Author Topic: Voice Actor/Over looking for work  (Read 14449 times)

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Voice Actor/Over looking for work
Hey guys,

My brother helped me rediscover Freespace and in turn this forum. He told me that there were always people looking for voice over talents. I'm trying ferociously to get into the VA/VO industry and I'm looking for anything and everything to add to my showreel. Obviously, I'd love it to be something I'm more passionate about and Freespace holds a special place in mine and my brothers heart.

I'm going through Voice over lessons and tutoring, predominantly adverts because I got to start somewhere and get paid to do it, but VA is the long term goal, whether it be in animations/cartoons and games.

I'd like to offer myself to anyone who is in need of dialogue. The more experience I get the better for me, and of course you get a voice clip in return. One liners, breifings, generally anything.

I'm 29, roles given are between 20-40. Soft London accent, but a more neutral English. Exaggerated American or Aussie accent possible, but how genuine that might feel will depend on the listener.

Please feel free to ping me a message.

If you'd like me to read some of the lines from the game as an example, please feel free to post them and I can always put up a file for you to check out.

Thanks for your time.

P.S I wanted to put this in the VA talent forum, but it seemed like a pretty dead place and was worried it wouldn't garnish any attention. Sorry in advance if I'm breaking any rules by doing this. 

« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 12:58:24 pm by Darius »


Offline HLD_Prophecy

  • PVD_Hope in a former life
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Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work
Hi! Nice to know you're trying to get work in an area you're passionate about! Best of luck.

Could you do a soft, deep, whisper voice for about ten short lines? And then give me permission to edit that voice with increased echo/reverb?  ;) I'd like to get this ethereal cosmic entity type voice.


Offline Mito [PL]

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Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work
Blue Planet board isn't actually such a bad guess, since BP: War in Heaven Act 3 has got no voice acting whatsoever and BP dev team besides having community help actually had to hire voice actors for real money for acts 1 and 2 and Age of Aquarius.
How do you kill a hydra?

You starve it to death.

Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work
Hi! Nice to know you're trying to get work in an area you're passionate about! Best of luck.

Could you do a soft, deep, whisper voice for about ten short lines? And then give me permission to edit that voice with increased echo/reverb?  ;) I'd like to get this ethereal cosmic entity type voice.

Sure, that sounds simple enough. Presuming you'd like the files in .WAV?

Anything you'd like me in particular to say? :D

Blue Planet board isn't actually such a bad guess, since BP: War in Heaven Act 3 has got no voice acting whatsoever and BP dev team besides having community help actually had to hire voice actors for real money for acts 1 and 2 and Age of Aquarius.

Ahh, this gets me far too excited than I should ever let myself get. Here's to hoping, fingers crossed!


Offline HLD_Prophecy

  • PVD_Hope in a former life
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Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work
Yes sir, .WAV files would be best. ask for FLAC, you know it to be true I don't want FLAC. WAV is the thing these days. I will not ask for FLAC ever again. I will not ask for FLAC ever again. FLAC is no longer a thing. FLAC is no longer a thing FLAC is the way the way the GOOD way the way of the succumb to the might of w a v. . . . . . . . . . .

uh yeah. WAV please.  ;)  :lol:

I'll PM you the lines at your command! Just say when you're ready.


Offline Darius

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Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work
I think I will move this topic to the VA board as this is a fantastic example of what voice actors can offer the community, and this is a better place for people to stumble upon this. Plus, a quiescent board can only benefit from having more topics in it!

Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work
Yes sir, .WAV files would be best. ask for FLAC, you know it to be true I don't want FLAC. WAV is the thing these days. I will not ask for FLAC ever again. I will not ask for FLAC ever again. FLAC is no longer a thing. FLAC is no longer a thing FLAC is the way the way the GOOD way the way of the succumb to the might of w a v. . . . . . . . . . .

uh yeah. WAV please.  ;)  :lol:

I'll PM you the lines at your command! Just say when you're ready.

Fire away!  :D

I think I will move this topic to the VA board as this is a fantastic example of what voice actors can offer the community, and this is a better place for people to stumble upon this. Plus, a quiescent board can only benefit from having more topics in it!

Gladly willing to contribute. I see this as a win/win situation. I get more content for my showreel and you guys get content for your actual product. Sounds like a no-brainer to me!


Offline HLD_Prophecy

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Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work
Hey Millbear briefly forgot I needed to send you those lines, sorry.  ;)  I will get to that, thing is I don't have them written down so I need to copy them from the mission.

Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work
No worries!

Just ping them through to me whenever you can and I'll get onto it as soon as I can.

It's that time of year again and I've been wacked with a mega cold, so bare with me if it takes a while to get you the audio. Last thing you want is nasally voice and coughs and sniffs...unless you're going for some sort of infection theme...then I'M YOUR GUY RIGHT NOW!


Offline HLD_Prophecy

  • PVD_Hope in a former life
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Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work
No worries!

Just ping them through to me whenever you can and I'll get onto it as soon as I can.

It's that time of year again and I've been wacked with a mega cold, so bare with me if it takes a while to get you the audio. Last thing you want is nasally voice and coughs and sniffs...unless you're going for some sort of infection theme...then I'M YOUR GUY RIGHT NOW!

As a matter of fact my cosmic entity has a common cold. Perfect! :D

Yeah actually it's all good. I hope you feel better soon! :yes: There's no rush on this, the mod has been out for some time now and I was just looking to spice it up with a little VA. The mod is something I cooked up myself, it's called Lost. You can check it out using the link in my signature!

Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work
You should mention that it is quite unconventional, in a positive way. :)

Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work

Hey there guys,

Just figured I'd give an update and a huge thank you to the this community. Also, 10k views? I'm not sure if that's a lot but that feels like alot. <--Edit: I have no idea what this is, but I said "a lot"

My original post back in October helped get me started and whilst getting into the Voice Acting Industry is slow (Rome wasn't built in a day) you have given me some credible work, resources and even payment and I just wanted to say a massive thank you.

You are welcome to check out my profile and I recommend exploring the games mentioned! I'm currently asking HLD_Prophecy about using him as a testimonial but he gave me permission to use the audio in the demo reel anyways so it's definitely in there (spoilers, 3rd clip in - cover your ears if you want to wait for it). Still learning as a I go, so the Demo reel is probably going to seem very "mish mash" but I'll get there.

I'd just like to use this opporunity to say, again, if you need any work or lines spoken then please get in touch. Whilst I'm not very active in the forums, it's great to contribute to a community in one way or another. With the positive feedback I've had from you guys I think I'll start shamelessly plugging myself on other indie forums to hopefully gather even more attention. It certainly seems to be the way forward.

Thanks again and I look forward to helping you out in anyway I can. 


Offline HLD_Prophecy

  • PVD_Hope in a former life
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Re: Voice Actor/Over looking for work
Just wanted to add my voice back to this - getting help from Millbear was an A+ experience. Skilled, polite, and he handled the job as a pro.  :nod: Expect to see his work in the proper updated Lost e v e n t u a l l y  :rolleyes:  :lol: