Author Topic: Head tracking TrakIR5  (Read 1317 times)

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Offline Iain Baker

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Head tracking TrakIR5
Hi all!

I'm thinking of treating myself to one of these for my birthday.

Quick question - does it work ok with the latest FSO builds? It would be a disappointment to get it only to find out it isn't compatible any more.

Anyone have any recent experience with it?

Cheers :-)
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Offline Dilmah G

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Re: Head tracking TrakIR5
Hey mate!

Yes, I run one with the latest FSO builds. You'll see that on the FSO release posts that there are two .dlls that you need to download if you want to use TrackIR. Apart from that extra five seconds of work, it works well and it's very easy to use.

Only other things that I'd recommend would be investing in the TrackClip Pro so that you don't need to wear a baseball cap every time you want to play Freespace. This assumes you wear headphones, otherwise maybe go for the baseball cap option. I don't know if you use a joystick/HOTAS in Freespace, but mapping the reset button (as moving your chair etc will throw off the "zero") to convenient button will help as well.


Offline Iain Baker

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Hi Dude, I got the TrackIR5 :-)

You mentioned I will need to download two .dlls to get it working. At the risk of sounding like a complete dumba$$, where can I find these, how should I use them and where should I put them?

PS - I saw the Battle for Neptune live stream. It was superb. The bonus mission at the end was superb, even if the woman pilot was a stroppy bint ;-)
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Offline Dilmah G

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Excellent! No dramas at all - so the .dlls are here. I drop them in FreespaceOpen\bin\FSO-21.4.0\windows\x64 (assuming I'm running 21.4.0 in 64 bit, otherwise I just put them in the respective directory for whatever build I'm using). I don't know if there's a better way of doing that, but that's been working out for me thus far. Then from there, make sure you boot the TrackIR program prior to starting Freespace, and then it should just be as easy as turning your head once you're in-game.

Glad you enjoyed the livestream! It was an awesome job by redmagejoe and an excellent team effort by all of the VAs to bring it to life - especially Alpha 1's at the end!