Hey all,
I first wanted to thank this community for all of their hard work.
I just started playing space sims not too long ago and I have been having a lot of fun in this genre, but none have come close to the story and lore told in Freespace which is something that keeps me engaged playing despite how a game looks.
After beating the game in steam I found out about the modding community behind this game and I have been super impressed. I decided I would like to give back by creating a mod that makes the game feel a bit more immersive, provides omni directional movement, and gliding. I am a bit of noob to this modding community so if there is anything blatantly wrong let me know, but I would love any opinions you may have as I continue to put this together.
My goal is to give each flyable ship in FS2 a unique cockpit that is also useable (meaning you can see what's going on around you without the model obstructing your view too much). I also want to give each ship omnidirectional movement and gliding, but also keep the ships balanced/true to the original design. I hope to do the same for FS1 and Blue Planet in the future.
Current ships with Cockpits: GTF Ulysses, and GTF Hercules Mark II
Current ships with thrust/glide mod: GTF Ulysses, GTF Hercules, GTF Hercules Mark II, GTF Ares, GTF Erinyes, GTF Loki, GTF Pegasus, GTF Perseus, GTF Myrmidon, GTB Artemis, GTB Artemis D.H., GTB Medusa, GTB Ursa, GTB Zeus, GTB Boanerges, GVF Seth, GVF Horus, GVF Thoth, GVF Serapis, GVF Tauret, GVB Sekhmet, GVB Bakha, GVF Ptah
The Mod is up on Knossos (Title: FS2 Cockpits, Thrust, and Glide Mod) for you to try it out. If you have any suggestions please let me know and I'll try and implement for the next update which will be regularly until I can get through all the ships. Once I have done enough bug squashing I plan on releasing a guide on how I did this.