Hard Light Productions Forums

FreeSpace Releases => Mission & Campaign Releases => Topic started by: TrashMan on December 10, 2006, 05:53:23 am

Title: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 10, 2006, 05:53:23 am
The fire is growing...Will you be consumed?

Alpha testing is done. I want to thank everyone who had the nerves to play trough all the bugs (some serious ones) and halp me polish this thing.

I know a lot of you didn't download this since it was in the testing stages, so now that it it's (hopefully) bug-free, I re-uploaded the mission files and am making this thread to give everyone a heads-up.

25 missions of intense action.. enjoy :D


1. The shippack VP: (5 MB)
Models Pack (http://www.hades-combine.com/web/hosted/fow/FOW_Chapter1_Models.rar)

2. The main campaign VP (260KB)
Main Campaign files (http://hades-combine.com/web/index.php?ind=downloads&op=entry_view&iden=243)
Main Campaign files  (http://www.hades-combine.com/web/hosted/fow/FOW_Chapter1.rar)

3. Lightspeeds nebula pack

4. Small Music File (1Mb)
3 music clpis (http://www.hades-combine.com/web/hosted/fow/FOWMusic.rar)


4. My squad logo pack (can be found on Hades Combine)
Download link (http://hades-combine.com/web/index.php?ind=downloads&op=entry_view&iden=216)

5. My campaign nameplates pack
Download link (http://www.hades-combine.com/web/hosted/fow/FOW1_CampaignNameplates.rar)
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Snail on December 10, 2006, 05:56:02 am
Is there any change in the modelspack? Cause I already have that and I don't want to download it again.

Other than that, :yes:
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Knarfe1000 on December 10, 2006, 07:23:27 am
Damn it! At the moment I have no time to play it...but between XMas and New Year I definitely will!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AdmiralRalwood on December 10, 2006, 12:52:37 pm
I'll give it a shot later. Here's hoping you squashed all the bugs!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 11, 2006, 03:11:58 am
The is no change in the modelpack (from the last update, where the Perseus DH and Orion Hulk were corrected), so you're good to go I guess :D
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Dysko on December 15, 2006, 10:23:09 am
I think I miss some textures... I can see through the GTACa Fury...
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 18, 2006, 03:14:15 am
Completely trouhg, or just on some places?

I'm sure I've put all the textures in - no one complained before... Can you post a screeshot?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Dysko on December 18, 2006, 06:57:31 am
Here is the screenshot:
(sorry for the crappy Paint thingy, but I've just come back from school...)

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: DarkShadow- on December 18, 2006, 07:02:05 am
Hmm, I'm also using the Fury-Class in my mod and I remember that I had a similiar problem some time ago (edit: jep, exactly those textures). Whatever, I'm not sure how I solved it. Some month later I did re-download it from Hades-combine (the file was the same, not updated) and I had a newer FS:SCP build (and some other options enabled/disabled) and now it works.

I would check the model with modelview, perhaps that'll help to find out if those textures are really missing or something else is wrong.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Dysko on December 18, 2006, 10:34:57 am
Found the problem: the texture that didn't show is called "SOCTile13", and in the VP there is a texture called "SOCTile13c". I extracted and renamed it, and now it's working properly.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Dysko on December 18, 2006, 11:34:15 am
I'm sorry, but I found another problem... :nervous:
In the mission "One Way Home", when the Fury reaches the node, it just sits there, without jumping...
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 19, 2006, 08:12:02 am
You, grabed that texture from Inferno I belive, since it worked good.
 I knew I put it in the VP, but apparently I put the c version of it : LOL...

Oh, about the mission. Did the Fury tell you to enter fighterbay 1 or 2? (don't enter 3 or 4 or the flight control officer will call you a moron!)
Remeber, you fighter doesn't have intra-system jump drives so the Fury is waiting for you to land...or do you wnat ot get stranded in Sirius? :D
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: throwaway4 on December 19, 2006, 09:27:56 am
This is a really nice campaign.  My only suggestion is to spell check the entire thing (techroom, briefings, etc...)  It would really improve the quality.  Thanks!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Dysko on December 19, 2006, 10:51:23 am
Oh, about the mission. Did the Fury tell you to enter fighterbay 1 or 2? (don't enter 3 or 4 or the flight control officer will call you a moron!)
Remeber, you fighter doesn't have intra-system jump drives so the Fury is waiting for you to land...or do you wnat ot get stranded in Sirius? :D
It tells me to enter the bays only after the Despair is destroyed. And the first time I played, the Despair escaped. Now the first thing I did was to disable it, so I destroyed it without much problems. Thank you!

And BTW, the campaign is excellent! :)
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 20, 2006, 05:36:05 am
Strange.. the SEXP to tell you to land is set to fire once the Fury ends it waypoinz. Destruction of the Despair is a bonus.

Anyway, thanks :D
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: neoterran on December 22, 2006, 02:04:11 pm
SPOILERS !!!  :mad:
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 22, 2006, 06:11:11 pm
*UPS* :rolleyes:
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Huggybaby on December 30, 2006, 07:32:16 pm
Is this correct?

Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 31, 2006, 05:04:34 pm
Not sure if it can work that way..

you can plop the music , nameplates and insignias in your freespace/data corrensponding folders:

nameplates in maps folder
music in music folder
insignias in players/squads

They won't overwrite anything stock or anything from the Media Files.

The rest looks fine

Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Huggybaby on December 31, 2006, 05:46:15 pm

I wish there were better documentation for 90% of the mods and campaigns available. There is a LOT taken for granted, not to mention most of the info around is flat out wrong because it refers to FSO before the new mod format.

I mean, there's one mod that has more than one web site dedicated to it, and all are broken! You have to search hard here to find the links that work! Arrgh!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Tyrian on December 31, 2006, 07:38:23 pm
Ehh...You're not gonna like this.  I have a bug.

I've set up the folder as per your instructions in your prior post.  I select the campaign and click the Ready Room.  The loading bar fills, then it crashes to the desktop with this error:

Error: Can't open model file <none>
Line: 1870
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:

I can't use the debug build to get further info, as it gives me a big string of errors stating that weapon effects are missing.  I assume those aren't used.

I'm using SCP 3.6.9 RC7.8.

Any advice?

EDIT:  Just tried it with RC8.  Same result.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 01, 2007, 08:58:10 am
weapon effects missing?...hmm...

Try plopping the FOW_Chapter1_Models.vp directly into the FS2 directory with the other Vp's (but keep the other VP where it is).

