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Exile: Alternate History
(Note:  I've sent the whole thing to Nyctaeus and he gave me permission to post this in the forum here.)

This is an alternate history I wrote of the Exile campaign.  It overall deals with some EFN personnel who decide to try and leave Sol ITTL (but didn't make it out in official Exile).  I didn't write it like a regular story completely, it's written kind of like a mission script as well (I wrote each segment as a "mission", there are 13 total).  Nyctaeus approved of this format.  I'll post one chapter/mission a week or so.


Background:  General Spruance decided to answer the call of Caliphtys/Leibniz to leave Earth and join Exodus Fleet.  He and a group of ships that decided to follow him are unfortunately behind schedule.  The command ship at present is the EFD Proteus, an old Orion ship that Earth had in a junkyard and was able to get moving.  They were fortunately able to find enough fighters and bombers (from other ships that didn’t make it) to fill the frigates they do have and the Proteus.

Ships of EFN Task Force Seven (that’s what I’ll call this new group even though there is an ORS ship present):
EFD Proteus (flagship) (Orion)
EFFg Lincoln (Vidar)
EFFg Wolf (Vidar)
EFFg Everest (Solomon)
EFFg Princeton (Solomon)
EFFg Luna (Solomon)
ORFg Lassel (Vitalius) (it joined with Sprunance’s group and agreed to serve under an EFN commander at least until they reached Exodus Fleet)
EFCs Borealis (modified Viscount)
EFCs London (modified Viscount)
EFC Trailblazer (Evangelist)
Various supply ships

(This first piece here is one of those conversations like you had in Exile before certain missions):

(Kevin) Blaine (TF7 XO):  Sir, do you ever wonder if we made a mistake?

Spruance:  About what, Lieutenant Commander?

Blaine:  Should we have stayed at Earth like EFN Command wanted?  Instead of listening to Caliphtys and Leibniz?

Spruance:  Then what?  Look, neither decision is a good one…how can anything really be good with most of the human race about to be wiped out?  I struggled with it, but if we would have stayed behind we would have died like most of the fleet and for nothing and have been forgotten.  I’m not afraid of long odds, but charging around a dozen juggernauts isn’t long odds…those are impossible odds.  We can’t save everything but let’s save what we can.

Blaine:  I suppose you’re right.  In that case, it’s a pity more didn’t listen to us.  It’s also a pity we couldn’t get going sooner, we’ll be behind the Moyses expedition.

Spruance:  It took time to organize things.  I called what ships I could and what squadrons I could so we could have a fighting chance jumping across the galaxy.

Blaine:  A fighting chance, General Spruance?  In this Orion?  The Proteus isn’t even one of those advanced refit Orions the ORS are using.  The Ironclad, for example.  We had to pull this ship out of the scrapyard so we’d even have a destroyer.  Other than the Redemption, we have no surviving Talos ships I’m aware of.  It’s a miracle we found the fighters and bombers we did.  We had to scavenge dead ships and depots here and there to get some of ours.  Along with the individual squadrons that left the fighting around Sol to join us.  There’s another problem sir…

Spruance:  What’s that?

Blaine:  We have more pilots than fighters and bombers, as you know.  We gathered the people we could and rescued survivors here and there and some of them were pilots.  Since an Orion can’t hold as many craft as a Talos that means we have more pilots than craft available.  With the Proteus being an older Orion model and not a modernized refit like the Syndicate Ironclad, it won’t be much in a fight.  It’s just a carrier rather than a destroyer.

Spruance:  Do you wish to stay behind?  I don’t want people second guessing our mission.  That would just get lots dead.

Blaine:  No sir, and I apologize if I seem too pessimistic.  I just wish things were better.

Spruance:  We all do, we all do.  At least we were able to complete the refits on our two Viscounts.  That can give us stealth ability in a certain area.

Blaine:  That’s true sir, although the stealth field and communications blackout technology they have, along with the Shivan IFF masking technology, isn’t perfect.  Tests show it can’t be used for a long period of time, and that’s when it works.

Spruance:  Don’t doubt yourself, you’re a good officer.  I don’t want people to be afraid of telling me things in private they think I don’t want to hear.  At the same time though, we need to project confidence for the fleet in public…understand?

Blaine:  Completely sir.

Spruance:  Anyways, send Hydra squadron on that recon mission now.  We’re about ready to head out, but I have a feeling that radiation pulse our Viscounts detected at long range is something we should check out.

Blaine:  Roger, General Spruance.  177th Hydras, you’re being relieved of patrol of the Proteus.  Your new assignment is to check out an unusual neutron radiation pulse at the coordinates we’re uploading to you.  Take your Durandals to the area, recon said area, and then report back to us here.

Alpha 1 (Hydras):  Affirmative, Proteus.  Heading out to designated recon zone. 


(A few minutes later)

Alpha 1:  We’re here Hydras.  They say we’re to investigate some strange radiation pulse.

Bravo 1:  Sol’s almost gone and the human race is basically extinct…and they want us to play weather forcasting?

Delta 1:  We’ve been with Spruance in intelligence and black ops for a while now.  You think he’s going to start telling us everything?  He has his reasons, he’s not one to waste time and resources.

Alpha 1:  I’m scanning the area.  No Shivans thankfully.  Anyone detect any strange radiation like the brass was talking about?

Alpha 2:  Sir!  Look!  To our 2 o’clock…that’s a Galahad!  A Syndicate Galahad destroyer!

Bravo 1:  I thought the ORS got all their available heavy assets out by now…

Alpha 1:  I’ve got it targeted; it looks disabled.  Someone go in and get all subsystems scanned.

(Someone scans engines, weapons, navigations, etc.)

Alpha 1:  Proteus,  we have a derelict ORS Galahad destroyer here.  Our limited scans show it’s disabled, but still relatively intact.

Proteus:  That’s interesting to say the least.  Stay there, we’re sending in the Borealis to do a deeper scan.

(The modified Viscount Borealis comes in and begins to scan the Galahad class ship.)

Bravo 1:  Borealis, what can you tell us?

Borealis:  Proteus,  we’ve done our close in scans.  If our readings were right, this is the ORD Hesperia.  I’m detecting traces of neutron radiation on the ship…originating from the engine department.  Although readings on board indicate levels aren’t fatal now, they must have been earlier since…I’m not detecting signs of life on the ship.  They must have seen some combat with Shivans.

Proteus:  What’s the condition of the ship?  How can it be relatively intact like Alpha 1 said if everyone’s dead?

Borealis:  Damage to the engine department may have released a pulse of neutron radiation on the ship which killed the crew.  It dissipates relatively soon as levels don’t appear harmful now.  A radiation pulse isn’t like a typical explosion…it leaves the structure of things intact.  We are detecting minor damage to the engine area and traces of Shivan weaponry.  The engine is currently disabled but outside structural damage appears to be minimal.  It lost power so Shivans must have just left it alone afterwards.

Proteus:  What are the conditions of the weapons?

Borealis:  While we won’t know the full extent of the condition of the Andromeda unless we get someone on board…it looks like the railguns and torpedo launchers are intact.

Proteus:  Could a boarding party survive?

Borealis:  They might have to wear hazmat suits, but in my professional estimation yes, they could survive.  Neutron levels are only slightly above average now, and if any leak in the engine could be sealed then things might get back to normal even.

(Back on the Proteus)

Blaine:  Sir, there is potential here.  A Galahad class ship is a modern ship.  We could scavenge the Hesperia and get some useful supplies before we leave Sol.  Sir?  General Spruance…why are you smiling like that?

Spruance:  Oh, I’d say there’s more than just a little potential here.  I just had a very interesting thought Lt. Commander Blaine.  If this works, this would be a huge game changer.

Blaine:  What did you have in mind General?

Spruance:  If we send in a boarding party to investigate the Hesperia, and it’s fairly intact like the Borealis says…then it wouldn’t take much effort to repair her and get her running again would it?

Blaine:  General, are you suggesting…

Spruance:  Didn’t you yourself say the Proteus is a floating scrap heap?  Wouldn’t you like to be able to transfer one of the most powerful warships humanity currently has?  Think about it…get the Hesperia up and running then move our stuff over there and we could leave the Proteus behind.  That would actually give TF7 a chance to survive outside of Sol and try to catch up to Exodus Fleet.  Our people and craft wouldn’t be crammed like sardines anymore.

Blaine:  What if there are survivors on the Hesperia? 

Spruance:  Sadly, if the Borealis is to be believed, most of the crew is dead.  We’ll get our people on the ship and find out the truth about that.  If there aren’t that many, to put it bluntly, we’ll be in charge and they’ll need us to help get out.  They may not like Earth people taking over a Galahad, but remind them that when we rendezvous with Exodus Fleet we’ll follow Caliphtys as agreed.  So whoever controls the Hesperia, it will eventually be under ORS sovereignty at some point you can tell them whether it has an ORD or EFD designation.  If the Borealis is wrong then we’ll think of what to do then. 

Blaine:  This is a bold strategy sir.

Spruance:  When humanity is on the brink, bold strategies are called for. 

Blaine:  If I may make a suggestion…we should ask the Lassel for help.  It’s the ORS ship in TF7.  They might be willing to give us a technical readout of a Galahad.  That could help our people repair it quicker.

Spruance:  Good idea.  Since you’re a little more diplomatic than I, I’ll trust you to handle it.

Blaine:  Yes sir.  Comms, put me through to the ORFg Lassel.

(The Proteus opens communications with the ORFg Lassel)

Proteus:  This is the Proteus to Lassel.

Lassel:  Shipmaster Davros here, how can I be of help Proteus?

Proteus:  We found a derelict, but largely intact, ORS ship and we were wondering if you could send us a technical blueprint of the ship class.  It would help the repair crews we would send.

Lassel:  We do have technical databases on most of our ships Proteus.  Another ship in TF7 would be helpful.  What ship is it you found?

Proteus:  We found a Galahad class destroyer…specifically the Hesperia.  It’s disabled but mostly intact.  If we could get a blueprint of its engines we could get it going again.

Lassel:  The Hesperia?  That was one of the few surviving Galahads we in the ORS had.  We lost track of it and gave it up for dead.  It’s not gone?

Proteus:  Negative, we found it.  Our quick scan shows damage to the engine which led to a neutron pulse throughout the ship…which killed most of the crew.  It must have lost power soon after which led to the Shivans ignoring it afterwards.  However, the ship otherwise is intact and we think with some minor repairs we could get it going again.  I’ll be honest, we have some knowledge of Galahad ships throughout espionage and spying…the usual stuff that both sides have done and I know you’ve done to us.  That’s not relevant right now though, if you gave us a complete layout it might make things quicker.  We need to get going, will you help us?

Lassel:  One minute Proteus…

(An internal conversation on the Lassel):
(Note:  I’m guessing the equivalent rank to XO (second in command) on an ORS ship would be “Assistant Shipmaster”)

Davros:  Assistant Shipmaster Fletcher, get the file ready to send to the Proteus.

Fletcher:  Shipmaster Davros, are you sure that’s wise?

Davros:  Why not?

Fletcher:  Sir, if we give them a Galahad layout, at the least that means they’ll have knowledge of our ships that Earth forces didn’t have before.  The other more dangerous thing to consider is, we’re the only ORS ship in TF7 and we don’t have landing troops available.  That means if they repair the Hesperia, they’ll take it over.

Davros:  I understand your worry, and normally I like thinking in the long term too.  On the other hand if we don’t think about surviving right now…there won’t be a long term to think about.  We need this alliance with the EFN and if that means they have nominal control over the Hesperia…well it’s not like we haven’t commandeered EFN ships in the previous wars.  From what I’ve heard, Earth forces joining Exodus Fleet are required to submit to overall ORS leadership so maybe we can survive under EFN command for the time being.

Fletcher:  Giving them a Galahad could dramatically alter the future power balance in Exodus Fleet though.  I don’t think Fleetmaster Caliphtys would like it.

Davros:  That may be true, but a Galahad would dramatically increase our chances of actually reaching Exodus Fleet.  We’ll have to worry about that day when that day comes.  Send the data.

Fletcher:  As you wish, Shipmaster.

(Back on the Proteus)

Blaine:  Sir, data on the Galahad class has been received.

Spruance:  Excellent.  Send our thanks to the Lassel, and send this data to our repair transport.

(Later on at the Hesperia)

Alpha 2:  Alpha 1, we have an incoming transport through subspace.

Corrine:  This is the EFT Corrine.  We have hazmat equipped repair troops and equipment and are preparing to dock with the Hesperia.

Alpha 1:  Hydras, keep an eye out and make sure nothing hits the Corrine or Hesperia.  Hold on, hostiles!  We have a Cain and a fighter wing incoming!

Borealis:  Pilots, we have enemy comms jammed in this area but destroy the fighters before they can jump out of range of our jamming field.  The Cain will take longer to jump out.

(After the ships are destroyed, a minute or two pass)

Alpha 1:  Corrine, what’s your status?

Corrine:  We did it!  The neutron leak on the Hesperia’s engine has been repaired.  We’re now working on repairing the rest of the engine.  Radiation levels are already going down and people should be able to walk around without bio-hazard suits in a few hours.

Proteus:  This is General Spruance, good job everyone.  Corrine, after your work in the engineering department is done, see if you can restore power to the rest of the ship.  We’ll send in another transport to secure the bridge and see if there are any survivors.  Hydras, when the new transport and escort wings arrive, you’re clear to return to the Proteus. 

(The Hydras jump out)

Mission debriefing:
Well done pilots, this was the first step in dramatically improving our chances for survival.  The radiation is largely gone so we should be able to walk freely on it soon.  The Hesperia’s engines are in working order and the bridge is secure too.

Unfortunately, as we suspected, over 90% of the crew of the Hesperia is dead as a result of the radiation pulse caused by conflict with the Shivans  The only silver lining is that our doctors told me it was relatively quick and they didn’t suffer too much.  The few survivors that were in secure locations are being treated and interviewed as we speak. 

There’s still a ways to go.  We’ll have to do an inventory of the ship to see what weapons and equipment are on board.  We won’t fully power up the Hesperia yet either as we don’t want to fully alert the Shivans before we’re ready to head out.  The Borealis will stay next to the Hesperia to keep the area around the Hesperia jammed from Shivan frequencies.  Hopefully that will keep the Shivans uninterested in this area before we can head out.

General Oliver Spruance


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Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history mission/chapter 2

(Conversation on the Proteus)

Spruance:  How goes the transfer of equipment to the Hesperia?

Blaine:  Everything’s progressing rather nicely, General Spruance.  Ever since the neutron radiation leak has been fixed, we’ve been able to get our people over fairly quick.  It takes more time to load up ammunition, food, water and other supplies on to transports and bring them over.

Spruance:  What about the spacecraft?

Blaine:  That takes a little longer.  We have to have an individual pilot actually fly the fighter or bomber or support ship over from the Proteus’ fighterbay to that of the Hesperia.  It was considered to use remote piloting, but we didn’t want to risk losing them.

Spruance:  There’s one more thing, do you think I made the right decision to bring the Proteus near the Hesperia?  Some might say it would be better to keep it further away have the ships jump to the Hesperia.

Blaine:  I think it was the right call sir.  By bringing the Proteus in close proximity to the Hesperia, you reduce the time needed to bring stuff over to the Hesperia.  Plus, with less subspace jumps, that reduces the chance the Shivans may detect our activity.

Spruance:  You’re right, time is important.  We’re already behind Exodus Fleet and we want to get moving as soon as possible.  Command staff and officers will be the last personnel to leave the Proteus for the Hesperia.  Let me know as soon as we’re ready to go over there ourselves.  Anything else?

Blaine:  Yes sir, a number of our pilots are looking forward to being able to fly ORS craft.  Our Durandals are roughly equivalent to their space superiority fighters, but more than a few of our pilots like the Heretic interceptor better than our own.  Of course, aside from our elite Echelon squadron, everyone wants a chance to fly some of the Vindicators we found on the Hesperia.  In terms of numbers, we pretty much have our fighter complement filled out.

Spruance:  How’s our bomber situation?

Blaine:  We have mostly Cronus and Rhea medium bombers for our strike craft.  Though we do have a couple wings of Lyre heavy bombers too.  We didn’t find too many ORS bombers on the Hesperia, just a couple Stalkers and Euryales.  So while it looks like we’ll be able to fill out the fighter side of things, we’re still short of filling out the number of bombers a full Galahad complement would have.  We still have space for more bombers though if somehow we could find more.  On the other hand, we’re worlds better than we were before we found this ship.

Spruance:  Good to hear.

Command Briefing:

Page 1:  To the men and women of Task Force Seven, we may have stumbled on something of a breakthrough in our quest to get out of Sol alive and join up with Exodus Fleet.

Page 2:  As you know, recently we managed to find a derelict Galahad-class destroyer…specifically the ORD Hesperia.  It suffered a radiation accident in combat in what we presume was a lucky Shivan beam shot to its engines.  This neutron radiation pulse killed most of the crew (less than 8% survived), but left the ship mostly structurally intact.  It lost power and we presume the Shivans just decided to forget what they thought was a dead ship.

Page 3:  Fortunately, with some technical assistance from our ORS friends in TF7, the ORFg Lassel, we were able to get the Hesperia repaired and ready to go again.  Thankfully, radiation levels are back to normal so people can walk around freely. This is a tremendous blessing.  I don’t have to tell those of you who fought against a Galahad in the past how deadly they are.  The Hesperia massively outclasses our ancient Orion we currently use as our flagship.  It carries more fighters, has more armor, is faster, and actually has capship weaponry so we can fight and win a capital ship duel.

Page 4:  We’re currently transferring all our fighters, bombers, and support craft over to the Hesperia from the Proteus.  The Hesperia has plenty of fighters for us as well, including a number of Heretic interceptors.  The biggest prize is there are a couple of wings of Vindicators available.  Those are their elite craft.  I suggest you brush up on flying ORS craft in the simulator…we’ll need them to break through the Shivans.

Mission Briefing:

Page 1:  Hydras, while we finish fully equipping the Hesperia to continue on our journey, we need you to check out a distress signal we heard.  It was faint and there was only one ping, but we’ll check it out anyways.  We can’t save everyone in Sol, but if we can help people we’ll try to do so.

Page 2:  Go to the designated area and find out what’s present and report back to the Hesperia; we’ll decide on a course of action then. 

Page 3:  I know what you’re thinking, we can’t give you Vindicators to fly just yet.  We’re still working on getting the higher end ORS fighters and bombers we found on the Hesperia ready for action.  Our Echelons are still undergoing repairs too.  Durandals are still more than capable of doing the job.  Good luck out there.

Mission begins

Alpha 1:  Okay, Alpha, Bravo, Delta…we’re here at the specified coordinates.  Anyone see anything?

Delta 2:  Sir, nothing in our immediate zone, but I think I see something a couple clicks out.

Alpha 1:  What is it?

Bravo 1:  Wow…sir, I have two ORS capital ships on sensors now.  The smaller one is an Agneya artillery frigate and the larger looks to be one of their Syr Darya carriers!

Alpha 1:  ORS ships, this is the 177th Hydras from the EFD Proteus, do you copy?

Bravo 2:  Sir, both ships look to be damaged.  I’m detecting life but I can’t raise them on comms.

Alpha 1:  Someone scan the communications subsystem of each ship, maybe we can form a link on short range comms that way.

(The communication subsystems of the ship gets scanned)

Alpha 1:  Can anyone hear us now?

Fafnir:  This is the ORFa Fafnir.  I’m Shipamaster Sara Harwin.  What are you doing out here Earthers?  I thought all of you were committing suicide trying to defend Earth or leaving with Caliphtys and Exodus Fleet.

Alpha 1:  We could ask you the same thing Fafnir.  What’s your situation?

Fafnir:  Our two ships here were stragglers.  We were trying to catch up with Exodus Fleet but couldn’t make it in time.  So we decided to try to get to Beta Volantis on our own.  Unfortunately the Shivans had other ideas.  They damaged us as you can see.

Bravo 1:  We have a battlegroup of EFN remnants who managed to survive.  At the last second we decided Earth was a lost cause and escaped the Sathanas fleet.  Would you like to come with us?  We could send a transport to get your people out of there.  We’re some time behind Exodus Fleet too, but we’ll try to follow them and catch up with them.

Fafnir:  I’ll take you up on that Hydras.  However, I can give you some good news.  We’ve been working on repairing the Fafnir.  Internal repairs are nearly complete and we just need a few more minutes. 

Alpha 1:  Excellent, an Agneya frigate could prove helpful to Task Force Seven.  We’ll try and establish communication with that Syr Darya now.

Fafnir:  Don’t bother, Hydras.  It’s basically a floating corpse.  Shivans nearly finished her off before we chased off their small attack force.  We lowered our power to try and reduce the probability of them detecting us.  If you can give us some cover, we should be able to get out of here, but for all intents and purposes, the Highland is dead.

Delta 1:  No survivors on board?

Fafnir:  No life signs detected.  The ship got gutted and lost life support.  Only part of the fighter bay is sound.

Alpha 1:  I’ll report this.  Proteus, this is Alpha 1 of the Hydras.  We’re at the designated coordinates and found two ships:  the ORFa Fafnir and the ORCa Highland.  The Fafnir should be able to complete its own repairs and join TF7 but the Highland is dead…no life signs detected.  Only the fighterbay has any structural soundness to it. 

Proteus:  Roger that.  When it’s ready, you can give the Fafnir the coordinates of the Hesperia.  We’ll want to get out of here soon.  General Spruance and the rest of the command crew are almost ready to leave the Proteus and officially go to the Hesperia.  Soon the only people on the Proteus will be the former crew of the Hesperia.  We don’t have time to give a proper funeral so we decided it will be their resting place.

Fafnir:  Wait, did I hear that right?  The Hesperia?  I thought she was lost.  The ORS hasn’t heard from her in a while.

Alpha 1:  It’s kind of a long story, but to sum it up:   We found the Hesperia not too long ago.  Most of the crew is dead but the ship was intact.  We’re transferring over from an old Orion to this ship to give TF7 a chance to get out of Sol.

Proteus:  There’s one more thing Hydras.  We’re sending a transport with technicians on board to dock in the Highland’s fighterbay.

Fafnir:  Don’t bother Proteus.  Like I told your Hydras, the ship is dead.  Even a full shipyard couldn’t restore the ship to working order anytime soon. 

Proteus:  That’s not the plan Fafnir.  If the fighterbay is still intact like you say, then it’s possible there might be intact craft too.

Proteus:  Here’s the plan Hydras:  you’ll continue to provide cover for the Fafnir but also cover two transports we’re sending in.  They dock in the Highland’s fighterbay and see if there are any craft we can use.  If so, the technicians will board the fighters and/or bombers we find and pilot them out and then jump to the Hesperia.  These technicians aren’t trained pilots, so you’ll have to protect any craft they ferry over.  Their job will simply be to get the craft out and then jump out.  After they get out of the fighterbay, you’ll need to cover them from Shivan attack for about a minute.

(Two transports jump in)

Alpha 1:  You heard the Proteus, Hydras.  Cover Sigma wing while they dock with the Highland.  We have company already.  A squad of Dragons just jumped in, take them out before they hit our transports!

(After the Dragons are destroyed, the Sigma transports dock with the Highland)

Sigma 1:  Pilots we’re in.  Even though this area is the only semi-intact part of the ship, it’s still taken a beating.  We see a number of ships that look okay though, this may take some time. 

Fafnir:  Alpha 1, we have some bad news.

Alpha 1:  What?

Fafnir:  I’m detecting a number of small Shivan capships incoming.

Alpha 1:  What’s your condition Fafnir? 

Fafnir:  Weapons systems are operational and we’ve got most of the armor repairs done, but our engines still need a little more time.

Alpha 1:  I’ve seen videos of Agneyas in action before and that main cannon is deadly, can you fire that?

Fafnir:  One second, let me check…affirmative, Alpha 1.  Our main cannon is operational.  Our maneuvering thrusters are also working.  In short, we can turn and point at a target but we can’t move beyond that for now.

Alpha 1:  If they’re just light capships you should be able to blast them out of space right?

Fafnir:  Well, yes.  Also, since our main engine isn’t active yet, we can devote more power to the primary cannon.  It will be able to fire quicker and at a slightly longer range; but we’ll need your help in this engagement.

Bravo 1:  What?  Why?

Fafnir:  Our targeting system is still not 100% functional.  It’s repairable but we can’t do it in the heat of battle.  To target a capital ship, we’ll need you to scan an enemy vessel and then press “1” on your console.  That is the ship that we will fire at.  Repeat the process after a ship has been destroyed. 

(Note:  If this got made into a mission, a player would have to scan a Shivan ship and then press “1” for the Fafnir to attack a capital ship.)

Sigma 1:  We’re sending a wing of Heretics out.

Fafnir: We have a Cain coming in!  Someone scan it and designate it so we can destroy it!

(A wing of Basilisks come in and move toward the new fighters.  It should be fairly easy for the player to scan/target the Cain and have his/her wings destroy the fighters)

Sigma 1:  The next group we’re sending is two wings of Heretics and one wing of Rapiers.  We can detect some Maras coming in, protect our new ships.

(The enemy Maras are destroyed)

Sigma 1:  Great work, we’re working on bombers.  We’re sending out a squadron of Krios light bombers; we’re sending them in two waves of six.  Whatever fighters the Shivans throw at them, keep them safe.

Fafnir:  Two Rakshashas just jumped in!  Keep the process going!

(The player scans and designate the Rakshashas one and then the other while the rest of the player’s fighters take out Shivan wings that come in.)

Sigma 1:  We have a wing of Euryales and two wings of Stalkers ready to go.

Fafnir:  Now two Moloch frigates are jumping in!  Thankfully they’re coming one behind the other and not at the same time.

(The player does his or her duty.)

Fafnir:  Now they’re sending in some newer ships, a Daeva cruiser and Armoros frigate coming in.  Get them scanned and marked for us!

(Some more fighters come in and the player has to do double duty again:  scanning/marking the capital ships and destroying enemy fighters.)

Sigma 1:  Pilots, we’ve just about cleaned out what we can from the Highland.  Our last group might be one of our greatest prizes.  We have a squadron of Vindicators.  Keep them safe if you flyboys want to fly them someday.

Alpha 1:  Fafnir, how are we doing?  Any more capital ships incoming?

Fafnir:  It looks like we’re clear for now and we may be able to…wait!  We have a Lilith incoming on a different vector than the previous ships!  It will be in beam range before we can turn ourselves toward it.  Take out its primary beam turret or we’re done for!  Don’t worry about scanning and marking it, we just jury rigged a fix to our targeting system.

(The beam cannon gets taken out and the Lilith gets destroyed when the Fafnir turns toward it.)

Alpha 1:  Fafnir, how about now?  Are we clear?

Fafnir:  Sensors don’t detect any more incoming Shivans.  We’re good now.

Alpha 1:  What’s your situation Sigma 1?

Sigma 1:  We’ve got all the craft we can from the Highland, Hydras.  There are some others that might be repairable, but we can’t get them flying in time.  We’re heading out now.

(The two Sigma transports leave the Highland and jump out)

Delta 3:  Hey Fafnir, how are your engines?

Fafnir:  Pilots, we’re up and running now. 

Alpha 1:  Proteus, what about the Highland?

Proteus:  We can’t let the Shivans get it.  Fafnir, I know it may be difficult to ask, but…

Fafnir:  Understood, Proteus.  This won’t be the first scorched earth exercise we’ve done.  Helm, target the Highland and finish her.

(The Fafnir turns around and finishes off the Highland until it fully explodes.)

Proteus:  Fafnir, we’re sending you the location of the Hesperia rendezvous point.  Hydras, you’re clear to follow the Fafnir back.

(The player jumps out)

Mission debriefing:  Again, great work pilots.  We may now have a fighting chance to get out of Sol.  With the craft we brought over from the Proteus, what we found on the Hesperia, and what we managed to get from the Highland and from other scavenging raids…we’ve got the Hesperia fully armed.  We have our fighter and bomber complements pretty much full.  TF7’s frigates will be able to have some fighters for cover and assistance too.

It should only take about another day or so before TF7 begins to head out.  I will make this announcement tomorrow but I wanted you pilots to hear it first. 

Also, I would like to welcome the ORFa Fafnir to TF7.  The Agneya class of frigate is very powerful and will be of great help to us I’m sure. 

Get some rest pilots.  We’re not completely done in Sol yet, but the end is in sight.  Even though outright victory over the Shivans isn’t possible right now, you have helped to ensure survival and that we may have victory someday.

General Oliver Spruance


Offline CT27

  • 211
Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history mission/chapter 3

Blaine:  Sir, I agree we should go as soon as possible.  Though I do think my suggestion is a risk worth taking.

Spruance:  Don’t we have enough supplies as is? 

Blaine:  Right now, perhaps.  However, who knows how long we’ll be out there in space?  Even if we turn up the trackers on our Viscounts to maximum, we’d only be able to get a light ion trace of Exodus Fleet for a short time.  Leibniz didn’t give us a roadmap.  Hopefully we can follow them, but we have to be able to survive out there long term.  Even if we went to strict rationing, our food and supplies wouldn’t last forever.

Blaine:  Also, what about the civilians we could save?  Moyses, or Exodus, or whatever Caliphtys and Leibniz want to call it has a moral dimension too.

Spruance:  Fine, but don’t take too long on this.  Get this convoy you think you’ve found and then let’s get out of Sol.

Blaine:  Yes, sir.

Command Briefing:

Page 1: TF7 Warship lineup:
EFD Hesperia (Galahad)
EFFg Lincoln (Vidar)
EFFg Wolf (Vidar)
EFFg Everest (Solomon)
EFFg Princeton (Solomon)
EFFg Luna (Solomon)
ORFa Fafnir (Agneya)
ORFg Lassel (Vitalius)
EFCs Borealis (modified Viscount)
EFCs London (modified Viscount)
EFC Trailblazer (Evangelist)

(Note:  This is kind of like the page in Exile command briefings that would say the total population of Exodus Fleet.)

Page 2:  To the men and women of TF7, we’re just about ready to officially head for Beta Volantis.  All of the crew of the Proteus and all of our ships and supplies have been transferred over to the Hesperia.  The systems are being fully powered up and weapons systems armed

Page 3:  As you may have noticed, we have changed the official designation of the Hesperia to fit the fact that the crew of this ship now has a crew of over 93% EFN personnel.  This has been a common practice of both of our human factions in our wars before the Shivans came; when a ship was occupied the designation changed.

Page 4:  Unfortunately we don’t have time for individual funerals for all the former crew of the Hesperia.  The bodies are being transferred to the Proteus, our former command ship, as we are stripping any remaining useful parts from the ship .  I will say an official farewell to them then.  Out of courtesy to them that it is their final resting place we’ll re-designate that ship the ORD Proteus.

Page 5:  The Proteus is fully powered down now, but we’ve also prepared a surprise, just in case, for the Shivans.  We’ve put some detection gear on the ship and if it detects Shivan borders, we’ve set a heavy nuclear warhead to detonate in the engine department.  That will take the Shivans out before they can take the ship and will take out any nearby Shivans too.  I’ve talked with the CO of the Lassel and Fafnir and they agreed the former crew of the Hesperia wouldn’t mind striking one last blow against the Shivans, even after death.

Mission Briefing: 

Page 1:  Hydras, this is Lt. Commander Blaine, XO of the Hesperia:  I’ll be delivering this particular mission briefing.   The Shivan armada is still glassing Earth and the inner planets.  However, we can’t count on them staying in the inner part of Sol forever.  General Spruance wants the Hesperia and the rest of TF7 to leave as soon as possible so we don’t have several juggernauts right on our tail.

Page 2:  We have just received a secure distress signal from a ORS civilian ship in a nearby sector.  They claim to have three thousand civilians in their convoy that they’ve picked up as they’ve tried to leave Sol…both ORS and EFN civilians. 

Page 3:  I know General Spruance wants to get out of Sol ASAP.  In principle, I agree.  On the other hand, there is still more we can do here.  We have to think of TF7 as a whole, but I’ve convinced General Spruance to take this operation.  Of course we can’t save all the civilians in Sol, but we should try to save those in our path if we can.

Page 4:  I don’t know the exact class of ship you’ll find, but get there, save it and then guide it to the new rendezvous point we’ll link you to.  Maybe there will be more than one ship.  Report any new findings when you get to the mission zone.  Good luck.


Alpha 1:  We’re in the area, Hesperia.  Currently I see three ships.  The lead ship looks to be a Hestia.  I’m hailing it.

Alpha 1:  Hestia class ship, this is the 177th Hydras off of the EFD Hesperia.  We detected a distress signal in this area.  What’s your status?

Mendel:  EFD Hesperia?  Never mind.  At least someone heard us.  Our convoy was trying to leave one of the last ORS shipyards out there.  We were leaving in two stages.  What you see here is the remains of stage one of the convoy.  Stage one, us, left early and we came under Shivan attack.

Mendel:  They got a couple supply and civilian ships and one of our cruiser escorts.  The three ships here are all that’s left of the first part of our convoy.  This is the Hestia-class liner ORLs Mendel.  We also have the gas ship ORGt Photon and Amalthea cruiser ORC Griffin.

Bravo 1:  A Hestia?  Mendel, what’s your supply and civilian status?

Mendel:  Usually we can carry about five thousand civilians.  Now, however, we only have about three thousand.  Shivans destroyed some civilian ships, ORS and EFN, that we were going to rendezvous with and drop off their people to us.  We have enough people on board though to maintain full status on our food production decks thankfully though.

Alpha 2:  Is it true Hestias can make supplies too?

Mendel:  Yes, to a certain extent.  We can make small parts and weaponry but we can’t make entire fighters or large ship parts…say a destroyer engine.  Why do you ask?

Alpha 1:  We’re part of an EFN remnant fleet that decided not to follow EFN Command’s pointless suicide order.

Mendel:  I thought Leibniz’s group already left.

Alpha 1:  True, his main group has left.  Our leader, General Spruance, didn’t leave with Leibniz at first but decided at the last minute to go anyway.  The main body of Exodus Fleet under Caliphtys and Leibniz has presumably left Sol already.  We should have left earlier, but better late than never I guess.

Alpha 1:  Anyways Mendel, would you care to join us?  We’ll protect you and your civilians in exchange for you helping to supply us with food and other supplies.

Mendel:  Sounds like a deal Hydras.  Send us your rendezvous coordinates.

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, we have arrived next to part of a convoy.  The Mendel, Photon, and Griffin are requesting asylum with us.  They are a Hestia, Pluto, and Amalthea respectively.

Hesperia:  Awesome work Hydras.  A Hestia could greatly help our food situation.  TF7 is already beginning to move out toward a rendezvous point nearer to the Beta Volantis jump node.  We’re sending you coordinates where you can send the convoy.

Alpha 1:  Mendel, you can join the Hesperia’s battlegroup at these coordinates.

Mendel:  Thanks Alpha 1.  We have put in the coordinates and will jump there as soon as our jump engines have fully charged.

Delta 1:  One more thing Mendel.  You said there is a stage two to your convoy.  When can we expect them and what kind of ships are present?

Mendel:  It’s actually only one ship and a couple escorts.  I’m sorry that we can’t send them the rendezvous coordinates now, but due to the importance of the one ship we decided to put them under comms silence until they reach this location.  You’ll have to wait until they arrive before you can send them the TF7 new rendezvous location.  If my guess is correct, they should be along in less than 10 minutes.

(The “alert” noise you hear in Exile now sounds)

Griffin:  Mendel, we’ve got incoming Shivan fighter waves and a wing of bombers!

Mendel:  Hydras, if you want our help protect us from the Shivans until we can jump out.  We and the Griffin should be able to handle ourselves against this small force, but if the Photon goes up we all do.  Protect it first then come for us.

Alpha 1:  Let’s get them!

(This first attack is dispatched relatively easy)

Alpha 2:  More fighters and bombers incoming!

Mendel:  This new larger wave seems a little smarter.  The first one was somewhat disorganized, but this one has guessed the importance of our Pluto-class ship.  The bombers are targeting it and the fighters are heading for you Hydras. 

(After this second wave is destroyed the first part of this mission is almost over)

Bravo 1:  Mendel, what’s your status?

Mendel:  Our ships’ jump drives are almost fully powered now and we should be able to jump…wait!  Incoming Shivan capitals!  A Moloch and Cain!

Alpha 1:  They look somewhat damaged from some previous battle or something.

Griffin:  Pilots, if you can take out their main beams we should be able to hold them off.

Alpha 1:  Command, a couple Shivan capital ships have begun to engage the Mendel’s convoy…a Cain and Moloch.

Hesperia:  Understood.  Like the Griffin said, destroy the capital beams and the convoy should be safe.  Just to be sure, we’re sending in a bomber wing to help with the Moloch.

(A wing of bombers jumps in.  The Hydras take out the Cain easy.  With the Griffin and bombers, the Moloch also goes down as well.)

Mendel:  Thanks Hydras.  We’re jumping out now.

(The three ORS ships jump out to the TF7 rendezvous location.)

Bravo 2:  Now what?

Hesperia:  Stick around for a couple minutes Hydras.  The Mendel said you’d be escorting a second convoy.  A Hestia is important enough, but if the next ship is even more important like the Mendel said…well TF7 could use all the help it could get.

Delta 3:  Will it be enough?

Hesperia:  I don’t know.  All I know is, as far as I can tell…simply surviving against the Shivans is something of a victory.  Let’s try and make it so we can see tomorrow.

Alpha 1:  Okay Hydras, we have a couple…it looks like frigates coming in.  Now we have...holy…is that a Hephaestus?!
Hesperia:  Did you say a Hephaestus Alpha 1?

Alpha 1:  Correct, Hesperia.  We have a Hephaestus factory ship here along with two escort frigates.  Give me a second to identify them.  Terran ships, what’s your status?

Carrington:  Where’s the Mendel?

Alpha 1:  We saved it along with the Photon and Griffin.  They’ve been sent to a TF7 rendezvous point closer to the Beta Volantis node.  We’ll send you there and our group can get out of Sol.  Hold on, I just now saw your class, you’re a Tychius heavy frigate!

Carrington:  At least those three ships survived.  In any case, yes this is a Tychius...the ORFg Carrington.  We weren’t able to join Moyses in time so we decided to try and help other ships who got left behind try to get out.  The EFN Solomon you see with us is the EFFg Huron; we found it behind the lines and decided to work together.  Our prize here is the ORFs Terbium.

Alpha 1:  Aren’t Tychius ships ORS black ops ships?  I thought you left with either Caliphtys or Tessandras.

Carrington:  Unfortunately, some of us ORS were like most of you EFN people in that we didn’t believe in Exodus Fleet and Operation Moyses.  Yes, that includes some of our elite black ops ships.  What about you?  TF7, last I heard, was a group under General Spruance; as an elite ORS ship we know that kind of stuff so don’t act surprised we had that particular piece of information.  I thought all of you EFN black ops or intelligence people or whatever wanted to commit suicide at Earth.

Hesperia:  This is General Spruance.  We almost did.  However, at the last minute, we decided to disobey EFN Command.  I took the Proteus and gathered some other like-minded ships and crew who didn’t want to fight to the bitter end and try to leave Sol.  Unfortunately, like you, we were just a little late to join the main EFN force under Admiral Leibniz that was leaving Sol under the command of Exodus Fleet.  Now, we’re going to try and play catch up. 

Carrington:  The Proteus?  How did you expect to make It out of Sol in that junk heap?  It was only a Great War relic and not even one of our refitted Orions.

Hesperia:  Well, that’s not our ship now.  In short, we managed to revive the derelict Hesperia.

Carrington:  Interesting.  Giving up a pre-refit Orion in exchange for a Galahad is a pretty good tradeoff.

Hesperia:  Anyways, Alpha will give your group TF7 rendezvous coordinates to jump to when you’re ready to go.

Carrington:  Thank you.  Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier.  I’m Shipmaster Fenti.

Alpha 1:  Carrington, are there any other Hestias or Hephaestuses out there?

Carrington:  As far as I know, no.  To my knowledge, the Mendel and Carrington were the very last Hestia and Tychius in Sol.  To be honest, there may be more, but I know of no other post-Exodus survivors of those classes other than the two you see here.  As for the Terbium, it was the very last Hephaestus to be made.  It didn’t get done in time to leave with Exodus Fleet, but we rushed the final stages of construction so it could at least leave the shipyard.  All other ships of the class have been destroyed in addition to those that were still under construction.  I think only four or five of the 22 that were made left with Exodus Fleet.

Alpha 1:  Is the Terbium in working order or would we just be carrying a hulk?

Carrington:  I’m not a technician or scientist, but as far as I know it’s in working order.  So yeah, it’s worth taking along.

(The Exile alert noise sounds)

Carrington:  We have two modern Shivan frigates incoming along with a Rakshasha!  A large bomber force is also detected. 

Alpha 1:  Okay everyone, take out the bombers.  The Terbium is strong but has almost no defenses.  Hydras, take out the beam cannons if you can.  Carrington, are you and the Huron ready for combat?

Carrington:  Roger that, Alpha 1.  We’ll take out the capital ships.  Just make sure the Terbium survives.

(A few Shivan fighter wings also arrive.  Eventually the enemy ships are destroyed.  The player could use the allied bomber wing that’s present to help with the Shivan capital ships.)

Bravo 1:  Alpha 1, I think we got everything now.  Carrington, are you ready to go?

Carrington:  We should be in a couple minutes.  Huron and Terbium report no major damage and they should be ready to jump out soon.  I’m not detecting…wait…oh no…

Alpha 1:  What?!

Carrington:  I’m detecting an incoming destroyer…estimation is Ravana configuration!

Alpha 1:  Do you have a vector?

Carrington:  I think so.  If my ship computer is correct, we’ll have about a minute after it exits subspace before it’s in firing range.  That’s not long, I know, but take out its primary beams before then if you can.  My ship and the Huron will try to buy time for the Terbium to escape to TF7 at least.  That will be the best hope for humanity’s future at least.

(The Ravana jumps in and begins to launch some fighters and bombers.  Even though the player destroys its two main beams, it still moves toward the Terbium.)

Alpha 1:  Command, I don’t know if we’re going to make it here!

(A new subspace vortex opens behind the Ravana.)

Wolf:  Need some help?

(The Vidar frigate begins to fire on the engine area of the Ravana and disables it.)

Alpha 1:  That was too close.  Everyone, let’s finish this bug off.

(The three frigates and allied bomber wing pound away at the Ravana and eventually destroy it.)

Beta 3:  I think we might make it after all.

Wolf:  We were sent as reinforcements from General Spruance.  Carrington, if you’re willing, we sure could use you in our little fleet.  Huron and Terbium, you too.  Here are the coordinates for a rendezvous point.

Carrington:  We’ll take you up on that Wolf.  Jumping out now.

(The second convoy jumps out).

Wolf:  I thought this was going to just be a mission to rescue some civilians and maybe get some supplies, but it turns out this was a much bigger haul than we all thought.  We’re activating secondary drive to jump back now.  See you at the Hesperia pilots.

(The mission ends when the player jumps out.)

Mission Debriefing:

Pilots, I want to apologize for having doubts about this mission earlier.  It turned out to be much more beneficial than I thought.  We saved a few thousand civilians, which is a moral victory, but we also saved ships that are vital to the future of TF7 as a whole.  I also don’t think I exaggerate when I say they could be of great importance to the whole of humanity as well in the future.

The Mendel has vital food and water production on board and that will help keep us fed.  The Terbium is a factory ship which means it can help produce fighters, weapons and other supplies.  The Photon can also help our fuel situation.  To be honest, I was worried about our supply situation but wanted to get out of Sol pronto.  Now though I think we’ll be okay for the short term at least.

I’ve talked with some of my advisors and we’re going to scrap a couple of our smaller supply ships and move the supplies over to the Mendel and Terbium.  The crew of those ships will also work on the Mendel and Terbium to keep those ships operating at a good capacity.  There will also be one or two less ships to worry about.

Also, the shipmaster of the Terbium says, with some technical assistance from our people, the Terbium should be able to produce primary and secondary weapons for our fighters and bombers in addition to being able to make stuff for the ORS ships in TF7.  It will be a long time before they could outright make fighters, like Durandals, for us, but I’m told they could make parts for them.

I would also like to formally welcome the warships Griffin, Huron, and Carrington to TF7 as well. 

With our supply situation stabilized, we’re ready to head for Beta Volantis soon.

General Oliver Spruance


Offline CT27

  • 211
Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history mission/chapter 4

Spruance:  Hydras, thank you for accepting the call for this mission.  I’ll be doing the briefing for this mission personally.  The Hesperia and TF7 are almost ready to head for Beta Volantis.  However, something has come up.

The Hesperia recently received a secret and secure communication from a friend of mine.  His last communication indicated he was near an asteroid field at this location.  I’m assuming he’s somewhere in there now.

Alpha 2:  Sir, I thought we had to get out of Sol asap.  I mean no disrespect, but devoting a mission just to rescue an old friend of yours…how is that fair?  How many of us in TF7 have family or friends that we’ve had to leave behind for the greater good?  We can accept that to a point, but to be blunt…what we don’t like is the apparent hypocrisy of this situation.

Spruance:  I understand your point.  However, that’s not all there is to this situation.  I won’t lie to you, this person is a good friend of mine and we’ve known each other for years.  I wouldn’t risk all of TF7 just for personal reasons though.  We did some intelligence work before I left to form TF7.  I trust him with my life so EFN intelligence gave him some of the files we’ve been working on in the hope that what we were working on had a chance to make it out of Sol and serve humanity at some point in the future. 

Alpha 3:  So basically the EFN didn’t want to put all their eggs in one basket.  If they spread out their data to different operatives there’s a better chance at least some of it could get past the Shivans.

Spruance:  Exactly.  I won’t lie to you Hydras; I do have a personal stake in this mission.  There is a strategic reason for this though.  He has classified intel and research that could be of great use to us.

Alpha 1:  General, I know you wouldn’t send us out on a mission for no reason or just personal benefit.  We’ll take this job.

Spruance:  Thank you Hydras, thank you.  The mission plan is pretty simple.  We’ll send you to an estimated location along with the Lassel for protection and the London to help scan the area.  When our agent is located we’ll send in a transport to dock and then it will return to the Hesperia.  This is classified but hopefully will prove simple.
I consider this a personal favor.  If you succeed I promise to make it worth your while.  Dismissed.

(The mission begins.)

Lassel:  Alpha wing, this is the Lassel.  General Spruance has given us operational control of the mission.  We don’t anticipate any Shivan capital ships in the area but we’re here just in case.  This will be a quick operation.  We’ll use the London to help us find the stealth beacon that was supposed to be deployed and then we’ll head to the operative’s location.

Once we find him, we’ll contact the Hesperia.  It will send a transport and then we get our guy out and leave.

London:  We’re at the beacon point…now beginning scan.

(This part would take about 20 seconds or so.)

London:  We have confirmed the data on the operative’s location.  Alpha wing, escort us and the Lassel into the asteroid field.  It should take us a few minutes or so until we have reached the designated location of the EFN operative.  Keep an eye out for any Shivans and be sure to destroy any asteroids that we designate as a danger to our operation.

Alpha 1:  Moving into escort formation.

Alpha 3:  Alpha lead, shouldn’t they have sent more than just our wing to escort two ships like this?

Alpha 1:  Maybe they didn’t want to attract too much attention.  Besides, I heard they needed Bravo and Delta wings to assault some Shivan cargo depots or something.  Just because we’re in the same squadron doesn’t mean we always operation together.

(About a minute passes by)

Alpha 4:  Do you think rescuing this guy will actually make a difference?

Alpha 3:  Would they be sending us to get him if he wasn’t?

Alpha 4:  I just…I just want to feel like we can actually beat the Shivans.

Alpha 1:  Maybe we have to redefine what victory means.  Maybe just surviving until tomorrow is a victory.

Alpha 3:  If we had the rest of our territories…if the Lucifer hadn’t blown up at the second it did…we might have had all our systems to fight the Shivans.  Although, maybe even that wouldn’t have been enough to defeat more than a dozen juggernauts.

Alpha 2:  If you want to talk about what ifs, here’s one for you:  Lassel, why did you all have to rebel in the first place?  A united Sol could have held off the Shivans a lot longer.  Was your pride worth  destroying the GTA and humanity?

Alpha 1:  Alpha 2, shut up.  We’re all in this together now.  At least they had a much bigger exodus plan than us.

Lassel:  No no, Alpha 1.  It’s okay.  We’ve got a thick scan and can handle political jabs like that.  Alpha 2, I would ask you:  why couldn’t your GTA predecessors have kept your ego In check after the Lucifer blew up?  If the GTA hadn’t treated us in the outer planets like conquered subjects after the Great War, maybe we wouldn’t have felt the need to rebel in the first place.

Alpha 3:  Maybe I’m sometimes just jaded about humanity, but I’m willing to say we’ve got idiots on both sides.

Lassel:  I’ll partly concede to that.  Let’s just remember we’re on the same team now.  I don’t mind political arguments every now and then;  they can break up the boredom on ships.  However, whatever our heritage is, Earth or Europa or Ganymede or wherever…it looks like we’ll all have to create a new heritage for ourselves.

Alpha 2:  Sorry, I was just letting off some steam.

Alpha 1:  It’s okay.  Just don’t let it stop you from doing your job.

London:  Everyone, we’re in the asteroids now.  Keep them off us as we head to the rendezvous point.

(Just so it’s not all dialogue, a wing of Manticores jump in)

London:  Shivan interceptors jumping in!  We can jam their transmissions, but you have about a minute to take them out before they can escape.  Take them out!

(It should be fairly easy to defeat this wing)

Lassel:  London, we’re at the rendezvous point but I’m not seeing anything on sensors. 

London:  Hold on.  We’ll have to slightly reconfigure our sensors to work in an asteroid field.  This should take about 15 seconds…okay, I think we’re ready.  I’m getting a light ship reading about five clicks out.  Alpha wing, you should see something on your sensors.  Maybe when you get closer to it you could get a better sensor identification.

(On the player’s HUD, an intermittent purple dot appears on the radar.  The player is meant to head towards it.  Once the player gets to within about two kilometers of this ship, a purple transport icon now appears on the player’s radar.)

Alpha 1:  Lassel, London, we’re heading towards the unidentified sensor reading.  I think I see something now.  Wait, I’m not sure of what I’m seeing.  Lassel, I see…that’s a Vasudan transport!  Lassel, we have a Vasudan ship here!  My computer is identifying it as Satis class.

Lassel:  Vasudan?  What would one of their ships be doing here?  Anyways, get a scan of the ship and we’ll try talking to it.

(The player scans the transport)

Alpha 1:  Transmitting data to you Lassel.  It looks like one life sign is on board.

Lassel:  London, see what you can make of this.  We’ll try raising communications with it now.  Vasudan freighter, this is the ORFg Lassel of EFN Task Force Seven.  Are you the one we’re looking for?

Canopic:  This is the PVFr Canopic.  I’m Commander Asir.  I’m glad General Spruance didn’t forget me.  Here’s my identification code.

Lassel:  This matches the code General Spruance gave us at the beginning of the mission.  It looks like we’ve found our operative Hydras.  What is your condition Commander Asir?

Canopic:  For the moment I’m okay.  Though my food and water supplies might not last much longer…a few days at most.

Alpha 1:  Forgive my curiosity Commander Asir, but what’s a Vasudan doing out here?

Canopic:  That may be a long story, Alpha 1.  Do you have the time?

London:  We probably need a couple minutes to fully charge our jump engines and plot a jump course out of the asteroid field.  Feel free to tell us.

Canopic:  I’ll try to keep it short.  When the Sathanas armada began to bombard Earth, the few Vasudans who were left at the Vasudan embassy on Earth had to flee.  Most of the transports were destroyed but somehow mine managed to make it out.  I didn’t really know where to go so eventually I found this asteroid field and decided to stay here and hide for a while.

EFN Command had ordered its navy to defend Earth to the last.  From what I know, most tried to and died pointlessly.  I knew Spruance was conflicted about what to do, but I guess he decided to leave at the last minute.  Did he join up with Leibniz?

Lassel:  No.  Unfortunately, General Spruance was not able to catch up with Leibniz and Caliphtys’ Exodus Fleet.  General Spruance was able to rally some other ships who weren’t able to leave with Exodus Fleet and formed Task Force Seven.  We’re leaving Sol soon and hope to eventually be able to catch up to Exodus Fleet and what’s left of humanity.  Would you like to join us Asir?

Canopic:  Affirmative Lassel.   I shut down most of this ship’s power to try and avoid detection by the Shivans.  I only left one stealth beacon and sent that one secure transmission so you could find me.  Give me just a little more time and I should be able to power up essential systems.

Lassel:  Thank you Commander.  The London has indicated a jump trajectory out of this field.  I’m sending you coordinates for the Hesperia, command ship of TF7.

Alpha 2:  Forgive me Mr. Asir, but may I ask you something?

Lassel:  Be careful Alpha 2!  This is diplomatic territory here.

Canopic:  It’s alright Lassel.  These pilots are risking themselves to help me.  Ask what you will pilot.

Alpha 2:  Uh, thank you Commander Asir.  General Spruance sent us to rescue you.  He indicated you were a friend of his.  How did a Vasudan get to know an EFN general?  Also, he said you weren’t being rescued for just personal reasons.  What do you have?

Canopic:  That’s an interesting story pilot.  I actually met General Spruance when he was a young pilot in the Great War.  I helped save a civilian transport that was carrying the woman who would, a few years later become his wife.  Then eventually he repaid the favor when, after the destruction of Vasuda Prime he helped save the transport my family was fleeing on.

He eventually ended up in Sol and my family was eventually stationed at a Vasudan diplomatic mission on Earth.  Fate kept our families together and friends I suppose you could say.  I eventually came to help the EFN with intelligence work against the Shivans.  However, all our efforts would prove to be fruitless.

Alpha 1:  What about your family?

Canopic:  (Insert the Vasudan equivalent of a sigh).  My wife and children perished in the Shivan razing of Earth and the Vasudan embassy on Earth.  Sadly, if I remember correctly, General Spruance also lost his wife and daughter in that attack as well.  Although, I believe one of his cousins was on the Redemption with Admiral Leibniz so at least he still has some family alive.  As far as I know all other Vasudans attached to the EFN died and I don’t think the few attached to the ORS made it out either.  I am the only Vasudan I know of still alive in Sol.  Perhaps I am the only Vasudan still alive period…depending on if the Shivans are invading the Vasudans and Terran territories outside of Sol.

Alpha 1:  I…I don’t know what to say.  I’m very sorry.

Canopic:  While I am sorry too; I know I must stay focused.  I can’t mourn forever.  Even if I am the last Vasudan in the universe, I will try to conduct myself with honor.

Anyways, as to other question your squadron raised…yes there is another reason besides personal friendship General Spruance rescued me.  Like I said, I did some work with General Spruance and EFN intelligence.  He was involved with some top secret research projects.  He wanted to make sure that this research wasn’t lost even if Earth was.  He gave me some components of the research and took some himself.  He told me to try and escape Earth and that hopefully humanity at some point in the future would be able to make use of it.

I have it stored on some hard drives and disks.  Once we get out of here I’ll give it back to him.  I can’t make any use of it now, but maybe some of humanity’s industrial ships like factory ships or the Big Buddha can make use of it.

Alpha 3:  What kind of research is it?  It sounds like weapons.

Canopic:  I regret to say that’s highly classified Alpha 3.  I have to respect General Spruance’s wishes and not reveal the details of it as of yet.  All I can say is that perhaps you’ll see the fruits of it someday if we can all make it out of Sol and find some peace to make use of it

Lassel:  I’m sorry to break in here Canopic, but how much longer before you can power up your ship?  We would like to get out of here as soon as we can.

Canopic:  It shouldn’t be too much longer Lassel.  I need maybe two more minutes at the most.  May I make one request?

Lassel:  What is it?

Canopic:  Along with my personal family photos and documents I have with me, may I keep the ship I have with me?  I’ve somewhat become personally attached to it.

Lassel:  Uh, I’m not sure if that’s possible Canopic.  Spruance is trying to consolidate our resources into fewer ships and I don’t know if he’d be willing to spend fuel and resources just to carry along a freighter for sentimental purposes.

Canopic:  No, no.  I am not referring to the Canopic.  It’s just a transport to haul things around and I don’t care about it.  Scrap it or do whatever you want with it after we get out of here.  I am referring to a Thoth I have on here.  I flew it during the Great War.  It would mean a great deal to me personally if we could save it.  I’m not asking for resources to make it fully combat capable again, just to bring it with us and not scrap it.

Alpha 1:  A Great War Thoth?  How did that get into Sol?  Wait…were you one of the pilots they sent to attack the Lucifer?

Canopic:  Yes, I was one of the Thoth pilots attached to the Bastion mission.  We were able to destroy the Lucifer before it got into Sol but as you know its destruction destroyed the node unfortunately.  The only silver lining for me was that my family was already in Sol at the Vasudan embassy on Earth so I had a few more decades with them at least.

Alpha 1:  One of the “Four Thoths”?  That ship’s a legend then.  I can’t make any promises right now, but I think we can find some room on the Hesperia for it.  What is its condition?

Canopic:  Technically it’s flyable, though to keep it working some of its internal parts have had to be replaced.  It looks the same from the outside though it’s had a fresh coat of paint.
Excuse me for the break in conversation Alpha 1, but Lassel…my systems are beginning to be powered up.  It should not take much longer than one more minute.

London:  Everyone, heads up!  We have Shivans incoming.  A couple wings of fighters and a cruiser.  We also have two Azrael transports coming.  They might be coming for the Canopic.  Destroy this patrol force or we won’t be able to make it back to the Hesperia.

Lassel:  Okay, Alpha Wing here’s what we’re going to do:  The Lassel will take on the Cain; we should be able to handle that.  You have to take out the fighters and the transports. 

Alpha 1:  Go to it Hydras!

(The fighters are Aeshmas so they aren’t really much of a problem.  As long as the player starts attacking the Azraels relatively soon they should go down easily too.  After this the player helps the Lassel finish the Cain.)

London:  I’m not detecting any more Shivans on sensors.  I’ve found a vector where we can jump away from the asteroids and back to the Hesperia.  Form up on us Canopic.  Alpha, help keep the asteroids off us for about one more minute.

(The three ships and Alpha wing head to the jump point.)

London:  We’ve reached our jump point and we’ve sent everyone here the Hesperia’s coordinates.  See you back there.

(The three ships jump out and then Alpha follows them.)

Mission Debriefing:

Alpha wing, thank you.  This mission meant a lot to me personally and professionally.  Asir has been a good friend of mine for decades and it meant a lot to me you were able to rescue him.  We both lost our families to the Shivans, though like he said I do have a cousin on the Redemption…I hope I can see her again someday.  As far as I know he is the only Vasudan left in Sol.  Treat him with respect.  We’ll find something for him to do on the ship.

Our intelligence analysts have gone over your flight recorders and black boxes.  Because of the classified nature of this mission they’ve been analyzed, recorded, wiped clean and replaced.  They’ve also acquired the computers and files he brought with him.  Regretfully I can’t tell you what’s on them, but I can promise you they will be useful to humanity against the Shivans.  From a military perspective I can promise you this was worth it.

Even though we will have to create a new heritage and history for humanity after losing our home system, we would like to keep some of our past.  We’ve saved Asir’s Thoth and will keep it as a museum piece that will honor Terran and Vasudan history.

Oh, before I forget, I want to keep a promise I made to you Hydras before the mission.  I promised that if you took this optional mission I’d make it worth your while.  I’m making our elite fighters available to you for missions now.  You’re now able to select Vindicators or Echelons in ship selection at mission briefings.  Between what we already had and what we found on the Highland and with some others we’ve now found on other scavenging raids while you were rescuing Asir, there’s now enough for all Hydras to fly all Echelons or all Vindicators…or a mix if you prefer.  The only time you may not be able to fly them is if we have a bombing mission for you.  Tell the rest of the Hydras this, they should be pleased.

We leave for Beta Volantis next mission, get some sleep.  Dismissed.

Alpha 1:  One more thing General Spruance sir?

Spruance:  Yes?

Alpha 1:  When I scanned the Canopic during the mission at the Lassel’s orders, I think I caught part of what it was carrying.

Spruance:  What do you mean pilot?

Alpha 1:  My computer displayed part of a file.  Though since it was encrypted I only caught part of it.  I’m telling you now because I don’t want you to find out later and think I was trying to hide something from you.

Spruance:  Let’s hear it.

Alpha 1:  I caught three words.  It said “GTI Project Hades”.  Any idea what that could mean?

Spruance:  Alpha 1, you and the Hydras will forget you ever saw that and will never reveal this information to anyone.  I don’t like to act like a dictator, but this is that important that we have to keep secret until the right time.  Got it?

Alpha 1:  Yes sir.


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  • 211
Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history mission/chapter 5

Command Briefing:

Page 1: 
Current makeup of EFN Task Force Seven-
EFD Hesperia (flagship) (Galahad)
EFFg Lincoln (Vidar)
EFFg Wolf (Vidar)
ORFg Carrington (Tychichus)
ORFa Fafnir (Agneya)
EFFg Everest (Solomon)
EFFg Princeton (Solomon)
EFFg Luna (Solomon)
EFFg Huron (Solomon)
ORFg Lassel (Vitalius)
EFC Trailblazer (Evangelist)
ORC Griffin (Amalthea)
EFCs London (modified Viscount)
EFCs Borealis (modified Viscount)
ORFs Terbium (Hephaestus)
ORLs Mendel (Hestia)
ORGt Photon (Pluto)

Page 2:  You have all been waiting for this day after the recent nightmares our species has been through.  We have completed the supply reorganization of TF7.  All personnel and supplies from our smaller EFN supply ships have been moved over to the larger ORS ones now part of TF7.  It was a judgement call, but we have less ships to worry about now.

Page 3:  Today we make our move to Beta Volantis and escape Sol. Say your goodbyes now.

Mission Briefing:

Page 1:   Your mission today, Hydras, is simple:  escort the Hesperia and other ships of TF7 to the Beta Volantis system and out of Sol.

Page 2:  Recon wings show Beta Volantis is currently clear.  Hopefully that means that TF7 can get some rest when we reach the other side.

Page 3:  Most of our lighter ships have already made the jump and we just have the Terbium, Photon, Carrington and Hesperia to worry about. 

Page 4:  The Hesperia will stay at the node along with the Lincoln and guard the node until our ships are through.  Get the Terbium and Photon out and then we’ll bring our last warships out. 

Page 5:  These are two very important ships.  The Terbium will be vital to keeping TF7 supplied and the Photon will create a massive explosion if it completely loses hull integrity.  We weren’t able to transfer its supplies fully over yet so it has to come with us for the time being.

Page 6:  This won’t be the end of our journey.  It could take weeks or maybe months to catch up with the main body of Exodus Fleet.  However, this will be an important step.

Page 7:  You’ve all done well so far.  Keep this up and let’s make sure humanity has something to carry on a legacy in the future.

Page 8:  Mission objectives:
[ ] Escort the remainder of TF7 out of Sol

(Mission begins)

Hesperia:  Hydras, we have a pretty simple operation today.  Get us and the rest of the TF7 ships here to the Beta Volantis node.  The Carrington, Lincoln and Hesperia should be able to take care of ourselves for the most part so your main concerns are the Photon and Terbium.

Alpha 1:  Where are we going after we get to Beta Volantis, General Spruance?

Hesperia:  We’ll let you know when we get there.  Just in case any nearby Shivans speak English I don’t want to give our plan over open comms.

Alpha 2:  Sir, aren’t you worried the Sathanas armada will follow us?

Hesperia:  Yes and no pilots.  Our probes show the Shivan fleet is still turning Earth into dust and focusing on the inner planets, so we don’t have any juggernauts on our tail at the moment.  Fortunately for us, they only sent one juggernaut, Tyrant after humanity’s exiled forces.  That ship is primary focused on chasing the main body of Exodus Fleet.  However, all this could change so we want to get a head start on the Sathanas fleet as much as possible.  Fair enough?

Alpha 2:  Fair enough sir.

Bravo 1:  Alpha 1, if we’re worried about holding the fort at the node, should we have some more ships stay behind until we got all our major ships through?

Alpha 1:  I guess we’re trying to get as many ships as possible to Beta Volantis as quickly as possible.  General Spruance judges what we have left can make it through. 

Hesperia:  Lincoln, how’s the node watch been going?

Lincoln:  So far things have been going relatively smoothly, Hesperia.  The majority of TF7 has crossed into Beta Volantis.  The last report said they didn’t detect any active ships so Tyrant’s fleet must be continuing to pursue Exodus Fleet.  We’ll do more scans when we all get in there though.

Hesperia:  Hold on people, we have an incoming Shivan force on our flank!  It looks like fighters and bombers and a couple cruisers.  We should be able to handle the cruisers but don’t let the fighters or bombers get the Photon or Terbuim!

(This enemy force is dispatched and the Photon makes the jump to Beta Volantis)

Lincoln:  Hesperia, we have some bad news.  A pair of Moloch frigates just jumped in behind the convoy.  They shouldn’t be able to hit the Photon or Terbium but could cause damage to you and or the Carrington.

Hesperia:  Alpha, lead the Hydras and take out their primary beam cannons.  We have some bombers on standby and are dispatching a wing of them to help finish off the frigates.  At the least disarm the frigates so the Lincoln can help if they get closer.

(The Hydras disarm the Molochs and with the help of the bombers finish off the frigates.)

Photon:  Thanks for the escort Hesperia, we’ll see you and the rest of TF7 in Beta Volantis soon. 

(The Photon jumps out)

Hesperia:  Terbium, what’s your status?

Terbium:  Hesperia, we’ll be able to jump out in about a minute.  Thank you for your help.

Lincoln:  Hesperia, we have some bad news.

Hesperia:  What is it?

Lincoln:  We’re detecting two destroyer class Shivan vessels incoming.  From what we can tell, they look like a Ravana and a Demon.  What are your orders?

Hesperia:  Terbium, get out of Sol and join the rest of TF7 in Beta Volantis as soon as you can.  We still need a little bit more time to fully power up our intersystem drive for the jump.  We’ll stay behind and guard this side of the node.  Carrington, jump to the Beta Volantis side and prepare to defend that side if they make it past the Hesperia and Lincoln.

(The Terbium jumps out.)

Carrington:  Negative, Hesperia.  We’re staying behind until they’re finished too.  You could use our heavy firepower.

Hesperia:  So be it.  Hydras, prepare to target forward beam cannons on the destroyers and defend against bomber attacks.  We’re sending up a second wing of bombers to help out.  All pilots out there, now would be a good time to rearm.

(About a minute passes)

Alpha 1:  General Spruance, I’m detecting something incoming from the Beta Volantis node!

(The artillery frigate Fafnir comes in)
Hesperia:  Fafnir, what are you doing here?  You’re supposed to be on the other side helping to guard the supply ships!

Fafnir:  We heard some of the transmissions.  I couldn’t just sit by and do nothing when we could be of assistance.  Our long range primary cannon can help here.

(The two Shivan destroyers jump in)

Hesperia:  We’ll deal with this later.  Hydras, you have your orders.  Escort the bombers as they take out the forward primary beams on each destroyer.  One wing will go for each destroyer.  Once the primary cannons are taken out, get back to the cover of our capital ships and defend us against Shivan fighter and bomber attacks.  Once the forward turrets are taken out, the Hesperia and our three frigates here should be able to take out the destroyers fairly easily.

(The Hydras escort the bomber wings to take out the main beams of the Ravana and Demon.  Along the way they take out a number of enemy fighters and bombers too.  After that, as ordered, they head back to the TF7 formation to take out some more bomber waves incoming.)

Hesperia:  Excellent work Hydras!  You and our bombers have taken the teeth out of the enemy.  Stand back and watch the fireworks.

(With the firepower of the Hesperia, Lincoln, Carrington, and Fafnir.  The two destroyers eventually go down.  In this mission the friendly bombers could help take down the Shivan ships too; though the capital ships of TF7 do most of the work.)

Bravo 1:  We got them!

Hesperia:  This is the Hesperia…enemy destroyers have been taken out.  Thank you to all present for your work in this engagement.  Lincoln, do you detect any more ships?

Lincoln:  Negative, Hesperia.  I’m detecting no additional Shivan ships incoming.  Nor do any of our probes detect any Shivan ships in this area of the system.  It looks like we’re in the clear.

Hesperia:  Good, good.  We only need one more minute to fully charge our jump drive.  Lincoln, Fafnir, and Carrington…you’re clear to jump to Beta Volantis and rendezvous with the rest of TF7.  We’ll see you in a minute.  Your assistance in this engagement Fafnir was very much appreciated…however, would you consider obeying orders next time?

Fafnir:   Roger that, Hesperia.  Fafnir is jumping out.

(The Lincoln and Fafnir jump to Beta Volantis.)

Hesperia:  Carrington, you can head out now.  Also…are all you ORS people always this stubborn?

Carrington:  Yeah, but you’ll get used to us General.  See you on the other side.

(The Carrington makes the jump out to Beta Volantis.)

Hesperia:  All pilots, the Hesperia will begin the jump as soon as you’re all back on board.  Land on the Hesperia immediately so we can get all of TF7 out of Sol.

(This was a great line in official Exile so I got Nyctaeus' permission to have Spruance repeat/paraphrase it here.)

Hesperia:  Good.  Everyone is back on board.  Pilots, crew…this is General Spruance:  I want everyone to take one last look at Sol behind you before we make the jump sequence to Beta Volantis in about a minute.  This will probably be the last time any of us see our home system…the birthplace of humanity.  Someday, maybe centuries from now, Terrans might come back and reclaim this system from the Shivans.  However, this is likely the last day any of us will ever see Sol.  It is necessary we leave today so that we may see tomorrow.  We and TF7 and Exodus Fleet may be all that’s left of humanity in the universe…and our friend Asir that we rescued may be all that’s left of Vasudan-kind.  Exodus Fleet and TF7 may be all that’s left of the free peoples of the universe.  I have faith in you all; we will not let the Shivans exterminate us.  The days ahead may be difficult, but we will survive.  Helm, engage subspace drive.

(The Hesperia jumps out to Beta Volantis and the screen fades to black and the mission debriefing screen comes up.)

Mission Debriefing:

Good work Hydras and TF7 ships.  All of TF7 made it successfully to the Beta Volantis system.  Except for some light patrols, I want to give most of our squadrons and ships some time to rest. 

I will be meeting with the rest of our ship captains and shipmasters to discuss our next strategic move.  Thankfully it looks like Exodus Fleet has cleared out most of the system for us.  We don’t detect any Shivan capital ships at the moment and we’ll clear out any pockets of fighters we find.

Our long-term goal is to meet up with and merge with Exodus Fleet.  I can’t say how long that will take, but I am confident we can make it happen.  This won’t be easy, but if we can survive the destruction of Sol, I’m sure we can survive this too.  Remember all those who died and fight to ensure the surviving free peoples of the universe can see tomorrow.

Unless you hear the battle stations alarm or a call to duty Hydras, take the rest of the day off.

-General Oliver Spruance
EFD Hesperia
EFN Task Force 7


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  • 211
Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile AH part 6

Christmas Day, 2367
EFD Hesperia

Spruance:  What’s our status, Commander Blaine?

Blaine:  Sir, our supplies are holding and we don’t detect any Shivans directly in our pathway ahead of us or immediately behind us.  Oh and by the way, thanks for the promotion to full commander.

Spruance:  Well, you deserve it.  Also, with no EFN Command to report to anymore, promotions tend to go through quicker.  Anyways, so no juggernauts are sneaking up on us huh?

Blaine:  No sir.  While we don’t know exactly how far ahead of us the Tyrant is, our analysts are confident none are right behind us.  Some of our stealth probes sent us data showing some of the Sathanas fleet is beginning to head out of Sol.  However, we are way ahead of them and they aren’t heading at full speed.  They may be leaving Sol, but I’ve seen no indication they’re directly trying to pursue us.  In other words, if we keep up a decent pace, we should be able to keep TF7 far ahead of any juggernauts.

Spruance:  Good.  While I think we can slow down for Christmas Day today and give TF7 some rest and relaxation, I want us to keep moving.  We’ll only slow down for the occasional refueling and resupply or if we need to tactically rearrange our formations should we encounter Shivan forces.  There isn’t any sense in letting the Shivans close the gap if necessary.  By the way, how is morale overall?  Would you say we’re doing okay?

Blaine:  Admittedly some people are worried and disappointed we had to leave Sol and will probably never see Earth again.  However, I think most have realized the necessity of all we’ve had to do.  We’ve survived, and right now that’s the most important thing.

Spruance:  Good.  I want to be able to give them some hope so hopefully we’ll manage to catch up with Exodus Fleet in the near future.  Thankfully we have some of these markers Tessandras left behind to follow.  Our modified Viscounts can also detect light ion readings from some of Exodus Fleet they its ships have left behind.  We’re not totally lost out here; even though at some times we may feel alone out here in space.

(Note:  I think I remember at some point in official Exile you said Tessandras left some markers or beacons behind for people to follow.  Mastermind did most of the work, but I think there was some other assistance out there.  I apologize if I remember wrong.)

Blaine:  If I may sir, may I ask a personal question?

Spruance:  Go ahead.

Blaine:  How’s Commander Asir doing?

Spruance:  Generally, he’s doing fairly well.  He does miss his family and friends, but he’s hardly unique in that.  He’s holding up well and if I ever need help with some clerical or analytical work, he’s more than willing to help out.  It gives him something to do.  Usually, he’s been a quiet person so while some like to play sports he tends to want to read or do artwork.  He’s very brave but not a big extrovert.  From what I have heard, the Hydras have allowed him to attend their squadron breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.  Since there’s usually at least a friendly rivalry between squadrons and squads tend to keep to themselves that’s very nice of them.  It gives him some friends too and makes him feel like I’m not the only person he knows on the Hesperia.  I’ve also heard that he’s acquired a taste for fried chicken…he calls it a ‘most acceptable Terran dish.’

Blaine:  Understood sir; that’s good to hear since he’s been of good help to us here on the Hesperia.  We’ve got to keep moving but not push too hard since we’re people not machines.  Permission to depart for Christmas service?

Spruance:  Permission granted.  Enjoy yourself.  I’ll say a little prayer myself but I don’t want to leave the bridge so I’ll stay up here.

(Approximately one hour passes)

(Blaine waits outside the room where one of the Christmas services is about to take place.  He makes some small talk with some of the people coming in.  A few minutes later he notices someone he doesn’t remember seeing much of before.)

Wellington:  Ah, the XO of the Hesperia…Lt. Commander Blaine.  Oh, forgive me…Commander Blaine.  It’s nice to finally get to meet you.

Blaine:  Uh, I must apologize.  I don’t remember seeing you around so I don’t have the pleasure of knowing your name unfortunately.

Wellington:  Don’t worry, sir.  Nothing to apologize for.  My name is David Wellington.  I’m not much of a social butterfly anyways so it’s not surprising I’m not seen around much.  I prefer to work in the shadows anyways instead of working right out in the open where everyone can see.  My official rank is Technician.  I do some occasional work in engineering but usually I work in communications here on the ORD…excuse me, EFD Hesperia.

Blaine:  May I presume by that ship address you used that you’re one of the ORS survivors of the Hesperia?

Wellington:  That is correct, Commander Blaine. 

Blaine:  Out of curiosity, how’d you manage to survive the radiation pulse or spike or whatever the technical term is for the event that wiped out most of the ORS people on the Hesperia?

Wellington:  To be honest, I was lucky.  During the Shivan attack I was helping to transfer some ammunition to one of the railguns.  I was in an ammo room when the pulse hit.  This was in a deep part of the ship with heavy armor so I escaped most of the damage and was only unconscious for a short time.  The doctors say my radiation levels are back to normal now.

Blaine:  I haven’t got the chance to ask one of you this, but how do you feel about serving on an EFN ship now?
Wellington:  Well, we’re all fighting Shivans so I don’t suppose it matters really.

Blaine:  One more thing if I may?

Wellington:  Of course, sir.

Blaine:  When you said…ah, never mind actually.

Wellington:  Please, go ahead.  If I’ve said something wrong, let me either explain myself or apologize.

Blaine:  You said you like to work in the shadows.  After hearing that, I think I may recognize you or at least have heard of you.  This may also just be a weird vibe I’m getting, but you wouldn’t happen to be…one of those…Zealots…would you?

Wellington:  Why lie?  Yes, I am a believer in Equilibrium and have done work for the BOD department before.

Blaine:  There are lots of rumors out there about things you people have done.

Wellington:  Rumors exist everywhere Commander Blaine.  You can’t believe everything you here…that just leads to paranoia.  Also, are you telling me that EFN intelligence or special forces have never done anything…unclean while infiltrating the ORS?  You’re not stupid, you can’t really believe that.

Blaine:  Can I trust you here on this ship on our journey?

Wellington:  I promise you, you can.  We did fight against each other but ever since the Shivans invaded we are on the same team.  Look at my service on this ship since the Hesperia changed sides.  I, along with other ORS officers and soldiers and personnel have followed General Spruance’s orders during moments of quiet and combat.  You can even ask the EFN officers supervising all the ORS personnel still on board if I’ve caused any trouble.  In short, if Fleetmaster Caliphtys can trust Leibniz and the other EFN people in Exodus Fleet, you can trust me.  I promise you my goal is to fight and survive the Shivans too.  Humanity is all in this together.  Oh, by the way, it looks like you have a friend approaching.

(Someone walks up to Commander Blaine.)

Blaine:  Pastor Davis, good to see you.

Davis:  And you as well, Commander Blaine.  My apologies for being a little late but I think we’re about to get today’s first service started.

Wellington:  First service?

Blaine:  Yes.  On Christmas Day today we decided to have two services.  The Protestant Christmas service is about to start now and the service later tonight will be a Catholic Mass.

Davis:  Would your friend here like to join us?

Wellington:  I’m not a Christian but that could prove interesting to observe.  Yes I would like to sit in if
you don’t mind.  Thank you for the invitation.

Davis:  You’re welcome.  I want to invite all to hear the story of Christ, that is not something I would want to exclude people, even other religions than Christianity, from.

Blaine:  Pastor, I should urge caution here.  It’s not that Mr. Wellington isn’t a Christian, it’s that he’s an Equilibrium Zealot.

Davis:  Why would that be a problem?

Blaine:  Are you familiar with the Equilibrium religion of the ORS?

Davis:  Not that much.  However, I understood it to be more of a philosophy rather than an actual religion.

Blaine:  Sometimes there’s not much of a distinction.  Also, they’ve done some rather nasty stuff during our previous wars here in Sol.  I don’t know if I would not trust someone like him who openly identifies like he does.

Davis:  Commander, politics are not my area of expertise.  However, in my limited estimation, no side is totally clean in war.  Are we not all the same team now?  Shouldn’t that be what’s important and not digging up old wounds?

Wellington:  Commander Blaine, Pastor Davis here gets it.  Yes, you and I were enemies not that long ago but that is not the case today.  I hope this new state of coexistence between the remnants of humanity in the EFN and ORS will continue.  Pastor Davis, I would like to add that despite previous EFN propaganda, the ORS is not a forceful brainwashing cult.  Christianity, along with other religions, is perfectly legal in the ORS.  All we ask is that those of differing faiths try to get along and work together for the goals of the ORS.  We, like the EFN, have freedom of religion.

Blaine:  Well, if it’s alright with you Pastor Davis, then he can come in.  Just be warned, he might be taking notes and make a report to Caliphtys when we rendezvous with Exodus Fleet someday.

Davis:  I can understand you have to be worried about this stuff as a military man, but I see no reason not to let him sit in on our service now.  Mr. Wellington, if it would reassure you, though I am a Christian and I do preach a Christian message and hope more people become Christian…I am not trying to create a Christian theocracy on this ship nor in the EFN as a whole.

Wellington:  Then we have nothing to worry about.

(The three of them head into the room where the Protestant Christmas service is going to be held.)

A couple hours later…

(After most of the people left the room, Pastor Davis, Wellington, and Blaine stop together to have another conversation)

Davis:  Well, Mr. Wellington, I hope that wasn’t troubling for you.

Wellington:  Not at all, Pastor.  Like I said before, people having their own beliefs is fine.  Equilibrium is not against a belief in God.  What we in Equilibrium don’t like is extremism.  Having your own personal beliefs about right and wrong is fine; what Equilibrium doesn’t like is when gets so dogmatic, so harsh about their own beliefs that they can’t work well with others.  I saw nothing here today that indicates that so I am confident we can continue to get along just fine. 

Davis:  If the two of you will excuse me, I must be heading off now.  Good day to you and Merry Christmas.

Wellington:  Good day to you as well.

Blaine:  Merry Christmas as well.

(Pastor Davis walks off)

Blaine:  You sound like you meant all that stuff you said to him.

Wellington:  Many things have been said about me, that I’m a killer, cultist, etc.  Something that has never been said is that I’m a liar.

(Blaine pauses and sighs a bit)

Blaine:  I…I may want to apologize.  I have grown up with hostility to your government and it can be hard to change so much so quickly.  However, if the Shivans have taught us anything, it’s that we must be adaptable.  Whatever my feelings about ORS politics and the past are…it’s almost irrelevant now I suppose. 

Wellington:  If I may add something?  Do you remember the rescue of pilot Reynolds a few days ago?  I was working in communications at the time and we heard that one Hesperia EFN pilot got temporarily lost on patrol.  The team that worked with comms signals to locate his rescue beacon and ship included myself.  I say this not to brag about my technical skills, but to show I can be of help to you and the EFN.  We can work together for the good of all.

Blaine:  I technically haven’t heard anything bad about you specifically since we got on the Hesperia so you are an asset to humanity’s cause.  The Shivans are our only enemy these days.  Do you think we can try to start over?

(Blaine holds out his hand)

Wellington:  I would like nothing better Commander Blaine.

(Wellington sticks out his own hand and the two shake hands)


Offline CT27

  • 211
Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history part 7

Command Briefing:

Page 1: Status of Task Force 7:

EFD Hesperia (flagship) (Galahad)
EFFg Lincoln (Vidar)
EFFg Wolf (Vidar)
ORFg Carrington (Tychichus)
ORFg Fafnir (Agneya)
EFFg Everest (Solomon)
EFFg Princeton (Solomon)
EFFg Luna (Solomon)
EFFg Huron (Solomon)
ORFg Lassel (Vitalius)
EFC Trailblazer (Evangelist)
ORC Griffin (Amalthea)
EFCs London (modified Viscount)
EFCs Borealis (modified Viscount)
ORFs Terbium (Hephaestus)
ORLs Mendel (Hestia)
ORGt Photon (Pluto)

Status:  All ships in working condition

Page 2:

To all personnel of TF7, we have made it into the Cor Caroli system.  Scouts show there isn’t much of a Shivan presence here.  Maybe that means Exodus Fleet cleared them out first.  In any case, we won’t be staying here long.  After we take some time to gather some resources here, we’re heading on to Delta Lacertae.

Mission Briefing:

Most of TF7 is moving closer to the Delta Lacertae node.  However, a couple of our frigates and the Hydras have an assignment here in Cor Caroli at the node we all came through not too long ago.

Page 2:
We’re moving our civilian/supply ships a little further from this node so they are less at risk.  We’re keeping the majority of our combat ships there to guard them further into Cor Caroli as well.

Page 3:
Hydras, your mission here is to intercept and destroy any Shivan scouts that come through here.

Page 4:
We haven’t detected any juggernauts so we anticipate their main fleet is still days behind us.  However, our probes we left behind have detected some smaller signatures incoming.  We don’t know where they came from; maybe they were some smaller ships hiding out somewhere.

Page 5:
Anyways, whether this is a scouting wave, part of their vanguard, or just some lost Shivans we managed to get ahead of…make sure they don’t get through.

Page 6:
Your squadron, along with the capital ships present, will be notified when it’s time to rejoin the rest of TF7.

Page 7:
Primary objective: 
-Prevent Shivan scouting/vanguard force from establishing presence in Cor Caroli.

(Mission begins)

Wolf:  Hydras, this is the Wolf.  We’re leading the defense against the anticipated Shivan scout wave.

Alpha 1:  Who else do we have with us here?

Wolf:  The Huron and Fafnir and the cruiser Trailblazer.  Our probes don’t detect a huge force of Shivans so General Spruance wanted to keep most of our heavy firepower to guard our supply ships.  He said though that reinforcements could be available if things get worse than expected.

Bravo 1:  Just to confirm what we heard in the briefing…we aren’t expecting any juggernauts to show up are we?

Wolf:  Thankfully no.  Hopefully we won’t even see a destroyer though that’s not out of the realm of possibility.  We shouldn’t see anything worse than a frigate.  Your primary mission here is to take out any fighters or bombers that attack our capital ships here.  If you can find the time though, taking out Shivan beam turrets is your secondary objective and would be really helpful in terms of us keeping our damage to a minimum.

(Two Cains and some fighters come in)

Wolf:  Hydras, here’s your first combat in this mission.  This should be a good warmup.

(The TF7 people should relatively easily dispatch this first Shivan force)

Alpha 3:  Do you think the Shivans know what they’re up against or are they just testing us?

Alpha 1:  With Shivans, it’s impossible to say since we don’t really know them or understand them or their tactics.  Our recon says we don’t have juggernauts behind us so maybe they’re stupid not to pursue us or maybe they just don’t care.

Delta 1:  All we know is that any Shivans on our radar want us dead since they’ve never made any attempt to communicate with us.

Wolf:  Look alive ladies and gentlemen!  Our probes say we have a Lilith incoming with two wings of light bombers as escort.  Get that cruiser’s main beam turret first and then assist with the bombers.  Our capital ships should be able to hold them off until then

(This next wave is also defeated)

Alpha 1:  Wolf, do we have any more incoming?

Wolf:  Affirmative.  The next wave looks like two Moloch frigates and a bunch of transports.

(These forces come in.  The Molochs continue straight ahead toward the TF7 capital ships but the transports and freighters go in a different direction.)

Delta 1:  Orders Wolf?

Wolf:  I’m relaying our situation to Hesperia.  I’m…getting a communication from the Hesperia.  Pilots, destroy those transports!  Don’t let a single one escape! 

Alpha 1:  What about the Molochs?

Wolf:  Get each of their front primary beam cannons and then forget about them and go after the transports.  Our capships will take them out after you get their front cannons.  Those transports and freighters don’t need as long to recharge their jump drives, hurry up Hydras!

Alpha 1:  Uh, roger that Wolf.

(After that the Hydras help the TF7 capships to finish off the Molochs.)

Alpha 1:  Okay, Wolf…we got all the ships in this wave.  Would you mind telling us what was the big deal about a few Shivan supply ships?  You seemed more worried about them than the Moloch frigates we just wasted.

Wolf:  Command was worried those supply ships could have tried to set up a supply base in the system.  A warship can’t last on its own but if the Shivans had a cargo depot in this system they could more easily maintain their pursuit of us.  Since we destroyed those supply ships, the Shivan ships behind us will have to wait a little longer for supplies now.

Beta 3:  Surely an Azrael transport or two wouldn’t have made a huge difference?

Wolf:  Maybe, maybe not.  Let me ask you though, if you know you have a bunch of Sathanas juggernauts on your tail, would you rather be two days+13 hours or two days+14 hours ahead of them?

Beta 3:  Okay, I get it.  I guess you’re right.  Something’s better than nothing I suppose.

Wolf:  Pilots, it looks like we’ve got something big coming in now.  Probes detect two Rakshashas and a Ravana incoming.  Along with fighter escort wings!

Alpha 1:  That might be too much to handle for the forces we have here.

Wolf:  Agreed.  Hesperia, we have a Ravana incoming along with two Rakshashas.  To ensure completion of our mission, we could use some heavy firepower.  Can you spare any reinforcements?

Hesperia:  Affirmative.  We’re sending in the Carrington to assist along with a wing of Stalker heavy bombers.  Trailblazer, return to the main TF7 rally point since you’re not meant for heavy ship to ship combat.

(The EFC Trailblazer jumps out)

Wolf:  Hydras, our help will be here soon but I think until then…you know the drill.  Your primary objective is to take out the Ravana’s main forward cannons.  Do that, and our heavies should be able to finish her off.  After that, keep the fighters off our Stalker bombers.  You could probably take down the Rakshashas yourself, but the bombers’ help will make it a lot easier and quicker.

(The Ravana jumps in and a few seconds later so do the two Rakshashas)

Wolf:  Hydras, we should be able to take these ships down but we’ll need some help.  Get those primary cannons of the Ravana destroyed and with help from our reinforcements we’ll be able to take this force down easy.  Keep the enemy fighters and bombers occupied as well.

(The Carrington and a Stalker wing of bombers come in)

Carrington:  Carrington here along with Epsilon wing.  How can we help?

Alpha 1:  We’ve just taken out the main weaponry on the Ravana, Carrington.  All capships focus on the Ravana and take her out.  Epsilon wing, we’ll keep you covered as you take out the Rakshasha cruisers.

Alpha 4:  What about the Shivan bombers?

Wolf:  There aren’t that many left so our capships should be able to handle them with our defenses.  Though once the Rakshashas are destroyed we wouldn’t turn down assistance from you Hydras.  Capital ships, stay focused on the Ravana until she’s destroyed.

(With the help of the heavy bomber wing that recently came in, the player should be able to take care of the Shivan fighters and bombers that recently came in and then quickly destroy the two enemy cruisers as well.)

Wolf:  Good job Hydras and Epsilon wing.  Now just sit back behind us and watch the fireworks.

(With four frigates pounding on it, the Ravana should go down relatively quickly.)

Alpha 1:  We got them, Wolf!  Nothing else is coming through right now.  Permission to return to the Hesperia?

Wolf:  One moment, Alpha 1.  Hesperia, this is the Wolf.  We just took out a Ravana.    All enemies in our engagement zone have been destoyed and our stealth probes on the other side of the node report nothing in the area.  Permission to bring our group back to the main TF7 rally point? 

Hesperia:  Command here…permission granted, Wolf.  Bring the group home.

Wolf:  Roger that, Hesperia.  All TF7 frigates and Hydra squadron along with Epsilon wing, you’re clear to return to base.  Good work today everyone.  This should give us a little more breathing room while we’re in Cor Caroli.

(The player then jumps out and returns to base.  The mission ends.)

Mission debriefing:

Well done pilots.  Whether they were a vanguard or scout force for the Sathanas armada or just some lost Shivans who happened to wake up from a nap after we passed by…the Shivans you destroyed won’t be bothering us in the future.

Some of you may be wondering why it was so important that you destroyed the transports you encountered today.  Like we told you today, had those transports escaped into Cor Caroli, perhaps they could have set up resupply or repair depots that could have been used to help them hunt us in the future.  Now any Shivans pursuing us will take a little longer to catch up to us; in addition, now they won’t have recon on the Cor Caroli system and will have to do more exploring later.  By then we will have moved on.  Every hour we can stay ahead of them counts.

TF7 won’t be staying in the Cor Caroli system much longer.  I want us to move on to the Delta Lacertae system.  You’ll have one more mission here in Cor Caroli and then we begin our transit to Delta Lacertae.

Good work today everyone.  I was also proud to see our EFN and ORS people all working together well.  This bodes well for the journey of TF7 to rendezvous with Exodus Fleet…and I would say after that is accomplished it’s a good sign for the future of humanity as a whole as well.

Get some dinner and then some sleep.  The next mission will be in nine hours.

General Oliver Spruance
EFD Hesperia
EFN Task Force Seven


Offline CT27

  • 211
Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history part 8

Mission Briefing:

Page 1:  Hydras, TF7 has nearly completed its resupply in Cor Caroli and is almost ready to leave for the Delta Lacertae system.

Page 2:  Most of our force is nearing the Delta Lacertae jump node and is preparing to depart.  However, we have one last mission for you here in Cor Caroli.

Page 3:  Our supply ships Photon and Mendel are fully stocked.  However, we want to make sure the factory ship Terbium is full as well.  I can’t say for sure when we’ll encounter another system rich with resources like Cor Caroli again.  Better safe than sorry in other words.

Page 4:  Meet the Terbium at the coordinates we’ll give you after you launch from the Hesperia.  The location is an asteroid field that our scouts believe is rich with minerals and resources.  This mission will involve mining of said resources.

Page 5:  When you get to the Terbium’s area, begin scanning asteroids in the area to see if any of them have anything worthwhile.  If they do, mark them using your number pad.  The Terbium will send mining drones out to mine those asteroids and then return to the Terbium.

Page 6:  The Terbium’s captain tells me that after a certain amount of resources have been mined, they’ll be able to make more drones to speed up the process…up to 10 is what I’ve heard.  You can also use some of the resources you’ve mined to make light laser turrets or heavier rapid-fire laser turrets to help you defend the mining operation and/or the Terbium.

Page 7:  If you do make defense turrets, keep in mind that will mean the operation could last a little longer since we need to take the Terbium away from here with 5,000 resource units.

Page 8:  We don’t want to attract too much attention so we’re only sending the light cruisers Griffin and Trailblazer to be your ‘heavy’ escort for this mission.

Page 9:

Primary objective:

Defend Terbium mining operation until sufficient resources have been gathered [ ]

(The mission now begins)

Alpha 1:  Terbium, the Hydras have arrived next to you at the designated part of the asteroid field.  We also see the cruisers Griffin and Trailblazer.  Do we have permission to begin the operation?

Terbium:  Permission granted, Hydras.  Begin scanning and marking asteroids so our mining drones can get out there and do their work.

Alpha 2:  What kind of Shivan opposition could we be looking at here Terbium?

Terbium:  When it comes to the Shivans, who knows pilot?  They seem to have a talent for showing up unexpectedly.  However, in this particular mission I don’t think we’ll be seeing a lot.  You all stopped a number of them from staying in Cor Caroli recently, and TF7 reconnaissance hasn’t seen much else in the system.  We shouldn’t see much more than some fighter wings and maybe some bombers.  I’d be surprised if we saw any capital ships.  The cruisers sent to escort us here might actually be overkill for this particular operation.

Alpha 1:  That’s good to hear.

Terbium:  Yes, but stay focused just in case.  You know the drill.  I’ll repeat the instructions you received in your mission briefing just to be safe…

Terbium:  Scan the asteroids in this area to see if any have resources we could use.  After you scan them, the amount of resources they hold should be displayed next to the target icon in the lower left corner of your hud.

Terbium:  After you’ve found asteroids with resources, mark them using your number pad.  This will be the signal for our operational mining drones to come and take what they can carry and then return to the Terbium to drop off their haul.  The process will then repeat itself.  However, after an asteroid has been drained of usable resources, be sure to unmark said asteroid so time isn’t wasted by having a drone go to an empty asteroid.  You can have several asteroids marked if you want but watch their levels by targeting them in your hud.

Terbium:  We need five thousand resource units to fully stock the Terbium and have mission success.  However, if you want to, you can use resources you’ve gathered so far to build some assisting units if you want.  For 200 units, you can build a new drone to assist in mining efforts; you can have up to 10 total drones in this operation.  You can just use the two drones you have now if you really want, but I would strongly recommend building drones as quickly as you can to make this mission go faster.

Terbium:  There’s also some other units you can build with resource units.  For 100 units you can deploy a sentry gun at a designated space.  For 175 units you can deploy a heavier rapid fire multi-turret sentry gun.  They might be able to help you defend the drones against Shivan raiders.  On the other hand, keep in mind using resource units to make turrets will mean it takes longer to gather our required number of resource units.  So if you think you can handle any potential Shivans that could show up without making sentries, the mission could be completed that much quicker.

Terbium:  Okay, I think that just about covers things Hydras.  Good luck.  We’ll be here if you have any questions.

Alpha 1:  Affirmative, Terbium.  We’re beginning our scan of nearby asteroids now.

(Note:  This ‘mission’ in Exile AH would play out a lot like the mining mission in official Exile.  Like in the official mission, the recommended strategy would be to build the max number of mining drones as
quickly as possible.)

Bravo 3:  Alpha 1, I noticed something kind of weird about some of the asteroids here.

Alpha 1:  What is it Beta 3?

Bravo 3:  Some of them look like they’ve been mined already.

Alpha 2:  Someone’s been here already you say?  Are you sure that it’s not just an asteroid with no minable materials in it?

Bravo 3:  That’s what it looks like to me anyways and what the scanner reads.  It can tell the difference between an asteroid that has nothing worthwhile in it and an asteroid that has been mined.  Terbium, what do you make of it?

Terbium:  It’s possible Exodus Fleet has been along this route…it’s one of the routes we suspected Caliphtys could take.  Plus, we have detected beacons in Cor Caroli that we suspect Exodus Fleet left behind for any stragglers to follow. This could mean we’re on the right track to meet up with what’s left of humanity.  Anyways, continue the mission.  We’re detecting lots of general mineral signatures in the area so we should still have more than enough for our needs in this mission even if Exodus Fleet mined here before us.

(The player continues scanning asteroids)

Alpha 1:  Terbium, I’ve located a number of mineral-rich asteroids and have marked them for drone mining.

Terbium:  Roger that, Alpha 1.  We’re sending the drones out.  Remember to unmark asteroids once they’ve been fully mined.  I would also recommend again to user your resource points to make more drones as soon as possible to speed up the operation.  Defense turrets are more optional in my opinion, however it’s your call.

(A wing of Shivan Manticores jump in)

Alpha 1:  Okay, it looks like we got some opposition now, take them out!

(The first wave should be easily defeated).

Terbium:  Good work on that first wave pilots.  It probably won’t be the last so stay prepared until we have the required amount of resources.  By the way, we’ve unloaded the first batch of resources from the drones just now and you have enough resource points to build another drone.  I recommend doing so, though it’s your decision.

(The player should probably build another mining drone.  Like in the version of this mission in official Exile, getting the max number of mining drones built as soon as possible is the optimum strategy.  Like I
said earlier, it should be possible to beat this mission without building any defense turrets on lower difficulties.)

(After a while, a wing of Shivan Dragons come in.)

Alpha 1:  Hydras, we have more work to do!  Fortunately, it looks like these Dragons are coming after us rather than any of our mining ships.  Take them out before they change their minds!

(The pilots take out these new Shivan ships.)

Terbium:  Good work pilots.  We’re halfway to our resource quota.

(The rest of the mission proceeds relatively simply.  A few more wings of Shivan fighters jump in now and then but the player should be able to handle them quickly.  Once the player has the max number of drones built the mission should be able to be finished smoothly.)

Terbium:  That’s it!  Great work, Hydras.  We have all the resources we can carry.  This should keep TF7 going for a long while now.

Alpha 1:  Terbium, permission to return to the Hesperia?

Terbium:  Not quite yet, Alpha 1.  We need about two minutes to charge up our jump drive.  Stay with us until then.

Trailblazer:  Terbium, we may have a problem.  I’m detecting two capital size subspace signatures incoming…along with a number of smaller ones.  It looks like we’re going to have some trouble before we all get to go home.

(In the distance, a Cain and Moloch jump in along with a number of fighter and bomber wings.)

Terbium:  Hydras, those capital ships will be on us soon.  Take out their heavy beams and then our cruisers should be able to handle them.  After that, focus on defending us from the bombers that came in with them.

Alpha 1:  You heard the Terbium pilots!  Get the heavy beams and then swing back to defend the Terbium.

(Note:  The Shivan fighters and bombers should jump in far enough away from the Terbium so that the player can take out the heavy Shivan beams and still have time to get back to the Terbium before the Shivan fighters and bombers do a lot of damage.)

Griffin:  Thank you pilots.  With their heavy weapons out of action, we two cruisers should be able to finish off these Shivan capships.

(Your allied capital ships then finish off the two Shivan ships and it shouldn’t be too hard for the player to take out the enemy bombers and fighters.)

Alpha 1:  Terbium, my sensors look clear.  Are you ready to leave yet?

Terbium:  Roger that Alpha.  Our drives are charged.  Helm…wait Alpha, just a second…

Alpha 1:  What is it Terbium?

Terbium:  I’m detecting a minor sensor blip in a section of the asteroid field that you didn’t scan…a few clicks out.  We can’t get a full lock on it but it should register as a purple dot on your sensors once you get closer to it.

Alpha 1:  Okay, I’ll go and scan it.

(Alpha 1 goes and scans the object.  It looks like some kind of turret.)

Alpha 1:  Terbium, here are the readings.  Can you make anything of it?

Terbium:  Let’s see…well well, this is very interesting.

Alpha 2:  What is it?

Terbium:  If our readings are correct, it’s the kind of heavy rapid fire multi-turret sentry gun we were going to let you build in this mission.  However, it’s not from our ship.  The readings indicate it’s from the Ida Lewis.

Bravo 1:  The Ida Lewis…isn’t that one of the factory ships from Exodus Fleet?

Terbium:  Correct.  Some of their pilots must have built in when they were on a resource gathering operation in this general vicinity.

Alpha 1:  Can you tell how old it is?

Terbium:  Not right now, unfortunately.  We’re sending out a transport to bring it in for further research.  Perhaps we’ll discover more then.  At least this is a good sign we’re on the right track in trying to catch up with Exodus Fleet.

(A transport leaves the Terbium and goes to pick this sentry up.  The Hydras escort it on its mission and defeat a couple wings of Shivan fighters.)

Alpha 1:  Transport is secure Terbium.  Permission to return to base now?

Terbium:  Permission granted, Hydras.  We’re powering up jump drives now…see you back at the Hesperia.

(After the Terbium and escort cruisers jump out, the player does the same.)

Mission debriefing:

Good work pilots.  Resource gathering isn’t as exciting as charging a Shivan destroyer, but it can be just as important.  With the Terbium fully stocked, we should be good for a long while now.
This turret was an interesting find.  While we haven’t determined its exact age yet, it is relatively recent and from the ORFs Ida Lewis.  They must have been resource hunting here too.  At least this means we’re going in the right direction.

Get ready for another system jump soon.  We’ll be heading to Delta Lacertae next.

General Oliver Spruance
EFD Hesperia
EFN Task Force Seven


Offline CT27

  • 211
Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history part 9

Command Briefing:

Page 1:  Status of TF7

EFD Hesperia (Flagship) (Galahad)
EFFg Lincoln (Vidar)
EFFg Wolf (Vidar)
ORFg Carrington (Tychicus)
ORFg Fafnir (Agneya)
EFFg Everest (Solomon)
EFFg Princeton (Solomon)
EFFg Luna (Solomon)
EFFg Huron (Solomon)
ORFg Lassel (Vitalius)
EFC Trailblazer (Evangelist)
ORC Griffin (Amalthea)
EFCs London (modified Viscount)
EFCs Borealis (modified Viscount)
ORFs Terbium (Hephaestus)
ORLs Mendel (Hestia)
ORGt Photon (Pluto)

All ships active

Page 2:
Our fleet has recently made the jump into the Delta Lacertae system.  Scouts and various squadrons are scouting the system for Shivan forces. 

Page 3:
Our destination is both the Terminus and Mi Arae nodes.  After we clear out the Delta Lacertae system, we will then scout both of these systems ahead of us and then TF7 strategists will determine which system we should go into next.

Mission Briefing:

Page 1:
Welcome to the Delta Lacertae system pilots.

We will be continuing our previous tactics upon entering a new system.  We will send wings to scout ahead and find any Shivans in the system and then destroy them.

Page 3:
Hydras, your squad will take out a Shivan depot we found in this part of Delta Lacertae.  It consists of some cargo containers, transports and freighters, a couple cruisers, and a frigate.

Page 4:
They don’t seem to be aware of our presence quite yet.  Actually, intelligence believes that this depot isn’t for defense of this system but rather to keep a progressing force supplied.  It seems like they are chasing something instead of trying to keep something out of Delta Lacertae.

Page 5:
Don’t get too excited yet pilots.  We can’t say for sure that this means we are going to soon find Exodus Fleet.  Whatever the case may be, Hydras, destroy this depot.  We’ll be sending the frigate Luna and a bomber wing to help you with the heavier stuff.

Page 6:
After you’ve destroyed the depot and Shivan forces present there, wait for further orders from the Hesperia.  They may send reinforcements.  If Shivan reinforcements are light, we can take them out and take pressure off of whatever or whoever they’re pursuing.  Even if we’re wrong and the Shivans aren’t chasing something, it will at least mean less Shivans that TF7 will have to worry about while we’re in Delta Lacertae.  If Command judges the reinforcements to be too heavy for you, we’ll either send more of our reinforcements to you or have you come back to the Hesperia.

Page 7:
Primary objectives:
Destroy Shivan supplies and supply ships [ ]
Destroy Shivan fighters and warships at supply depot [ ]

(Mission begins)

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, this is Alpha 1…we have the depot in sight just a few clicks in front of us.  The Luna and our bomber support haven’t got here yet.  Should we engage or wait for the rest of our support to get here?

Hesperia:  Hydras, you are clear to fire at will.  The bombers and Luna should be at your engagement zone within a minute and a half.  Go for the cargo and supply ships first so that they don’t escape and resupply their fleet wherever it is.  If you can take out the warships’ primary beams as well before the Luna gets here that would be very helpful as well.

Alpha 1:  Roger, Command.  Alpha, let’s take on the enemy fighter wings present.  Bravo, attack the enemy supply ships before they can leave and Delta will cover Bravo.  If anyone completes their objective then move on to target and take out the primary beams on the warships.  We’ll leave the cargo for last since it isn’t going anywhere.

(Note:  That’s not the required way to go about the objectives if this was actually made into an actual mission but I figured I should say something like this.)

(There are only two wings of fighters.  They are lighter ships compared to the elite Echelons and Vindicators the player can pick from so the fighters get destroyed relatively quickly).

Alpha 3:  Alpha 1, fighters are destroyed.

Alpha 1:  Good work.  The Luna should be getting here soon so let’s give it a hand by taking out the main beams on that frigate.

(The Hydras disable the heavy beams on the Moloch frigate)

Alpha 2:  That’s it, we got the beams.

Alpha 1:  Good work Alpha.  Let’s go and help the rest of the squad with the cargo containers and the supply ships before they can get away.

(About now is the time that the frigate Luna comes in with a bomber wing.)

Luna:  This is the EFFg Luna now on station.  We’re engaging the enemy capital ships.  Hydras, help out the bombers in engaging the enemy cruisers.  Once you’ve destroyed them, the bombers are to help finish off the Shivan frigate.  Though since you Hydras already took out the frigate’s main beam weapons, we shouldn’t have too much difficulty in destroying this particular target.  Then we’ll all take out any remaining cargo containers and await further orders from Command.

Delta 2:  Just a thought, should we try to scan and capture the Shivan cargo?

Luna:  Thanks for the offer pilot, but not this time.  Command wants their military supplies destroyed.  General readings seem to indicate they’re just regular military supplies for the Shivans.

(The light cruisers should go down fairly quickly with the bombers and fighters attacking them.  It shouldn’t take too much longer for the bombers to help the Luna destroy the frigate…especially since the frigate has largely been disarmed by now probably.)

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, this is Hydras Alpha 1.  The depot engagement zone has been completely cleaned.  All Shivan fighters, cargo, supply ships, and warships have been destroyed.  Do we return to base or stay in the area?

