Before you step in, pledge proper homage to Neo-Terra!***
A random idea popped-up on Discord. A skin pack for NTF warships, to be used in MediaVPs. Although it is not likely to happen, as it would be too radical change compared to vanilla FS2 campaign, a working prototype in form of Deimos reskin emerged from the debate... So I decided to make couple more and release as reskin pack. The main goal was painting large NTF emblem on the ships to put emphasis on proud, secessionist nature of the Neo-Terran Front. Also I recolored them to give NTF their dedicated color scheme. Why blue lights and cables? Stupid question. For Earth! For Neo-Terra! And... Rule of cool.
The pack so far include Fenris, Aeolus, Deimos and Orion.
Q: Why no Leviathan?
A: Because current Leviathan was textured by other artists, and I cannot edit it's source files so easily.
Q: Fighters? Bombers?
A: I can make Perseus, Myrmidon and possibly Herc II if I ask Axem about the source files, but the other NTF fighters are awaiting for rework. There is no point in making reskins of outdated assets.
Q: How to use this?
A: Tables are not included, as they are reskins of MediaVPs models. Copy retail tables, add custom stuff from MediaVPs and enjoy the show.
A2: ...or do what Sarn did, and use Texture Replacement option in Fred.
A3: ...or use table-based texture replacement.
Q: Are they going to be included in MediaVPs?
A: I have no idea, but probably no
Q: Why the main folder in the package is named "****"?
A: Because, ehh... It's actually a package from my Knossos test mod. I forgot to rename it, and I'm too lazy to upload 200mb+ package again o__O.
Okay... The sceenshots!
All hail Neo-Terra! And pax Neo-Terra!