The only other thing I can think of is extracting the VP's into your Data directory nad starting the game with the mod turned off in the launcher. This procedure HAS to work unless either:

a) there is something missing in hte Vp's, but the files worked Ok for other people
b) the SCP build is screwy
c) something i havn't figured out yet
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Tyrian on January 01, 2007, 10:00:07 am
I definitely had the mod enabled, so we can scratch that solution.  The VPs are in their own dedicated mod folder too.  I'll try putting the models VP into the FS2 directory.

EDIT:  Just tried it with the models VP in the FS2 directory.  Same result.

EDIT2:  I just tried replicating these directories inside the data folder inside mod folder:

nameplates in maps folder
music in music folder
insignias in players/squads

Still got the same result.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 01, 2007, 05:27:35 pm
Not inside the mod folder, inside the Freespace 2 root folder.
Extract both VP's there.

That MUST work.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Tyrian on January 01, 2007, 05:35:41 pm
Ok, I'll try that tomorrow.  The above experiment was just for my own personal curiosity.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: falcon2105 on January 08, 2007, 10:50:58 am
Hey, in the mission "is not enough" when you're trying to defend the fury, it always seems to die, and then the mission immediately ends and i am not allowed to continue in the campaign. Then once i tinkered around with the ship hit points and managed to keep the fury alive, but still nothing happened and it just sat there for about an hour before i just jumped out and failed again. I also noticed one guy say "Oh no the furys gone, jump to these coordinates," so i immediately pressed Alt-j, and the warp animation started, but before i actually went in, the game sent me to the usual failure debriefing. Any ideas?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Tyrian on January 08, 2007, 05:45:37 pm
Not to pester you, but I've finally got my version of 3.6.9 Final working.  But I still get this error:

Error: Can't open model file <none>
Line: 1870
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:

I seem to recall seeing a thread that said this error is caused by something else and told how to fix it.  I've searched though, and can't seem to find it.  Anyone know where that thread is?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 09, 2007, 06:35:46 am
Hey, in the mission "is not enough" when you're trying to defend the fury, it always seems to die, and then the mission immediately ends and i am not allowed to continue in the campaign. Then once i tinkered around with the ship hit points and managed to keep the fury alive, but still nothing happened and it just sat there for about an hour before i just jumped out and failed again. I also noticed one guy say "Oh no the furys gone, jump to these coordinates," so i immediately pressed Alt-j, and the warp animation started, but before i actually went in, the game sent me to the usual failure debriefing. Any ideas?

Shouldn't be happening.. When did you DL the campaign files, since I updated them some time ago.
Since this is a red-alert mission you should be able to replay it..
and you lost the Fury in the "..Is not enough" mission? 11R if I'm not mistaken...you're only chased by 2 cruisers and several bombers, how did you manage to lose the ship?

I got that error myself now that I started to make the next chapter... Never could figure out what was causing it.
I GUESSS it's probably the weapon bitmaps for the Keyser, Prometheus and the shivan fighter weapons (the line that sez
$weaponbitmap:       Keyser_Bitmap   .. or something like that)

You cna try running a debug build (and hit NO every time) to get a list of all the bitmaps it claims are not there. then you simply repolace those bitmaps with another.. Like laserglow01 or something..

I'm not curretnly at my PC so I don't have the files in front of me to modify them. Try that, that's the only thing that I can think of...
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Tyrian on January 09, 2007, 05:27:41 pm
I went through all the warnings I got when I ran the debug build.  I have warnings on everything from weapons glows and textures to ship flags (like the bigship flag and ballistic primaries).  There were about 100+ of them.  I finally got the main hall, only to get more warnings involving spline errors for a Hecate and beamglows.  After about a dozen of those, it just stopped reporting warnings and got hung up.  I have no idea how to change those texture names, nor do I fancy going through 100+ files. 
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: falcon2105 on January 09, 2007, 06:13:14 pm
Sup, first of all thank you very much for actually responding to me and not being like "Oh hes some noob with 8ish posts, forget him." But anyway. I downloaded the mission file from hades combine about 3 days ago. I re-downloaded it anyway, but the problem persists. I re-did the previous mission and protected the Fury from more bombs than I did the first time (Thats why I kept loosing it, cuz i started the next mission with the fury at like 50). So now i survive until the last deimos jumps in after i get rid of the first two cruisers. I waited, I killed the corvette, nothing happensssss. I tried docking in all the fighter bays, still nothing, and the goal still reads protect fury or whatever. The rest of your campaign is crazy good, i would hate to get stuck her like this :shaking:
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 10, 2007, 06:23:46 am
I went through all the warnings I got when I ran the debug build.  I have warnings on everything from weapons glows and textures to ship flags (like the bigship flag and ballistic primaries).  There were about 100+ of them.  I finally got the main hall, only to get more warnings involving spline errors for a Hecate and beamglows.  After about a dozen of those, it just stopped reporting warnings and got hung up.  I have no idea how to change those texture names, nor do I fancy going through 100+ files. 

I'll post the "fixed" weapons tbl when I can (saturday at the earliest), but here's what you can try -

open the weapons.tbl (from my campaing) and edit this part for the Kayser, Prometheus and Shivan fighter weapons:

$Model File:                    none
@Laser Bitmap:                           laserglow04
@Laser Glow:                           2_laserglow03

Just put what I bolded in this text insted of what it's there in the mentioned weapons.

Also, remove any "bighip" flag in the weapons.tbl (replace it with "supercap" if it's not allready there)

That might do the trick..

Oh, don't mind hte debug build, It ALLWAYS gives me a 100 warning no matter what files I have or what campagn I play.. something screwy with it..

Sup, first of all thank you very much for actually responding to me and not being like "Oh hes some noob with 8ish posts, forget him." But anyway. I downloaded the mission file from hades combine about 3 days ago. I re-downloaded it anyway, but the problem persists. I re-did the previous mission and protected the Fury from more bombs than I did the first time (Thats why I kept loosing it, cuz i started the next mission with the fury at like 50). So now i survive until the last deimos jumps in after i get rid of the first two cruisers. I waited, I killed the corvette, nothing happensssss. I tried docking in all the fighter bays, still nothing, and the goal still reads protect fury or whatever. The rest of your campaign is crazy good, i would hate to get stuck her like this

It appears that for some reason the Fury doens't jump. It's normally ordered to fly the waypoints once and then jump...strange.. I don't know what could be causing it.

One way around it is to simpoly edit the mission (11R) in FRED ..dang, I'll look into it

Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: falcon2105 on January 11, 2007, 10:03:06 am
Yeah I thought about trying to go into Fred and trying to fix it myself...but then i realized i had no idea what i was doing  :lol: If it helps, im using the 3.6.9 official w/ the latest vps and the alpha patches, plus all you additional stuff, but idk how that would affect the game in such a way anyway. Thanks
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 12, 2007, 05:32:22 am
You could try opening the mission in FRED and changing the victory event (guard Fury).