Hesperia:  Hydras, we’re detecting some more lighter stuff heading your way.  It shouldn’t be anything our forces already present in the area can’t handle.  Take out the incoming Shivan reinforcements when they get there.

Alpha 1:  Roger, Hesperia.

(About a minute passes)

Luna:  Stay alert everyone.  We’re detecting incoming subspace signatures…likely hostile configuration.

Alpha 2:  What kind of Shivans should we be expecting?

Luna:  Give us a second.  Okay, it doesn’t look like anything too heavy.  They’re coming out of subspace now.  We have a Cain and a couple transports.  Go to it.

(These light scouting reinforcements should be able to be dispatched relatively quickly by the player and accompanying allied forces.)

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, we dispatched a wave of Shivan reinforcements.  Permission to come back to base?

Hesperia:  Wait until the Luna gives you the clear pilot.  Luna, do you detect anymore incoming subspace activity?

Luna:  Unfortunately, yes Hesperia.  We have a heavy frigate incoming with fighter escort.  Pilots, take out the main beams of this ship and then help destroy enemy fighters.

Hesperia:  Good work pilots.  I don’t think the Shivans will want to waste too many more resources just to try and reclaim the space of a former supply depot…especially since they seem to be moving on from this system.  If the Luna doesn’t detect anything else, all TF7 ships are clear to return to the designated rendezvous point.

Alpha 1:  How about it Luna?  Do we have the all clear?

Luna:  It looks like it Hydras.  We’ll need about a minute more to fully charge our jump drives and then we’ll all head back to the Hesperia together.  We’re in the clear…wait…

Alpha 3:  What is it?

Luna:  Something’s coming in along this vector.  It’s big.  Oh no…

Alpha 1:  What?  What’s going on?

(A big subspace vortex opens up ahead of the depot and a Sathanas juggernaut comes out.)

Luna:  Hesperia!  Code red!  We have a Shivan juggernaut that just jumped in!  Designation is Tyrant!  I repeat, Tyrant is in system!

Hesperia:  No!  We hadn’t planned on encountering Tyrant yet!

Luna:  Well, it’s here!

Alpha 1:  Luna, jump out now!  Sathanas ships can turn quicker than you think.  She might be able to get you if you wait for a full charge!

Luna:  That’s a negative pilot.  If we jump out this close to it, Tyrant might be able to track us back to the main TF7 rally point and wipe all of us out.  You have to write us off.  Alpha 1, take the rest of the Hydras and the bomber wing and get at least 20 km away from the Tyrant and then jump back to the Hesperia.  Our techs estimate they shouldn’t be able to track your jump vector at that range.

(Note:  I’m not sure if ships can get accurate jump readings or not at that range but I felt that was plausible enough to write.)

Alpha 1:  Luna, we can’t just leave you here!  Bombers and fighters are coming out of the Tyrant’s fighter bay!

Luna:  We don’t have the time to take out its forward cannons.  That’s what’s probably going to get us.  Just remember us in the future pilots.  That’s all we ask.  It’s more important that the main forces of TF7 survive than we try to get out and lead Tyrant back to them.

Hesperia:  We’ll be sure to remember you Luna.  Thank you for your sacrifice.

Bravo 1:  Alpha 1!  Look!

Alpha 1:  What?

Bravo 1:  The Tyrant is continuing in a straight line away from us, it’s not turning to engage the Luna!

Delta 2:  They have us, why would they walk away from a win like that?

Luna:  Whatever the case, it looks like we may have a second chance at life here.  Maybe the Tyrant thinks a regular frigate isn’t worth it’s time and it can let its fighters and bombers try to clean up the scraps so to speak.  Hold on, we’re detecting some extra energy in its engines.  It might be trying to head out of system, either toward the Terminus or Mir Arae jump node.

Alpha 1:  Orders Luna?

Luna:  Hydras, I may just be guessing here but my guess is the Tyrant will be heading to one of the jump points out of this system ahead of us.  Alpha 1, get to the Tyrant and get scans of its sensors, navigation, and communication subsystems.  That might tell us where it’s headed.  Hurry up before it jumps out.  The rest of you fighters and bombers hold off the enemy craft incoming towards us!

(The player would then race to get scans of the requested Tyrant subsystems.  While this is happening , the rest of the Hydras, the accompanying bomber wing, and the Luna should be able to hold off the fighters and bombers launched from the Tyrant.)

(After a while, the Tyrant jumps out.)

Luna:  Did you get the scans, Alpha 1?

Alpha 1:  Affirmative, Luna.  Heading back to help in your defense now.

(Soon after this, there are no Shivans left in the mission zone.)

Alpha 1:  It looks like that’s it.  That’s all of them.  Luna, can we go home now?

Luna:  Yes, our jump drives are fully charged and all Shivans present have either retreated or have been destroyed.  We’ll decode your scans when you get back to the Hesperia.  All craft are clear to return to
base now.  See you back home.

(All craft, including the player, jump out now and the mission ends.)

Mission Debriefing:

That was a close one pilots.  The crew of the EFFg Luna sends you its thanks.  They were staring death in the face, but thankfully Tyrant chose not to stay and engage us.  However, the Luna might still have gone down if you all weren’t there to de-beam enemy capital ships and keep the Luna safe from Shivan fighters and bombers.

We’ll be careful in the days ahead.  Hopefully we won’t run into Tyrant again.  We’ll try not to rush if we don’t have to. 

Your scans were very helpful, Alpha 1.  With the data you got, our techs and analysts estimate that the Tyrant jumped in the direction of the Terminus jump node.  That means we’ll be heading to the Mi Arae system for the time being.

Get some sleep.  Obviously, the Shivans haven’t totally left Delta Lacertae yet.  Thankfully for us, they’re not blockading the system.  Like I said earlier, it looks like they’re chasing something instead of trying to keep their enemies out of the system.  We’ll begin to move TF7 toward the Mi Arae jump node tomorrow and clear out any  Shivan resistance along the way.

General Oliver Spruance
CO EFD Hesperia
EFN Task Force Seven


Offline CT27

  • 211
Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history part 10

Mission Briefing:

Page 1: 
Pilots, we have a serious situation incoming in regards to our supply ships.

Page 2:
The Terbium and Mendel were sent on a special mission.  They were sent to a part of Delta Lacertae we thought was secure.  We found a special mineral that could help accelerate development of the heavy Frost cannon.  When completed, the Frost would be the most powerful primary cannon in the EFN fighter arsenal, so we thought it worth the risk to send our main supply ships mostly unguarded to gather these resources quickly.

Page 3:
We sent most of our warships slightly ahead of them, with the exception of the cruiser Trailblazer, to scout the area between us and the Mi Arae jump node.  One of our scout wings detected two Shivan destroyers:  a Ravana designated Phiron and a Demon designated Ashtar.

Page 4:
However, the scout detected that the destroyers were beginning to power up.    Our tacticians believe they’re heading toward the area where the Terbium and Mendel are at.

Page 5: 
We shouldn’t have left them alone pilots even for a short time but what’s done is done, we have to deal with it.  Hydras, you’re all we can send back to help at the moment.  Most of our other craft are off attacking some other Shivan staging areas we’ve located or are the immediate CAP of our warships.

Page 6:
We’re giving you the best craft we can.  Hydras Alpha, you’ll be piloting Lyre heavy bombers and Bravo and Delta wing will be flying Echelon superfighters as escort.

Page 7: 
Alpha wing, we’re also giving you the choice of loadout.  You can take Maelstrom medium torpedoes or Broadsword heavy torpedoes.  Make your loadout choice quick though. 

Page 8:
I just got some good news.  The Lassel has finished its engagement and we’re rerouting it to what will be your engagement zone.  We’ll try to send you further reinforcements if they become available after finishing their scouting zones or engagements.

Page 9:
Hopefully I don’t have to tell you how important this mission is.  Saving our two primary supply ships is vital to TF7 and humanity as a whole.  Without them we’d run out of food and water and supplies for
our ships and people and we’d lack ammunition as well.  Good luck out there.

Page 9:
Primary objectives:
Save the supply ship Mendel [ ]
Save the factory ship Terbium [ ]

Secondary objective:
Protect allied frigates [ ]

(Mission begins)

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, this is Alpha 1 of the Hydras.  We’ve reached the designated engagement zone.  The Terbium and Mendel are several clicks away. 

Hesperia:  Hopefully that means the Shivans won’t get to them immediately when they show up.  Any sign of the Shivans yet?

Alpha 1:  Negative.  Neither the Shivans nor the Lassel have appeared yet.

(Three capital ship size subspace nodes open up)

Alpha 1:  Command, the first wave of Shivans are here!  The Ravana Phiron and two Cains have just jumped in!

Bravo 1:  At least they haven’t launched fighters or bombers yet.

Hesperia:  That probably won’t last long pilots.  Hurry up and destroy them before they get within range of our supply ships.  Go for the beams on the Phiron first and then for general destruction of the Shivan capital ships.

Alpha 1:  Since there aren’t any enemy fighters present I’m going to slightly divide us up for this mission.  I’m going to go in and take out that Ravana’s main beams fast.  The rest of Alpha, bomb those cruisers out of space…you can snipe their main beams first if you want.  Bravo and Delta, you attack the cruisers as well.  The Cains should fall quickly under that attack.  Alpha, when the cruisers are destroyed, begin a general attack on the Phiron. 

Alpha 4:  Out of curiosity, Alpha 1, why’d you take Broadswords for your torpedoes?  A bomber can carry more Maelstroms.

Alpha 1:  Personal preference.  I knew we were going against a destroyer so I wanted something heavier.  Broadswords are overkill against cruisers but are excellent against heavy targets like destroyers.  If we were just going against a swarm of smaller ships I would have taken Maelstroms in my craft like you all chose to.  Maelstroms don’t do as much damage against destroyers.  They’ll do the job eventually, but a wing might have to rearm a couple times.  It’s kind of like how Great War pilots had to choose between Tsunamis or Harbingers. 

(The primary beams of the Phiron are disabled shortly after)

(A subspace vortex opens)

Lassel:  ORFg Lassel now in the battle area.  General Spruance thought you could use some help.  We’re on the flank of the Phiron and will engage it while you finish off the cruisers.

Alpha 1:  Thank you, Lassel.  Pilots, follow those instructions.  I’ll use my heavy torpedoes to help finish off this Ravana.

(After the rest of the Hydras finish off the two Cains that jumped in, they join Alpha 1 and the Lassel in attacking the Phiron.)

Alpha 2:  Alpha lead, we finished off the escort cruisers.  Permission to use our medium torpedoes against the Phiron?

Alpha 1:  Granted, let’s finish her off.  Bravo and Delta, you can help by taking out anti-fighter and bomber turrets.

(A Ravana is not a heavily armored ship.  This unescorted Ravana goes down soon after to the bombers and Lassel.)

Alpha 4:  Phiron is down!  Command, I repeat:  Phiron is down!

Hesperia:  Excellent work, everyone!  All forces present, get closer to the Mendel and Terbium and help the Trailblazer defend the ships.  We don’t know when the Ashtar will get there but I doubt you’ll have long to wait.

(The Lassel and Hydras move closer to the ships they are to defend.)

Delta 2:  Alpha 1:  What kind of bright idea was it to leave our two main supply ships undefended?  We couldn’t eat or drink or fight for long without them. 

Delta 3:  Terbium, Mendel…why’d you guys come out alone? 

Terbium:  Can we tell them Hesperia?

Hesperia:  We covered most of it in the briefing, but go ahead.

Terbium:  It’s agreed that it’s a bad idea to leave supply ships largely undefended.  However, we weren’t
just lost in space.  There was a good reason for us to be out here.

Alpha 2:  I sure hope it was a good reason to risk the lifeblood of TF7.

Mendel:  As we were about to move towards the Mi Arae jump node, right at the last minute some of our scouts detected some rich mineral deposits in a small asteroid field.  Our scientists believe these minerals could be of great use in weapons development…particularly on project Frost. 

Alpha 1:  To be fair they see it was a poor idea to send a low escort now.  I guess they wanted to scout the Mi Arae system quickly and didn’t want to take the Terbium and Mendel with them to what could potentially be a hot engagement zone. 

Terbium:  We had enough resources to produce the Frost cannon eventually.  However, these resources would allow us to produce it much quicker and enough for all EFN fighters.  Maybe eventually for ORS fighters too but since the Frost was an EFN design, it would be easiest to fit them on EFN fighters first.

Alpha 1:  With all the hype this is getting, I hope the Frost is worth it.

Mendel:  If our simulations are correct, it will be.  It may have an average range, but its hull and shield damage will be greater than any other EFN primary fighter weapon.  Overall it will be the best primary weapon in the fleet.

Alpha 4:  Okay, I get why this mission was necessary, but why weren’t there more escorts for the supply ships on this mission?

Hesperia:  We were doing various scouting missions and we had a window where they would be relatively alone.  To be fair, they were only going to be alone, except for the Trailblazer, for a short time.  We had scouted the immediate area and didn’t detect any incoming Shivans.  It was only recently we found the Phiron and Ashtar.

Terbium:  After we got the necessary resources, we were beginning to prepare to head for a TF7 rally point.  We almost made it clear.  Plus, it was decided too large a military escort might have attracted more Shivan attention.

Delta 3:  Maybe we should get hazard pay for this.

Hesperia:  Focus on the mission for now and you can vent later.  Tell you what, if you don’t lose any allied capital ships in this mission, the Hydras get an extra hour of sleep during your next break.  Deal?

Delta 2:  Fair enough, Command.

Hesperia:  We realize we made a mistake and it almost cost us big, but we’ll do our best to not repeat it again. 

Lassel:  Attention, everyone:  We don’t see the Ashtar yet but I’m detecting incoming Shivan fighter and bomber squadrons.  They’re likely forces from the Ashtar trying to soften us up.

Alpha 1:  Bravo and Delta wings, protect the Terbium and Mendel.  Alpha, try to protect those ships too.  However, we’re in less maneuverable bombers so it might be helpful to stay within the Lassel’s anti-fighter screen.  Command, any chance we could get some more reinforcements?

Hesperia:  The Everest has reported its scouting mission is complete so we’re rerouting it to you.  It should be there in a couple minutes or so.

(A squadron of Shivan fighters and a squadron of Shivan bombers jump in.)

Alpha 1:  Make sure they don’t get the Mendel or Terbium!

(This first wave is destroyed with hopefully minimal damage to the TF7 supply ships.)

Lassel:  We have another incoming Shivan wave!

Alpha 2:  Is it the Ashtar?

Lassel:  Negative.  It looks like two Shivan heavy frigates with fighter escort.  No sign of the Ashtar yet, however. 

(A subspace vortex opens on the other side of the Mendel and Terbium.)

Everest:  It looks like we got here just in time.  We’ll help defend the supply ships from fighter and bomber attacks and the Shivan frigates when they get in range.  Alpha bombers, if you can take out the forward beams of those heavy frigates, it should give us the edge in this engagement.

(Multiple waves of Shivan fighters and bombers come in, but the player and allied capital ships are able to protect the Mendel and Terbium.)

Bravo 1:  Mendel and Terbium:  What’s your status?

Terbium:  All systems are green.  We’ll be ready to go soon.  Continue keeping the Shivans off of us.

Alpha 1:  That looks like all for this wave, Hesperia.  Do you have anything else coming in at the moment?

Lassel:  Wait, pilots!  We’re detecting a large incoming subspace signature!  It’s the Ashtar!  It should be here in a minute or less.  Rearm if you need to, this should be the last phase of combat for the mission and then you can come home.

Alpha 4:  Something else is coming in and it’s not the Ashtar!

Lassel:  Roger that.  It looks like the Ashtar is sending its two escort light Moloch frigates ahead of it along with fighters and bombers.

Bravo 2:  How much longer until…

Lassel:  There you go Hydras, the Ashtar has just come in.

Alpha 1:  Hydras, begin your attack on the Molochs’ primary beams.  They’ll be in range of our craft before the Ashtar.  After that, begin a general attack on them to finish them off.

Lassel:  Alpha 1, we have a special task for you.

Alpha 1:  I’m kind of busy right now, I’m working on getting those frigates blasted out of space.  The Ashtar won’t be in range for a few minutes so we have to focus on the more immediate threat.

Lassel:  The rest of the Hydras can destroy the frigates and the Shivan fighters and bombers.  There’s something you have to do right now!

Alpha 1:  Okay, okay…what is it?

Lassel:  Burn immediately toward the Ashtar and destroy its starboard side main beam.

Alpha 1:  Why so specific?

Lassel:  No time to explain right now, just do it!

Alpha 1:  As you wish.  Hydras, finish off the Molochs’ main beams and then the frigates themselves.  I’ve just been assigned another task.

(The player has to dodge fighters and corvette fire to get to the designated turret of the Ashtar and then destroy it.)

Alpha 1:  This is Alpha 1 reporting in, Lassel.  The starboard heavy beam turret of the Ashtar has been destroyed.  Now what?

Lassel:  Get back over here and help us and the rest of the Hydras with the frigates and fighters and bombers.

Alpha 1:  Shouldn’t I help destroy the Ashtar?  I have heavy Broadsword torpedoes after all.

Lassel:  Something else has been planned, Alpha 1.  I suggest you get back over here soon.  You’ll want to get out of the way.

Alpha 1:  Uh, okay.

(Alpha 1 flies back to the other area of the engagement.)

Alpha 1:  The Shivan frigates are down, along with their fighters and bombers.  Would you mind telling me what’s going on?

Lassel:  Take a look at the Ashtar and watch the fireworks.

(A large subspace vortex opens on the starboard side of the Ashtar.)

Hesperia:  EFD Hesperia here.  Sorry we’re a little late pilots.  Thanks for getting rid of that beam for us; it should make this a little bit easier.  All available heavy railguns and torpedo launchers, target the Ashtar for general effect.  Finish her off!

(The Hesperia begins to use its heavy weaponry on the Ashtar.  It soon is disabled.)

Lassel:  Alpha 1, aren’t you glad you weren’t in the way of that barrage?

Alpha 1:  Certainly.  Okay Hydras, there aren’t any more small capships or fighters or bombers present.  Hesperia, permission to help finish the Ashtar off?

Hesperia:  Why not?  You’re free to join the party if you want to Alpha wing.  TF7 capital ships, stay close to our supply ships just in case.

(Being disabled and having no further support, the Ashtar should go down in about a minute or so.)

Bravo 1:  Scratch one more Shivan destroyer.

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, the area is clear.

Hesperia:  Mission complete.  Good work, everyone.  Hydras, you are clear to land.  Make it quick, we’ll be moving out soon.  Terbium and Mendel, was your mission successful?

Terbium:  Roger that, Hesperia.  We have all the resources we need and project Frost can be expedited.  Both are ships took minimal damage and we’re good to go.

Mendel:  Wait a minute, we’re detecting a unique signature near one of these asteroids.  There are also some things that look like sentries.

Hesperia:  Can you identify it?

Mendel:  I’m marking the asteroid on sensors, Hesperia.  Go in for a closer scan, Alpha 1.

Alpha 1:  I was just scanned by these sentry looking things!  However…they’re not firing on me.

(The player moves in and scans this object.)

Alpha 1:  Command, I see some kind of purple-ish alien craft here now!  It’s not EFN, ORS, Shivan, or Vasudan.

Hesperia:  Terbium, send a support drone and bring that ship aboard so we can study it.  Bring one of the sentries too.

(Suupport drones dock with this ship and sentry and brings them back to the Terbium.)

Hesperia:  All capital ships in the engagement zone may return to the rally point.  Hydras, land quickly so we can jump out too.

(The player lands on the Hesperia and the mission ends.)

Mission debriefing:

We’ve learned to be more careful next time.  It was thought we could leave our supply ships mostly unguarded for a short time and it almost cost us dearly.  From now on we’ll leave at least one frigate with the supply ships.

However, thanks to your efforts, the mission was successful and worth it.  Project Frost will now be completed much sooner and will be able to be given to more of our craft now.  This weapon will greatly improve our fighters’ odds in engagements with the Shivans.

As for this new ship we discovered, I’m afraid I can’t tell you a lot about it.  Preliminary findings indicate it has similar properties to the ancient species that gave us the data to defeat the Lucifer about three decades ago.  It looks like they may have been in this part of space at some point.  We’re guessing this was a small transport.  We’re in the process of studying the artifacts on board.

The sentry was interesting.  Our scientists believe that this thing was programmed to fire on Shivans and that’s why the sentry field didn’t fire on you.

I will tell you something that will affect our mission.  From what we know of the Ancient language, we were able to decode part of this really old flight log that indicates this ship was headed for Terminus.  It looks like there’s something important there.  For now though, all other findings are classified.

Anyways, good work to all of you.  Your work has basically cleared out the Delta Lacertae system today.  Scouts report nothing between us and the Mi Arae node now.  We’re heading that way now and should be making the jump relatively shortly.  I don’t know what exactly we’ll find in Mi Arae, but with the Tyrant heading towards Terminus…hopefully we won’t encounter any juggernauts.

Hydras, by the way, I’m keeping the deal I made with you earlier since none of our ships were destroyed during this engagement.  You get an extra hour off patrol duty tomorrow.  Use it for extra sleep, eating, reading a book, showering, or whatever. 

General Oliver Spruance
EFD Hesperia
EFN Task Force Seven


Offline CT27

  • 211
Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history part 11

Command Briefing:

Page 1:
Status of TF7:
EFD Hesperia (Flagship) (Galahad)
EFFg Lincoln (Vidar)
EFFg Wolf (Vidar)
ORFg Carrington (Tychicus)
ORFg Fafnir (Agneya)
EFFg Everest (Solomon)
EFFg Princeton (Solomon)
EFFg Luna (Solomon)
EFFg Huron (Solomon)
ORFg Lassel (Vitalius)
EFC Trailblazer (Evangelist)
ORC Griffin (Amalthea)
EFCs London (modified Viscount)
EFCs Borealis (modified Viscount)
ORFs Terbium (Hephaestus)
ORLs Mendel (Hestia)
ORGt Photon (Pluto)

All ships active

Page 2:
To all personnel of TF7, we are now in the Mi Arae system.  We’re going to continue our policy of scouting the system we just entered. 

Page 3:
The Sathanas juggernaut Tyrant was heading toward Terminus last we checked.  We’re not sure if it’s made the jump to that system yet or not.  For now, however, we’re going to stay ‘behind’ it in Mi Arae to make sure we don’t run into it yet.  Fortunately, it seems Tyrant has interests elsewhere.

Page 4:
Some of the traces of Exodus Fleet we detected shows it was headed toward Terminus too.  Hopefully they have enough of a lead on Tyrant.  We’ll be heading to Terminus eventually too so don’t discount the possibility of TF7 having to fight Tyrant at some point.

Page 5:
As a result of the success of the previous mission, we do have some good news for all pilots of TF7.  After pooling research with crews on the Terbium, we have completed development of the Frost cannon.  It has high marks against shields and armor and is fairly decent against subsystems and turrets as well.  The only drawbacks are it only has a range of 1,000 meters and has above average power consumption.  However, if you can be accurate with it, it should prove deadly against Shivan craft.  We should have enough developed for our elite squadrons by the time we get to Terminus.
(Note:  This is basically the equivalent of the Kayser.)

Page 6:
Work continues on our Cliffhanger gun.  We’re working to give our craft something similar to what ORS gunships have:  a long-range anti-hull gun that’s good for taking out turrets.  The Lyre has a sniper cannon but this will be for general use on fighters with larger power plants.
(Note:  The equivalent of the Maxim.)
We are also planning development of a next generation long range heavy missile for use against bombers and turrets.  It is modeled after the old GTA Phoenix V and will be called simply the Phoenix X.
(Note:  This is basically a Trebuchet.)

Page 7:
Get ready for recon in Mi Arae pilots.  I have a feeling something big may be coming up soon or that we may be entering the next chapter of our journey in exile through space.

Mission Briefing:

Page 1:
Hydra Alpha 1, we actually have a special mission for you today.

Page 2:
We’re sending out scouting parties to scout Mi Arae and are readying attack groups to attack some Shivan formations we’ve found.  Your assignment will be to recon an area we suspect a heavy Shivan destroyer might be in.  However, we’ve got a special ship for you to try out for this mission that should make things a little easier at least.

Page 3:
In this mission you’ll be flying a modified Stentor interceptor.  I know it doesn’t have the firepower of the Echelon superfighter, but firepower isn’t what this particular mission is about.

Page 4:
We’ve detected some Shivan forces near the range of our regular sensors and we want you to check them out.  This modified Stentor is a stealth fighter variant.  We just finished it and though normally we’d do more testing, these aren’t really normal circumstances for humanity.  For this mission, the craft’s codename is “Ghost”.

Page 5:
Jump to the area we suspect the Shivans are at and report back to us what you see.  Your stealth Stentor, aka EFF Ghost, has been equipped with a special long-range secure frequency.

Page 6:
Unfortunately, there is a downside to this new technology.  To fit the stealth systems and special comms device on the Ghost, we needed to remove your secondary weapons banks for this mission.  Perhaps in
the future we’ll be able to improve the stealth technology to where we can also fit more weapons on board.  That’s for another day though.  However, the point of this mission isn’t to rack up a killscore.

Page 7:
We did some limited testing of this device.  I won’t bore you with the details, but you should be able to get close enough to Shivan capital ships to scan them…on the other hand, you’ll want to stay 500 meters away from fighters otherwise they’ll fire on you.

Page 8:
Primary objective:
Perform reconnaissance of suspected Shivan rally point [ ]

(Mission begins)

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, I’m on a secure frequency and I’ve reached the designated recon zone but there’s nothing here at the moment.  Now what?

Hesperia:  Hang on Alpha 1.  We believe Shivan capital ships should be there shortly.  How are you liking the Ghost so far?

Alpha 1:  Except for the lack of secondaries, it flies just like a Stentor.  Hopefully when the time comes the stealth system works.  Anyways, out of curiosity, what are the rest of the Hydras doing right now while I’m away here?

Hesperia:  I suppose we can tell you as long as we’re both on a secure frequency.  They’re off assaulting a supply convoy with a cruiser group and a frigate for escort.    Don’t worry, it shouldn’t be anything they can’t handle.

Alpha 1:  Will I be all alone on this mission?  Is there any chance for support coming in or even some kind of diversionary strike?

Hesperia:  Not at this time, sorry Alpha 1.  Don’t worry, we’re not expecting you to engage in major combat here.  This mission is reconnaissance.

Alpha 1:  Roger that, Hesperia.

(A short while passes and then some supply ships come in)

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, some transports have just jumped in with cargo.  Orders?

Hesperia:  Proceed as planned, Alpha 1.  Scan the transports and then scan the cargo.  Remember to not fire or you’ll be detected and we’ll have to scrap the mission.

Alpha 1:  Understood.

(The player scans the Shivan craft).

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, all ships and cargo scanned.  It looks like they may be jumping out soon.

Hesperia:  That’s not our concern at the moment.  Be prepared for any more ships that could come in.  It looks like they might be setting up some sort of staging or rally point.

