Author Topic: What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?  (Read 1507 times)

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Offline CT27

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What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?
The campaign "Destiny Of Peace" ended on a relatively conclusive note but it didn't tie up everything.

After the massive Terran victory in the Battle Of Manda against the Vasudans (2 Typhons, 2 Atens, and a boatload of Vasudan fighters/bombers destroyed in exchange for no Terran capital ship losses and light if any fighter/bomber losses), do you think the Vasudans would accept Terran sovereignty over Mandala Prime (and the Manda system as a whole) or would the war continue?

It's possible the Vasudan extremists who committed espionage against the Terrans through the campaign would want the war to continue or it's also possible they might have been discredited by the revelations about their activities and by the significant military defeat the Vasudans suffered in Manda.

What do you think the Vasudan emperor would do?


Offline AV8R

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Re: What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?
I believe we had a discussion about this before. This was my take:

The Destiny of Peace story could be a fun arc to flesh out. I personally think that the (corrupt) Vasudans politicians who were involved in this situation may have put up a token resistance afterward or made idle threats (considering that this story happened in October of 2335, 4 years before the Vasudan Emperor disbanded their corrupt Parliament). But with remnants of the Shivan fleet around, the HOL still a viable threat and losing 2 capital ships in the Manda engagement, fighting a war on 3 fronts would have been almost suicidal - spreading Vasudan resources so thin that the very survival of the Vasudan race could come into question.

In fact, this massive defeat could have been the very catalyst that eventually lead to the disbanding of the Vasudan Parliament 4 years later. The shady, back room deals that caused the loss of a viable home world and thousands of Vasudan lives, now uncovered, could have been the straw that broke the camel's back for the Vasudan people. Then, after investigations into the rout at Manda revealed the corruption, the public outcry could have forced the Emperor to act.


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Re: What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?
That's actually really cool fanon. :yes:

I always had a big soft spot for Destiny of Peace...probably because it was far better than the canon Silent Threat campaign it was bundled with.


Offline AV8R

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Re: What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?
I agree. While Silent Threat: Reborn may have made the original story a little better, the overall scope of Silent Threat and the ridiculous battle at the end (especially the original where you had to defeat a huge destroyer by yourself while swatting away endless swarms of Lokis) made Silent Threat a disappointment.

Destiny of Peace, even for being as compact as it was, still had an more engaging and, dare I say, more believable story line than Silent Threat did - but its last mission is where it really shined. The final battle sequence was extremely well thought out and entertaining, yet still required a bit of strategy to make sure you minimized Terran losses and the Destiny made it out in one piece.

Best fan campaign ever.  :nod:


Offline CT27

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Re: What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?
I believe we had a discussion about this before. This was my take:

The Destiny of Peace story could be a fun arc to flesh out. I personally think that the (corrupt) Vasudans politicians who were involved in this situation may have put up a token resistance afterward or made idle threats (considering that this story happened in October of 2335, 4 years before the Vasudan Emperor disbanded their corrupt Parliament). But with remnants of the Shivan fleet around, the HOL still a viable threat and losing 2 capital ships in the Manda engagement, fighting a war on 3 fronts would have been almost suicidal - spreading Vasudan resources so thin that the very survival of the Vasudan race could come into question.

In fact, this massive defeat could have been the very catalyst that eventually lead to the disbanding of the Vasudan Parliament 4 years later. The shady, back room deals that caused the loss of a viable home world and thousands of Vasudan lives, now uncovered, could have been the straw that broke the camel's back for the Vasudan people. Then, after investigations into the rout at Manda revealed the corruption, the public outcry could have forced the Emperor to act.

Basically you think the Vasudan emperor would be willing to cede sovereignty of the Manda system to the Terrans to try and prevent a second Terran-Vasudan War?


Offline AV8R

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Re: What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?
Well, the Emperor had no real power until 4 years later when he disbanded the Parliament (he was probably like one of the U.K.'s Monarchs at the time). Even after he took absolute control, there would be no reason to argue about the Manda situation since it was his own chosen leaders' fault that the situation occurred in the first place. Also, what reason would he have to fight the Terrans about Manda when he was trying to foster better relations between the Vasudans and Terrans in the first place? (another reason why the Parliament was disbanded; they didn't want better relations - old wounds from the 14-Year-War).


Offline CT27

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Re: What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?
I also feel that rather than start a new war the Vasudan emperor, Khonsu II, (and other moderate Vasudans) would be willing to swallow their pride and let the Terrans keep Manda in order to try and maintain better relations between Terrans and Vasudans (even before getting absolute power he would probably urge his people to let Terrans keep Manda, since it was Vasudans that caused the situation to flare up as it did)..  I just wanted to confirm that was your opinion as well. 

If the Vasudan emperor was willing to try and let cooler heads prevail, I think the Terrans (being allowed to keep Manda) would be willing to stand down as well and not continue military action...they would feel honor has been satisfied.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2020, 07:10:43 pm by CT27 »


Offline CT27

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Re: What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?
I agree. While Silent Threat: Reborn may have made the original story a little better, the overall scope of Silent Threat and the ridiculous battle at the end (especially the original where you had to defeat a huge destroyer by yourself while swatting away endless swarms of Lokis) made Silent Threat a disappointment.

Destiny of Peace, even for being as compact as it was, still had an more engaging and, dare I say, more believable story line than Silent Threat did - but its last mission is where it really shined. The final battle sequence was extremely well thought out and entertaining, yet still required a bit of strategy to make sure you minimized Terran losses and the Destiny made it out in one piece.

Best fan campaign ever.  :nod:

Who was the creator of Destiny Of Peace?


Offline Su-tehp

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Re: What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?
I agree. While Silent Threat: Reborn may have made the original story a little better, the overall scope of Silent Threat and the ridiculous battle at the end (especially the original where you had to defeat a huge destroyer by yourself while swatting away endless swarms of Lokis) made Silent Threat a disappointment.

Destiny of Peace, even for being as compact as it was, still had an more engaging and, dare I say, more believable story line than Silent Threat did - but its last mission is where it really shined. The final battle sequence was extremely well thought out and entertaining, yet still required a bit of strategy to make sure you minimized Terran losses and the Destiny made it out in one piece.

Best fan campaign ever.  :nod:

Who was the creator of Destiny Of Peace?

According to the Details of The Destiny of Peace on Knossos:

Originally created for Descent: FreeSpace by Justin Mills
Converted to FreeSpace 2 by Selectah using the FreeSpace Port
Additional enhancements by Admiral Nelson

I just installed DoP to see what all the hubbub's about. :drevil:

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

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"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
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"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast


Offline AV8R

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Re: What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?
If you haven't already played DoP, you're in for a real treat.  :nod:


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Re: What do you think happened after "Destiny Of Peace"?
I think peace happened