So insted of has-departed-delay, you can change the condition to has-time-elapsed. So you can basicly set the mission to end sucesfully after several seconds..

And I think you should so the same to the mission objectives... that is, if you want to fiddle with that stuff.

My room is being remodeled and my PC is dismantled, waiting in some box... I'll see if I cna do anything.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: falcon2105 on January 12, 2007, 11:49:13 am
Aight, thanks a bunch trashman. I changed it so that the goal is completed when the czar arrives, so I successfully completed the mission! WOO. Thanks for the suggestion.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 14, 2007, 03:16:18 pm
oki here is mi error report!

Error: can't open model file <none>
Line: 1902
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Also i can't see the lasers i mean they fire they hit but i just cant see them.

Edit: Corection i can not see the subach HL7 firing but the other one damn the subsystem disruptor i can see!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 15, 2007, 05:46:51 am
I would post a modified weapon table if I could, but ATM I can't.

You can try editing the weapons table yourself, according to the instructions two posts before...
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 15, 2007, 07:13:01 am
Well to be honest i have no idea how to do that but i will wait till you get around to do it.

Also i see in the post that you have no mention of the subach is that also fixed with that table edit?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 16, 2007, 06:03:52 am
I'm havin trouble with mission One way home. I mean i try docking with the Fury at bay 2 or 3 but hell it just sits there. Anyway around this?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: falcon2105 on January 16, 2007, 10:09:45 pm
Disable and destroy the Despair. For some reason doing that triggers your orders to land on the fury. If the despair escapes, then even if you try to land, nothing happens, at least thats what happened to me.

Trashman, this campaign kicks ass. But quick question, why do the shivan bombers fire rebel bombs lol.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 17, 2007, 04:00:39 am
Agreed this campaign rock's T man! Any other ones stashed away in your PC? :D
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 17, 2007, 05:54:58 am
Disable and destroy the Despair. For some reason doing that triggers your orders to land on the fury. If the despair escapes, then even if you try to land, nothing happens, at least thats what happened to me.

Trashman, this campaign kicks ass. But quick question, why do the shivan bombers fire rebel bombs lol.

When my PC is up and running I'll look into this problem, but I can sware I didin't link the Fury departure with Despair...

Thanks for the praise... And why do they fire rebl bombs? Well, shivans normally use standard bombs in FS2. While I did make the ShivanBigBomb for their bigger bombers, the rebel bomb was sufficient for lighter targets. I suppose i could have made theri own specific weapon....
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: VagandPraetor on January 17, 2007, 06:14:49 am
I am having the same issue with the Fury not jumping once it reached the node.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 17, 2007, 01:52:24 pm
Hey T Man i have some problems. In the mission where you have to defend the hawkins ! Basicly it just keeps telling me aftrer i finish the mission that i have failed the mission and that i have to replay it!

Any quick solution for this problem? I would like to mention that i complete the mission succesfully all ships survive the hawkins the cruiser and the other one cant remember its name.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: falcon2105 on January 17, 2007, 10:59:39 pm
Hey Tman, just wanted to say that I also get the same problem as Alphaone, where it keeps telling me that Ive failed even if i keep all three ships, the grand, the planc, and the hawkins alive. I guess i could do the same thing as i did for the other mission and just change the goals in fred2, but do you have any other ideas, like something we're missing? Also, in that mission, and the previous mission, was it intentional to not let us decide delta wings(our wings) ships and loadouts, or am i missing something. Thanks, and great job again, specially on the mission with the big 'ol shivan fleet being repaired, mad fun.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 18, 2007, 07:26:04 am
Looks like I needed more beta testers.. :D
Funny, the campaign was up for testing for 2-3 weeks and no one reported this problem.

As for the Hawking & Planck mission - if the hawking is destroyed protecting the planck becomes your primary objective. Unless I messed up some condition in the campiang file it should work fine.

I PROMISE to look into it this weekend.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Tyrian on January 18, 2007, 05:33:18 pm
I PROMISE to look into it this weekend.

*Cough* And those fixed tables too, right...? *Cough*
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: falcon2105 on January 18, 2007, 11:42:59 pm
Sup Tman. Idk if this info will be helpful for you but ive tried i think most of the variations possible for the end of that mission. One time i let the hawkings die, and saved the planc (however somehow the grand disabled the kalmat and never killed it, idk if that changes things). At the end of the mission after the planc jumped it told me that 1/1 secondary objectives completed, but nothing bout primaries. Still told me i failed at debriefing (only after i clicked accept, the actual debriefing told me i succeeded). Then i kept both the hawking and the planc alive, and waited for both to jump, and it actually told me that 2/2 primary objectives had been completed, and the kalmat was destroyed, and i let the grand complete its waypoints, but it still didn't let me accept after debriefing. Then i also did, save the hawkings, kill the kalmat, and let the planc die, but then it just says 1/1 secondary objective completed, and doesn't let me pass. yeah, hope that helps you narrow down the problem.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 22, 2007, 04:53:02 am
T Man i do not want to bug you ar agravate you but did you got a chance to fix those little bugs? I mean the campaign is just to good for me to me stuck on it and not beeing able to finish :(

Anyway i will; be awaiting for the fixes. Best of luck and speed.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 24, 2007, 05:28:16 am
Barely managed to find the time to fix this.

Finding a internet connection was even harder (my home Pc is dimantled, monitor died, my laptop refuses to connefct via wireless, LAN is disconected on the college atrium and most computer labs are either locked down or full... GAH!!!) I barely mamanged to download the lectures and materials I neededfor my tests..

anyway, I did look into it and uploaded a updated campaing VP.

Those two reported errors were my bloopers. The last time I fixed the files I accidently ticked the chained box in the Fury departure event (Despaior destroyed even was above it)..DUH.

and hte scannon stahs mission was flawed sine hte campaign file used a OR statement to determine if the mission should be repeated insted of AND (so you failed the mission if either one of hte ships was destroyed insted of both)

Weapon tables have been edited but I don't know if that will help.

So tehre you go. Hope it wil work now, and sorry it took so long
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 24, 2007, 06:22:06 am
Doesnt matter i'm just glad you managed to fix them. I'm gooing to download the vp's again today. And wait does that mean i have to start all over again?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 24, 2007, 06:48:34 am
No, you just need he campaign VP from hades-combine. That's the only file that's been changed.

