Author Topic: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging  (Read 112622 times)

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Offline CT27

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Thank you.

Redmagejoe, the file originally called AF-MissionsV2 is the one you'll want to use (I'm not sure what MJN renamed it to though); Herkie used that for the 'alternate' ending of Reboot which is now the canon ending that TBG will follow. 

Looking forward to the playthrough.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2022, 07:06:21 pm by CT27 »


Offline Mito [PL]

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
So we were all (well, the ones who play AF:R) approaching this with quite a bit of trepidation but

But joe went

My mission is complete.


Joe: *flies near a Sobek*
Gunnery officer Zod:
« Last Edit: April 10, 2022, 05:06:27 pm by Mito [PL] »
How do you kill a hydra?

You starve it to death.


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
I have fixed all of my Aftermath HUD gripes by ripping the data/fonts from FS2 and shoving them into a data folder in the Aftermath folder, as well as grabbing Mito's axmessage.cfg and putting that in Aftermath's data folder. Life is good now.
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Offline CT27

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Sorry I couldn't make it onto the discussion.

I watched most of the video and saw you are going with the 'original' version of Reboot.  What Herkie called the 'alternate' ending is the one that is canon and will lead to TBG.

If you want to see the canon ending when you're done with this Reboot playthrough, you don't have to play the whole campaign over again.

After this playthrough if you want to see the canon differences, just go to the tech room and use Ctrl+Shift+S to unlock all missions in the 'alternate' file:
-Play the second to last mission "Slaying Dragons" again as that mission is different at the end

-Then watch the cutscene called
"A Sacrifice"
as the post "Slaying Dragons" cutscene is now different

-Watch the ending cutscene
"Victory At Last"
again as it will look a little different

Just in case you want to just flat out know the canon difference now:
It is canon that the Avenger corvette survives Reboot.


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
I know this is a little off topic, but there was a major Halo MCC update recently that has me super excited, and I can't wait to share details about it on stream as it pertains to my post FreeSpace streaming!
Ill Fated Gaming YouTube

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
RE: PC Riddler

"Courage is the complement of fear.  A fearless man cannot be courageous.  He is also a fool." -- Robert Heinlein


Offline CT27

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
In the Reboot videos you're doing now, I heard you bring up the campaign series Lightning Marshall.  That's a pretty good one, will it get officially added to your to-do list?

(FYI, it basically covers from the beginning of the NTF Rebellion to right before FS2 begins)


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
The Lightning Marshal has been added!

Also we've got some new timestamps up, catching up to our current streams. Thanks as always to Colt for the timestamps.
Ill Fated Gaming YouTube

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Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Mad props to both Colt and Henrik for helping out with timestamps for the videos and just being awesome stream-mates in general. Vassago's Dirge, New Path, and Aftermath Reboot vids are now all timestamped. Fall of Epsilon Pegasi, Frontlines 2334, and Mantle soon to come!

Also still keeping fingers crossed some really cool artistic-eyed person might help me get some lovely thumbnails for those 3 videos. :D
Ill Fated Gaming YouTube

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
The Lightning Marshal has been added!

Also we've got some new timestamps up, catching up to our current streams. Thanks as always to Colt for the timestamps.
I'm doing Lightning Marshal on my channel right now.  Quick tip: Not all the new weapons they add made it into command briefings.  Look for Seeker Tempests way down at the bottom of your missile inventory when you get to the "Where Eagles Dare" entry in the anthology.  They're disgusting.   :D  (Which really helps, because the Eagles missions are hard.)

« Last Edit: April 24, 2022, 09:34:05 pm by Renegade Paladin »
"Courage is the complement of fear.  A fearless man cannot be courageous.  He is also a fool." -- Robert Heinlein


Offline herkie423

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Hey Joe,

Can you give me the YouTube link for Between The Ashes? I like that campaign. Though I played only the early version of it. The technical design of its missions are amazing and I got most of their "techniques" to make TBG.

I love your videos. I was having fun. Though my campaign had many flaws, I truly take it positively, even taking notes where I did wrong and intend to fix them.


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging

Got you covered, Herkie. And I'm glad you're enjoying the playthrough as much as I'm enjoying playing it!
Ill Fated Gaming YouTube

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
If you're interested in two takes on it, here's my BtA playthrough.  (Link is a playlist; I publish missions one at a time.)
"Courage is the complement of fear.  A fearless man cannot be courageous.  He is also a fool." -- Robert Heinlein


Offline herkie423

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Yeah, awesome. The both of you. Thanks.  :) :) :) :yes:

I just turn 63, April 23, so Joe's 2 streams of AFR are kind of a birthday gift for me.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 01:16:47 am by herkie423 »


Offline herkie423

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging

You think that Richter was recruited to the military for his skills. He was not. They recruited him because of his personal uber-interceptor. When Admiral Cartwright signed him up, the admiral took the ship and told Richter that it will be in his "caring custody" and ordered Richter to use the standard issue. The military actually had a degree of interest on this craft and tried to aquire it legally. This is in the tech description of the XJR Phantom. Secretly, Cartwright commissioned engineers to study its inner workings and the result were the GTF Avalanche and the GTF Raptor which will be available later in the campaign. The class of fighters that matched the Phantom. Eventually, the Admiral let Richter use the Phantom because they were done with it, no longer intetested with it. They won't even mass-produce it in the future.


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
I've been busy this week, but I'm going to try to collect all the advice in comments (or if you'd be so kind as to put the controls suggestions here Herkie, that would be very helpful) before the stream and make sure everything is up and running. Also...


Sunday, May 8th, there will be no stream! It's Mother's Day, and I'm going to be spending time with the family and treating my mother to dinner. You should all spend the day with your mothers as well, if you can. You have all been informed, but I will mention it again at the end of the stream this Sunday!
Ill Fated Gaming YouTube

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Offline CT27

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
I know you like to keep track of various campaign updates and mention them on the stream at the beginning.

This week there have been the following campaign updates (as far as I know they weren't major updates, but the version number changed):
Wing Commander Saga
MJN HD mainhalls (not a campaign, but there has been an update to it)


Offline herkie423

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Hey Joe. Have a good time on Mother's Day.

I am impressed on what you did in the mission, "Shackles of War," rescuing the Damocles. You did it in your second try. Believe me, my success chance in that mission is only 15%. Even I have difficulties to beat my own creation.

In many missions, you will find the "self-destructed" thing. I use that for "scripted" events. Meaning that ship will inevitably be destroyed, demanded by the story. In many cases, I use the self-destruct thing to destroy an invisible, invulnerable ship or ships. These are scenario "markers" since in my mission designs, many things can happen, many branching scenarios. The FRED's equivalent, the "Event true" SEXP is not that robust and limited in scope so I use this. You will find a ship in the mission Event list (F4) that is named "Mission Objective." That's actually a ship, it does not move, no weapons, friendlies and hostiles can't and won't target it, invisible and invulnerable because it's only an event marker. It will self-destruct when a certain scenario or event happened.

But in case of the mission to destroy a Shivan convoy, Capella self-destructed, I was surprised. It's a bug. Capella should have jumped out. I'll check into it and fix it.


Offline herkie423

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Oh, I also have a pathetic YouTube channel, not many viewers. Songs I have composed and performed. Please subscribe, like and share. Sorry for the plugging.


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Awesome! I added links to your channels to the description as I've done with other campaigns. I'll be sure to plug your stuff on my next stream! Thanks for making such a fun mod and being so cool and informative, Herkie. :cool:
Ill Fated Gaming YouTube

Available for Voice Acting work!
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Steam me: redmagejoe