So I did put the new SaveLoad script up on the github for Beta Testing. I would not use it for production right now, there's missing features and a few bugs right now. Basically it's out there so you can get a sense of how it works and report any structural issues.
I have added a new version of AxMessage, my scripted message hud gauge. This is version 1.3, and the big change here is multi-resolution settings. Before you could turn it on or off with the MinVertRes setting in the config file. That is now gone. Now you can specify a variety of minimum resolutions with different graphical settings, and the script will select the best one to fit your current screen. Things like different fonts, different message box graphics, and it'll even let you scale the message box. It's not dynamic scaling, but it does let you use a single message box, and then you just need to figure out the right fonts and offsets.
So because of all of that, the config file is quite a bit rekajiggered, and is not backwards compatible. You'll need to move some stuff around, just look through the sample file and you'll get a sense what goes where.
And lastly, the Infinite Ship Spawning script from JAD is up there. It's all accessible with LuaSEXPs, so if you're looking to make some wild arcade nonsense, it's even easier to have tons of fighters. There's some new features, like customizable arrival effects, and a way to make groups arrive at once (sort of like wings).