Author Topic: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi  (Read 107006 times)

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Don't you then run into a similar issue where somehow Luke can reach Dagobah, train, and then reach Cloud City in the same time span as it takes for the Falcon to just travel straight to Cloud City (interludes aside, but they don't take nearly as long)? If anything, TLJ kinda sidesteps that because there is, as far as I know, nothing that ties Rey's storyline down to a timespan: Rey's story can take months becuase there's nothing in the script that states that it occurs simultaneously to the rebel plot - The Canto Blight plot does suffer from this, however.

Re: The Poe arc: I'd like to point out that Poe's character development arc doesn't end with Poe abandoning the charge on the AT-ATs, but him stopping Finn from saving Luke, and coming to the realization that there's a way out of the cave because Luke obviously got in (even though he's technically wrong, but details :P) - The last words of his arc are not his own, it's Leia telling everyone to follow him.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2018, 11:36:18 am by -Joshua- »


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Don't you then run into a similar issue where somehow Luke can reach Dagobah, train, and then reach Cloud City in the same time span as it takes for the Falcon to just travel straight to Cloud City (interludes aside, but they don't take nearly as long)?

No, because the Falcon doesn't have the hyperspace drive working. This is why they take a huge amount of time to get there, while Luke's X-Wing can basically almost teleport itself. In truth they should take years to get there without FTL (a thing I've always wondered in my childhood), but hey it's Star Wars.

If anything, TLJ kinda sidesteps that because there is, as far as I know, nothing that ties Rey's storyline down to a timespan: Rey's story can take months becuase there's nothing in the script that states that it occurs simultaneously to the rebel plot - The Canto Blight plot does suffer from this, however.

This is correct, I think.

Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
If anything, TLJ kinda sidesteps that because there is, as far as I know, nothing that ties Rey's storyline down to a timespan: Rey's story can take months becuase there's nothing in the script that states that it occurs simultaneously to the rebel plot - The Canto Blight plot does suffer from this, however.

This is correct, I think.
I was thinking about this earlier, but Rey has visions of and communicates with Kylo Ren, while he is with the fleet chasing the Resistance, which could imply both plot lines are somewhat in sync, though with the Force giving visions of things-to-be & so forth, who knows.  :confused:

I'd have to rewatch the movie to get a better grasp of the timeline.


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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I think you guys fail to realize that Star Wars finally gave a nod to relativity and time is flowing much faster for Rey than everyone else, thus allowing her to cram in more training time, before joining everyone in the fleet...'s like the writers went "Hey, they did this in ESB so its fine here!" and simultaneously forgot that we were never explicitly told how long it would take for the Falcon to reach Cloud City, while they basically gave us a Doomsday Clock in TLJ.  Again, sloppy writing, but that is pretty consistent throughout the Resistance/Poe/Finn/Rose arc while the chase is going on.

But seriously, I have always hated how Star Wars treats FTL travel, time scale, and pacing, and the new movies are no different.  Ships and people magically appear when, where, and if necessary and disappear just as bafflingly, while characters in different places appear to experience time in dramatically different ways.  I chalk it up to "Star Wars is a comic book that struggles with internal consistency in all things" and move on.
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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
No, because the Falcon doesn't have the hyperspace drive working.

I wanted to rebuke that by saying taht they seemed to have fixed that but then I realized that I am getting hung up on details in a drama film this is probably bad.


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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
No, because the Falcon doesn't have the hyperspace drive working.

I wanted to rebuke that by saying taht they seemed to have fixed that but then I realized that I am getting hung up on details in a drama film this is probably bad.

Well, that brought up an interesting point: who fixed it? Did Lando's guys fix it as promised, and then one of Vader's guys just sneaked onboard and disabled it just in case? I'm not sure if I've ever thought of that before. The hyperdrive was broken, that's why they went to Bespin in the first place. Lando's people were supposed to fix it. Yet the hyperdrive didn't work in the end; they thought that was because it hadn't been fixed as Lando trusted it to have been fixed, but it actually had been fixed and didn't work only because it had been specifically disabled, so it worked after R2-D2 re-enabled it. :eek:

I guess that's not an inconsistency as such since it's easy to imagine how and why it would go like that, but still.

EDIT: On second though, duh, the dialogue specifically points out that Piett's men deactivated it.

Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I probably should watch Empire again.


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I never thought there was any doubt about this point in Empire. Falcon's hyperdrive was not working. They go to Bespin. Solo says this to Lando, "the hyperdrive is not working", "My men will fix it don't worry" he answers, or something to that effect.

His men fix it. Lando himself is bummed when he tries to jump the Falcon while escaping cloud city at the end of the movie. "They told me they fixed it! It's not my fault!" he shouts. R2D2 is the one who knows the empire sabotaged the hyperspace motivator because it had had access previously in Bespin to this fact. C3PO: "The City's central computer told you? R2-D2, you know better than to trust a strange computer."

R2 corrects this and they suddenly jump.


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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Anyone have issues with del toros character and the fact he had access keys to the first order flagship / shield handwavium on a fricking fob?
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Offline Luis Dias

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
That whole little arc was the weakest link in the whole movie, from that moment until he betrays them. I had none of that ****.


