Author Topic: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?  (Read 1961 times)

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Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
I've been playing through FS1 Port with MVPs 4.7.3 on engine build 24.2.0, and I feel that engine wash isn't as noticeable as it used to be. I can't tell if I'm just imaging it, or if something has actually changed. Anybody know?


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
Engine wash has not been intentionally changed, but it's always possible that a bug was introduced somewhere.  Can you compare other mods or other FSO versions?


Offline den5

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Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
Engine wash really doesn't work for at least a month. Tested on MVPs 4.7.3 and TBP 3.8 with fs2_open_24_1_0_20240930 and nightly build for 09 december, no shaking effect and engine wash inscription.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
Confirmed, this is an FSO bug.  The engine wash timestamp is handled a little strangely.  I'll make a PR for a fix.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
This will be fixed in the next nightly build.


Offline Iain Baker

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Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
Good job I saw this today - I was about to add engine wash to fighters and bombers too and would have ended up thinking I had done something wrong  :lol:

Out of interest - can engine wash be added to missiles?
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
Well, engine wash can only be emitted from big ships, not fighters or bombers.  And no, it can't be emitted from missiles.  However, you could create a ship that looks like a weapon and have that emit engine wash.  See Hamano's Earthshaker for example.


Offline Iain Baker

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Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
That’s a Big Boi Bomb  :)

Re engine was: The wiki says ‘usually only used with large ships’. So is it a case that smaller ships can’t emit engine wash due to engine limitations, or simply that most campaigns don’t use it?
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
The engine specifically excludes small ships (fighters, bombers, escape pods, support ships) from engine wash.  That's in one place; there may be other restrictions in other places.


Offline Mongoose

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Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
I have this fuzzy memory of engine wash being changed way back in the day, because originally it was framerate-dependent and thus started to get super-overpowered as everyone's systems got better. Probably not related to this recent thing though.

Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
I never noticed differences in engine wash, but it feels like bomb shockwaves are ridiculously overpowered now


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
Looking at the engine wash processing function, there aren't many changes from retail.  There are some code tweaks, the addition of a $Use Engine Wash Intensity: game_settings flag, and the ability for engines to be on rotating submodels, but the algorithm looks the same.

Regarding bomb shockwaves, I'd first check to see if the mod you're running has the "shockwaves affect subsystems" ai profile flag.