Just DELETE or move the old camapign VP and place the new one in the mod folder.
I actually named this one differently (Campaign1B.vp or something) so it wont overwrite the old one (in case I really messed up something in it, I havn't tested it)

You should be able to just contine playing, but to be sure jsut re-name the Vp (remove the B)
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: falcon2105 on January 24, 2007, 10:25:10 pm
YAY! It worked. Thanks a bunch trashman, and that campaign was quite amazing, can't wait for the next!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 25, 2007, 07:01:28 am
Thank you...care to post your comments on the Wiki? ;7
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 25, 2007, 06:28:34 pm
Superb campaign T man but now you made me hungry for the second part! I will eagerly await your new one! Once again congrats. Oh and thank you for the campaign!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Tyrian on January 29, 2007, 05:24:55 pm
Yes!!!  Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! 

*Immediately redownloads*
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 30, 2007, 04:03:02 am
Just where do i post my comment on the wiki?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 30, 2007, 06:40:23 am
MODDING FREESPACE -> User-Made Campaigns -> and on the list you find the campaign you wish to comment on and then simply edit the Player Comments section (you have to be registered) or you add a section if it's not there:D
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 30, 2007, 10:31:50 am
Done with the post on the wiki! hope you like it. edit whatever youy think is inapropriate. :D Great work T Man i'm waiting for chapter 2! :D :)
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Tyrian on January 30, 2007, 03:25:09 pm
Can you post a screenshot of how the mod directory is supposed to be set up with the new .vp?  Apparently, I have a disconnect between my brain and computer and all my FS2 installing knowledge has gone out the window...I've become a noob all over again... :(
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 30, 2007, 04:57:30 pm
What the? Just extract the archive in a new directory in root directory of FS2 ! You do not need to have it in the data folder or anithing like that. Oh and one thing that worked for me was to put the campaign .vp in the root directory of FS2 along with all the other files. Hope it works out for you! Asuming i understood what the problem was and managed to give you a decent solution!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: karajorma on January 31, 2007, 04:38:23 am
Oh and one thing that worked for me was to put the campaign .vp in the root directory of FS2 along with all the other files.

If you want to stick your dick in a bender AlphaOne that's your choice. But don't be telling other people it's a good idea. :p

Installing mods to root folder is a very bad idea. Espcially considering that all you have to do is create a FlamesOfWar folder and extract to there instead of root. Then simply go to the mod tab in the launcher and click select mod -> FlamesOfWar.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on January 31, 2007, 05:46:40 am
well that is what i said right? To me at least when i extracted the files it automaticly made a Flames of war directory. But i had some problems with FS actualy seeing the campaign mod and it worked out when i moved the campaign vp. along with some other files more precisely the tango files and the other vp files. And it works perfectly even now. Of course some mods can be detected without dooing this but in my case for some reason it did not want to detect them.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Tyrian on January 31, 2007, 12:38:30 pm
TM, you said that there is a new .vp file, with a different name on Hades Combine.  I can't find it.  I did find a FoW download, but that contained mission files only.  Could you post a link to the new .vp?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: karajorma on January 31, 2007, 01:48:51 pm
well that is what i said right? To me at least when i extracted the files it automaticly made a Flames of war directory. But i had some problems with FS actualy seeing the campaign mod and it worked out when i moved the campaign vp. along with some other files more precisely the tango files and the other vp files. And it works perfectly even now. Of course some mods can be detected without dooing this but in my case for some reason it did not want to detect them.

I have no idea what you've done on your install that made a proper install fail but I'll bet that it's due to a cock up in installation on your part. If you've cocked up your installation so badly that you need to do this in order to get it to work then you should fix it rather than advising other people to solve their problems with the same half-baked solution that worked for you.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on February 02, 2007, 05:33:05 am
Mi mistake! Look what I did was this i moved the campaign vp for flames of war from its flames of war directory in the FS2 root directory to the FS2 mai directory where i have the vp from sparky and tango ones. It was the only way that the game actualy detected the campaign Flames of war and was able to play it. Now if it should of worked even when the campaign vp was in the flames of war directory then I can only asyme that something is wrong with my fs2 install or the 3.6.9.....!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: karajorma on February 02, 2007, 11:35:07 am
If your car stops working you don't strap motorcycle engines to each wheel and then advertise that as a good solution to other people's car problems. You fix the problem at its source. The engine.

Something is wrong with your install. And that's what needs to be fixed. Sticking VPs in the main folder is not a solution to that problem. Now if you don't want to fix your problem that's your choice but I'd appreciate it if you don't give people bad advice that makes it harder for me to solve their real problem next time something stops working on their install.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: AlphaOne on February 02, 2007, 12:45:24 pm
I have like 15 files altogheteher in the FS2 root directory i cant see why this is such a problem especialy since it WORKED! I had NO IDEA that the problem was with the install. Also the install is from the online installer so if its a problem it is with the online installer. Doint blame me i did not do much just made a few click on it and it all worked out i had mi Fs 2 game.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: karajorma on February 02, 2007, 05:14:03 pm
I very much doubt the problem lies with the online installer. Why don't you stick the Flames of War VP back where it should be, select the mod in the launcher and tell me if you still have a problem finding the mod.

If you do run the debug version and post the log file (fs2_open.log) that appears in your data folder here (post it as an attachment rather than just copy and pasting it here).
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Tyrian on February 02, 2007, 09:07:57 pm
I still get an error during the loading of the first mission after the intro.

I'll try to grab the debug log now.

EDIT:  This is the debug log after the game crashes while loading the first mission.  It's zipped in .7z because HLP wouldn't let me upload it otherwise...

EDIT2:  I'll try to be more descriptive tomorrow of the problem...I'm still jet lagged from a trip I had to take...

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: karajorma on February 03, 2007, 02:15:39 am
  -mod LSNebula,,MediaVP,,FOW_Chapter1_Alpha,mediavps

How have you set up your folders?

Cause that should be

  -mod FOW_Chapter1_Alpha,mediavps,LSNebula

most likely.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Tyrian on February 03, 2007, 01:26:36 pm
Each mod is in its own folder.  Same goes for the Media .vps and Lightspeed's Nebulae (plural?). 

I changed the -mod flags to what you said, and now it works...Amazing...

Finally, I can play this!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on February 06, 2007, 09:52:16 am
TM, you said that there is a new .vp file, with a different name on Hades Combine.  I can't find it.  I did find a FoW download, but that contained mission files only.  Could you post a link to the new .vp?

I replaced the old file FOW_Chapter1.rar with FOW_Chapter1B.rar. - it's the smae DL link on HC. The VP contains the mission, campain and CB anims, the ships and textures VP and other stuff are mentioned in the first post.

Wait a sec...WTF?????

Something is missing! I?ll re-upload hte thing.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: neoterran on February 06, 2007, 09:54:10 am
TM, you said that there is a new .vp file, with a different name on Hades Combine.  I can't find it.  I did find a FoW download, but that contained mission files only.  Could you post a link to the new .vp?

I replaced the old file FOW_Chapter1.rar with FOW_Chapter1B.rar. - it's the smae DL link on HC. The VP contains the mission, campain and CB anims, the ships and textures VP and other stuff are mentioned in the first post.

Wait a sec...WTF?????

Something is missing! I?ll re-upload hte thing.

 :confused: :shaking: :confused:

Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on February 06, 2007, 10:06:41 am

the fie on HC is fixed.

the rar should contain:

Put these files inside a folder you make in the FS2 root directory - call he folder like you want (I called it FOW1)
The other VP with the ship models you can put in here too or in the root directory BUT

make sure that the mod.ini references it as wall as the mediavp (some people have the new version that's named differently) The line should look something like this:

secondrylist = ,mediavps, FOW_Chapter1_Models;

Other files (on the first page) are not in VP's and are optional, but I would reccomend them for the best experience.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: neoterran on February 06, 2007, 11:13:14 am

the fie on HC is fixed.

the rar should contain:

Put these files inside a folder you make in the FS2 root directory - call he folder like you want (I called it FOW1)
The other VP with the ship models you can put in here too or in the root directory BUT

make sure that the mod.ini references it as wall as the mediavp (some people have the new version that's named differently) The line should look something like this:

secondrylist = ,mediavps, FOW_Chapter1_Models;

Other files (on the first page) are not in VP's and are optional, but I would reccomend them for the best experience.

You can start calling this secondarylist now you know and you don't need the prefixed comma anymore.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on February 07, 2007, 04:12:46 am
It should work like this..does for me..backwards compability and all... but thanks for hte heads-up :D
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: lobisomem on November 28, 2007, 11:16:43 am
Playing the flames of war campaing, when i was trying to complete the second mission aborad the GTACa i changed some weapons and it simply starting doing fatal erros and closing the program.

The SCP system generated the following errorlog:

exe_filepath = F:\games\FSCP\fs2_open_3_6_9.exe;
game_flags = -glow -env -jpgtga -mipmap -dualscanlines -targetinfo -orbradar -rearm_timer -ballistic_gauge -ship_choice_3d -3dwarp -warp_flash -snd_preload ;
active_mod = flames of war\FOW_Chapter1;

How can i solve this?
Thanks for all!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on November 28, 2007, 11:36:21 am
what exactly did you change? :wtf:
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: lobisomem on November 29, 2007, 07:12:10 am
what exactly did you change? :wtf:

I changed the fighter i was using and their weapons, but using the normal ways during the briefing.
(Even because i have limited knowledge about programin...)
 I don´t know if it helps... but the program generated a errorlog. I have posted it in the mantis but they said that it was not a FSCP problem and should be corrected in the foruns.
 I will copy it here:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on November 30, 2007, 05:32:15 am
So you didn't fiddle with the tables at all? Every change you did was in-game?

Well. This is certantly strange. I don't have a clue what could be causing that. Maby some launcher flag?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: lobisomem on November 30, 2007, 10:07:33 am
So you didn't fiddle with the tables at all? Every change you did was in-game?

Well. This is certantly strange. I don't have a clue what could be causing that. Maby some launcher flag?

Yes i just did changes in game. What do mean about and how can i see a launcher flag?
I don´t know if it helps... but sometimes it happens in other campaings too, but the debuger came in and solve the problem. In flame sof war i´ve been tottally paralised.

I have tried to run the game with the debugger and it said that there were a file that was pointing to a file that seem to be in another computer...
Just after that, the program crashed and the windos finalized that....

the error log of the event generated by the launcher is the following:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on November 30, 2007, 06:06:04 pm
Have you tried removing the mod?

Oh, this
game_flags = -glow -env -jpgtga -mipmap -dualscanlines -targetinfo -orbradar -rearm_timer -ballistic_gauge -ship_choice_3d -3dwarp -warp_flash -snd_preload ;
are the launcher flags..some of them.

If I understood you correctly, FS won't start at all anymore, or is it just with this mod. Becosue that shouldn't happen unless there's some MASSIVE table error, but I would have caught that earlier.
Could be problem with the FSO exe you're using
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: lobisomem on November 30, 2007, 06:15:58 pm
Have you tried removing the mod?

If I understood you correctly, FS won't start at all anymore, or is it just with this mod. Becosue that shouldn't happen unless there's some MASSIVE table error, but I would have caught that earlier.
Could be problem with the FSO exe you're using

well... the FS is starting and, althought there are some problems with other mods, i believe that the problem is in the mod itself...
That´s why i didn´t tried to remove that mod. This installation have been used for more than 4 months now, and i haven´t had any problem since, so i really don´t believe it´s a problem from FSO exe. ?Of course that i could load another mod to play... however, that´s the second time i start playing FOW and can´t finish... and i´m particularly fan of this history.

I will try to remove all the flags and see what happens,
thanks and i write if something new appear to happen.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 01, 2007, 04:49:54 am
I wish you the best of luck with it. continune posting what errors you get, what messages it gives you (especialyl what FILES it sez are the culprit)
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: lobisomem on December 03, 2007, 01:32:38 pm
I wish you the best of luck with it. continune posting what errors you get, what messages it gives you (especialyl what FILES it sez are the culprit)

today i runned the debugger once again and i think i finally understood how to copy the information...
that´s what it said:
Warning: Bogus string in weapon flags: bigship

Line: 1605
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:
    parse_weapon()    parse_weaponstbl()    weapon_init()    game_init()    game_main()    WinMain()    WinMainCRTStartup()    kernel32.dll 7c816fd7()

Error: Can't open model file <none>
Line: 1902
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:
Error: Invalid subsystem name.

In sexpression: ( when
   ( is-subsystem-destroyed-delay
   ( send-message
      "F- rear cannon gone"
(Error appears to be: turretB5)
Line: 5798
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:
I hope it help! :)
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 03, 2007, 06:45:33 pm
Complaining about a bigship flag? :wtf: Hmmm.. try removing it from the weapons.tbl (do a search, it should be near the bottom)

Invalid subsystem name?  Urgh. WTF? turretB5 should be there.
I had this invalid subsystem name happen before - it was a SCP bug methinks..that or the converter messed something up with the model, but that shouldn't be. The Fury worked fine in htat mission for me.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: lobisomem on December 04, 2007, 02:27:14 am
Complaining about a bigship flag? :wtf: Hmmm.. try removing it from the weapons.tbl (do a search, it should be near the bottom)

Invalid subsystem name?  Urgh. WTF? turretB5 should be there.
I had this invalid subsystem name happen before - it was a SCP bug methinks..that or the converter messed something up with the model, but that shouldn't be. The Fury worked fine in htat mission for me.

