Author Topic: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)  (Read 13383 times)

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Offline starlord

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
As long as the story arcs get closed in some way, I think derelict players will be satisfied.

Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
From what I read here Derelicts plot and other CE campaigns will barely be touched, although some elements may appear.


Offline starlord

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Doesn’t have to be that complex a narrative, just to provide some closure more than anything.

Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
BWO was originally more of an interlude; some sort of FS2 Expansion, while Paradigm Shift was supposed to be the CE teams take on FS3. The latter never happened though. How much of the other CE campaigns made it into BWO remains to be seen. I think the "Ask a Q thread" hinted that some chars from other CE campaigns may appear, but IIRC they said that there wouldn't be much of a resulotion to Derelict.


Offline Gloriano

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
BWO was originally more of an interlude; some sort of FS2 Expansion, while Paradigm Shift was supposed to be the CE teams take on FS3. The latter never happened though. How much of the other CE campaigns made it into BWO remains to be seen. I think the "Ask a Q thread" hinted that some chars from other CE campaigns may appear, but IIRC they said that there wouldn't be much of a resulotion to Derelict.

I would say if released the whole main plot explain's  why certain things happened in Warzone and derelict also who mighty been behind them but nothing directly
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Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Until someone actually opens up FRED and does something, none of this matters.
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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Well there's no shortage of volunteers as far as I can see this.


Offline CT27

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Since Derelict subplots were mentioned, I think the MT subplot could in other campaigns be wrapped up simply by having the Auriga get captured or destroyed (On the other hand, in the unlikely event Derelict ever gets redone it could be fixed by having the Auriga self-destruct in that capture mission though that would require a couple more lines of dialogue).  That would be a 'simple' solution, but at least it would close that open/unresolved subplot.

I'm not sure what the second subplot (that renegade Iceni class ship) was about though.


Offline starlord

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Somehow linked to GTVI in derelict, flying vasudan fighters for some reason.

Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
I think the only change that will be made to Derelict is that it'll be based on BWOs modpack.


Offline Su-tehp

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Since Derelict subplots were mentioned, I think the MT subplot could in other campaigns be wrapped up simply by having the Auriga get captured or destroyed (On the other hand, in the unlikely event Derelict ever gets redone it could be fixed by having the Auriga self-destruct in that capture mission though that would require a couple more lines of dialogue).  That would be a 'simple' solution, but at least it would close that open/unresolved subplot.

Isn't there a rumor that the MTD Auriga is supposed to make an appearance in BWO and that's why it pulled a What Happened to the Mouse in Derelict? (Damn my joystick breaking last Sunday so I have to wait 2 weeks for my new joystick to get here so's I can finish playing Derelict.)

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Offline BlackDove

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Until someone actually opens up FRED and does something, none of this matters.

Totally spot on.

Well there's no shortage of volunteers as far as I can see this.

If you know of any, have them message me.


Offline Ace

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
That Dreamland post wasn't really about a BWO sequel but a FS3-like plot based on what Volition had hinted at (Shivan town, the old FS2).

Babel Effect got killed but the secret mission loops basically included the main plot things as they fit pretty well with Kepler's plans.

Overall though BWO's plot (whether GTVA or Kepler's NTA) basically sets the stage for a final showdown 20-30 years later.

But BWO is basically meant to be the FS2 expansion with the return to Sol we never got.
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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
So PS was something even more exotic? I just remember reading this here about all kinds of fancy subspace infrastructure:


Offline Ace

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Basically technology wise the united Terran-Vasudan fleet is on par or better than the Shivans.

But the issue is that the Shivans are operating on a totally different level (ex. Sathanas being like a Faustus or a support ship). With again Shivans being a symptom of a bigger problem (subspace travel itself and the Shivans basically being its gardeners).
Self-plagiarism is style.
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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Yeah that sounds interesting. I read like tons of explinations regarding, but this one seemed like the only one that provided "the bigger picture" of the Shivans, while pretty much all other campaigns were basically making a "spiced up" version of FS2 - like another invasion, just by bigger ships, omitting the possibilty that the Shivans had something completely different in mind. Stuff like that inspired me to write a (more campaign outline) fanfic with very, very big Shivan stuff, and it's one of the reasons I'm asking for these old things. :)

I know it's been like forever ago, but is there something you remember besides that what PS story was like aside "The Shivan invade.", or even have some notes/design doc used back then?


Offline starlord

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
I seem to recall twilight: the Babel effect being released though. I think...

Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Twilight was released, The Babel Effect (sequel) was cancelled.


Offline starlord

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Oh! I see


Offline Ace

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Re: Some BWO discussion (formerly PS story)
Yeah that sounds interesting. I read like tons of explinations regarding, but this one seemed like the only one that provided "the bigger picture" of the Shivans, while pretty much all other campaigns were basically making a "spiced up" version of FS2 - like another invasion, just by bigger ships, omitting the possibilty that the Shivans had something completely different in mind. Stuff like that inspired me to write a (more campaign outline) fanfic with very, very big Shivan stuff, and it's one of the reasons I'm asking for these old things. :)

I know it's been like forever ago, but is there something you remember besides that what PS story was like aside "The Shivan invade.", or even have some notes/design doc used back then?

Well the basic outline was in that thread for the acts, basically someone following up on Bosch/ETAK (Kepler's take is basically using ETAK to scramble Shivan communications/thinking) to basically create the "alliance" with the Shivans (i.e. how do star systems need to be arranged/maintained for Terran and Vasudan subspace traffic to happen). Overall though heavy subspace use for FTL is bad (accelerating the heat death of the universe type bad) and the Shivans basically wipe out species using it and have to re-arrange nodes and systems to keep things as natural as possible.

Some plot twists like finding out that the Vasudans were the Ancients, basically a colony of Bosch-likes who tried to make an alliance with the Shivans and set themselves to a pre-warp civilization. So co-existence is possible, provided you don't use subspace and remember to not use it.

Basically the Shivan hornet nest gets kicked with the communication attempt and attempt to find out what happened to Bosch under the guise of exploration fleets (which only one vanished) which results in the opening being "Shivans invade" through the series of Maginot Fortresses.

You then have the ticking clock of the Shivans doing stellar engineering in GTVA space and the last-ditch attempt to kick the Shivans in their teeth by trying to take out a central dyson grid structure (Shivans using stars for their communication hubs/mass redistribution for subspace). The "shivantown" Volition mentioned.

Basically you get the choice of: we can keep trying to kick the shivans and force them to blow up stars away from GTVA space so that the GTVA can keep using subspace. Or realizing that  maybe subspace isn't worth the cost since who knows how many civilizations the Terrans and Vasudans are dooming by blowing up Shivantown and using ETAK  to convince them to focus their subspace maintenance elsewhere.

So no "super evil bigger badguys" just FTL ****s up the universe, and finding out that we're basically an annoying itch.

Very much a case of the GTVA can win every battle, but not the war. While a destroyer might outclass a Lucifer, it can't stop a Sathanas fleet from coming in and re-arranging the furniture.

Gameplay wise though definitely a "bigger FS2" in that you have bigger ships (the small moon size stuff Volition mentioned they wanted to do), superstructures, etc. But the big thing is making sure that the player can interact with it. So if there's a Ceres sized Shivan ship, the mission might be taking out the comm relay with a destroyer group in a hit and run since outright destruction isn't too viable.
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock