Author Topic: Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU  (Read 48153 times)

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Offline Thor

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Geeze, I go away for a few days and I come back to confusion.

I too thought of what to do with all that space left in the ship table.  My best idea would be to have more GTA and PVN ships.  older ones phased out by the time of FS1.  I did like the idea of mercs, but they should only have a few, small ships.  Also, if you remeber Esh history of destroyers, There was only one Terran Destroyer, the Orion.  THat means that carrier should either be a battle waggon or a carrier, and seeing how it was designed as a carrier, then let it be a carrier.

Anything else I missed?
I can't believe my profile is still active... member since  July 25, 2002


Offline Solatar

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Yeah, I left it as a carrier. But I did take out those two fighterbays on the side. They are so small a bomber can't get out of them without knocking its hull down to crap.


Offline Thor

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Okay.  Don't forget th GTB Inferno.  It would also fit into the timeline nicely.  Um so, how do all of this look and play?  I still haven't seen it yet.
I can't believe my profile is still active... member since  July 25, 2002


Offline Solatar

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Its looking great. Sorry I couldn' get it up. Anyway Thor, how's our hosting situation going? Now that I know the Admins know about it, I'm not so tempermental about it.

StarGunner ( I think ) is doing a reskin of the Ticonderoga. It will have Fenris style skins like in the pic we saw. Not that paper stuff the guy gave us. I've renamed it, I just can't remember what I renamed it to.:D


Offline Solatar

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Renamed it the GTC Repulse. Also, that carrier ryx gave us is going out. I can't use it. The hanger is so small, the player can't get out of it without dying from a collision. We need a new one. If I have time I will make the two really small hangers on the sides torpedo launchers, and play around with the front and back ones.


Offline Woomeister

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Originally posted by Hades
Renamed it the GTC Repulse. Also, that carrier ryx gave us is going out. I can't use it. The hanger is so small, the player can't get out of it without dying from a collision.

What ships are you using. I was able to get most fighters out of the front except the Vesuvius (which is an upright fighter)
Forget about bombers from that carrier, it's only 1km long. Though the Athena should make it out...

If it's the width that's causing the problem and not the height try moving another path to the back bay.


Offline Thor

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
The admins just keep saying soon.  Thats all I know.  When I get some free time, I'm going to try and create the "upgrade path" for the project.  So I'll need every ship name that you are currentlly using and any description you may have.  I'll also write tech descriptions as well.  Send it by e-mail, and I'll get to work.
I can't believe my profile is still active... member since  July 25, 2002


Offline Solatar

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Okay, I'll try and get something together. I've almost fixed that carrier. Oh yeah, and by the way, StarGunner is officially on the staff. He's done a lot of work. He just sent me a reskin of the carrier that uses Orion textures. Looks ( No offense Ryx ) a lot better. I'm having trouble deciding. Anyway, as soon as I get this thing up, we can play around with it, and then start FREDing.

EDIT: The carrier is fixed, I just used modelview32 to move the fighterbay subsystems a little farther out. Not sure if it will 100% work though. The Apollo won't make it out, nothing will make it out of those two side hangers.


Offline Thor

  • Captain of the GTD Sparta
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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Hey, how about we find one of those online harddrives, a free one.  We could then stick things there, and download them.  Just came to mind right now.

By the way, Hello StarGunner.
I can't believe my profile is still active... member since  July 25, 2002


Offline Solatar

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
I think they all cost money though.

EDIT: Oh yeah. I'm talking to UNKNOWN TARGET right now, he wants to help. I think he might be doing some weapons for us.


Offline Thor

  • Captain of the GTD Sparta
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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
How about this?

It is only 40mb, but that's forty more than we have now.

I'm going to have to upgrade the site again aren't I.
I can't believe my profile is still active... member since  July 25, 2002


Offline Solatar

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
I can't get it to work.


Offline Solatar

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Sorry, but your application could not be completed due to an unspecified error.  Please try your request again.  If the problem persists, please email [email protected] to report the problem.

That stinks. I'll do a search and try and find something.


Offline Solatar

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Okay, I found something. it should be up today, hopefully. The Free trial period is only thirty days. You have thirty days to download it. Once the project has it's hosting complete ( Just talked to Shrike, the e-mail has either already been sent, or is ready to go ) you can get at it for as long as you want.


Offline Solatar

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Never mind. There is a 2mb limit on uploads. Even though it gives you 50 megs. Anyway, here are the exact file version for the version I'm releasing.

TVWar_Data.vp --  41.7MB

TVWar_Music.vp -- 36.9MB

They are both in seperate .zips. Small as I could get them. Sorry I can't get it to you. You guys have been waiting for a couple months. Well, every day you didn't have it, it got better.


Offline Thor

  • Captain of the GTD Sparta
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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
:( :( :( :(

Oh well, I can wait a bit longer.
I can't believe my profile is still active... member since  July 25, 2002


Offline Solatar

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Yeah, well, I'm about to blow. Let's see, I have The Sands Of Normadny converted. Music and all.


Offline Thor

  • Captain of the GTD Sparta
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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Hey, what's going on with the Tico/Repulse?  IS it done yet?
I can't believe my profile is still active... member since  July 25, 2002


Offline Woomeister

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Originally posted by Thor
Hey, what's going on with the Tico/Repulse?  IS it done yet?

If you mean the mapping and conversion then yeah it was done a few days ago.


Offline Solatar

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Recruiting for the t/v war. We want YOU
Repulse will be out in a few days, just have to do a few experiments with weapons. Carrier by Ryx is fixed so we'll use it; well, we'll use the model. It has been reskinned with Orion textures and redesignated the GTCa Pleides.
We have a station, the GTI Minotaur that came from the Inferno site ( It was from aldo's model dump, somebody finished it. I'm going to findout who, and put them in the credits. ). I think aldo's cutter that he gave us will be the GTC Piranha. I might find some different textures for it though.
The repulse is designated a cruiser, but I might have fs2 recognize it as a corvette, then call it either a GTBc (Battlecruiser) or just leave it as GTC.