Author Topic: [Open Beta] Strom Front and Another Great War  (Read 2655 times)

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Offline SF-Junky

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[Open Beta] Strom Front and Another Great War
Another Great War:

Storm Front Episodes I and II:

Uses FSO 22.1.0 - 20220611

As it says, open Beta. Not many words to lose imo. Just play and let me know everything that is wrong. If a mission is too tough, let me know and in the meantime use cheats to move on. Hope it works. It's my first use of Knossos. :nervous:

If possible, please play on medium difficulty.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2022, 01:08:26 pm by SF-Junky »


Offline Marguel

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Re: [Open Beta] Strom Front and Another Great War
Ok, I have played through the first 14 missions of act 1.
So far I'm really liking it. Both the atmosphere, wingmen, and setting seem really fitting into the FS2 narrative. Liked the storytelling, the in-mission cinematics, and the mission balance (with an exception).
It seems really polished and that stands out.

That sound when support rearms your maxims kinda scared me!
BTW Cool argos don't look at explosions.

So here are some typos and thoughts about some missions:
M02 briefing
Called us in instead of in us

M03 Dialogue
Whait instead of Wait - Abayomi after golf docks with fort summit

M05? Laramis/Intrepid
Abayomi - Me going to the BRIG instead of brick
The squad warping together kind of stuff-love it. Makes it feel like a coordinated squadron.
Man some objectives are hard, like disabling all the enemy fleet's beams before they can shoot the kokopo.

M07 (willard investigation)
Monaghan talks to himself (that message should be from Abayomi)
Crystal clear misspelled

M11 (Asteroid base evacuation)
Asteroid base: Belive me, it does. (believe)

M12 (Ghost ship)
Briefing: Situation is highly versatile? (volatile?)

M13 Sold down the river
Man what a mission. Hard as heck. I see no way to save the Argus. Those stealth fighters among all the fighting, beams, bombs, where especially hard to pinpoint.

M14 (Switching off the light)
MAN this mission was tough. The Andraste kept being pummeled by the sobek. I replayed it like 3-4 times before i cheated my way through this one. I /K the sobek and everything else went my way. Blasting 3 separate satis with shields on a pegasus takes it's due time and that it exactly what I didn't have. Also disabling beams in a pegasus isn't ideal. I went for the subsystems first tho, maybe i should've went for the satises first...I'll give it another go this way.

Debriefing: Not a single soal instead of soul.
"You'll see. It'll be better than last time. "
"I hope so. I died."


Offline Marguel

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Re: [Open Beta] Strom Front and Another Great War
So...update of mission 14.
Played it a bit more and I'm pretty confident that the mission is unwinnable without cheats right now.
I'm certain I'm doing everything as intended.

First I rush to scan the 3 subsystems, starting with weapons to reduce damage on the Andraste.
Then I start to take out station beams (the larger ones should be identified by having main beam or something, although i understand the turret looks different, in the nebula you have to get pretty close to see that)
Then I stop to take out the Sobek's forward beams, with "help" from my wingmen (I only hold command of the stealth fighters).
Then I search for the satises, and I take both wings with me, with their "firepower" we take them down.
Afterwards, the Iceni with restored beams (btw I tried using TAGs but they did not work (maybe it should?) only shoots the sobek once, stops moving and stays there with it's back to the sobek.
The sobek, completely disarmed, is not focused by anyone except us stealth fighters. Both allied fighters and bombers just float around.
BTW Why force a stealth fighter it there is no stealth at all? I get close to the station, immediately get tagged by flak and aaa (i havent fired a shot but did use afterburner).
Everything seems to be targeting me normally, so idk why force a pegasus mission.
"You'll see. It'll be better than last time. "
"I hope so. I died."


Offline Marguel

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Re: [Open Beta] Strom Front and Another Great War
Ok, there's no way to move on from mission 15.
After the enemy Iceni appears, it only fires 1 volley which obliterates the aeolus, but misses the leviathan (was it intended to hit?).
Then absolutely nothing happens. No fighters, no escape, no other shots fired. The golf states it needs a few minutes, I waited for 30 minutes and nothing happened.
Couldn't cheat my way through this one, the Iceni was guardianed (i tried with big beams from my fighter) and couldn't target it.
"You'll see. It'll be better than last time. "
"I hope so. I died."

Re: [Open Beta] Strom Front and Another Great War
I'm currently busy with working on FSBlue but I can't wait to try this. Another Great War is a great project.


Offline SF-Junky

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Re: [Open Beta] Strom Front and Another Great War
Thanks for the feedback. :)

A few answers:
- The sound when you rearm is an error I couldn't solve so far.
- Also that msgs are sometimes sent by the wrong unit is an error that occasionally occurs.
- If missions are too tough, just cheat through it and go ahead. I know it's not streamlined so far. I'm the only person having played this so far, after all and naturally I know the perfect solution.

Also, by the way, best play on medium difficulty.

The Argus is supposed to be killed. ;-)

Stealth in that mission should simply work as far as stealth works in FS2. It's never been perfekt. The reason TAG does not work is because the enemy EMP fire is suppressing the friendly beams.

The Iceni is supposed to kill both cruisers. Kill the other ones with cheats.

Re: [Open Beta] Strom Front and Another Great War
what if throws a few errors about ship classes on the first mission. launching storm front stock also throws a lot of warnings. I can took a look at why that is once I'm back home.


Offline SF-Junky

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Re: [Open Beta] Strom Front and Another Great War
Ooph, there's so little time!  :sigh:

I've finally updated StormFront to version 22.1 and corrected all the errors Marguel reported. I've made Switching Off the Light easier by giving the Sobek SVas instead of MVas. But the trick in that mission is to kill the Sobek's beams (and scanning all the base's subsystems) before going after the missile launchers, anyway.

Cannot reproduce the errors in What If, though.

Re: [Open Beta] Strom Front and Another Great War
So on the mission that you have to scan the shivan cargo to get the data I can't get past it even with cheats. When I get close to the cargo they explode like they do in the original mission, but I can't target the remain containers in order to scan them. Any help?   This is in What If Another Great War Campain. The mission is Pandora's Box.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2022, 10:23:44 pm by Frodo2020 »


Offline PeterX

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Re: [Open Beta] Strom Front and Another Great War
I have the same issue as  Frodo told.
If i can´t model any ship then i use "flying trains" :-)