(A couple cruisers come in but this time they have a wing of fighters as escort.)

Alpha 1:  Two Shivan cruisers with a fighter wing have arrived.  I’m moving in to scan them.

Hesperia:  Remember to stay at least 500 meters from the fighters.

(The player should be able to complete this part fairly easily.)

Alpha 1:  The second set of vessels is completed.  Some of the ships are staying in this area and some are going elsewhere.  Should I pursue any of them?

Hesperia:  Negative, Alpha 1.  Focus on keeping track of what’s in the immediate area.  Scan ships even if they’re leaving, but we’ll have to worry about them some other time.

(Now a Lilith and a wing of Dragons come in.)

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, a Lilith heavy cruiser and a Dragon wing have just come in.

Hesperia:  Get a scan of the Lilith.  Be careful about the Dragons though, they are quicker and more maneuverable than the previous fighter wing. 

(The player then scans the Lilith.  The Dragons stick a little closer to the Lilith than the previous wing to its cruisers.  However, they fly in a pattern and if the player is a little patient it shouldn’t be too difficult to get in and scan the Lilith.)

Alpha 1:  The Lilith has been scanned, Command.

Hesperia:  Good work.  It looks like this might be a rally point or cargo depot.  On the other hand, we don’t really know the Shivans so this could just be a bunch of lost random Shivans coming together at this point in space to have a party and watch Star Trek reruns or something.  Stick around just in case more warships come.

(Two Moloch corvettes, or frigates as they’re called in Exile, now arrive.)

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, two Molochs have come in now.  It looks like the Dragon wing may be moving in to cover them.  I’ll get the Molochs scanned before that happens.

(If the player moves quickly here, he or she can get the Molochs scanned before the Dragon wing moves closer to them.)

Alpha 1:  Molochs have been scanned.  Should I stick around some more?

Hesperia:  Roger that, Alpha 1.  Judging by this number of smaller ships, it’s very likely a destroyer is around somewhere.

(After about a minute passes, a Ravana jumps into the area with a fighter escort.)

Alpha 1:  Here it is, Command!  A Ravana destroyer just jumped in!

Hesperia:  We’ll designate this one SD Girshan.  This will be a little different because we’d like more than a simple general scan like you made of the smaller capships.  Your mission, in addition to avoiding the fighters in the area is to get a scan of all of the Girshan’s major subsystems.  Scan the sensors, navigation, engine, fighterbay, weapons, and communications subsystems. 

Alpha 1:  Wish me luck.

(The Girshan’s fighters circle around it in a pattern.  If the player times scanning certain subsystems correctly, he or she should be able to do this part without too much trouble.  There’s not a time limit on this mission if it ever gets made so the player has time to fly back and watch things to gain an understanding of the situation.)

Alpha 1:  That’s all of the Girshan’s systems, Hesperia.

Hesperia:  Great work, Alpha 1.  It looks like the Shivans have a battlegroup left in this part of Mi Arae.  TF7 strikes on other Shivan elements in this system have been successful so this should be the only major Shivan force left in system.  Although I can’t say for sure if they know of our location yet.

Alpha 1:  Do I have permission to return to the Hesperia?

Hesperia:  If you don’t detect anything else coming in at the time, yes.  Come on home.

Alpha 1:  Roger, Hesperia.  I’m returning to ba…

Hesperia:  What’s wrong Alpha 1?

Alpha 1:  Command, something else is coming in.  It looks big.  Uh oh; Command, a Sammael just came in!  I repeat, a Sammael heavy destroyer has just arrived!  It looks partially damaged though… like it just came from a fight somewhere.

Hesperia:  That’s not good.  Do the same thing you did with the Girshan on the new Sammael, designation SD Gauri.  Data on it would help. 

(If this ever got made into an actual mission, a Shivan wing would be patrolling the Gauri…albeit in a patter slightly different than the Girshan’s escort wing.)

Alpha 1:  Command, the Gauri’s systems have been scanned.  What should I do now?

Hesperia:  Anything else on sensors?

Alpha 1:  That’s a negative.  Everything here has been scanned and I’m not seeing anything else coming in right now.

Hesperia:  Okay, I think we’ve got enough data from this part of space.  Get at least ten kilometers from the nearest Shivan ship and then jump out and return to base.  The Ghost’s stealth elements should keep the Shivans from detecting you if you jump out now, but better safe than sorry.

(The player gets to the required distance and jumps out.)

Mission Debriefing:

Nice work today, Alpha 1.  It looks like this trial of the EFF Ghost was a success.  Maybe when TF7’s situation stabilizes as a whole we can work to produce more of them.  However, for now we’ll have to keep the few we have for limited use.

What you found today was a significant Shivan force.  We had hoped to be able to head for Terminus without a serious fight but it looks like we’ll have to deal with this first.  Most of our strikes on forces elsewhere here in Mi Arae were successful so hopefully this means we won’t get flanked or surprised from behind in our upcoming operation.

I’m sending most of TF7 to a spot closer to the jump node to Terminus while the Hesperia and a couple heavy ships prepare for a strike on this Shivan battle group.

Alpha 1, get something to eat and then get the rest of the Hydras to the briefing room in one hour.  You’ll be part of the strike on the Girshan and Gauri’s battlegroup.

General Oliver Spruance
CO EFD Hesperia
CIC EFN Task Force Seven


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Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history part 12

Mission Briefing:

Page 1: 
We are nearing completion in terms of our preparation for our assault on the Girshan and Gauri’s battlegroup here in Mi Arae.

Page 2:
After we destroy this Shivan force, we will have a clear shot for the Terminus system.

Page 3:
Most of our warships are guarding our supply ships and have moved nearer to the Terminus node.  The Hesperia and a couple frigates will engage this Shivan force.

Page 4:
From what we were able to detect, it looks like the Gauri has seen some action.  It’s our guess that it’s using time at this rally point or base to conduct some repairs.  We don’t know where it saw this action though since we haven’t engaged it yet.  It could be a wire suddenly blew up or maybe some stray asteroids hit it or something.

Page 5:
Our main objectives in this mission are to destroy the Shivan warships.  The cargo and any supply ships in the area would be a nice bonus, so get them if you can, but the warships are our main priority here.

Page 6: 
The Hesperia, Carrington, and Huron will enter the engagement zone in a few minutes.  Your job until then is to soften up the area as much as possible.  Get as many heavy beam cannons taken out as you can before we all get there to prevent heavy damage to our warships.  Don’t worry about finishing off the warships, make disarming heavy weaponry your primary mission upon arrival in the engagement zone.

Page 7:
Hyrdras, to help you out in your task, we are sending you a heavy bomber wing.  Keep them safe and they should be able to help out with some of the warships at least.

Page 8:
One more thing, we have completed work on the new heavy Frost cannon.  Our supply ships have been working overtime to get the first batches out.  You can take them on this mission.  They have a range of 1,000 meters and have great marks against both hull and shields and are also fairly good against subsystems and turrets too.  The only real drawback is they consume a high amount of gun energy.

Mission Objectives:
Primary Objective:
Clear the area of Shivan warships [ ]

Secondary Objective:
Destroy Shivan supply ships and cargo [ ]

(Mission begins)

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, the Hydras and our bombers from the 34th squadron are in the mission area.  Things look like I last saw them.  Permission to proceed with the mission?

Hesperia:  Permission granted, Alpha 1.  Soften up the heavies so our warships can have an easier time of it when they all get there.  Remember, while it would be nice to get the supply ships and cargo, those are only secondary objectives.

(A squadron of Basilisks begin to fly toward the Hydras.)

Alpha 1:  Hydras, let’s take these Shivans out first.  This is as good a time as any to try out the new Frost cannon when they get in range.  Remember, it eats power more than other weapons, so try to aim carefully and make your shots count.

(Note:  As I’ve said before, the Frost will basically be the EFN’s equivalent of FS2’s Kayser.  There are a couple slight differences though.  The Frost has slightly higher range than the Kayser but the Frost also has slightly higher energy consumption.)

(Since the Basilisks aren’t the quickest fighters out there or the most maneuverable, this squadron should go down fairly quickly to the Hydras.)

Alpha 4:  Did you see that, Hydra lead?  We went through those Shivans like a knife through butter.  This Frost weapon is amazing!

Alpha 1:  It’s as good as Command hyped it to be, I’ll give them that.  Like they said though, you have to be more careful with your aim since it uses more energy and needs to be recharged more often.

Alpha 2:  Considering how good it is against fighters, I’ll take that tradeoff. 

Hesperia:  We’re all glad the new Frost cannon is as good in practice as our techs said it would be.  However, please save the admiration for later and keep your focus on the mission right now.  Soften up the nearby Shivan warships if you can and get the area ready for the arrival of our heavies.

Alpha 1:  Alpha wing, come with me and let’s quickly get those supply ships.  They’re heading out of the area and I want to get them before they leave.  Bravo and Delta, escort our bombers in and finish off those two Rakshasha cruisers.

(Note:  If this was an actual mission it should be okay to leave the bombers for a little bit.  It shouldn’t
take too long to finish off the Shivan supply ships and cargo and quickly get the secondary objective for the mission shortly after it starts.)

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, Alpha has taken out the Shivan supply ships and cargo containers. 

Hesperia:  Good work.  Every less supply ship out there hurts the Shivans.  Hurry back to the main mission and help the rest of the Hydras with the cruisers.

(Between the bombers and the twelve fighters of the Hydras, the two Rakshashas should go down fairly quickly…especially if all the Hydras are armed with Frost cannons.)

Delta 2:  Command, we’ve destroyed the Shivan cruisers.  What are your orders now?

Hesperia:  Hydras, our warships will be coming in soon to help finish off this Shivan battlegroup.  Work on the Moloch frigates now.  We’re not expecting you to destroy them before we get here, but if you could take out their main beams that would be most helpful.  After this we’ll all move on together to the destroyers and the Lilith.

(Note:  At this point in the mission the player should take out the heavy beams on the Moloch frigates/corvettes.  After that it would go quicker to have the bomber wing focus on one Moloch at a time rather than have the bomber wing split up.)

(Now the Hesperia, Carrington, and Huron jump in.)

Hesperia:  Hydras, our warships are now in the engagement zone.  Thanks for taking out the beams on those frigates.  It should make our task easier.  Keep our ships and our bomber wing safe from Shivan fighters and bombers and then we’ll move on to the last group of Shivan warships.

(Two subspace tunnels open up.)

Alpha 1:  Command, it looks like they brought in two Cains as reinforcements.

Hesperia:  The mission remains the same Hydras.  Finish off the Cains with your squadron and our warships will finish off the Molochs.

(If the player is quick enough, he or she should be able to use the Hydras and bomber wing to quickly take out the Cains before their beams do too much damage to the TF7 warships.  At the least, the player can quickly take out the Cains’ main beams and then go back to taking out the enemy bombers attacking the TF7 force.)

Alpha 2:  Hesperia, where’d the Cains come from?  I thought this fleet here were the only Shivans in the Mi Arae system.

Hesperia:  With the Shivans, it’s very difficult to tell.  Sometimes it seems like they can almost come out of nowhere.  We don’t know their true numbers or capabilities.  However, let’s just focus on what’s in front of us for now.

(It shouldn’t take too much longer for the TF7 forces to finish off the Cains.)

Alpha 4:  Hesperia, the Cains are down.

Hesperia:  Good work people.  Let’s get to the frigates now and then the Lilith and destroyers.

Bravo 3:  The destroyers haven’t made a move to engage us yet.  Why is that? 

Bravo 1:  They’re probably conducting some last-minute repairs before they fully move to combat.  Who knows though?  It’s almost impossible to understand Shivan psychology. 

Hesperia:  Worry about that later Hydras.  We have some more incoming fighters and bombers; take care of them.  Keep them off our warships while we finish off the frigates.  If you want to Alpha lead, you can have the bomber wing you have with you work on the frigates as well.

(While the TF7 warships deal with the frigates, more Shivan fighters and bombers come in.  If the player wants to use the bomber wing against the frigates, it would be advisable to concentrate on one rather than dividing the bomber wing’s attention.  It shouldn’t take too much longer for the two Molochs to be destroyed.  Then the last main phase of the mission will begin.)

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, both enemy frigates are down now.

Hesperia:  Good work everyone, we’re going for that destroyer group.  Focus on the Ravana Girshan first and then we’ll deal with the Samael Gauri and its Lilith escort Tarak.

(However, the Gauri and Tarak begin to move away from the group and then power up their jump drives and then jump out of the area.)

Alpha 2:  Command, the Gauri and Tarak have left the engagement!

Alpha 1:  Hesperia, do you have any idea where they’re going?  Should we pursue them?

Hesperia:  Negative, Hydras.  They appear to be heading toward the Terminus node and away from us.  Forget about them for now and focus on what’s in front of us.

Bravo 1:  Hesperia, didn’t you say earlier the rest of Task Force Seven was going to the node as well?  Are they going to get hit by these ships?

Hesperia:  I sent a message to our remaining ships to have them on a higher alert status.  However, I wouldn’t worry too much now.  The rest of TF7 was moving toward the Terminus node, but the Shivan ships are closer to the node and taking a direct route.  Our ships will be careful but I don’t think their paths will cross now.

(The Girshan begins to turn towards the TF7 warships.  It also launches some more fighter and bomber wings for the Hydras to take care of.)

Hesperia:  Hydras, forget about the Gauri and Tarak for now…we still have some work to do here!  All capital ships begin bombardment on the Girshan.  Hydras and bombers, if you can, move in and snipe the Girshan’s heavy beams.  After that you can attack the ship if you wish or you can all just sit back and watch the fireworks.

Alpha 1:  You heard General Spruance Hydras…move in and take out the Girshan’s heavy forward beams.  After that work on keeping the Shivan fighters off our bombers and the Shivan bombers off our capital ships.

Alpha 3:…and try to avoid getting hit by our own capital ships’ fire.

Alpha 1:  Yes, Alpha 3, that would be recommended.

(Since the Girshan is a Ravana, it isn’t that heavily armored relatively.  The beams should be able to be taken out not too long after this message.)

Hesperia:  Good work pilots, the Girshan is now basically disarmed.  The Hesperia and our other warships here will finish it off.  However, if you want to take it out quicker by using the bombers to help, that’s your call…I won’t object.

Alpha 1:  Fair enough.  Hydras, let’s help finish the Girshan so we can get going after the Gauri more quickly.  Bombers, target the Girshan and use whatever heavy secondaries you have left.  Hydras, we’ll keep the remaining fighters off of the bombers.

(Since it’s essentially disarmed, the Ravana shouldn’t last too much longer against three warships and a bomber wing.)

Hesperia:  All pilots and warships, stay clear of the Girshan, she’s going up!  We got her, the Girshan is gone now!

(The Girshan explodes and things are quiet for now.)

Alpha 2:  That’s it, we won!  Scratch another Shivan destroyer!

Bravo 1:  After the Gauri jumps to Terminus like Command said, we’ll have cleared Mi Arae from Shivan forces.  Permission to return to base Alpha lead?

Alpha 1:  It looks like the mission’s over, let’s head home.  Hesperia, permission for Hydras and our bombers to return to the Hesperia?

Hesperia:  Permission granted, Hydras.  You can bring your people home.  As soon as you’re on board we’ll rendezvous with the rest of TF7 and make the jump to Terminus.  It may not be an easy ride; we could be seeing combat with the Gauri in the near future even though it’s running away from us at the moment.  In any case, good work today.

Alpha 1:  Sounds good, Hesperia.  Okay Hydras, we’ll let the bombers land first then everyone else can return to the Hesperia.

(As Alpha one moves closer to the Hesperia, all of a sudden, a small subspace vortex opens nearby and a single fighter comes out.)

Alpha 1:  Hey!  Watch where you’re going!  Command, someone almost killed me coming in just now right beside me!

Hesperia:  Any idea who, Alpha 1?

Alpha 1:  Negative, Hesperia.  I can’t even target it at the moment.  It looks like a modified Stentor interceptor, aka Ghost, I flew on the recent recon mission from what I can see.  I managed to see it as it almost killed me just now.

Hesperia:  Identify yourself pilot.

Spirit:  This is Major Marsten, my mission codename was Spirit.  Hesperia, may we switch to a secure frequency?  I have vital information.

Hesperia:  Okay, we’re switching a more secure frequency so the Shivans can’t listen in.  What’s so important that you jumped in without clearance?

Spirit:  I was taking my Ghost on recon of Terminus as I was assigned.

Alpha 1:  Wait, there’s more than one of these Ghost fighters out there?

Hesperia:  Yes, Alpha 1.  Yours wasn’t the only Ghost fighter we had.  We had others doing other reconnaissance work.  Some we sent out to Mi Arae, and Major Marsten here we sent to Terminus.  Anyways Major, what’s so important that you came back in such a rush?

Spirit:  I have some important news that could possibly change the future of Task Force Seven.  Perhaps it will alter the course of humanity as a whole.

Alpha 2:  So, this guy is bringing us info or some sort of recon data, and that means the fate of the human race hangs in the balance?  Alpha lead, is this guy full of himself or what?

Hesperia:  Quiet, Alpha 2.  Let’s see what he has to say first before we say he’s crazy.

Spirit:  We don’t have time for this.  Put me through to General Spruance at once!

Hesperia:  Stand by…here he is.

Hesperia:  Spirit, this is General Spruance.  What do you have for us?

Spirit:  Command…General Spruance…I found them!

Hesperia:  What are you talking about?  Who did you find?

Spirit:  Exodus Fleet!  I found parts of Exodus Fleet!

Hesperia:  Are you serious?  Where?

Spirit:  I’m sending you the coordinates and time of where I found them in Terminus. 

Alpha 1:  Did you tell them about us?  Our goal all along has been to link up with them.  This is great, we can finally reunite the remnants of humanity from Sol!

Spirit:  That’s a negative, Alpha 1.  My orders were to maintain strict radio silence and not engage anyone or anything.

Hesperia:  My apologies, Major.  We probably should have made an exception for Exodus ships since finding Exodus Fleet has been one of our major goals all along.  In any case, do you know where they’re headed?  Is there some jump node out of Terminus?

Spirit:  Yes, but not quite what you’d expect.  They were leaving through some sort of artificial jump node.  It wasn’t a natural area of space, it was a round object that was constructed.  In the data I sent there are long range videos and scans of this object.  There was also some sort of dead ship from a new race nearby.  Neither object was Terran, Vasudan, or Shivan.

Alpha 1:  So they were leaving Terminus through this artificial node?

Spirit:  Yes.  The ships leaving were part of Exodus Fleet.  I didn’t manage to get close in for super in-depth scans, but I was able to get long range scans.  These objects had some sort of connection to Exodus Fleet.  I’m not a scientist, but it looks like Exodus forces had control of these things.

Hesperia:  My guess is that if Exodus got control of this jump node then they could use it to escape the Terminus system.  Wait…if they can turn it on somehow then that means they could turn it off and then TF7 would be stuck with the Shivans.

Spirit:  There’s something else sir.  When I came back through the node to here in Mi Arae, I almost ran into a Sammael and Lilith, SD Gauri and SC Tarka respectively.  They were heading to the jump node to Terminus.  I got a safe distance before I jumped here so I’m sure they didn’t detect me.  However, I’m guessing those Shivans are heading to this Exodus Fleet rendezvous point.

Alpha 1:  Orders, General?

Hesperia:  We’ll need to get going quickly.  If the Shivans can stop this Exodus evacuation point or gain control of it they’ll be able to chase humanity all over the galaxy and we may never be safe.  Hydras, land on the Hesperia and then we’ll jump to the Terminus node, jump in, and then jump to this new node or whatever it is.  Our jump drives will be near the red line but we have zero time to waste.  Since we know where we’re going and hopefully the Gauri and Tarka don’t yet, we may be able to intercept them before they can stop Exodus Fleet. 

Hesperia:  I’m ordering all our heavy warships to take part in this.  They’ll meet us at the Terminus node and jump in with us.  The rest of the warships will stay with the TF7 civilian and supply ships and jump into Terminus after our heavies do.  To save strain on our fighters and bombers, we won’t launch them until we’re in Terminus.  At least that means you’ll only have to make one jump.   

(“Land on Hesperia” now appears in the directives list.)

Mission Debriefing:

Pilots, we don’t have a lot of time to waste so I’ll try to keep the direct assessment of this mission to a minimum so we can move on.
Under ordinary circumstances, today would be a good victory.  We destroyed a destroyer, frigates, cruisers, and a lot of supplies.  This basically clears Mi Arae of Shivan forces.  Normally, I would give TF7 some time to fully resupply before heading on to Terminus.  However, like I said before, other circumstances are forcing us to rush to our next objective.

All along, one of the main goals TF7 had was to link up with the remnants of humanity, aka Exodus Fleet.  We’ve been following the path we thought they had taken, but it looks like we may have finally found them and what’s left of humanity can work together.

On the other hand, it looks like the Shivans may know about them too.  The Gauri and Tarka are moving toward this created jump node, and it’s possible that the Tyrant is too since it was ahead of us.  I don’t know what this constructed jump node is but it looks like Exodus Fleet is somehow keeping it open.  If they can turn it on, they can turn it off too probably and that means we have to meet up with them before they do.  Otherwise, we’ll be stranded in this part of the galaxy with the Shivans with no hope of long-term survival.

Get to your fighters and bombers everyone.  We’ll have to move quickly now and I feel we still have some intense combat ahead of us.  The good news is, this may be the end run and we can reunite with the rest of humanity.

General Oliver Spruance
EFD Hesperia
EFN Task Force Seven

(Note:  The following is a short conversation that takes place chronologically shortly after the debriefing.)

EFD Hesperia

Asir:  General Spruance, you sent for me so I came as soon as I was called.  I enjoy our friendly…chats…as you Terrans call them; however, I sense this is a more serious occasion.

Spruance:  You are right, my friend.  Right now, this is not a social call. 

Asir:  How may I be of service?

Spruance:  Right now we’re going as fast as we can to the Terminus system.  We may have found an Exodus Fleet rallying point.  However, we also found something there that I’m not sure what it is.  Take a look at these pictures and data readings one of our stealth recon ships took.  Do you recognize anything about them?

Asir:  I am, unfortunately, not 100% sure, but I may have some vague recollections of them. 

Spruance:  What are these?

Asir:  Their specific function, I am sorry to say, I am unable to tell you.  However, after the Sol-Delta
Serpentis node closed, I did some work with Vasudan intelligence operations at our embassy on Earth.  During my time there I was able to look at various data we had received over the war.  I saw some of the data we got from the Altair system.  These new objects you found don’t look exactly the same as that Altair data, but they share somewhat similar visual properties and the scan readings are fairly compatible as well.

Spruance:  Are you saying that these Terminus objects belong to the same race that gave us the data to defeat the Lucifer over 30 years ago?

Asir:  That would be my professional opinion, yes.  They belong to the race we call the “Ancients.”

Spruance:  Interesting.  Further scientific studies will have to wait though.  We have a battle coming up that may determine the survival of humanity. 

Asir:  Of course, General.  Permission to return to my quarters?

Spruance:  Of course, my friend.  See you later.

(Note:  This mission takes place shortly after M25 of official Exile but shortly before “Sol Invictus”.  Since we decided to keep the Gauri instead of making up a new Sammael, it could be said the Gauri got a little more damaged from the two frigates in M25 and decided to retreat to Mi Arae for some temporary repairs.  However, it then decided to head back to Terminus to try again when TF7 arrived to attack it in Mi Arae.)


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Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history part 13

Command Briefing:

Page 1:
Major ships of EFN Task Force Seven:

EFD Hesperia (Flagship) (Galahad)
EFFg Lincoln (Vidar)
EFFg Wolf (Vidar)
ORFg Carrington (Tychicus)
ORFg Fafnir (Agneya)
EFFg Everest (Solomon)
EFFg Princeton (Solomon)
EFFg Luna (Solomon)
EFFg Huron (Solomon)
ORFg Lassel (Vitalius)
EFC Trailblazer (Evangelist)
ORC Griffin (Amalthea)
EFCs London (modified Viscount)
EFCs Borealis (modified Viscount)
ORFs Terbium (Hephaestus)
ORLs Mendel (Hestia)
ORGt Photon (Pluto)

Page 2:
As you can see, all of our warships and major supply ships are currently active.  We’ll need them if we are to finish what could be the final leg of our journey.  We’ve also been fortunate to pick up some civilian ships along the way prior to leaving Sol.  Hopefully when we join up with Exodus Fleet, this will help humanity’s future.

(Note:  I decided to add in that there are a few civilian ships with TF7.  I’ll say they just didn’t feature prominently in previous parts.  I figure if they were able to save various warships before leaving Sol, they’d be able to save some additional civilians as well).

Page 3:
Everyone, we are in the end run here.  This next mission will either end up with us reuniting with humanity’s remnants in Exodus Fleet or we will be stranded in this part of the galaxy with the Shivans.  We have all done so much to get this far and I believe in all of you that we can win the day.

Mission Briefing:

Page 1:
As you know pilots, we are currently in Mi Arae and preparing to enter combat operations in Terminus.  We know the Gauri will try to attack Exodus Fleet soon so we’re preparing our heavy warships to go after in and save what Terrans we can.

Page 2:
The Hesperia, Lincoln, Wolf, Carrington, and Fafnir (along with their complements of fighters and bombers) will jump into Terminus.  Then those ships will recharge their drives and jump to the coordinates of Exodus Fleet and the Ancient devices.

Page 3:
The lighter warships of TF7 will stay behind and guard our supply ships.  After our strike force has engaged the Shivans near the Terminus device, the other TF7 ships will enter Terminus and wait for our all clear before we bring them to the Terminus Ancient device.

Page 4:
When we get to the engagement zone, we’ll probably find the Gauri and Tarka there.  It’s quite possible we’ll find other Shivan forces there too.  Defend the Ancient devices and all Terran forces there too…Exodus Fleet and TF7.  After TF7 gets to the battle zone, we’ll deploy the heavy bombers we’re prepping right now.  Hydras, you’ll be in fighters for this mission.  I recommend taking the heavy Echelon or Vindicator fighter.

Page 5:
Once we rid the area of Shivans, we’ll call in our remaining warships and supply ships…along with the civilian ships we’ve picked up along the way.  We’ll then officially join up with Exodus Fleet.

Page 6:
To be honest, I don’t really know the politics of the situation after that.  I don’t know who will get to go through this gate first or who will be in charge of the military after TF7 gets there.  Right now though, that’s not important.  Let’s defeat the Shivans and reunite with our brothers and sisters and we’ll worry about the legal and political ramifications later.

Page 7:
A victory today may not bring us eternal security from the Shivans, but we must be victorious.  They wouldn’t have brought Exodus Fleet here if there wasn’t some logic behind it.  I’m hopeful we will find some measure of rest after passing through this portal.

Page 8:
We have been through a lot lately…as TF7 and as species.  I want to thank all of you, and our Vasudan friend Asir, for helping us to get through this.  If we are all that’s left of humankind and Vasudankind, let’s conduct ourselves with honor and courage.  Godspeed to us all. 

