Author Topic: Freelancer - Original game  (Read 37309 times)

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Offline darkdaej

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Re: Freelancer - Original game

Heh, HOTU still hosts the (cutscene-less) FS2 files?


But at least we're not hosting them directly anymore.  However I think there should be a disclaimer saying we highly recommend you only use those sources if you had a legit copy but lost the discs or they broke or something.

Re: Freelancer - Original game
(it's just the old version of the article)


Offline darkdaej

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Re: Freelancer - Original game
(it's just the old version of the article)

Oh, hadn't noticed in the link.  Thank goodness, lol


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Freelancer - Original game
HLP never hosted the FS2 files directly.

Re: Freelancer - Original game
HLP never hosted *anything* directly.


Offline jr2

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Re: Freelancer - Original game
Yeah but they got removed probably even before it got released on GoG IIRC. So we have to stick with "pls buy this 20yo game that looks good for its age but you never heard of and maybe doesn't even run on your os, so you can use this fancy stuff that looks shiny but you don't know about what it is about either". :doubt:

Yeah I remember a time when Turey's (bad) installer actually hosted the FS2 files.  They got removed before GoG was a thing, IIRC because Interplay set their gaze on us and coughed.

I may be wrong though.

I believe you misspelled wheezed greasily.


Offline darkdaej

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Re: Freelancer - Original game
Yeah but they got removed probably even before it got released on GoG IIRC. So we have to stick with "pls buy this 20yo game that looks good for its age but you never heard of and maybe doesn't even run on your os, so you can use this fancy stuff that looks shiny but you don't know about what it is about either". :doubt:

Yeah I remember a time when Turey's (bad) installer actually hosted the FS2 files.  They got removed before GoG was a thing, IIRC because Interplay set their gaze on us and coughed.

I may be wrong though.

I believe you misspelled wheezed greasily.

Ahh, yes, that's the term I was looking for...


Offline Rico

Re: Freelancer - Original game
HLP never hosted *anything* directly.

I wasn't sure who was doing the hosting, either way my point was that it has already been a precedent to allow linking to abandon-ware which gets removed once the game is on sale again. Since HLP isn't hosting the files we aren't providing the ISO and of course ensure we are clear that piracy is not endorsed; the links are provided until an official means of purchasing becomes available.

Besides I recall Microsoft basically handed the game over to the community when they turned off the MP servers - could have recalled reading they helped the community provide the work around.

For the record I have the game; physical copy - I'd just like to see it available for others online that weren't so lucky to help keep the game alive like HLP has helped keep Freespace alive.


Offline RizZen

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Re: Freelancer - Original game
Anyone who needs a link can pm me...
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Re: Freelancer - Original game
Anyone who needs a link can pm me...

Add that to the Opening Post.


Offline Novachen

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Re: Freelancer - Original game
Well... i think FreeSpace 2 is a different story, because of its EULA issue, what actually allows you to give copies of the game to family, friends and acquaintances.  :D
And we are all one family here on HLP  :rolleyes:

But FreeLancer does not have such kind of suicide EULA  :lol:
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 03:43:04 pm by Novachen »
Female FreeSpace 2 pilot since 1999.
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Is one of my releases broken or not working? Please send a PM here, on Discord at @novachen or on Twitter @NovachenFS2, a public tweet or write a reply in my own release threads here on HLP, because these are the only threads i am still participating in.

Re: Freelancer - Original game
We should make standalone patches for all major mods and throw them at every gaming forum in existence.

On the other hand WoD is such a lovely thing and it's being promoted where?


Offline darkdaej

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Re: Freelancer - Original game
Well... i think FreeSpace 2 is a different story, because of its EULA issue, what actually allows you to give copies of the game to family, friends and acquaintances.  :D
And we are all one family here on HLP  :rolleyes:

But FreeLancer does not have such kind of suicide EULA  :lol:

Wait, you could actually give COPIES to family?  Not YOUR copy, but COPIES?

The lawyer who wrote that EULA is a cretin...


Offline deathspeed

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Re: Freelancer - Original game
That's in the old EULA; it has been superseded.
Maybe someday God will give you a little pink toaster of your own.

Re: Freelancer - Original game
Who would've found out whether you're handing the game to other people as long as you don't share it on the internet?


Offline deathspeed

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Re: Freelancer - Original game
Who would've found out whether you're handing the game to other people as long as you don't share it on the internet?