I dind´t find the weapon.tbl in side my FOW chapter 1 folder... to tell you the truth i only found 4 weapons.tbl inside all the FSCP folder, each one inside the enforcer, incursion, return to sol  and into the dephts of the hell mods folder...
wich one should i reconfigurate?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: hip63 on December 04, 2007, 07:18:06 am
OK so where do I drop the Music, Insignia and nameplate files?

hip63 :g
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 04, 2007, 08:33:54 am
Complaining about a bigship flag? :wtf: Hmmm.. try removing it from the weapons.tbl (do a search, it should be near the bottom)

Invalid subsystem name?  Urgh. WTF? turretB5 should be there.
I had this invalid subsystem name happen before - it was a SCP bug methinks..that or the converter messed something up with the model, but that shouldn't be. The Fury worked fine in htat mission for me.

I dind´t find the weapon.tbl in side my FOW chapter 1 folder... to tell you the truth i only found 4 weapons.tbl inside all the FSCP folder, each one inside the enforcer, incursion, return to sol  and into the dephts of the hell mods folder...
wich one should i reconfigurate?

WHAT? There's GOT to be a weapons.tbl in there.. inside the VP. Just extract everything into the mod/FOW/Data folder and it will all work as if it's in the VP.

OK so where do I drop the Music, Insignia and nameplate files?

Music goes in FOW/Data/music, Insignias go in players/squads, nameplates go into maps.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: lobisomem on December 04, 2007, 03:56:14 pm
Hey friend!
It miracously worked again after i stracted everything from inside the fow.vp
It still crashes if i try to destroy the persistent or the other ship BEFORE the mission they attack the fury, but wthout this exception, everything seems to be ok!
Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 04, 2007, 04:56:04 pm
That's strange...what mission number is that?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: lobisomem on December 04, 2007, 05:33:06 pm
That's strange...what mission number is that?

I don´t exactly know, but it´s propably the 7th or the 11th, and the crash happens when in the first "part" of the mission, you try to attack or destroy the persistent or another ship that will appear in the second "part" of that mission. I don´t know exactly the number of the mission but it is one that you first starts in the middle of a big battle and everybody flew. After that you make a jump to another area, where it happens the second part. In the second part you must defend the fury againts many waves of bombers, 2 leviathans and a deimos, what make the mission almost impossible to complete...
Anyway, i will restart the campaing because after all that modifing stuffs something happenned and all my player stats in the FOW campaing has been lost although i still being able to play the next mission.
I hope i have helped and, now that i´m restarting the campaing i will count the number of missions.
See ya.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 04, 2007, 06:40:05 pm
That's the 11th mission - the mutli-prounged attack on Sirius.

IIRC, there is only one enemy corvette that's guardian-ed and it escapes after dropping to 50% or something. I have no idea why attacking it could cause the chrash.

I can't look it up ATM.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: lobisomem on December 05, 2007, 07:15:47 pm
That's the 11th mission - the mutli-prounged attack on Sirius.

IIRC, there is only one enemy corvette that's guardian-ed and it escapes after dropping to 50% or something. I have no idea why attacking it could cause the chrash.

I can't look it up ATM.

I´m not sure that we´re talking about the same mission... if we´re talking about the same mission we´re sure mistaking the ship.
Near the end of the mission, the NTF gargantuan block the jump node, and the fury stay giving cover for the retreat of the other ships. With gargantuan, 2 ships came in, and they´re something about 5 ou 7 clicks from the main battle area. They leave the area even if not attacked, just after all the alpha wing jump out.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on December 06, 2007, 08:04:15 am
I might have mixed hte nmber but that's hte Sirius assualt allright - those two ships are supposed to follow the Fury (chase it) - so they should not get destroyed.
I have not guadianed them, alltough I think I gave them a depart order 2 minutes after the Fury goes away.

What were you doing chasing them anyway? IIRC, you get orders to depart and you get flamed by your wingmen if you delay, up to the point where they leave without you and call you an asshole. And I remember sending out a few wings out to kill the player to punish him if he decides to stay behind.  :p
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: lobisomem on December 06, 2007, 05:45:12 pm
I might have mixed hte nmber but that's hte Sirius assualt allright - those two ships are supposed to follow the Fury (chase it) - so they should not get destroyed.
I have not guadianed them, alltough I think I gave them a depart order 2 minutes after the Fury goes away.

What were you doing chasing them anyway? IIRC, you get orders to depart and you get flamed by your wingmen if you delay, up to the point where they leave without you and call you an asshole. And I remember sending out a few wings out to kill the player to punish him if he decides to stay behind.  :p

that´s true... but the next mission is just too impossible.. so i tried destroyng or disabling, or even just disarming forward beam cannons of that 2 ships before they depart.
About the wings.. well... that´s true that they came, but i found very instersting destroying wave after wave too increse my killl list! ;7
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Ole on January 20, 2008, 12:29:00 pm
Ok, just started playing, nice campaign.

But I got 2 problems:

1)The first Mission with the Legion. Actually I managed to destroy it and kept the frigate alive. So I got no order to jump out (did it anyway) and in the debriefing the frigate was mentioned as destroyed. Still, I passed the mission.
2)The mission afterwards. The transport behaved a bit strange while docking with the Legion (which, of course I already had destroyed the mission before). The Argo just kind of went through the legion (starting roughly at the entrance to the fighterbay) right to its docking point. Looked really strange.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 20, 2008, 12:55:30 pm
How did you manage to destroy it in a Loki?That thing has no weapons capable of destorying a capital ships..
I can't recall if I made the ship invulnerable at some point (I think I did..maybe the SEXP didn't trigger?)

As for no2. Yeah, I'm aware of that bug. Have no idea what's causing it. The transport AI acts whacky when docking. Sometimes it even spins the Legion like a giant propeller (and kill the player if he gets hit) :lol:

Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: blowfish on January 20, 2008, 01:23:42 pm
That sounds like it could be a problem with the Legion POF file.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Ole on January 20, 2008, 01:28:19 pm
Would need to check it out, but I think I used a)a Myrmidon, not a Loki (which of course means nothing nin regard to destroying it) and b)I guess the Deimos destroyed it (as I said, it survived and well, just stood there, doing nothing).  Would need to replay it to tell you exactly what I did, but well, I know it blew up.