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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I thought the Finn/Rose/DJ plot arc was one of the better part of the film. Was it squeezed into the film that was already trying too much? Sure, but that's a greater fault of the overall directing and writing to put so much in so little time. Personally, I would have been OK with that whole plot being made into its own film like Rogue One.

It was definitely contrived but not anymore than the rest of the film. In terms of characters, Finn sees a lot of character development over that arc. Rose is a bit more flat, but she's the foil to Finn, serving to give him a reason to fight. Then toss in DJ whose loose allegiance adds a much needed shade of gray into the universe. Are we suppose to believe that every rogue has a heart of gold and will fight for the Resistance/Rebellion/Republic?

I was half expecting the First Order to execute DJ but was very glad they didn't. The Empire and First Order aren't supposed to be evil for the sake of being evil. I thought it was a very poor portrayal in some of the earlier films where the Empire kills the Trade Federation leaders for seemingly no real purpose other than to show how evil they were. The whole arc demonstrates the resourcefulness and fairness of the First Order as a regime and why people in the Universe would actually agree to having them around. It demonstrates the prudence of DJ, who while empathetic to Rose and Finn (going so far as to giving back Rose her necklace), is ultimately a pragmatic individual. It demonstrates that placing your trust in strangers, a reoccurring theme in the films, is a dangerous decision, something that's never really shown in the films. I hope this is the last we see of DJ because I don't want them to turn him into yet another rogue with a heart of gold (i.e. Solo, Lando) or to make him into somekind of villain, which is not the purpose of his character.

If it had been its own film, I would put it alongside Rogue One, forming a sort of anthology series that explores what kind of people inhabit the universe.


Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I thought the Finn/Rose/DJ plot arc was one of the better part of the film. Was it squeezed into the film that was already trying too much? Sure, but that's a greater fault of the overall directing and writing to put so much in so little time. Personally, I would have been OK with that whole plot being made into its own film like Rogue One.

It was definitely contrived but not anymore than the rest of the film. In terms of characters, Finn sees a lot of character development over that arc. Rose is a bit more flat, but she's the foil to Finn, serving to give him a reason to fight. Then toss in DJ whose loose allegiance adds a much needed shade of gray into the universe. Are we suppose to believe that every rogue has a heart of gold and will fight for the Resistance/Rebellion/Republic?

I was half expecting the First Order to execute DJ but was very glad they didn't. The Empire and First Order aren't supposed to be evil for the sake of being evil. I thought it was a very poor portrayal in some of the earlier films where the Empire kills the Trade Federation leaders for seemingly no real purpose other than to show how evil they were. The whole arc demonstrates the resourcefulness and fairness of the First Order as a regime and why people in the Universe would actually agree to having them around. It demonstrates the prudence of DJ, who while empathetic to Rose and Finn (going so far as to giving back Rose her necklace), is ultimately a pragmatic individual. It demonstrates that placing your trust in strangers, a reoccurring theme in the films, is a dangerous decision, something that's never really shown in the films. I hope this is the last we see of DJ because I don't want them to turn him into yet another rogue with a heart of gold (i.e. Solo, Lando) or to make him into somekind of villain, which is not the purpose of his character.

If it had been its own film, I would put it alongside Rogue One, forming a sort of anthology series that explores what kind of people inhabit the universe.

The separatist leaders were killed because they were the only ones that knew the Sith were involved in the whole thing, remember that the separatists were talking directly to Sidious in epI so there was a possibility, however remote it would be, that one of them could connect the dots together and possibly show the cracks in the official version of how the empire came to be.
Also keep in mind that rather than being evil for the sake of evil the trouble is that both empire and first order are basically built on Sith philosophies, and while they do not exclude playing fair sometimes, it's a doctrine that is basically social darwinism at its worst with a strong slant of "might makes right" wjich leads to a lot of acts that seem gratuitous but are perfectly coherent in their twisted view of the universe.
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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Both blow up inhabited planets without warning.


Offline Sushi

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I always assumed Luke's training with Yoda actually took weeks slash months. The MF took forever to reach cloud city. You can see it by the way Han and Leia's relationship completely changes from the asteroid belt to cloud city. That isn't a couple days' worth of development.

Yeah in ESB the timeline is intentionally very vague. I wish they'd done the same for TLJ, rather than giving specific "we have X hours left" updates.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Both blow up inhabited planets without warning.

[sidious] Something something something dark side.............[/sidious]
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Anyone have issues with del toros character and the fact he had access keys to the first order flagship / shield handwavium on a fricking fob?

Just typical hollywood hacking.  It maybe stretches believability for sure but at same time, well R2D2 hacked the Death Star and hacked Bespin city and was in the midst of hacking an Endor bunker so . . . and the little trashcan doesn't even specialize in hacking, it's not his function.  Not to mention the Rebels analyzing the plans for a planet-sized station in a matter of hours.

Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Plus, it's Del Toro, that guy can do everything.

Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Both blow up inhabited planets without warning.

[sidious] Something something something dark side.............[/sidious]

It's Tarkin and Hux that gave the orders for the respective genocides, mind.


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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Should've put Phasma on Canto Bight to recognize + pursue Finn, thus not wasting her character + giving Canto a better tie to the overall story.


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Re: *SPOILER THREAD* Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The Star Wars Sequels : How we repeatedly ****ed up by not doing things we should have with Captain Phasma.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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