Author Topic: Co-op set up  (Read 4734 times)

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Offline r4r1t3

  • 22
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I've recently bought copies of FS2 off of steam for myself and a few friends who've never played the games before. After getting the mods I wanted all set up through Knossos (including FSPort and FS1 COOP UP), I get a message when attempting to enter the briefing room "You must define your connection speed. Please run the launcher, hit the setup button, and go to the network tab and choose your connection speed". I have no idea what it means by "launcher" since the game just boots itself up when attempting to run. I've already gotten the PXO account entered in, but can't seem to get past this point or what to even do once past this hurdle. I'm willing to use a virtual LAN such as Hamachi. Any advice would be appreciated.


Offline wookieejedi

  • 29
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Knossos is the Launcher :) Also, just to confirm, you are using Knossos.NET correct?


Offline r4r1t3

  • 22
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Yes, I'm using the latest download for launcher.


Offline taylor

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Just checked and it appears that Knossos.NET doesn't offer to change the network type and speed settings, nor does any in-game option.

The fix is to add or change two lines in the [Default] section of your fs2_open.ini file:

Code: [Select]

I assume that you are on Windows, and unfortunately I don't remember where the fs2_open.ini file is located there, but hopefully someone else can point you to the correct location if you're unable to find it. However after that modification it should start working for you.


Offline r4r1t3

  • 22
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It seems like the .ini file already has ConnectionSpeed=Fast and NetworkConnection=LAN


Offline r4r1t3

  • 22
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Somehow, just opening the file and saving it over without even changing anything solved the problem


Offline r4r1t3

  • 22
    • Steam
I'm now encountering a problem with connecting to my friends via the servers list to start a co-op campaign. This has been a headache for both of us and am at a loss as to what to do moving forward. Server list is empty
« Last Edit: October 27, 2024, 12:19:59 pm by r4r1t3 »


Offline taylor

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Are you playing on PXO or with virtual LAN? What FSO build and mods are you using?

For PXO, if you are using FS1 or FS2 co-op then there should always be at least one server shown (the PXO ones). If you just can't see your own server then it's likely a firewall issue. Newer FSO builds, such as one of the 24.2.0-RC ones, support UDP hole punch and can generally get through firewalls without any special setup on your end.

For virtual LAN, the game uses mDNS to find local games and this can sometimes flake out a bit. The best fix is to get the virtual LAN ip address of the game host and enter that along with the port number in the in-game options screen on the clients. The default port is 7808. So if the ip address of the host is for example, then on the clients go to options, click the multi tab, and then Add in the IP address box. Type and press enter to save it. Then when the client goes to the server list they should see the game available.


Offline easylum

  • 21
Somehow, just opening the file and saving it over without even changing anything solved the problem.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2024, 03:20:25 pm by easylum »