Regarding the docking bug: Uhm, actually the transport was still docked, when it jumped out, taking teh Legion with it. Don't know if that was intended.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 20, 2008, 05:35:33 pm
It should undock first... I re-did the Legion 3 times and changed the docking paths..same things with the argo going trough it happens every time..go figure.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: BustRobot on January 25, 2008, 11:00:07 am
Hi there.

I appear to be experiencing the Fury bug in mission 11R. i.e. It just sits there and gets blown up. And besides not moving, it doesn't even have any turrets with which to defend itself. All of the subsystems are at 0% as well, besides the fighter/hanger bays.
And also, when I complete the mission - which I have to do by cheating just for the Fury to survive - nothing happens.

I downloaded the file from Hades Combine yesterday. (24th January.) I've also tried re-downloading it from the page on here and from Hades Combine again today.

*Crys to the heavens*It's the Diablo bug from Inferno all over again!! Noooooooooooooo!!!

I've tried uploading the mission file in FRED, but it keeps telling me that it's unable to load the file. (I do extract the mission files from the VP file.) I can only guess that I'm doing something wrong here. (Even if I did upload the file, I wouldn't have the foggiest idea of what to do, besides removing the "Red Alert" flag.)

Any help would be majorly appreciated!

P.S. Another amusing little bug I expericed, in the mission where you need to capture the Legion, the argo docks with the Legion and then undocks... but it in fact doesn't undock, (I think it tries to but fails), it jumps out and takes the Legion with it!  :D  :lol: Apparently Ole has seen it too.
It didn't have any effect on completing the mission whatsoever.

P.S. P.S. I'm loving the campaign so far. I find that many campaigns I play don't engross me into it, but this one does. I especially like how you link it in to the main FS2 campaign really neatly. Can't wait to get back to playing it.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 26, 2008, 09:41:25 am
11R..work with me here - that's the one right after you try to join the assault on Sirius that goes terribly bust and now you must run (red-alert).

IIRC, the Fury and your wing are the only ships with the red-alert flag, so all damage and stats from the previous mission should carry over. The Fury follow a waypoint and then jump, it's really a short mission, and I can't understand what is wrong.

I'll take a look in FRED.

B.t.w. - you need to tell FRED to use the ships and tables from the VP before he can open the mission. There's a flag for it, I just can't recall how it goes atm.

A way around it is to extract all the files from the VP's into your Freespace/Data folder, then it should automaticly use them. It shouldn't overwrite anything stock.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: BustRobot on January 26, 2008, 10:54:24 am
That's right Trashman, that's the mission.

While the damage to the hull of the Fury is carried over, (i.e. if the hull went down to 88%, it'll be 88% in the red alert flagged mission), all of the turrets disappear, (including any undamaged ones), and all the subsystems are at 0%.

Good luck with it Trashman.

Also, thanks for the FRED thing. I'll give it a try, and if it works I'll see if removing the red alert flag does anything.

EDIT: I tried the FRED thing, and the missions still say that they are unable to load.  :confused: Ah well.

EDIT2: For the time being I've decided to skip the mission by failing it 5 times and using the "Advance to Next Mission" option. If you ever need me to test mission 11R to see if it works properly for me, just let me know.

EDIT3: Have also experienced the bug with the Fury not jumping at the Deneb Jump Node. (Mission 13, I think.) Again, have used the trick of failing the mission 5 times and using "Advance to Next Mission."

Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 26, 2008, 05:52:58 pm
mission 13?
That's the one where you have to kill or scare off the Hecate?

Well, the Fury doesn't jump there..it's waiting for you to land in bays 1 or 2..
There should be a directive there.
Strange how suddenly errors are appearing when it worked O.K. before. :lol:
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: BustRobot on January 26, 2008, 07:10:21 pm
Oh, I see. Well, I must never have gotten the directive to land on the Fury in that mission.  :nervous:  I certainly never got told in a bit of dialogue to land of the Fury.

Well,  I've managed to finish the campaign, and I have to say that despite the little annoying (or amusing) bugs, I really enjoyed it.  :yes: As I've already said, I love the fact that you tie it in seamlessly with the original campaign, with lots of missions having plenty of familiar links to said original campaign.  :p

Fantastic work indeed, and I hope and look forward to a Chapter 2, whatever it may contain.  :nod:
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: lobisomem on February 07, 2008, 10:10:06 am
mission 13?
That's the one where you have to kill or scare off the Hecate?

Well, the Fury doesn't jump there..it's waiting for you to land in bays 1 or 2..
There should be a directive there.
Strange how suddenly errors are appearing when it worked O.K. before. :lol:

Hi again trashman!
I have experienced that problem too....
in this mission if you don´t destroy the hecate, the mission simply never end

I have just finished the chapter 1.
It was absolutely amazing, and i want to play the chapter 2, as you are developing the chapter 3...
I really enjoyed a lot. How can i download the chapter 2?
Thanks for the campaing and for the help during my playing.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on February 10, 2008, 07:15:19 pm
There is no chapter 2...long story and a big naming mixup...

FOW - Coming of the Storm (a.k.a. - chapter 3a) has a lot of missions done, but my FREDer (with 4 mission on his HDD that he never sent to me) dissapeared :blah:

This part needs about 6 more missions (not counting the missing 4), everything else is practicely done. It will come in time..ATM I'm not doing any FREDing.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Darksider on February 12, 2008, 05:41:54 pm
Hi, I'm new to the HLP forums, and was wondering if this glitch has been mentioned before.

In the mission where I have to destroy the Zhidov, and other NTF ships and escort the fury to the node, once the fury reaches the node, nothing happens. Command tells me to land in one of the fighter bays, but for some reason The mission doesn't end.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: blowfish on February 12, 2008, 06:05:21 pm
Hi, I'm new to the HLP forums, and was wondering if this glitch has been mentioned before.

In the mission where I have to destroy the Zhidov, and other NTF ships and escort the fury to the node, once the fury reaches the node, nothing happens. Command tells me to land in one of the fighter bays, but for some reason The mission doesn't end.

Yes, it seems that if you don't destroy the Hecate, then the SEXPs don't trigger properly.  I've looked at the mission file and it looks like this is the case.  The SEXPs at the end of the mission need to be redone (a few of them anyway).
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on February 14, 2008, 06:02:53 am
If I recall correctly, the landing SEXP is triggered by the Fury ending it's waypoints, not the Hecates destruction.

Note that you are cleared to land in Bay01 and 02...NOT 03 and 04 (if you try and land in one of those, the comms officer will call you a retard).

