Author Topic: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light  (Read 81173 times)

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
I need a patch that fixes the priority error.


Offline ARSPR

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
I need a patch that fixes the priority error.

Just make a vp from the weapons pack and use a name after BR_???.vp (00-WeaponsPack.vp isn't right but WeaponsPack.vp or IDoLikeThisName.vp are fine) and put it in the STL MOD folder. If you want I can email you my WeaponsPack.vp.
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    FYI, most of the troubles are caused by wrong mod installations which lead to either missing data or undesired cross-effects between them. Always follow the mod installation instructions and keep a clean FS2 installation as explained in the sticky threads. Two additional links about how the game handles game data:
  • If you think that you've discovered a bug, mantis it.
    Provide as much info as you can, and try to narrow it down. A lonely "FS2 doesn't work" is not a good report.

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Offline ARSPR

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
I have just mantised a bug (number 856) that shows up in the eighth mission. I think it has nothing to do with the MOD itself but with the latest build (20060306) or builds, because it doesn't show up with older ones (like 20060202).

But, Blaise please keep an eye on it, in case you can add more info or if SCP gurus say it is really a mission bug. (If the last happens I will post another reminder).


It seems it is a sexp that has been removed. If it is not recoded again you will need to fix the mission. More info in this thread:,38535.0.html
« Last Edit: March 08, 2006, 03:28:37 pm by ARSPR »
  • Please, please, please, READ and UNDERSTAND the sticky threads in FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support board.
    A lot of people are willing to help you, but, as anyone can understand, seeing the very same "issues" repeated again and again can become quite depressing. Please, spend a bit of time trying to solve the issue by yourself.
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  • Then, if you aren't still able to solve your issue, feel free to ask for help in that same board.
    FYI, most of the troubles are caused by wrong mod installations which lead to either missing data or undesired cross-effects between them. Always follow the mod installation instructions and keep a clean FS2 installation as explained in the sticky threads. Two additional links about how the game handles game data:
  • If you think that you've discovered a bug, mantis it.
    Provide as much info as you can, and try to narrow it down. A lonely "FS2 doesn't work" is not a good report.

Whoever Hanlon was: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
Albert Einstein: Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

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Offline Porthos

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Go into ShroudingTheLight/Data/tables/ and delete (or rename the extensions of) the ships and weapons tables. These are the Lightspeeds tables and they're overriding the ones Blaise made in the vp.

Do NOT delete the weapons explosions table.
I've built a vp with the link contents named 00-WeaponsPack.vp (to make it load before the MOD itself) and I have put it inside the MOD directory. With the mod.ini file, FSPort and Nebula backgrounds are also loaded from their own directories.

With this pack the previous error doesn't appear but all the ships are turned into Ulysses. And as you can see in weapon selection window from the first real mission, there's no available weapons. (I attach a screenshot).

This is probably the problem right here. I guess that 00-WeaponsPack.vp has table files in it; in which case, since you're giving it priority over STL, it's messing everything up because the missions are referencing STL weapons and STL ships from the STL table which is being overwritten by your 00-WeaponsPack tables.

Try renaming it to just WeaponsPack; that way, FS2 can still access the weapons effects in the VP, but it'll use the STL tables so the campaign should work.

I did both of these things and I am still starting the first mission out in a unarmed Ulysses. I have everything where its supposed to be, I've checked and re-checked. I am using SCP CVS 3.8 Delta, I have tried both fsport 2.3 and 3.0 (have 2.3 on right now) and I also tried removing the stars.tbl (which I kinda doubted would do anything, and I was right lol)   I know this is a old threat and I hope im not being a hastle by bumping it but I could really use some help :-D. Thanks.
Holy walleye, Batman!!!


Offline karajorma

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
How have you installed the mod? Screenshots of the folder it's in, the mediavps folder if you have one and the text of the mod.ini (if you have one) along with your entire command line from the launcher will help :)
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Offline ARSPR

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
I did both of these things and I am still starting the first mission out in a unarmed Ulysses. I have everything where its supposed to be, I've checked and re-checked. I am using SCP CVS 3.8 Delta, I have tried both fsport 2.3 and 3.0 (have 2.3 on right now) and I also tried removing the stars.tbl (which I kinda doubted would do anything, and I was right lol)   I know this is a old threat and I hope im not being a hastle by bumping it but I could really use some help :-D. Thanks.

Be sure that you use FSPort 2.3 and:

1. Download STL files (BR_STL.vp and BR_STLv.vp)

2. Download the weapons pack and make a right vp with its contents. I mean, check it has the files placed in the right folders. Then name it whatever you like BUT alphabetically after BR_STL. Then put it in the same folder than the other files.

It should work this way. I can email you my WeaponsPack.vp if you want (PM me your address).
  • Please, please, please, READ and UNDERSTAND the sticky threads in FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support board.
    A lot of people are willing to help you, but, as anyone can understand, seeing the very same "issues" repeated again and again can become quite depressing. Please, spend a bit of time trying to solve the issue by yourself.
    (Lobo deserves a monument).
  • Then, if you aren't still able to solve your issue, feel free to ask for help in that same board.
    FYI, most of the troubles are caused by wrong mod installations which lead to either missing data or undesired cross-effects between them. Always follow the mod installation instructions and keep a clean FS2 installation as explained in the sticky threads. Two additional links about how the game handles game data:
  • If you think that you've discovered a bug, mantis it.
    Provide as much info as you can, and try to narrow it down. A lonely "FS2 doesn't work" is not a good report.

Whoever Hanlon was: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
Albert Einstein: Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

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Offline Porthos

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Alright, I will try ARSPR's idea, and if that doesn't work I will post the information suggested by kaj. Btw I PM'd you ARSPR. Both of you thanks in advance for your assistance.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2006, 11:20:41 am by Porthos »
Holy walleye, Batman!!!


Offline Porthos

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Alright: Heres the command line for my launcher: D:\FreeSpace2\fs2_open_r-P420060323.exe -mod shroudingthelight, ,FS1_Port,Media_VPs -spec -glow -jpgtga -mipmap -2d_poof -cache_bitmaps -missile_lighting -dualscanlines -rearm_timer -ballistic_gauge -ship_choice_3d -3dwarp -snd_preload

I have the CVS VPs in EACH of my campaign folders so I can run one campaign at a time, youll see what I mean.

Heres what the mod.ini looks like:

image255x112 = ShroudingTheLight.bmp;
infotext     = A year has passed since the destruction of the Lucifer and the flight of the Shivan armada. In the year 2336, the Terran and Vasudan peoples attempt to reclaim their former empires and piece together their shattered lives. However, dissidents and splinter groups from within jeopardise their hopes of peace - fighting for independence or against hated alien foes. In the midst of all this turmoil, you are transferred, from the safety of the 1st Battlegroup of Vasuda to the 13th Battlegroup's PVD Guardian and the troubled hotspot of Deneb... And yet, but a few days before...;
website      =;
forum        =;

primarylist  = ;
secondrylist = ,FS1_Port,Media_VPs;

flags = -spec;

And here are the various screenies, if you need additional ones, just ask.

Holy walleye, Batman!!!


Offline ARSPR

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Oh, oh. I think you've got a little BIG mess.

1. Take notice that Secondrylist is a list of current directories where the programs looks for files. If you type Media_vps, then put the media vps in "Media_vps" not in "mediavps". And so on with "FS_Port" and "FreespacePort", etc. (Feel free to use the names you want, it doesn't matter at all)

2. Try to be clean. This is the point of MOD.Ini; telling the program where to find shared files between MODS. So if you have put fsport2_3.vp within "FSPort_Folder" (or whatever you've called it) don't copy it again in STL folder.

3. What the hell is RR_v10.vp?

So, with these hints, try to tidy up your Freespace2 installation. You can also check Karajorma's FAQ
  • Please, please, please, READ and UNDERSTAND the sticky threads in FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support board.
    A lot of people are willing to help you, but, as anyone can understand, seeing the very same "issues" repeated again and again can become quite depressing. Please, spend a bit of time trying to solve the issue by yourself.
    (Lobo deserves a monument).
  • Then, if you aren't still able to solve your issue, feel free to ask for help in that same board.
    FYI, most of the troubles are caused by wrong mod installations which lead to either missing data or undesired cross-effects between them. Always follow the mod installation instructions and keep a clean FS2 installation as explained in the sticky threads. Two additional links about how the game handles game data:
  • If you think that you've discovered a bug, mantis it.
    Provide as much info as you can, and try to narrow it down. A lonely "FS2 doesn't work" is not a good report.

Whoever Hanlon was: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
Albert Einstein: Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

Dell Dimension 9200 - Vista 32-bit Ultimate
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Offline Porthos

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
The RR file Is Renegade Resurgence, a campaign hosted here. Ya, now that I know about that I definatly can tidy up a bit, thanks :-D. Still have no idea why this campaign isn't working though, lol. Thanks though.
Holy walleye, Batman!!!


Offline karajorma

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
The presence of the Renegade Ressurgence VP could definitely screw things up as it uses it's own tables. That said so does STL.

One other thing is that the media VPs will not be accessed by your current set up. You need to change the mod.ini so that it has mediavps instead of Media_VPs otherwise it will simply look in the wrong folder.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Porthos

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Alrighty, I've done alot of re-organizing.

I moved the RR_10 vp into the RR folder.

The command line is the same but I have made alot of other changes to folders.

The screenshots Rawr 3-5 from the last post have not been changed but I will list them anyway.
You might not be able to see them, but in the base fs2 folder the only vp's are the default fs2 vp's.

I have implemented the use of the mod.ini in several other of my important campaign folders, and it saved me a bunch of harddrive space, considering I am running a Raid 0 on 2x 80 gig drives.
The only data folder with tables in it is the one in the main fs2 folder, and 2 campaign folders that have their own ships and weapons .tbl

And last but not least, the mod.ini:
image255x112 = ShroudingTheLight.bmp;
infotext     = A year has passed since the destruction of the Lucifer and the flight of the Shivan armada. In the year 2336, the Terran and Vasudan peoples attempt to reclaim their former empires and piece together their shattered lives. However, dissidents and splinter groups from within jeopardise their hopes of peace - fighting for independence or against hated alien foes. In the midst of all this turmoil, you are transferred, from the safety of the 1st Battlegroup of Vasuda to the 13th Battlegroup's PVD Guardian and the troubled hotspot of Deneb... And yet, but a few days before...;
website      =;
forum        =;

primarylist  = ;
secondrylist = ,freespaceportcvs,cvamediavps;

flags = -spec;

And again, thank you for your consideration and assistance, I guess I can be quite anoying lol,and yes, I still have the same problem with the campaign.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2006, 06:23:57 pm by Porthos »
Holy walleye, Batman!!!


Offline Porthos

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
I also just installed FSport 2.3 in a new mod folder and linked the mod.ini in Shroudingthelight folder to it instead of the folder FSport 3.0 is in. This didn't seem to fix the problem either, heres a screeny of it.

and the new mod.ini :

image255x112 = ShroudingTheLight.bmp;
infotext     = A year has passed since the destruction of the Lucifer and the flight of the Shivan armada. In the year 2336, the Terran and Vasudan peoples attempt to reclaim their former empires and piece together their shattered lives. However, dissidents and splinter groups from within jeopardise their hopes of peace - fighting for independence or against hated alien foes. In the midst of all this turmoil, you are transferred, from the safety of the 1st Battlegroup of Vasuda to the 13th Battlegroup's PVD Guardian and the troubled hotspot of Deneb... And yet, but a few days before...;
website      =;
forum        =;

primarylist  = ;
secondrylist = ,freespaceport23,cvamediavps;

flags = -spec;
Holy walleye, Batman!!!


