Author Topic: Adding TTS and messages in the middle of the screen  (Read 2713 times)

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Offline Iain Baker

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Adding TTS and messages in the middle of the screen
Hi all! I’m looking to update the Top Tips To Make You an Ace thread-guide-thingy with a few how-to guides that players might find useful. I have two in mind atm.

1)   – How to configure non-voiced campaigns to use TTS that currently do not support it
2)   – Implementing the messages in the middle of the screen thing from BP in campaigns that don’t natively support it.

The only problem is I’m not 100% sure how to do so, so any help would be greatly appreciated by myself and probably lots of other players.

Re 1)   – How to configure non-voiced campaigns to use TTS that currently do not support it

Am I right in thinking that to do this a player would need to open the mission file in notepad, notepad++, etc., find the instances of +Wave Name:… and replace whatever is written there with +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav

I’m guessing that if the +Wave Name: … instances are all the same then using find and replace all (Ctrl+h) would work quickly and easily for each mission file, and the player would then need only to do likewise for each mission file in the campaign/mod, is this correct?
But what if all the +Wave Name: instances are different? Is there a quicker and easier way of doing this than editing each +Wave Name: instance one by one for every mission file?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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Offline wookieejedi

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Re: Adding TTS and messages in the middle of the screen
"Implementing the messages in the middle of the screen thing from BP in campaigns that don’t natively support it."
Ah, that's because it uses a script to do the messages. Simply putting that script in the right place for each mod will make it work. Overall though it's up to each mod developer if they want to use that script or not :)

"How to configure non-voiced campaigns to use TTS that currently do not support it"
I'm guessing you mean having the default system voice like Microsoft Sam say lines if there is no wav file present? (And not making prebaked TTS voices like Solaris has). If so then it should do that automatically (check Voice settings in Knossos).


Offline Iain Baker

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Re: Adding TTS and messages in the middle of the screen
"Implementing the messages in the middle of the screen thing from BP in campaigns that don’t natively support it."
Ah, that's because it uses a script to do the messages. Simply putting that script in the right place for each mod will make it work. Overall though it's up to each mod developer if they want to use that script or not :)

"How to configure non-voiced campaigns to use TTS that currently do not support it"
I'm guessing you mean having the default system voice like Microsoft Sam say lines if there is no wav file present? (And not making prebaked TTS voices like Solaris has). If so then it should do that automatically (check Voice settings in Knossos).

Hi there, and thanks for getting back to me.

Re the middle of screen messages - yup, that's what I was thinking of. Do you know where I can get said script and where it will need to live ? Cheers  :)

Re TTS -  thanks, but that's not quite what I mean. What I'm talking about is non-voiced campaigns that use a blip or burst of static or similar to announce you have received a message in-mission. This bip / static burst prevents the TTS from saying that line. I know how to fix this via the method I stated in my original post, but it can take a while, and it is easy to mess up if you make a mistake. I'm wondering if there is a quicker and easier way to do it?

Cheers, and all the best :-)
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Offline wookieejedi

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Re: Adding TTS and messages in the middle of the screen
Similar to the custom wingmen script, the custom message script can just be placed in the tables folder of a given mod. I'd say ask on Discord for the most recent copy.

Yeah, if the mission designer specifically added a wav file for a message then the only way to change it is manually (find/replace in files for a given folder in NP++ is one's friend in this case)/ 


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Re: Adding TTS and messages in the middle of the screen
I believe there are certain retail message sounds that are hard-coded to be overwritten by the TTS system, right?


Offline wookieejedi

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Re: Adding TTS and messages in the middle of the screen
Ah I think you are right, though I'm not entirely sure what the definitive list is.