Author Topic: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency  (Read 331717 times)

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Offline CP5670

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RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency

Political instability and economic depression in two border systems resulted in their regional governments,
led by a charismatic demagogue, declaring full independence from the GTVA in early 2368. Now, a year later,
a surprise incursion by this regime signals the beginning of a new war. As a new Vasudan pilot recruited into
the ranks of the GTVA, you are assigned to the crew of the GVD Sekham in Polaris as the Alliance attempts
to eradicate the rapidly propagating Procyon Confederal Autonomy.

Full story

Download links and installation instructions

Installation is pretty straightforward. Extract the various campaign VPs according to the combination of Media VPs you have installed; see the download link for details. No additional mod packages are needed.

The Procyon Insurgency requires FS2 Open 3.6.9 RC7.9X, available on the download page above. A few bugs that affect the campaign were introduced in the 3.6.9 final release. These have since been fixed, but new bugs have come up in the meantime and there is currently no one build that does everything perfectly other than RC7.9. This should change with the next available build, however.

Have fun.


Offline karajorma

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Oooohh. This is nice. I've been waiting to see this one released a long time. :)

What problems do you refer to though just out of interest?
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Mefustae

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Looks good. Downloading.

Edit: Is that a Procyon Insurgency avatar you've got there, CP?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2007, 08:45:48 am by Mefustae »

Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Hey, this is a surprise! I thought you'd given up on this one. Is this your original vision realised or did you have to strip it down a bit to a more releasable aim.

Or should I just shadap and download it.

Yes, I should.
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Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Oooohh. This is nice. I've been waiting to see this one released a long time. :)

What problems do you refer to though just out of interest?

There is basically the fade bug along with an issue with the music switching at the wrong times when ogg versions of certain tracks are present. I think 3.6.9 implemented an early version of the new music file detection system, but it wasn't quite working right at the time. The music bugs are now fixed for good, but the fade bug has been more elusive.

Looks good. Downloading.

Edit: Is that a Procyon Insurgency avatar you've got there, CP?

Yes, it's the same one I used to have a few years ago.

Hey, this is a surprise! I thought you'd given up on this one. Is this your original vision realised or did you have to strip it down a bit to a more releasable aim.

Or should I just shadap and download it.

Yes, I should.

Good idea. :D

I got some new ideas last summer and had a lot of free time, so I decided to resume work on the campaign from an old backup. The end result is actually better in most ways than what I originally had. Some things I planned had to be removed to avoid feature creeping, but I'm very pleased with the final product.


Offline Sarafan

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Great, a new campaign! :D

Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Wow, I haven't played Fs2 in about 3 months and that was an amazing way to get back in the swing of things. I've just played the first two missions but its friggin sweet, and the backgrounds make so much of a difference, makes it more like the Homeworld type of space. Excellent job, and the vulcan sounds sweet, especially the impact sounds.
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Offline Alan Bolte

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Excellent campaign, at about mission 7 right now. Had a crash recently, don't know what that was about, I'll post again if it's repeatable.
Anything worth doing is worth analyzing to death -Iranon


Offline Sparky

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Just downloaded it. I'll give it a shot :) These user-made campaigns rock, I just finished Transcend.


Offline neoterran

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
It is totally excellent. Great job !!!

Here's my *****ing

1.) Please allow speech synthesis In game. It just sucks to have to read ****, as a result i have no clue what goes on.

2.) If not.... Voice Acting. Yes, this campaign with all the other cool stuff it has like modular ship armor - it needs it.

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Offline Alan Bolte

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Man, mission 9 is hard. The Orion is always down below 15% by the time the last corvette arrives, so it doesn't matter if I get its forward beams after just one shot. I need to figure out what's causing all that damage while I'm bombing the beams off of cruisers. I hope it's not just the bombs, I'm not in a god damned Horus.
Anything worth doing is worth analyzing to death -Iranon


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Thanks for the compliments, everyone.

Man, mission 9 is hard. The Orion is always down below 15% by the time the last corvette arrives, so it doesn't matter if I get its forward beams after just one shot. I need to figure out what's causing all that damage while I'm bombing the beams off of cruisers. I hope it's not just the bombs, I'm not in a god damned Horus.

I'll need to try this mission again. It wasn't particularly hard in my testing, but I made a minor change to it right before release that may have affected the gameplay rather more than I intended. What difficulty level are you playing on?

[edit] Yes, you're right, this mission is inordinately hard in its current state. I can't believe such a tiny change could have done all that. :wtf: In any case, I'll put up a patch VP on the website in a hour or two. You should be able to drop that into the PI directory and play the revised version with your existing pilot and campaign progress. Sorry for the trouble with this.

1.) Please allow speech synthesis In game. It just sucks to have to read ****, as a result i have no clue what goes on.

2.) If not.... Voice Acting. Yes, this campaign with all the other cool stuff it has like modular ship armor - it needs it.

I didn't add support for this for a couple of reasons: much of the talking in the campaign is done by Vasudans, so it sounds weird, and I would also need to have separate versions of all the missions with the generic voice beeps removed. However, if there is demand for it, I can easily create a patch file with voice compatible missions.

Voice acting would be great to have at some point down the line, but it would be a considerable undertaking given the amount of text in the campaign.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2007, 12:28:03 am by CP5670 »


Offline Vretsu

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency


I'll have to try this in the morning!  :yes:


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
The 1.01 patch file is now up. I would recommend that everyone who got the original version downloads this (you don't need to re-download the entire campaign). I have updated the main download as well, so this problem should be gone for good now.


Offline karajorma

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
and I would also need to have separate versions of all the missions with the generic voice beeps removed. However, if there is demand for it, I can easily create a patch file with voice compatible missions.

Not quite true.

Code: [Select]
bool message_filename_is_generic(char *filename) {
if (!strnicmp(filename, "cuevoice.wav", 8)) return true;
if (!strnicmp(filename, "emptymsg.wav", 8)) return true;
if (!strnicmp(filename, "generic.wav", 7)) return true;
if (!strnicmp(filename, "msgstart.wav", 8)) return true;

Any of the wav files mentioned in that function are simply ignored when it comes to the synthesised speech. All you'd need to do is to rename your message beeps to match those 4.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Alan Bolte

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Now I frequently get a lockup when killing the mjolnirs  :wtf:
Anything worth doing is worth analyzing to death -Iranon


Offline takashi

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
getting lots of kills with this campaing :)

*wonders how long it will take for me to reach triple ace again*


Offline BlackDove

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency

Finally got around to it eh CP? I've only been waiting since you started :p


Offline Bob-san

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Downloading... It looks nice! I'll play tonight.
NGTM-1R: Currently considering spending the rest of the day in bed cuddling.
GTSVA: With who...?
Nuke: chewbacca?
Bob-san: The Rancor.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Any of the wav files mentioned in that function are simply ignored when it comes to the synthesised speech. All you'd need to do is to rename your message beeps to match those 4.

I see, this is pretty convenient. I'll change the voice filenames in the next update.

Now I frequently get a lockup when killing the mjolnirs  :wtf:

I can't think of anything that might cause this. It works fine on my end. When exactly does it happen? Are you getting any specific error message?


Finally got around to it eh CP? I've only been waiting since you started :p

I did say I was still working on it. :D