Offline ARSPR

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
I'm at work so just a quick more hints as I cannot spend much time:

1. ALWAYS use a new pilot for new campaigns/mods. (Sometimes stored old data from older ones raise problems).

2. Freespace2 SCP folders cannot have spaces ("Media vp" is not a valid name and a common problem could be "Program Files\Freespace2\". If this was your case, make a full REINSTALL of FS2 in "c:\Freespace2\").

Just a hint about how I've got my installation:

1. As I don't use retail FS2 version anymore, I've got media vps within FS2 main folder.

2. I've got FS Port v2.3 and v3.0, so I've got two folders for FSPort 2.3, one with its own different files and one with the ones that are shared with 3.0 (***_fs1.vp and so on except sparky).

3. I've got LS Nebulas in its own folder. (They are optional).

4. I've got BR_STL.vp, BR_STLv.vp and WeaponsPack.vp in MOD_STL folder (with its MOD.INI).

So my SecondryList is more or less (I don't remember exact names):

SecondryList = ,FSPort2_3,FSPortShared,LS_Nebulas;
  • Please, please, please, READ and UNDERSTAND the sticky threads in FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support board.
    A lot of people are willing to help you, but, as anyone can understand, seeing the very same "issues" repeated again and again can become quite depressing. Please, spend a bit of time trying to solve the issue by yourself.
    (Lobo deserves a monument).
  • Then, if you aren't still able to solve your issue, feel free to ask for help in that same board.
    FYI, most of the troubles are caused by wrong mod installations which lead to either missing data or undesired cross-effects between them. Always follow the mod installation instructions and keep a clean FS2 installation as explained in the sticky threads. Two additional links about how the game handles game data:
  • If you think that you've discovered a bug, mantis it.
    Provide as much info as you can, and try to narrow it down. A lonely "FS2 doesn't work" is not a good report.

Whoever Hanlon was: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
Albert Einstein: Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

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Offline Porthos

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Already checked the majority of that, no spaces, etc.

Thanks for the attempt tho.

If Karajorma can't come up with something I am probably just gonna not play that campaign.
Holy walleye, Batman!!!


Offline karajorma

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Right. I've just reinstalled Shrouding The Light and the FS1Port 3.03 to see what's going on. The first mission after the cutscene places you in the cockpit of an Anubis not the Ulysses. So if you're getting the wrong fighter that means that for some reason FS2 isn't finding a table file which contains the Anubis. I'm at a loss to explain how that could be happening though. The Shrouding the Light VP contains just such a folder.

That said you appear to have two Shrouding the Light VPs neither of which match the filesize of the one I have. I'll have to check if I have the most recent version.

EDIT : Ah. I have an old version from before the voice acting. :) Updated to the latest version on Blaise's site.

EDIT 2 : Nope. Works with the new VPs. I can only suggest restarting the campaign with a new pilot and seeing if that is any different.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2006, 04:30:09 am by karajorma »
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Offline Porthos

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Alright I'm gonna go try that, and again thanks for your assistance :-D. Ill get back to ya if it works.

:EDIT:[ROFL it works, thank you Karajorma, and everyone else who helped me!! w00t Im gonna be busy playing that all day now.]
« Last Edit: March 31, 2006, 10:37:02 am by Porthos »
Holy walleye, Batman!!!


Offline neoterran

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
I'm getting an error with running shrouding the light as a mod asking about the new_hornet.pof file missing. I'm using it with Freespace port 3.03, because I can't find the earlier version. I've tried it with both the 2.3 and 3.03 versions, both with and without mediavps. Same Issue. Maybe this is just a bad weapons.tbl entry?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2006, 02:28:53 pm by neoterran »
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Offline karajorma

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Re: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
I got exactly the same error but my old install had the 4 missing pof files sitting in the folder. I'd love to know what the correct procedure for fixing the problem was supposed to be.
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