LOL same as any other game that does not do online authentication i guess.  :)  That's why many games checked for a physical disc even on full installs.  But nearly all commercial games have EULAs prohibiting sharing, or at least not expressly allowing it.  It's still against the terms even if it is virtually impossible to enforce. 

As long as i have been here at HLP the community has taken a hard line against hosting or linking to "unauthorized" means of acquiring content, even during the "dark years" before FS2 became available on GoG or Steam.

Maybe someday God will give you a little pink toaster of your own.

Re: Freelancer - Original game
Perhabs it simply would have needed someone to write the DL links under every single YT video and there would be more people on HLP today.


Offline RizZen

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Re: Freelancer - Original game
Hey i don't have any probs with mods doing their jobs related to copyright content or whatever - but would be nice when you DON'T delete whole romans i have written. It takes much time to write those essays and to me it's really a bad habit - seeing it all got deleted over night - without even a warning.

In my opinion it would have been enough just to take out the links and leave an admin comment... - now my thread topic looks more like a gipsy wrote it - on steroids... more than ever... *grmpfl*

Edit: Actually i'm corresponding with several microsoft workers - but they even don't know about FL in general - yet. I'll keep you informed.

Edit 2: When Microsoft or any other legal right owner lift a finger i would take all content offline - don't worry. I do my thing for free. I do it NOT - to damage game developing organisations reputations neither i wanna damage their financial income in any way. It is a matter of what "point of view" you take... - i don't make a crowdfunging thing - i don't want to enrich myself with my work for Freelancer. The only intentions that led me become a "free" game modder where excitement, my passion and the idea of sharing something for both - poor and rich. In the end of my actions i see only one winner. The owner of Freelancer EULA copyrights. My work keep the game in player's "minds" - it may attract them to play new products in the future. Games like "Star Citizen" (which is actually not more than a beta to me) - will be the winners. The only thing i do is showing companies how I would like to have a game - finished and with working functions - not overloaded with micro-transactions on each corner and fair to be played by anyone. Poor and rich, young and old - doesn't matter. The only thing Freelancers need is "skill" - and effort.
When this is reason to legally offend my work / me in any way i will stop sharing it. Sharing it is just voluntary exercising.

If we can keep it this way i'm happy.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2019, 10:53:48 am by RizZen »
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: Freelancer - Original game

Hey i don't have any probs with mods doing their jobs related to copyright content or whatever - but would be nice when you DON'T delete whole romans i have written. It takes much time to write those essays and to me it's really a bad habit - seeing it all got deleted over night - without even a warning.

Hey, I don't have any problems with members creating content - but it would be nice when you DON'T post links to abandonware.  It takes a lot of time and resources to maintain this site, and to me it's a really bad look seeing those links posted - without even a warning.

See how that works?  We are providing a service to you, not the other way around.

Having said that, recall what I said here that we "still have the original post prior to the edits".  You can see it if you want, though I didn't take out anything more than I had to.

We encourage mod creators and creative projects, and we are all impressed with your initiative and what you have made so far.  But try to avoid stepping on any legal toes while you are doing it.


Offline RizZen

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Re: Freelancer - Original game
Yeah i worked around it. I do not post links to abandonware anymore. Sry for that.

I'm going on with debugging - smt. i obviously can do better than diplomacy. I have although a deep respect for YOUR initiative to give free modders like me a platform to publish. We are one of the last of a kind that is protecting the freedom of information in THIS world. And additionally i was wrong with the "roman" thingy - i found my text blocks later - so i'm although sry for that.

But back to topic: I'm on a good way. The "data infrastructure" of Freelancer gets totally overhauled by me at the moment. The prior reason for that is "anticheat" - i have to implement allot non vanilla material to make the not wanted software that is possibly used by cheaters doesn't work anymore. The minor reason is that the original structure of Freelancer is... - well all in all sorted compared to other games - but you can really see that the team who was developing FL in the past where put into a rush at the end before releasing it 2003. There are many unused, obsolete or unfinished codes and functions. The things that definitely won't be used by the game later will be removed and the existent usable content will be put into an numerical or alphabetical order. That not only makes modding easier in the end - it although stabilizes the whole game.
Actually i bugsolve and do much "design" work. The standalone mod will have a new starting sequence, new main screen & menu - but with vanilla oriented design. The "campaign missions" will be not part of the mod. When you would like to play the original campaign, the original game with widescreen mod for nowadays resolutions is good to use on Windows 10 or below. The modbuilt is designed as open single player and multiplayer mod - only.

« Last Edit: August 29, 2019, 12:37:11 pm by RizZen »
It has become appalingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.

Albert Einstein