, until you have worked under a weak director, you don't see through the signs of him mishandling stuff. With Johnson here, I'm seeing enough inconsistency that could indicate he isn't a particularly visionary guy and is instead a yes-man, so I'm saying it out. You are right to criticize that, since I can't provide direct evidence. But it's risk I'm willing to accept.

Right. TLJ "fails to advance character development". In a movie that has all of its main cast go through substantial character development.

Here I disagree. The only person who changed was Luke, and that's... let's say just a story of its own. Disclaimer: I don't see death as a particularly good character development. I mean sure, it's something new, but also a bit... abrupt.

Basically a lot of people are pissed off that they spent ages trying to figure out who Rey and Snoke were and when they didn't get their answers they got mad at Rian Johnson rather than blaming the people who set the unsolvable puzzles in the first place. Mika's doing the exact same thing. 

Are you calling me out on being also a Star Wars fan? No, I haven't spend a single second thinking who Snoke and Rey were between TFA and TLJ, I really do have other stuff to do.

What do you mean by "unsolvable puzzles"? If Johnson was going to ignore something, parts of those "unsolvable" puzzles would have been a far more safer option than ignoring the character development in the original trilogy.

Also, found this gem from the depths of the internjet
Episode XI Attack of the Orphans

After space crawl explaining how the galaxy is on the verge of progressive enlightenment, the scene shifts to the Melenium Falcon drifting in space.

  • Inside the falcon, the remaining 10 members of the resistance are passing judgment on Chewbacca, who has been accused of an found guilty of killing and attempting to consume a sentient being. For his crime, Chewbacca is flushed into the vacuum of space. Unfortunately, he does not have the force to save him.
  • C3-PO and R2-D2 are the only two who object to the verdict and are immediately destroyed and used to construct a much needed second bathroom in the falcon (a quick vote also officially changes the name of the falcon the the "Millennial Falcon").
  • General Liea gives everyone remaining a participation trophy then quietly disappears down the hallway of ship, never to been seen again. (see I removed the last pieces of the saga in the first ten minutes)
  • Rey takes command and using her new godlike (excuse me, godess like) force powers, force projects the Millennial Falcon back to Jakku.
  • After arriving at Jakku, Rey renames the Resistance, Tolerance (with a upper T). Tolerance beings to enforce strong environmental regulations to combat global warming.
  • Soon after taking control of the planet, Rey finds Poe guilty of overly manly thoughts and must decide of getting a sex change, so he can better understand of plight of an oppressed female or Poe must work 25 years of hard labor in an environmental work camp. Poe chooses the latter.
  • Because of his status of a minority, Finn is allowed to remain with Tolerance but must never speak or have any thoughts of his own.
  • Rose realizes she is actually in love with Rey and only had feelings for Finn because of society peer pressure.
  • meanwhile Kylo is still stuck at the abandoned rebel base that Tolerance escaped from. Since the only female in the First Order was killed off, frustration mounds as all the white males remaining in the First Order do not have enough intelligence to figure out how to leave the planet.
  • Hex, in a sudden flash of brilliance, advises Kylo to order all remaining First Order personnel to refer to themselves as gender fluid.
  • After Kylo gives the order (known as order #metoto) he contacts Rey on Forcetime with news of his/her revelation. Delighted that Kylo has enlightened himself, Rey orders Uber for all First Order forces and they travel to Jakku to meet with Tolerance.
  • After Kylo and Rey meet at Jakku, force ghost Luke Skywalker appears to both of them. Luke wants to finally impart with final wisdom of the force to them.
  • Incensed by Luke's remark that he somehow can so a Millennial anything, Rey convicts Luke of white privilege and sentences him to imprisonment. In a shocking twist, and surprise cameo, the new ghostbusters appear and suck force ghost Luke into a trap and he his never seen again.
  • The movies ends with the entire remaining cast holding hands and singing "We Are the World" and dancing around a large fire pit with anything remotely Star Wars burning intensely.

The funny thing is, I could actually see myself paying money to see that :lol: Particularly the Ghost busters and Force Ghosts.  :lol:
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Offline karajorma

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Are you calling me out on being also a Star Wars fan? No, I haven't spend a single second thinking who Snoke and Rey were between TFA and TLJ, I really do have other stuff to do.

And yet you've posted answer upon answer on this page trying to blame Rian Johnson for JJ Abrams faults? Perhaps thinking about who Snoke and Rey were would have been a better use of your time.

What do you mean by "unsolvable puzzles"? If Johnson was going to ignore something, parts of those "unsolvable" puzzles would have been a far more safer option than ignoring the character development in the original trilogy.

Unsolvable in that there is no satisfying answer to them. I challenge you to come up with an answer for who Snoke is that would have added anything to film number 8. As for your continued claims of lack of character development, chanting it like a mantra does not make it true. The problem that people are complaining about in the film is that Luke's character developed in a direction they didn't like. If you're going to keep claiming that Luke's character didn't develop at all, then you're only proving that you have no idea what the words character development mean.
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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Let's see, what was the character development for the main cast.

