Author Topic: Currently needed and WIP ships (Updated 12/1/21)  (Read 96302 times)

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Offline CountBuggula

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Re: Currently needed and WIP ships (Updated 9/29/16))
So again, if someone comes along and makes a knockout job of a particular EU ship that meets our quality criteria and matches our overall style, I'd be willing to bet we'd put it in one way or another, if nothing else so it's available for custom missions.
EU is now known as Star Wars Legends, after April 25, 2014. Would you please treat EU as such, and don't refer that to the former name.

And what about canon ships, such as T-70 X-wing, U-wing, MC75 star cruiser, Resurgent-class Battlecruiser, Hammerhead corvette, Upsilon-class First Order command shuttle, Special Forces TIE fighter, Zeta-class cargo shuttle, TIE striker and TIE reaper?

Why do you care? The EU we speak of is an actual expanded universe, showing far more than what Disney has, despite the EU being shown with fanfic-quality stories.

Considering FotG was conceived and written when the new continuity didn't exist, I highly doubt that your demands for ships will be met. Do you have something actually constructive to add or are you just trying to show how visionary you are about everything?

Yep.  Snark aside, for the purposes of this mod, we're still operating solely on the basis of the original trilogy.  That said, we're not completely opposed to ships from elsewhere - we already have an N-1 in game from the prequel, the Z-95 and E-Wing from the old EU, and have WIP models for R-22 and Assault Gunboat.  My point is that if someone comes along and makes a model from anywhere - New/old canon, Legends, EU, whatever - as long as it meets our criteria for quality and fits with the flavor we're going for alongside the OT ships, we'll likely accept it into the mod.  And even if we don't, after we release, there's nothing stopping you from putting in your own unofficial ships for your own use.

Right now we simply don't have the manpower to add all those ships.  I personally would love to see the U-Wing and Zeta Shuttle in game.  I'd love to see a whole lot more Mon Cal variants.  But unless you're able and willing to make them yourself, don't complain that we don't have your favorite ships yet.  We definitely have positions open for talented modelers on the team.

To summarize: as a mod team, we're still focused solely on Episodes IV-VI.  I'm open to adding Rogue One to that list, but no decision has been made officially by the team.  Episode VII is probably outside of the scope of anything we'll ever see in Fate of the Galaxy.  Canon/Legends/EU/etc still doesn't matter at all to this mod, despite recent changes at Lucasfilm/Disney.


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Re: Currently needed and WIP ships (Updated 3/3/17)
Gallofree Transport - Klavs completed a high-poly model that he is currently baking to normal maps to be suitable for our mod.  Last update 3/2/17

Is this a major update? Anything to be enthusiastic about?
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Offline CountBuggula

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Re: Currently needed and WIP ships (Updated 3/3/17)
Gallofree Transport - Klavs completed a high-poly model that he is currently baking to normal maps to be suitable for our mod.  Last update 3/2/17

Is this a major update? Anything to be enthusiastic about?

Well, the major update is that Klavs is back in touch with us and actively working on finishing it himself.  We've gotten a WIP showing his progress and it's definitely promising.


Offline Rolf

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Re: Currently needed and WIP ships (Updated 3/3/17)
Needs work:
BFF-1 Bulk Freighter - We have an old model in-game that doesn't match the visual fidelity of the rest of our ships.  Could use a refresh or re-imagining.

In that case, perhaps you'd be interested in this:


Offline niffiwan

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Re: Currently needed and WIP ships (Updated 3/3/17)
looks pretty cool; possibly a bit too much detail in the model which would be better put into the normal maps. Still, as I'm not a modeller myself I'll leave someone else to make a call on asking permission to use it or not.
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Re: Currently needed and WIP ships (Updated 3/3/17)
It's very very much too high-poly to be used as-is. One would have to build a low-poly model of it first, then UV that, then bake the textures from the original. All in all it might be faster than building one from scratch, but still quite a bit of work.


Offline CountBuggula

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Re: Currently needed and WIP ships (Updated 3/3/17)
It's very very much too high-poly to be used as-is. One would have to build a low-poly model of it first, then UV that, then bake the textures from the original. All in all it might be faster than building one from scratch, but still quite a bit of work.

Yep.  At least it's a good looking model and we'll keep it in mind, but definitely would require some work to get to a usable state.  Definitely appreciate you pointing it out to us though, it's by far the best model of this ship I've seen on the web anywhere.


Offline Rolf

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Re: Currently needed and WIP ships (Updated 3/3/17)
Glad I could be of some help guys, he's also modeled the cargo container on it's own:


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Re: Currently needed and WIP ships (Updated 3/3/17)
I think I've got additional ships you may have missed.

The VCX-100 light freighter and the Arquitens-class command cruiser from Star Wars: Rebels. The TIE/D Defender from the X-wing computer game series, which has been canonized in Star Wars Commander and appeared in Rebels, is the most likely candidate.

Regarding the U-wing and cockpits, I've expressed my interest in modelling it lately. :)
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Re: Currently needed and WIP ships (Updated 3/3/17)
I suppose it should be in our FAQ because it's a question we've been asked numerous times before about different ships.  But our stated shipset is based on our initial and planned campaign needs, which generally focus in the OT or just post-OT era.  And these were planned before the the Disney trilogy.  So while some of those new Disney Trilogy ships would have a home, we were already working off of what we had planned for at the time.  We have planned to incorporate some designs that have been created since we planned out shipset, but we don't need any of them yet as our campaign needs are mostly accounted for.  That said, our policy has always been that any model donations are welcome and would likely find their way into the shipset, and if we they fill a niche in a campaign we hadn't considered they might even be able to get dropped in.  They would also be available for any other campaign developers to play with after release.

The Defender specifically has long been considered too over-powered of a craft to be of much purpose in FotG, so I don't expect to see it any time soon.  It is not a 'most likely candidate' by any means, as if it were we'd have modeled it with the rest of the TIE series years ago.

We'd have no issue with incorporating a completed U-Wing into FotG.  Some of the new Rogue One ships would make nice additions I think.
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