Page 9:
Primary objectives:

Eliminate Shivan presence in area [ ]
Protect Ancient device and ship [ ]
Protect Terran destroyers (EFN and ORS) [ ]

Secondary objective:

All TF7 heavy strike force capships survive [ ]

(Mission begins)

Terminus system
Near Terminus-Mi Arae jump node

Hesperia:  Alright everyone, we’ve made it into Terminus.  Our warships and the fighters we currently have launched will recharge our jump drives and then head into battle near the Ancient portal. 

Hesperia:  We’re leaving a stealth drone at this spot.  I know you’ve heard this before, but a refresher never hurt.  After we jump to the engagement zone the remainder of TF7, our medium and light warships along with the supply and civilian ships, will then jump into Terminus and hold position at our current location.  The stealth drone will alert the remainder of TF7 if Shivans are headed to this point though.  We doubt it, but better safe than sorry.

Bravo 3:  General Spruance?

Hesperia:  Yes pilot?

Bravo 3:  Is there a chance we could run into the Tyrant?  After it went ahead of us a while back, we haven’t heard from it since.

Hesperia:  I won’t lie to you…I don’t know.  The Gauria and Tarak will likely be there at the battle, but I’m not sure where the Tyrant is.  It could be there or it could not.  If it’s there, so be it.  We have to hurry into this battle to save the Ancient technology and Exodus Fleet.  We don’t have time to worry.  Hydras get ready to jump to the engagement zone.

Alpha 1:  Hydras, our first mission objective when we get there will be to destroy the Gauri and its escort Tarak unless you hear otherwise.  It’s likely we’ll be coming in behind them so the bombers we launch will target their engines.  That will keep them away from the Ancient vessels.  Then we’ll go for general destruction of the ships.  Alpha, Bravo, and Delta will keep Shivan fighters off the bombers.

Delta 2:  After that, can we talk to Exodus Fleet?  I think I have friends on the EFD Redemption.

Hesperia:  I don’t see why not.  Though it will have to wait until we’ve made communication with Fleetmaster Caliphtys or whoever’s in charge of the forces at the node.  After all the diplomatic stuff is out of the way, I’m sure we can all arrange some reunions.

Hesperia:  Okay, enough chatter for now, we’re armed and ready for this operation.  This is for Sol and humanity.  Jump in two minutes.

(Note:  the scene now transfers to the battle area of “Sol Invictus” shortly after Fleetmaster Raji comes back through the Malia.  To fit the new situation, I’ve changed some of the dialogue.)

Ironclad:  Asira, you’re crazy, you know that?

Anjaneya:  You’re probably right Horatio, but I’m not leaving any people behind if I can help it.

Ironclad:  You’re willing to risk letting Tyrant and these other Shivan destroyers through?  We’re not exactly at full strength.

Anjaneya:  It’s my business to know my people and what we’re capable of; I know we can do this.

Ironclad:  I don’t know whether your stubbornness irritates me or makes me admire you more.

Anjaneya:  Why not both?

Ironclad:  In any case, I’ve stopped the countdown for Malia.  We’ll finish off these destroyers then finish off Tyrant.

(Note:  If I put part of a communication line in parentheses, it means in this case that people on board the ship are having a conversation in mission.  If it’s just the ship name, assume it’s either the ship CO or XO talking.  In this particular case, it’s one of the Ironclad’s chief communications officers.)

Ironclad:  (Comms)  Fleetmaster Tyrone…we have a problem…

Ironclad:  We have several right now.  Be more specific.

Ironclad:  (Comms)  Sir, I’m detecting two incoming subspace signatures.  One appears to be heavy destroyer class and one cruiser class.

Anjaneya:  With the Shivans, one never fully knows when or where they’ll show up. 

(The Sammael Gauri and the Lilith Tarka now jump in on the edge of the engagement zone.)

Sparks:  This…is not good.

Ironclad:  You can say that again pilot.

Fives:  Squadmaster Harper, what do we do?

Harper:  Our squad doesn’t have the strength right now to take down heavy capships.  Maybe with enough massed firepower we could take down the Lilith eventually, but not a heavy destroyer…even a damaged one.  Fleetmaster Tyrone, any chance for bomber support?

Ironclad:  Maybe in a few minutes, but not right now.  It’s going to take a few minutes to prep them anyways.

Harper:  What does that mean?

Ironclad:  We’re between a rock and a hard place figuratively speaking.  I wish I could give you better news.  Focus on doing what you can.  Keep the Shivan bombers off us and maybe disarm Shivan beams if you can.

Ironclad:  (Comms)  Oh no, oh no…

Ironclad:  What now?

Ironclad:  (Comms)  Fleetmaster, I’m detecting another battlegroup coming through subspace right to our position here.

Ironclad:  No!  Not now!

Ironclad:  (Comms)  I wish I could say I was joking sir, but it looks like that’s the case.  Subspace readings look like one heavy destroyer and four heavy frigates…along with at least one squadron of craft.  They’ll all be here shortly.

Harper:  You can’t be serious, there’s no way we can hold that in addition to what we’re already up against.

Anjaneya:  This is all my fault.  I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

Demetrius:  Curse the both of you!  We were so close to getting most of Exodus Fleet out then the two of you had to put your pride about the greater good!  Our blockade is barely holding, and I’ve had to reinforce it with Escort Fleet frigates.  Now, because the two of you couldn’t follow orders, we’re going to have at least two more Sammaels coming through?  If they get past the blockade we’ll probably lose hundreds of thousands of civilians!

Ironclad:  Fleetmaster Caliphtys…

Anjaneya:  Horatio, don’t.  He’s right.  What we did may have felt good emotionally at the time today,
but militarily it was stupid.  Now all we can do is deal with the consequences.  Orders, Horatio?

Ironclad:  There’s not much we can do really.  Okay…all pilots…I doubt we can stop all the ships from getting through, but we’ll do what we can.  Destroy all the fighters and bombers that you can.  As for the capships, we’ll try to throw out some bombers but it’s mainly going to be up to you to do what damage you can to them.  Try to take down enemy capital beams; that will at least give our blockade and other forces in Andromedae a chance. 

Ironclad:  Engineering, can’t we try to shut down the portal now?

Ironclad:  (Engineering)  Fleetmaster, it’s not like a kitchen light switch that you can switch on and off rapidly.  It needs time for a proper set up.  We would need at least 10 minutes before we could reactivate the process again.

(Note:  I tried to create a reason why they couldn’t try shut down the portal right away.  In official Exile, I figured they needed time to restart the shutdown sequence as well, but they would have felt less panicked in that situation than here.)

Sparks:  What about you Fleetmaster?

Ironclad:  Don’t worry about us pilots.  We’ll stay here and distract them.  Hopefully we can survive long enough to restart the Malia shutdown sequence.

Harper:  Sir, you’re going to stay behind?

Ironclad:  That’s a possibility.  If it gets to that point, we’ll crash launch all our fighters and bombers and send them through the portal so they can survive.  At the last minute, we’ll send our frigates through.

Fives:  The Ironclad’s our home, sir.  Can’t we stay and help you out?

Ironclad:  No!  That’s an order!  At that point, there’ll be no point in you sacrificing yourselves.  Don’t be fools like myself and Fleetmaster Raji.  Go land on the Demetrius or Vermillion.  Heck, the Redemption might even be willing to take you too.  Try to take care of Shipmaster Le Brunon as well. 

Harper:  Is this goodbye then, Fleetmaster Tyrone?

Ironclad:  Quite possibly, Squadmaster.

Harper:  We’ll take down as many of the bugs as we can then.  Godspeed.  Pilots, let’s head towards…

Ironclad:  (Comms)  Fleetmaster!  Fleetmaster!

Ironclad:  What?  What is it?  You left your station and ran over to me so fast you look like you’re trying for the 50 yard dash in the Olympics or something.  Also, what’s with that smile?  What do any of us have to be happy about right now?

Ironclad:  (Comms)  Sir, you’ve got to see this!

Ironclad:  I don’t have time for games, tell me what’s going on.

Ironclad:  (Comms)  Sir, my station has a new reading on those five incoming capships.

Ironclad:  So what?  We can now identify the type of Shivan ships incoming?  With all due respect, that doesn’t really matter right now.

Ironclad:  (Comms)  No!  That’s just it sir.  They’re not Shivan!  They’re Terrans!  Terrans!  We have Terran warships coming in behind the Gauri and Tarka!

Ironclad:  Say that again…

Ironclad:  (Comms)  The reading is…a Galahad destroyer escorted by four heavy frigates:  two Vidars, an Agneya, and a Tychicus.  Look!  They’re coming in now; I’ll zoom in a viewscreen for you.

(The first part of TF7 exits subspace and begins bombardment on the Gauri.  The Hydras come in shortly after that and they, along with a squad of heavy bombers launched from the Hesperia, begin to attack the Tarka.)

(Fleetmaster Tyrone is stunned and stares at this scene speechlessly for a few seconds.  Some people around him think he looked like he was almost about to cry tears of joy.)

Ironclad:  (Comms)  Orders, Fleetmaster Tyrone?

Ironclad:  We might…we might actually survive this day.

Ironclad:  Relay this information to Fleetmasters Raji and Caliphtys.  Hopefully this new turn of events will calm Caliphtys down a bit.  As for our battlegroup, continue to focus on the destroyers in front of us.  Finish them off and then we’ll see about assisting our new friends with the Gauri and Tarka.

Anjaneya:  Is this…this feels like the first time we’ve had hope in a long time.

Ironclad:  It’s not over yet, Asira.  But you’re right.  There may be some light at the end of this tunnel now.

Harper:  Should we hail these new ships, Ironclad?

Ironclad:  We don’t really have time for a friendly chat right now.  Let’s at least wait until we’ve cleared our immediate danger zone.  For now though, see if you can get a reading on them so we can at least find out the name of those ships.

Ironclad:  (Comms)  Sir, the Galahad is the Hesperia.  The Vidars look like the Lincoln and Wolf.  The Agneya is the Fafnir and the Tychichus the Carrington.

Anjaneya:  Hesperia?  Wasn’t she literally lost somewhere back during the fighting in Sol?  At best she would have been a lifeless derelict.  How could anyone have possibly got her back in fighting order without a major shipyard stay?

Ironclad:  Who knows?  I don’t know about the Vidars, but according to our records the Fafnir and Carrington were lost back in Sol as well so I can’t account for them either.  It looks like we’ll all have a lot of stories to tell when this is over.  They just took down the Tarka and it looks like the Gauri is almost disabled.  They’re doing their part, let’s focus on finishing off the destroyers in front of us and then we can all turn our attention to the Tyrant.

Fives:  Wait a second.

Sparks:  What’s wrong?

Fives:  When I was looking over these new ships, the reading on the Hesperia said EFD Hesperia.  Shouldn’t it be ORD Hesperia since Galahads are our ships?

Harper:  You’re kidding me, Fives.  The remnants of humanity just got a last second reprieve from death and you’re worried about a small targeting display glitch?  That’s something we can worry about later.  Shut up and fight!

Fives:  Er, yes sir.

(By about this time the two destroyers that Anjaneya destroyed in official Exile should be destroyed.)

Anjaneya:  We’ve taken out the two Shivan destroyers guarding the Malia.

Ironclad:  Let’s have all our ships move in on the Tyrant.  Perhaps we can force it to withdraw from the area and that would allow all of us to leave in peace.

(By now the TF7 bombers that destroyed the Tarka have rearmed and have joined the TF7 heavy capships in assaulting the Gauri.)

Anjaneya:  Hull going critical…that’s it!  I’m reading massive hull failures on the Gauri.  They did it!  The Gauri’s going up!

(After the Gauri explodes, the TF7 ships begin to move in against the Tyrant.)

Ironclad:  (Comms)  Fleetmaster, we’re being hailed by the Hesperia!

Ironclad:  Take it then! 

Ironclad:  (Comms)  We’re open.

Ironclad:  To the new Terran arrivals, thank you…thank you.  I don’t know who you are but you certainly came at the right time.  Forgive my ignorance, but who do I have the honor of speaking to?

Hesperia:  This is General Oliver Spruance, CO of the EFD Hesperia and CIC of EFN Task Force Seven.  Ironclad…may I presume I am speaking to Fleetmaster Tyrone then?

Ironclad:  That is correct, General.  EFD Hesperia you say…so Fives was right?  I’m sure that’s an interesting story of how an ORS class of ship became an Earther vessel, but that’s a story for later.  Right now, what’s your status?  Are these all the ships in your group?

Hesperia:  All of our warships are in combat order, though we have more than what you see here.  Our recon showed this spot you were in.  We also were tracking the Gauri, which we had previously engaged, here so we took our heavy warships and rushed them here for combat.  The lighter warships in our force are guarding the supply and civilian ships in another location here in Terminus until this area is clear.

Anjaneya:  Are there any other Shivans following you?  I hope we haven’t become relieved in one moment to worry about more despair later.

Hesperia:  It’s Fleetmaster Raji, correct?

Anjaneya:  Yes, General.

Hesperia:  We’ve put stealth drones along the route we took to warn us if Shivans are coming behind us.  We also have our AWACS ships scanning.  While we can’t say for 100% certainty, our estimate is that the Shivans are at least a week behind us…give or take a day.  We didn’t have to worry about Shivans behind us when we made our journey at least.

Hesperia:  Anyways, I’m sure this is something all of our intelligence people can discuss together later.  Let’s focus on the Shivans here.  I don’t know which of you two is in tactical command here, but permission to bring in my warships here alongside yours and join the attack on Tyrant?

Anjaneya:  That would be very much appreciated, General.  Let’s bring the monster down.

Ironclad:  Hesperia, if I may make a request…do you have any fighters you could spare?  While we have the capital ship situation in hand now, the Shivans still are sending swarms of fighters and bombers against us.

Hesperia:  Affirmative, Fleetmaster.  Alpha and Bravo wings of the Hydras, head over near that portal and give the Exodus Fleet ships help against the Shivan fighter and bomber swarms.  Delta Hydras, finish escorting our heavy bombers back to our fighterbay and then go and join Alpha and Bravo.  We’ll launch another squadron for CAP on our strike force.

(For a while, the allied ships continue their attack on Tyrant.)

Anjaneya:  Tyrant has dropped below 20% hull integrity.  It looks like it’s trying to turn around and leave the area!

Hesperia:  Ironclad, should we pursue?

Ironclad:  Is it headed to your group’s rally point, Hesperia?

Hesperia:  According to Tyrant’s vector, it doesn’t look like that’s the case thankfully.

Ironclad:  Good.  As for Tyrant, I’m saying no on the pursuit request.  I want to get our people out of here and beyond the Malia into Andromedae as quickly as possible.  I don’t think we’ll see Tyrant ever again.  We’ll have to let it go.

Sparks:  Fleetmaster, I’m getting a message from the Mastermind!

Hesperia:  What’s the Mastermind?

Ironclad:  It’s a long story, for now all I can say is it’s on our side.

Hesperia:  You call Mastermind an “it” and not “him” or “her”?

Ironclad:  Like I said, it’s a long story you can hear later; I don’t have time to talk about it now.  Sparks, what’s it saying to you?

(Note:  The dialogue here will be fairly similar to how it happened in official Exile.  I don’t remember the exact words, but I think I got the sentiment mostly right.)

Mastermind:  Tyrant is not to escape.  We can help you on this.  The one you call Sparks, scan the Tyrant’s navigation subsystem.

Sparks:  I don’t know what good that will do; but I’ll give it a try.

Mastermind:  Hurry, Tyrant will jump out in about two minutes.

(Sparks does his duty.)

Sparks:  Okay.  Tyrant’s navigation has been scanned.  I hope you can make good use of this.

Mastermind:  Indeed we will.  The hour of Tyrant’s demise is at hand.  All Terran craft, I would recommend staying away from Tyrant’s engines.

(Like what happened in official Exile, soon after this happens explosions happen in all of Tyrant’s engines and the juggernaut is now disabled.)

Harper:  Sparks, what did you do?

Sparks:  I…I don’t know.  I didn’t do anything myself.  I just scanned Tyrant’s navigation subsystem and Mastermind took care of the rest.

Ironclad:  This…this is incredible.  Okay everyone, there’s a change of plans.  We can’t squander this new opportunity before us.  All allied ships in the area, move back into attack formation against Tyrant.  Use all available weapons and let’s finish this monster off once and for all!

(Exodus Fleet ships and TF7 ships turn back to Tyrant and begin focusing all the firepower that they can on it.  The already weakened juggernaut doesn’t stand up to this amount of firepower for much longer.  This part would be a cutscene of Tyrant exploding like in “Sol Invictus”.)

Ironclad:  Tyrant has reached zero!  Primary and secondary explosions are being recorded all over.  Tyrant is going down!  All ships, back away from the explosion!

Anjaneya:  Tyrant is down…it’s finally done.

Ironclad:  Congratulations to everyone.  That’s the first Shivan juggernaut that we have ever destroyed.  I’ll make sure history remembers this day.

Hesperia:  For the first time in a long time, the moment feels…almost peaceful.  What happens now, my friends?  Forgive my forwardness, I hope it’s okay I called you that.

Anjaneya:  You helped save us all, we’re definitely friends.

Ironclad:  I concur.

Hesperia:  Thank you.  We owe you a lot too for giving my group a home.  So anyways, what happens now?

(The Anjaneya and her escort frigates begin to turn around.)

Anjaneya:  Here’s the overall plan:  I’m going to take my ships back through the Malia where we’ll relieve the ships there and send them back to the main Exodus Fleet rallying point.  I’ll oversee the ships coming through Malia.  You’ll call in the rest of your TF7 and bring them through. 

Hesperia:  When they get here I’ll probably have to send them through in waves…two or three maybe.  I don’t think they can all fit through this thing at once.

Anjaneya:  That’s fine.  Can you send me a complete list of TF7 ships so I can keep track of things?

Hesperia:  Sending now.

Anjaneya:  This is an interesting detail.  On the overall personnel section it says the number of Terrans you have and…”1 Vasudan”?  Am I reading that right?

Hesperia:  Correct.  Commander Asir was part of the Earth embassy.  He’s a friend of mine and did some intelligence work with the EFN.  Do you have any Vasudans in the ORS or Exodus Fleet?

Ironclad:  No, sadly.  All Vasudans attached to the ORS died as far as I know.  So it looks like he will be the only Vasudan to survive Sol.  How’s he taking that?

Hesperia:  He’s handling it remarkably well actually.  He’s developed a taste for human food…fried chicken in particular.  I’m not sure of the politics of Exodus Fleet, but it’s okay we brought a Vasudan along with us isn’t it?

Anjaneya:  That won’t be a problem.  He’s as welcome with us as you are.  Anyways, after your TF7 ships come through, I’ll direct them to the main Exodus Fleet assembly point in Andromedae.  After that, Fleetmaster Tyrone will bring the Ironclad and the rest of his battlegroup through. 

Anjaneya:  Once they’re through, there will be no more Terrans as far as we know in that part of the galaxy.  We will then activate the shutdown sequence for the Malia.  After that, we will remotely activate the self-destruct sequence for the Ancient controller destroyer.  With it gone and the Malia shut down, the Shivans won’t be able to follow us through.

(Fleetmaster Raji brings the Anjaneya and her ships through the Malia.)

Anjaneya:  We made it through successfully.  General, you’re clear to begin bringing your people in.

Hesperia:  Thank you.  Borealis, are things clear there?

Borealis:  Clear, General.  We’re not detecting any Shivans in our area and long-range scans are clear too.

Hesperia:  This is General Spruance to the remainder of TF7:  You’re all clear to come in.  Civilian ships, Photon and cruisers will go in first.  After that, the second wave will be the Mendel, Terbium, and remaining frigates.  The four heavy frigates here will then go in, and finally I’ll bring the Hesperia in afterwards.  When you get through, follow Fleetmaster Raji’s directions on where to go next.  All fighters and bombers, return to your ships.

(The rest of TF7 begins to jump into the Malia zone and begins entering the Malia in the order they were assigned after their jump drives recharge.)

Hesperia:  This may take a few minutes.  Can I ask you something, Fleetmaster Tyrone?

Ironclad:  Go ahead.

Hesperia:  What’s the political structure of Exodus Fleet like?  Who’s in charge?

Ironclad:  That’s kind of complicated actually, but I’ll try to give you a brief version.  The actual overall leader is High Magistrate Al-Zardari of Colony Fleet; he’s the civilian leader.  Fleetmaster Caliphtys is in charge of Escort Fleet and is the de facto military commander of Exodus Fleet.  Off the record, some consider him to be the one really in charge.

Hesperia:  What’s Caliphtys like?

Ironclad:  That’s…another complicated question.  Sometimes he can be frustrating and can seem cold, but I suppose men like him are needed who can always focus on the bigger picture.  Ask 10 people about him and you may get 10 different opinions.  You’ll probably get to form your own soon enough.

Hesperia:  Will I get a chance to talk with him?

Ironclad:  I’m sure he’ll want to talk with you and hear how you acquired the Hesperia.  Considering the power TF7 is bringing I’m sure a face to face meeting can be arranged.

Hesperia:  I noticed something else:  you don’t just call yourselves Exodus Fleet…there seems to be a lot of different named fleets in this group.  Could you explain that?

Ironclad:  Sure.  The overall body of forces that left Sol is called Exodus Fleet.  Within that there are
Fleets that do different functions.  Colony Fleet under Al-Zardari has our colony and civilian ships along with our supply ships.  Escort Fleet under Caliphtys are forces that are meant to stay close to Colony Fleet and protect them and not leave unless it’s an absolute emergency.  I head up Roaming Fleet; it is allowed to leave direct escort of Colony Fleet and clear the road ahead.  We generally were a system or two ahead of Colony Fleet to clear the way of Shivans though sometimes we’d have to jump to the rear temporarily if the Shivans surprised us.

Ironclad:  Fleetmaster Raji leads Heavy Fleet.  It’s not as tied to Colony Fleet as Escort Fleet is but it’s not as ‘free’ as my forces are either.  She has most of our heavy firepower and Heavy Fleet acts as kind of a mobile reserve you could say. 

Ironclad:  Leibniz’ forces are currently attached to Roaming Fleet and Tessandras’ forces are kind of Exodus Fleet’s black ops forces you could say.

Hesperia:  Very interesting.  What will happen to TF7 once we get through?  Where, or to who, will we be assigned?

Ironclad:  I don’t know right now.  Once TF7 gets through and sent to the main Exodus Fleet assembly point in Andromedae, I think Caliphtys is going to let us all have a day or two of rest.  After that, our strategic arbiters will decide where to put your forces.  Your supply and civilian ships will probably be put in Colony Fleet, but I can’t say for sure which Fleet will get which TF7 warships.

Anjaneya:  General Spruance, the Lincoln and Wolf have just completed their transit.  You’re the only TF7 ship left.

Hesperia:  Permission to bring the Hesperia in, Fleetmaster?

Anjaneya:  Granted.  We’re ready for you.  I’d also like to add Fleetmaster Caliphtys is pleased to be getting another Hestia and Hephaestus.  So that got you some goodwill with him.  He says he’s looking forward to meeting you.

Hesperia:  Thank you.  Fleetmaster Tyrone says we might actually get a day or two of rest.

Anjaneya:  Thankfully that looks to be the case.  I think it’s something we all need.  Caliphtys said he would like to have a friendly chat with you soon after you get in, but after that we’d all get some time off before we figure out where to assign TF7 ships.  Anyways, the path is clear Hesperia.

Hesperia:  Roger that.  Helm, engage subspace drive into Andromedae.  See you on the other side, Fleetmaster Tyrone. 

(The Hesperia jumps into the Malia and now all of TF7 has left Terminus and is now on the other side of the Malia in Andromedae.)

Anjaneya:  Horatio, the Hesperia has made it through and now all of TF7 is on its way to the Exodus Fleet assembly point.  You and your ships are all that’s left.  Are the preparations in order?

Ironclad:  We’re ready.  We’ve landed all of our fighters and bombers and remote shutdown of Malia
and self-destruct of Ancient control ship will commence after we made our jump.  Helm, power up subspace drive and take us in.

(The Ironclad and its escort frigates now make the jump into Andromedae.)

Ironclad:  We made it, we made it.  Asira, good to see you here.  Any sign of Shivans?

Anjaneya:  Nothing here in Andromedae.  Some of our fighters have made limited recon into a couple of the surrounding systems and no sign of the Shivans there either.  So it looks like for the first time in a long time that we may not have to worry about them.

Ironclad:  I doubt that will last forever.  The Shivans are still out there somewhere so we can never 100% let our guard down.

Anjaneya:  True enough, unfortunately.  Anyways, we have one final piece of business to complete here.  Ironclad, you’re clear to begin shutdown.

Ironclad:  Roger that, Anjaneya.  Begin transmission of shutdown sequence of the Malia.  Our relay to the control destroyer seems operational as well so it should automatically destruct when the Malia device is turned off.

(About one minute passes.)

Ironclad:  I’m reading a powering down of the Malia.  I report no readings either from the Ancient destroyer…its destruction is confirmed.

Anjaneya:  Did it all work?

Ironclad:  Malia is dead and there’s no way to turn it back on.  The operation was a success.  I repeat:  the operation was a success.

Anjaneya:  Confirmed.  Jump node is dead and unusable.  We did it.  Humanity will survive to fight another day.  I wonder though, how do you think the Shivans feel about this?

Ironclad:  With the Shivans, it’s impossible to tell how they’re feeling.  They seemed to have almost no emotion when they glassed most of Sol…just like it was just something to do.  Nobody knows whether they’re a hive-mind or sentient or some strange combo of the two.  They probably don’t feel victories and losses in the same way we do.  In any case, let’s be happy we survived this round.  Like I said before, they’re probably still out there; they’re almost like a force of nature.  It’s a matter of when, not if, we’ll see them again.

Anjaneya:  Surely the new TF7 ships will help our chances.

Ironclad:  Of course they will.  Another Galahad and several frigates will be a big help militarily.  Having those new supply ships will help our forces stay modernized and well equipped.  Except for the Sathanas and Sammael, I’d even say we tactically outclass the Shivans one to one.  With it being impossible to know their full numbers though, all I can say is that we may never conquer the Shivans and have to take day to day survival as a form of victory. 

Anjaneya:  Surely today we can be happy with our escape and new forces though?

Ironclad:  Yes, it’s important to keep up morale.  I’m not saying go into a depressive funk, just that we should mourn our losses and remember what we’re up against.  I’m going to tell my pilots they can be happy about what they’ve accomplished…just don’t get cocky. 

Anjaneya:  Do you think it’s possible we could have a face to face meeting as well?

Ironclad:  I, uh, think that could be arranged.

Anjaneya:  In a few minutes we’ll begin our jump to the main rendezvous point.  What’s the status of your forces?  Also, what do you think happens now?  I value your insight.