Rey: learns that being a Jedi doesn't mean being a Jedi fangirl. That she has to make her own decisions and her own name and that she can't rely on Luke or her parents to make her important in the grand scheme of things.

Finn: has to come to terms with being a part of the resistance and that looking out for yourself and your loved ones exclusively is not enough, not in the face of something like the Empire.

Poe: learns that heroics have their place, but not when they lead to pyrrhic victories.

That's just the heroes, of course. Kylo Ren also has his own arc, and in every case, these characters make decisions over the course of the film that they wouldn't have been able to make at the film's start.

I am curious now, though. What do you think character development is, Mika?
If I'm just aching this can't go on
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There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline Lorric

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Millennial Falcon


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Abrams set up the plot devices, that's true. But to say they are unresolvable or unworkable is not - Johnson just gave up in trying or working around them. But I think that's going to be bad from the point of view of his customer (who likely is only now starting to realize what's happened), and any explanation for at least some of the points would have been received better by the general audience than just ending them up. It's Johnson's decisions that make the movie look like a mess, and I've already said several times that the story line was still recoverable at the beginning of TLJ. It's certainly not that any more. I personally didn't think TFA was a particularly good movie, left me with the feeling alright, I see what you're doing but let's see where you headed next. Pretty much the only reason I came to see TLJ were the plot hooks and the old cast. There's no reason to see Episode 9 any longer.

I sympathise with the feeling, just not the reason given in the first few sentences. It's not that they are "unresolvable" or "unworkable", it's that they were **** and correctly dismissed. For all the faults in TLJ, I actually admire what it set out to do with what it came before it. To me, that's the strenght of the movie, not its "downfall" or whatever.

But I do sympathise with the general feeling that there's very "little" to go on from here, I just don't agree with it. When the new trailers for IX come out, everyone's going to be incredibly psyched to know more and see it. Again.

What I did was providing an alternate explanation for why the movie is a mess also from the cutting perspective. That's because the director has allowed all sorts of ideas to be included in his vision. I find it hard to believe the Canto Bight animal rights (ignoring slave kids) is particularly Johnson's idea, or the Porgs in the Millennium Falcon. Or Chewbacca going vegan in a particularly jarring scene that NO bird actually does. These are likely coming directly from Disney.

I disagree completely with you here. It's obvious what the Finn / Rosie arc is about, i.e., establishing the real difference between the light (rebels / resistance) and dark (empire / first order), after mudding up the waters with a story on how "everyone's the same **** anyway". It got sidetracked by a lot of little irrelevant plot twists and mini arcs that distracted and subtracted from that main point, which would have been very poignant for Finn, especially. I'd be more ready to blame Disney for that Phasma last encounter than the whole casino arc.

The Porgs were already discussed about. These were very clever work arounds over a proteced species that they couldn't move or touch while filming in a protected island. They are cute and fun, and whomever is against them has terrible taste, it's scientific fact.

The point is, until you have worked under a weak director, you don't see through the signs of him mishandling stuff. With Johnson here, I'm seeing enough inconsistency that could indicate he isn't a particularly visionary guy and is instead a yes-man, so I'm saying it out. You are right to criticize that, since I can't provide direct evidence. But it's risk I'm willing to accept.

There's some truth to this, namely that he couldn't manage all the little things that went into the movie in a more coherent, satisfying whole. This is no argument to whether if the guy has a "vision" or not. Those are absolutely separate things!

Here I disagree. The only person who changed was Luke, and that's... let's say just a story of its own. Disclaimer: I don't see death as a particularly good character development. I mean sure, it's something new, but also a bit... abrupt.

It's also traditional in Star Wars so wtf are you banging about here. Poe goes through character development, hell even Finn goes through one, trying to flee at the beggining, learning why he's fighting, and then at the end learning that he's not here just to fight, etc. Kylo Ren goes through the hell of an arc, why would anyone ignore this is beyond me, and Rey herself learns to go on despite knowing she's a nobody.

And here you are, denying all of this. It's like you failed to watch the movie itself.

Also, found this gem from the depths of the internjet

Episode XI Attack of the Orphans

Is any of that supposed to be funny, other than to mock the whole anti-fem cottage industry lack of humour?

I get it, crybabies despise Star Wars because it was "feminist propaganda". No ****, I've just listened to one of these crybabies telling me that TFA amped up all of their women, "even Leia is a general now". Everything they say is stupid like that. I miss the good ol days back at TFA's release when that kind of crap was laughed out of our conversation very swiftly. Now, it's "fashionable". **** these morons.


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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Yeah. I keep hearing how the biggest problem with Laura Dern's character was that she had pink hair. I really don't know what to say to that kind of stupidity.
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