I am not. I have merely suggested that I am withholding publicly commenting on the result itself until it's been officially disclosed (which is reasonable to say that it has been, in case of Series Resurrecta).
For one, that's because I'm not necessarily personally invested into the project, therefore I'm not anticipating the results with extreme fascination, but that's a "me" thing. I understand the feelings you have towards the project and its reception, that you absolutely need reassurance that your creation is done well and That's why I have a couple more reasons.
For two, given the nature of the announcement and quite low amount of interest in the genre (thus: scarce competition), I imagined that such an event might happen and I refrained from preemptively accepting and commenting on any results to not fuel the flames of uncivilised discussion.
Three, I am of a general belief that such awards are a contest of popularity, not quality. Therefore I have decided that if I wanted to check whether the mod is worthy of awards, I would simply download and play it. Popular vote means nothing more than a suggestion to me.
Four, I wanted to have a full picture of what this mod has competed with and also how did these stack up against each other, not only a dry three digit number. I have decided that I won't waste time to sit there and be anxious about how it all turns out, and instead I will just browse through the category this mod was submitted in once everything is revealed. Also, a much, much important number for me would be exactly how many votes it got.
And ultimately, I absolutely disagree with general battuta and phantom hoover in terms of their approach to your happiness of recognition by a wider audience and self-realisation. While I find publishing such results preemptively... a tad distasteful, I am quite disgusted by the attacks you (and presumably - your team) were experiencing in that topic. Robbing your happiness.