Ironclad:  The Ironclad and my escort frigates here have taken a fair bit of damage.  Our people need the days of rest Caliphtys has apparently said we’ll get; but our ships will need repair work as well.  Big Buddha and our factory ships will be very busy in the near future.

Ironclad:  After that, who knows?  Like I said to General Spruance, I don’t know what will happen with TF7 ships, aside from their civilian and supply ships.  You’ll probably be getting some for Heavy Fleet, and I’ll probably get some for Roaming Fleet.  Naturally, Caliphtys will want to keep some for himself as well to support Escort Fleet.

Anjaneya:  He won’t want Earth forces too concentrated.  However, the TF7 ships represent a tangible increase in EFN firepower, especially since they have a new destroyer. 

Ironclad:  I wouldn’t worry too much about that.  Leibniz is willing to work together with us, and even though I haven’t known him for long, Spruance doesn’t seem like the kind to want to start a civil war in Exodus Fleet.

Anjaneya:  Fair enough, and I concur.  I think we’ve found friends that although we may wear different labels, we are working together for a common goal. 

Ironclad:  Agreed.  Let’s stay positive.  I’m taking my group to Big Buddha now.  We’ll talk later, Asira.

(A few hours have passed and TF7 is now at the assembly point they were directed to.  None of the TF7 ships are heavily damaged enough that they got in line for Big Buddha.  However, they are taking care of minor repairs to ships with repair drones and the Terbium is working on repairing some of the more heavily damaged fighters and bombers along with sending over replacement parts and munitions.)

Hesperia:  How are you doing, London?

London:  Very well, sir.  Thank you.  It’s been nice to give most of the crew a rest and stand down to the lowest alert status for the first time in a long time.  Sir, permission to ask something?

Hesperia:  Granted.

London:  I’ve only heard rumors about this, but have I heard correctly that TF7 is going to get split up in the near future?

Hesperia:  I’m sorry to say that’s very likely.  I know we’ve been through a lot, but they run things here technically.  They’ll put our warships where they feel they’re most needed.  I suppose it was inevitable.  We have to think of ourselves primarily just as Terrans now and not necessarily EFN or ORS.  Whatever the case, it’s been an honor.  It’s not like we’ll never see each other again…just that we’re not technically in the same battlegroup.

Wolf:  Hesperia, something big’s coming in near us. 

Hesperia:  Shivans?

Wolf:  I don’t think so.  It’s within the Exodus Fleet perimeter. 

(The Demetrius enters nearby.)

Hesperia:  Demetrius, to what do we owe this honor?  There’s nothing wrong is there?

Demetrius:  Greetings, General Spruance.  Now that Exodus Fleet is safe and recuperating, I’m taking the Demetrius around to inspect various points and fleets to gain a good picture of things.  I know we have long-range communications but sometimes it’s better to see things for yourself.

Hesperia:  I hope things are going well across the fleet.

Demetrius:  As a matter of fact, yes.  The more heavily damaged ships are getting repaired at our mobile shipyard.  The rest are conducting their own repairs and rearming and resupplying.  How is TF7 doing?

Hesperia:  Overall, we’ve been lucky.  None of our ships have heavy damage right now so we’ve been able to conduct our own repairs.  Other than that, I’m focusing on resupplying our forces and repairing our fighters and bombers.  Plus, I’m trying to give my people some rest.  They need that.

Demetrius:  Understood.

Hesperia:  Fleetmaster Caliphtys, I believe this is our first official meeting.  Fleetmaster Raji said you’d like to have a face-to-face meeting.  Would you care to arrange that now?

Demetrius:  That would be fine, General.  It would be good to meet you and I’d be very interested to hear the story of how you came to acquire the Hesperia.  Would you care to come over in say, 20 minutes?  I have a very good chef staff and they’re familiar with most major Earth cuisines so you can pick out our dinner.

Hesperia:  I’ll get on a shuttle and see you then.  As for dinner, how do you feel about Mexican food?

Demetrius:  That sounds excellent.  I’m partial to chicken enchiladas myself.  Dinner will be ready shortly after you arrive.  I’m looking forward to meeting the leader of the group who provided us with a lot of help at the Malia.  Oh, and one more thing…

Hesperia:  Yes?

Demetrius:  I’ve arranged for a shuttle from the Anjaneya to come to the Hesperia.  It will be arriving
within an hour or so and carrying Fleetmasters Raji and Tyrone.  They will be having a goodwill meeting similar to the one you’re having with me.  They just concluded a personal meeting on the Anjaneya from what I understand.  They’ll meet with your XO and they’d like to meet this Asir, the only surviving Vasudan in the galaxy. 

Hesperia:  I’ll tell my people to be ready and have dinner ready as well. 

Demetrius:  Excellent.  Some of my people recommended these two meetings so that you didn’t feel like you’re a hostage on the Demetrius. 

Hesperia:  Sir, I didn’t feel like that.  I took your meeting offer in the spirit of goodwill that it was intended.

Demetrius:  Very good.  I also assure you that I’m not going to try and retake Hesperia.  I recognize the reality of the situation.  So, no need to feel any fear on that part.

Hesperia:  For the sake of humanity, I look forward to working with you Fleetmaster.

Demetrius:  As do I, General.  A preliminary toast…to Sol…

Hesperia:  To Sol…

(Note:  This is the end of the main Exile AH storyline.  There will be one more part after this.  It will be an epilogue covering part of the meeting of Caliphtys and Spruance.  There will also be discussion at the end among Caliphtys and his people on where to assign TF7 ships).


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  • 211
Re: Exile: Alternate History
Exile alternate history epilogue pt.1
(Fleetmaster Caliphtys and General Spruance have just finished their dinner together on the Demetrius)

Spruance:  Thank you for dinner and for your hospitality Fleetmaster.

Caliphtys:  Think nothing of it General.  I do owe you a great debt of thanks for helping to save part of my fleet.  You certainly picked an opportune time to come in.

Spruance:  We came in as soon as we could.

Caliphtys:  I know, I know.  I didn’t mean to infer otherwise.  We’re all glad you’re here.  It’s just that you gave Tyrone and Raji hope when it looked like there was none left.  In any case, this wasn’t intended to be entirely just a social call; perhaps we should get down to business.  What led you to this point?  You didn’t join with the main Exodus Fleet and our ORS and EFN records showed most of these ships destroyed or unaccounted for.  How did you manage to get out of Sol?

Spruance:  Our desire was simply survival.  Some of us wavered back and forth after not answering Leibniz’s original call to join Exodus Fleet.  In the end though we looked at the military situation and decided that it would be suicide to stay behind and try to fight the forces the Shivans had there.  We managed to evade the main Shivan juggernaut force and followed some of the steal drones Exodus Fleet left behind.  There honestly wasn’t a major plan; we were just essentially stragglers trying to catch up with the remnants of humanity.

Caliphtys:  The Terbium and Mendel were certainly nice finds, I must say.  Some would say you finding those was even better than you picking up a warship.

Spruance:  It was helpful finding them, I’ll admit.  If not for them we would have had to be much more strict at rationing food and other medical supplies.  However, with them we were able to keep everyone in Task Force Seven fed at pretty much normal levels.  The Terbium allowed us to keep our fighters supplied fairly well too.

Caliphtys:  I’m glad to hear it.  We’ll need the Mendel to help maintain our food and medical levels in Exodus Fleet as a whole.

Spruance:  What will become of the Terbium?

Caliphtys:  Until relatively recently, we used our factory ships to make fighters that were easier to mass produce.  Like the Encantona for example.

Spruance:  Some of the ORS people in Task Force Seven had a less than stellar opinion of the Encantona.  They didn’t enjoy it let’s just say.

Caliphtys:  I don’t particularly like it either.  However, it is cheap and easy to produce which means we could cover more ground against the Shivans and have more defenses up.  It was only recently we were able to retool some of our factory ships to make more advanced craft like the Heretic interceptor.  We’re hopeful that in the future more advanced fighters and maybe even bombers can be made on our factory ships.

Spruance:  How will the Terbium fit into this?

Caliphtys:  We’ll be able to manufacture more craft and weaponry.  I’ll have to let my tactical and strategic arbiters determine the finer details…but with more manufacturing capability, we’ll be able to dedicate more ability to making more advanced craft.  In other words, we won’t have to rush out Encantonas just to make sure all of our pilots have something to fly.

Spruance:  Will TF7 and Leibniz’s group be able to use these ships as well?

Caliphtys:  That’s our plan for the time being.  In terms of military production, most of our factory ships are geared toward ORS fighter and bomber production but they also make weapons and repair supplies for EFN ships.  Am I correct in understanding that the situation is slightly the reverse on the Terbium?

Spruance:  To a certain extent.  When we first rescued it from a Shivan attack and examined the situation, it was mostly geared toward making ORS supplies.  As time went on though, we were eventually able to begin to shift some of its manufacturing to the production of parts and weapons for EFN fighters and bombers.  Since the majority of Task Force Seven is EFN, as time went on we would have begun to outright make EFN craft…like your factory ships can make Heretic interceptors.  What happens now is up to you I suppose.

Caliphtys:  For now I think we’ll continue on that route.  Continue shifting Terbium research and development primarily for EFN military purposes.  Though ORS military forces are the majority, EFN military forces with your addition are not a small part of Exodus Fleet anymore.  Maybe someday it would be easier if we came up with one group of craft for everyone, EFN and ORS, to use since we’re now all one people de facto…but that day isn’t here quite yet.

Spruance:  May I ask something, Fleetmaster?

Caliphtys:  Of course, General.

Spruance:  I’m trying to learn about the situation, what is the purpose of Big Buddha?  I’ve never seen something like that before.

Caliphtys:  It’s essentially a mobile shipyard.  You know how the Hephaestus factory ships can repair or outright manufacture fighters and bombers?  Big Buddha does the same, but for capital ships.  It can repair frigates and even destroyers.

Spruance:  Did you say it could manufacture capital ships?

Caliphtys:  Yes.  Obviously through the recent military campaigns to escape Sol and cross into this galaxy, we were too busy to do that.  We concentrated on repairing ships and making supplies for what we had.  We haven’t had the time to sit down and make new designs.  Now though, since we have time to rest for a while at least, we may look into that.  We already are planning on manufacturing an improved version of the Vitalius frigate…simply named Vitalius mk. 2.  There are plans for other designs but that one is actually close to production status.

Spruance:  As a token of appreciation for letting us into Exodus Fleet…and to show we are committed to the common defense of humanity’s remnants, I’d like to share a design we came up with just in case the
Shivans ever return.  I trust you share my feeling we’ll see them again at some point.

Caliphtys:  Absolutely.  It is a matter of when, not if.

Spruance:  Anyways, we have come up with something called the Frost cannon.  It is a primary weapon that has decent range…about 1200m.  It has fairly high armor, shield, and subsystem damage.  The only drawbacks are that it doesn’t have as good a rate of fire as other primary weapons and compared to other primaries it also has fairly high power usage.  But the pilots who have used it speak favorably about it.

[Note:  Just a reminder about the Frost:  it is essentially the Kayser cannon with slightly increased range and slightly increased power usage.]

Caliphtys:  That is excellent news and very much appreciated.  Some in ORS were reluctant to let EFN forces join but moves like this will help calm fears and show we are all a team now.

Spruance:  If I’m not out of line in asking, were there problems when Leibniz tried to bring his group of EFN forces into Exodus Fleet?

Caliphtys:  Uh, there were a few hiccups one might say.  I won’t go into all the details, but there were a couple times things got heated.  That’s all in the past now one might say.  At first Leibniz wasn’t crazy about being put under the authority of Fleetmaster Tyrone and his Roaming Fleet, but things are a lot smoother now and I’d say everyone has a good working relationship.

Spruance:  I see.  My people are wondering about what will happen to us.  Have you decided about how Task Force Seven will be integrated into Exodus Fleet as a whole?

Caliphtys:  That may take a day or two to decide.  I will take the list of ships that Fleetmaster Raji has and meet with my tactical and strategic arbiters.  We’ll decide where each ship could best fit.  I’ll tell you right now your supply ships and civilian ships will be put in Colony Fleet.  That’s where we put our civilian and resource ships…they then serve all other ships and fleets in Exodus Fleet including Escort Fleet, Roaming Fleet, and Heavy Fleet.

Spruance:  Does the High Magistrate get a say in all this too?

Caliphtys:  I’ll present our findings and recommendations to him as a formality, but he usually defers to me on military matters.

Spruance:  I see.  What will happen to the warships of Task Force Seven?

Caliphtys:  That has not been fully decided at this moment.  I will have to have a meeting with the arbiters of Exodus Fleet and based on our current mission decide where to put the new forces.  Before when we were running from Shivans it made sense to give some priority to Escort Fleet to protect our colony ships.  Now that we’re in a slightly more relaxed mode we’ll probably want to focus on finding resources and exploring the Andromedae system and nearby systems.  That could mean more ships will go to Roaming and Heavy Fleet.

Spruance:  I’m not meaning to be pushy, but will this be decided soon?

Caliphtys:  It will likely be decided within a week.  We all have been operating under incredible amounts of stress so I want to give everyone some rest…we’ll be operating at minimum alert levels for a day or two.  In a few days or so I’ll begin these meetings to decide where to place Task Force Seven ships.  Rest assured I’ll let you know the instant we have a plan.

Spruance:  Do you want the supply ships to begin to move to Colony Fleet positions now?

Caliphtys: No, that can wait.  Give them a break as well before they have to adjust to the new reality we all find ourselves in. 

Spruance:  Thank you.  From one military leader to another, and as one who also believes that we all need to work together…may I ask another military question?

Caliphtys:  Please feel free to do so.  You may speak freely here.

Spruance:  In the interest of working together to improve our military technology…I must ask, have you heard of GTI Project Hades?

Caliphtys:  How do you know of it?  That was a weapons project at the highest level of secrecy and only a select few knew the plan existed.

Spruance:  I was involved with some of the planning at the beginning, though obviously the wars between our two former factions put that on pause and made us both look at railgun and torpedo technology instead.  I knew some people who went to the ORS when the GTA dissolved so I figured you might have something to do with it too.

Caliphtys:  To be honest, I don’t know if it matters all that much now.  We lost a lot of the intelligence on the project when humanity had to leave Sol.  I don’t know if we could get it started up again right now without all the data and specs we had on it.

Spruance:  I might be able to help there.  Before I decided to leave Sol and take command of Task Force Seven, I did work with EFN intelligence operations and stuff like that.  It was thought that this project should survive so I gathered a lot of the data and plans for Project Hades to take with me in the hopes that someday humanity could use it against the Shivans.

Caliphtys:  Are you serious?  Are you telling me you have enough information to begin development on Project Hades?

Spruance:  In my opinion, yes.  I’m willing to share what information we have for the common good of humanity.  However, I would like to be kept in the loop on things.  I know you as effective CIC of Exodus Fleet can’t tell me everything, but I would like to be treated with the same respect as some of your other commanders.

Caliphtys:  Of course, of course.  I will treat you the same as Tyrone, Raji, Tessandras, and Leibniz.  The firepower and technology TF7 has brought will be vital.  Some may not like it but I don’t care; I will treat EFN personnel with honor and respect.

Spruance:  Thank you.  As a practical matter, do you think Hades will work?  Beam weapon technology
hasn’t been fully developed yet.  Some might say keeping with railgun technology would be better even though it’s a little more resource intensive in terms of ammo and whatnot.

Caliphtys:  It’s something that should be looked into at least.  While our railgun technology is more consistent in terms of damage output, and railgun turrets are harder to destroy than it’s estimated beam emplacements would be…potential estimates show beam weaponry could have a much higher damage output than railguns.

Spruance:  Instead of it being completely a black or white issue…is it possible we could look into some ships having a mix of beam weaponry and railguns?

Caliphtys:  That’s not a bad idea in theory.  Maybe a ship could have a spinal beam turret and then have the rest of its offensive weaponry be railguns for sustained engagements.  Of course we’ll also have to look into whether it would be better to put beam weaponry onto existing ships or design a new class of warship from the ground up.

Spruance:  After I give the data, how long will it be before you think we, I mean we as a species, can begin work on this endeavor?

Caliphtys:  That is hard to say.  We’ll need to have all our technicians and engineers look into this.  Then I’ll also need to discuss this with the other Exodus Fleet commanders, including yourself, since this will affect military doctrine as well.  While I do believe we should be able to begin production of this new Frost cannon fairly soon and get it distributed, making beam technology will take longer.  We will definitely look into it but capital beam weaponry probably won’t be ready for a couple months at least.

Spruance:  That sounds fair.

Caliphtys:  Anyways, I wouldn’t worry about this for a while.  Like I’m telling my other military commanders, take a while off and get your people some rest.  While our struggle isn’t over, let’s enjoy this relative victory.  I’m authorizing Exodus Fleet armed forces to operate at alert level green…let’s relax for a little.  I’ll let you know when I’ve made my decisions about where to put Task Force Seven ships across Exodus Fleet.  In any case, I’ve enjoyed our meeting and I received word Fleetmasters Tyrone and Raji found their time on Hesperia productive as well.  I’ll walk you back to the launch bay so you can return to your ship.

Spruance:  Thank you sir.  I look forward to working with you for a productive future for us all.


Offline CT27

  • 211
Re: Exile: Alternate History
(This is the conclusion of my alternate history of Exile.  Thank you to Nyctaeus for letting me post this here.)

Exile:  Alternate History
Epilogue pt.2

“Data file:
List of primary ships of EFN Task Force Seven still to be assigned in Exodus Fleet (other civilian ships have already been assigned to Colony Fleet.

EFD Hesperia (Flagship) (Galahad)
EFFg Lincoln (Vidar)
EFFg Wolf (Vidar)
ORFg Carrington (Tychicus)
ORFg Fafnir (Agneya)
EFFg Everest (Solomon)
EFFg Princeton (Solomon)
EFFg Luna (Solomon)
EFFg Huron (Solomon)
ORFg Lassel (Vitalius)
EFC Trailblazer (Evangelist)
ORC Griffin (Amalthea)
EFCs London (modified Viscount)
EFCs Borealis (modified Viscount)
ORFs Terbium (Hephaestus)
ORLs Mendel (Hestia)
ORGt Photon (Pluto) “

(Fleetmaster Caliphtys is meeting with one of his primary strategic arbiters to decide where to send the non-civilian TF7 ships withing Exodus Fleet)

Caliphtys:  The easy part was sending the few civilian ships they had to Colony Fleet.  Now we have to decide what to do with the rest of them.  Do you have any initial recommendations on where to send the remaining TF7 ships, Arbiter Jenkins?

Jenkins:  We’ll start with the simplest part first, Fleetmaster.  The Photon and Mendel, along with the Terbium, will go with their respective ship classes in Colony Fleet.  Like the other ships of their class do, they’ll work to supply and enhance Exodus Fleet as a whole…which will now include Task Force Seven.

Caliphtys:  That sounds simple and reasonable enough, I approve.  I want to look now at those two modified Viscounts they have and where to put them.  That’s an interesting design.  It has next to no weaponry onboard, and while it can’t do as well as a dedicated AWACS ship or dedicated science vessel it can do a little of each.

Jenkins:  That could be of use to any of our fleets so where would you like them?

Caliphtys:  Militarily it makes sense to send them to groups that would be doing more exploring.  We’ll send one of them to Roaming Fleet while they still are looking at the surrounding systems.  The other one we’ll send to Heavy Fleet.  Heavy Fleet has much of Exodus Fleet’s heavy firepower so them having some idea of what they’ll be up against would be helpful to them I imagine.

Jenkins:  I’ll send the orders immediately, sir.

Caliphtys:  Now comes the tough part.  We have to decide what to do with the warships in Task Force Seven.

Jenkins:  The problem is similar to the one we just had with the Viscounts.  Any of our military fleets could make use of them and could make arguments for them.  So we have to decide to keep them with us in Escort Fleet, send them to Heavy Fleet, or send them to Roaming Fleet.

Caliphtys:  There’s one other option:  we could let Fleetmaster Tessandras have some of the warships for his black ops forces.  We don’t want to leave him totally out of the loop so that he gets upset.  He may be a relatively new addition to Exodus Fleet, but he is an important one and we have to take that into consideration. Politics are something to consider whether we like it or not.

Jenkins:  Which ships in particular do you have in mind for him?

Caliphtys:  He actually seems to work relatively well with EFN ships so we’ll send him the Trailblazer.  That leaves the Griffin as the only cruiser left in TF7 to assign.  With the new ships in Colony Fleet we have more stuff to defend so I think I’ll put the Griffin in Escort Fleet to help protect ships like the Terbium and Mendel.

Jenkins:  Now we’re onto the frigates, Fleetmaster.

Caliphtys:  Indeed, we are.  According to the data list we have five ‘light’ frigates to assign…four Solomons and one Vitalius.  Let’s look at those next.  They’re good for all around combat and defense so, again, any one of our fleet groups could use them. 

Jenkins:  Agreed, Fleetmaster.  Should we just give one to each and flip a coin or something for the last one?

Caliphtys:  It might actually end up being something along those lines.  No, not really.  A problem though with this large influx of Earth ships from TF7 is that grouping them all together might make them think they have the power to try something.

Jenkins:  Sir, I thought you felt the danger of civil war has passed from Exodus Fleet and that Leibniz and Spruance were people we could work with for the common good of humanity…are you changing your mind on that?

Caliphtys:  No, I generally feel we can work with them and that they can be trusted.  It’s just that that trust can never be 100% in my mind.  Earth forces may not like being defacto subordinate to us and we have to be watchful for that.  When they were a small part of Exodus Fleet it may have been a smaller concern, but with TF7’s arrival and EFN forces now having a larger percentage of the military forces of Exodus Fleet, albeit not a majority, it’s something to be concerned about that one of them may want to try and take power over humanity’s remnants someday.

Jenkins:  Understood sir.  As for the light frigates, have you made a decision as to where we should put them?

Caliphtys:  We’ll spread them out.  Exodus Fleet needs lots of coverage so we’ll send two of them here.  Let’s have them be the Lassel and the Huron.  Heavy Fleet will get the Everest, Roaming Fleet will get the Princeton, and send the Luna to Tessandras’ black ops group.

Jenkins:  Is there any particular reason why you sent each of those various frigates to the particular groups you sent them too, Fleetmaster?

Caliphtys:  No, Jenkins.  One would be just as good as another in this case.  It didn’t really matter which one Roaming Fleet got for instance.  Anyways, let’s move on to the next item of business.  Now we discuss where to send the various heavier frigates TF7 brought us.

Jenkins:  This could be a little more difficult, Fleetmaster.

Caliphtys:  How so?

Jenkins:  Lighter frigates like the Vitalius and Solomon classes are good all-around ships that are relatively mobile…in other words they could be good at exploration which is our primary operation now.  The Vidar and Tychicus classes, and the one Agneya class we have, are more built for attacking the enemy and not for scouting. 

Caliphtys:  Well, surely we’ll have need for them again at some point, won’t we? 

Jenkins:  Undoubtedly sir.  Like you, I believe we’ll see the Shivans again at some point…it’s just a matter of time.  I’m just saying it’s hard to tell what to do with them in the moment.

Caliphtys:  Let’s start with the Fafnir.  As an artillery frigate, it’s even less mobile than our Tychicus classes or the EFN Vidar.  I don’t see it doing much good in Escort Fleet.  If something gets that close to Colony Fleet that such heavy firepower is needed…something went wrong.  It would be better for it to be further out to attack heavier threats.  Roaming Fleet could use a little more firepower so send the Fafnir to Fleetmaster Tyrone.

Jenkins:  Very well, sir.

Caliphtys:  Fleetmaster Tessandras works well with Tychicus ships so send him the Carrington.  That leaves the Lincoln and Wolf left in terms of heavy frigates needing a role.  Both of them are EFN ships…Vidar class.  I’ll send the Lincoln to Heavy Fleet and the Wolf to Roaming Fleet.  That does it for the frigates.

Jenkins:  Now all we have left is the flagship of Task Force Seven, the Galahad class ship ORD…excuse me, EFD Hesperia.  It feels weird saying that though, I must admit.

Caliphtys:  It feels somewhat weird to me too, Arbiter.  However, it wouldn’t be worth the effort to try and take the ship back.  Besides, I gave Spruance my word he could keep it.

Jenkins:  So where would you like to send the Hesperia sir?

Caliphtys:  Send the Hesperia to Heavy Fleet.  He’ll be under the command of Fleetmaster Raji, just like Admiral Leibniz is under the command of Fleetmaster Tyrone.  That will give both of our primary striking
fleets two destroyers.  It also keeps the Earth forces somewhat more spread out. 

Jenkins:  That about does it, Fleetmaster.  All Task Force Seven ships have now been assigned to various points in Exodus Fleet.  Do you think there will be any complaints from any of the various TF7 ships about where we’ve put them?

Caliphtys:  I doubt it.  From what I know about TF7, Spruance put them randomly together in the first place.  He grabbed various ships and put them together in his group and called it TF7.  I don’t think they’ve been together long enough to get too attached to this label.  There shouldn’t be any problems from the ORS ships at least.  Spruance also seems fairly level-headed so I think he’s been able to convince his forces we all need to work together and we’re all one group…not so much ORS or EFN any longer for what it’s worth.  Besides, it’s not like they can’t communicate at all with each other.  There’s still email and video communication after all.

Jenkins:  Agreed, Fleetmaster.  Before I issue the official order to send TF7 ships to report to their new fleetmasters, would you like to see the official directive list I just drew up?

Caliphtys:  Yes, please.

TF7 ships will now report to the fleetmaster of the fleet they have been assigned to.
All supply ships-Colony Fleet
All civilian ships-Colony Fleet
EFCs Borealis (modified Viscount)-Roaming Fleet
EFCs London (modified Viscount)-Heavy Fleet
ORC Griffin-Escort Fleet
EFC Trailblazer-Exodus Fleet Black Ops Department
ORFg Lassel-Escort Fleet
EFFg Huron-Escort Fleet
EFFg Everest-Roaming Fleet
EFFg Princeton-Heavy Fleet
EFFg Luna-Exodus Fleet Black Ops Department
ORFg Fafnir-Roaming Fleet
ORFg Carrington-Exodus Fleet Black Ops Department
EFFg Wolf-Roaming Fleet
EFFg Lincoln-Heavy Fleet
EFD Hesperia (TF7 Flagship)-Heavy Fleet”

Jenkins:  Does this meet your approval, Fleetmaster?

Caliphtys:  Yes, Arbiter Jenkins.  Send a copy of this directive to each of the fleetmasters in Exodus Fleet.  They will have a day to decide where to put their new ships.  Then tomorrow send the directive to all the ship leaders in TF7 and tell them to proceed to their new fleets.  The time difference will give the fleetmasters time to decide how to arrange their new charges.

Jenkins:  Permission to begin sending out the directive?

Caliphtys:  Yes, go ahead.

Jenkins:  It is done, Fleetmaster Caliphtys.  Will that be all for today, sir?

Caliphtys:  That is all for today, dismissed.