Sometimes it does happen that the ship doesn't "hit" the last waypoint precisely, but I thought that thing was fixed ages ago.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: blowfish on February 14, 2008, 08:36:30 am
No, the SEXPs are set up incorrectly.  The "finish mission" event (the one that ends the mission when you land) is chained to the "Mission complete" event (Fury waypoints are done), but "Mission complete" is chained to "Mission success" which only triggers when the Hecate is destroyed.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on February 15, 2008, 10:55:37 am
 :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

But...how....can't.... :wtf: :wtf:

How the hell did my Beta testers miss that?
How the hell could I have linked the events like that in the first place?..

urg...I'll have to fix that.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Snail on February 15, 2008, 05:01:55 pm
Maybe you uploaded an older version by mistake.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on February 16, 2008, 07:36:02 am
I just fixed the issue....Any more bugs or problems I should know about (that are fixable) before I upload the fix?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on February 22, 2008, 05:40:27 pm
Here are the fixed mission files. They should fix the issues with missions 2, 4 and 13 .

CLICKY (http://ferrium.org/trashman/Stuff/FOW1_MissionFix.rar)

Just put this in the FOW1/Data/Missions

EDIT - FOW works normally with the newer version of the Orion and Typhon. To use them just put them in the FOW1/Data/models folder and change the pof name in the ships.tbl
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Akalabeth Angel on March 19, 2008, 05:17:23 am

     Yeah, I had a hell of a time with that mission where you have to protect the Fury after the failed assault.
     I downloaded the missions above, but it seems broken still unless I did something wrong ( FoW/data/missions ) folder??? Or does the VP overwrite the data folder? I dunno.

The Fury didn't fly any waypoints. Instead it just sat there, then a Levy jumps in right behind it, has to fly up just to avoid running into the rear end. So there I am, trying to shoot down two wings of bombers and bombs meanwhile getting shot to pieces by Lokis and 4 AAAf beams. Then another Fenris jumps in and adds more AAAf to the fight. I tried hiding under the hull, firing trebs at the bombers and prom-s at the bombs but the Fury still got waxed . .. so when it offered to let me skip it, I did :) First time I've done that in a while. What I don't get is why a Fighter Carrier with 4 launch bays only launches 4 fighters for a total of 8??? (oh, and 1 support ship). But anyway, I'm on the next mission . . . another bloody leviathan :)
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 19, 2008, 07:49:11 am
As far as I know (from personal experience), stuff on the ModFolder/Data folder always overrides anything in the VP.

Some of those errors I just don't get... the Fury clearly has initial orders to follow the waypoints once and I have no clue why it doesn't do it. It's random errors like these that set my blood pressure cooking.  :mad:

As for the fightercount...gameplay. I probably should have made it so that the Fury launches more fighters :P
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Akalabeth Angel on March 19, 2008, 07:35:41 pm
As far as I know (from personal experience), stuff on the ModFolder/Data folder always overrides anything in the VP.

Some of those errors I just don't get... the Fury clearly has initial orders to follow the waypoints once and I have no clue why it doesn't do it. It's random errors like these that set my blood pressure cooking.  :mad:

       I had the same problem with my campaign. Had some convoy mission where the freighters wouldnt move, so the rearguard cruiser just rammed into them willy-nilly on one player's computer. I don't know what the problem was . . . couldn't really help the guy in the end.

       I mean if I do a mission, and I screwed up, then that's cool. I can fix it. But if it doesn't work for no real reason, yeah I know where you're coming from it is frustrating for sure.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Akalabeth Angel on March 21, 2008, 02:17:31 am
     Hey man, thanks for the campaign. It was pretty fun.
     It's also pretty cool to have it run parallel with the normal FS2 campaign. Sorta interesting.
     Some spoiler-esque comments:

One bug I noticed. In the mission where the Delacroix bites it, I lost it to bomber attacks and was able to advance. But the debriefing makes it pretty clear that I should've lost it to the Ravana instead.

I don't know what happened to everyone. Like Iceman, Razor, and Vixen. In the other "survive" nebula-gankfest mission, it seemed everyone bought it. Then next mission they were all there again. Then after that I didn't notice what the heck happened to them, they just sorta disappeared. I think Razor may have been at the science-guard sathanas thing but didnt know if he was around for the next one. It seemed a bit like the character stuff was emphasized for the first bit, and afterwards it sorta wasn't.

Some of the missions I thought could've used a little more backstory. One mission I'm fighting the NTF, next I'm deep in the nebula. Would've be cool to have some more . . . command briefings just to help set the context of the mission. (ie, the Fury has been redeployed to the nebula) Some things didn't really make sense either, the one cargo guard mission (ETAK?) really early on: The captain says "we're all grounded". Next mission, flying no problem. Unless I misread it and it was just her who had her flight status revoked.

And one thing I thought was, the campaign sorta didnt give me enough information about what was happening sometimes. It sort of assumed I knew the parallel story in the FS2 campaign a little too much. And of course most people who play it, will have also played FS2. But whether they remember it or not is a different matter entirely. Personally, sometimes I didn't really know what was going on in the grand scheme of things and it seems like I was supposed to.

For the end cutscene. I think you should've had the story bits, and then the credits. Having them both run at the same time meant that a person didn't really read the credits and that's a bit of a shame imo.

I would've liked it if uh . . . the briefings would tell me what ship I'm flying. Sometimes I'm in Gamma, sometimes in Delta, etcetera. I'd get confused as to where the hell I was. I'd loadout a plane and discover I was flying something totally different not even on the select screen. And sometimes I'd want my wing to cover me but I wouldn't even know what wing they were. Maybe it said on the map, I dunno. I usually just read the text.

I think the tone of the some of the briefings could've been better. Like some of the later missions, the wing leader's saying I did a fantastic job and everything but really . . the whole fleet should be ****ting their pants and thinking only of their imminent DOOM imo. A little more sense of urgency might've been cool. I was also surprised that the death of the Colossus wasn't mentioned at all. That would've been a deathblow to morale I'd a thought (for someone like Vixen anyway). There were quite a few grammatical mistakes, especially from one mission onwards (can't remember which). But it didn't bother me TOO much to be honest. One thing I've thought of, if I ever do more missions is to type up everything in Word first and then fix the mistakes there. Then just cut and paste later on. Might work well, might not.

      But don't take any of that too harshly. Just giving some constructive criticism/feedback and trying to uh, make your next campaign even better :) It was a lot of fun.  Good stuff :yes: :yes:
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on March 26, 2008, 06:54:58 am
I broke the second mission! With the updated missions. Not sure how though.

The NTF corvette wouldn't leave. It was disabled, but only after all waves of enemy fighters and bombers were dead, and it was in (IIRC) single digit health %age. When it finally died, a primary objected ("live") failed, and there was no RTB. It ceased firing entirely after the freighters left, even when Alpha was pounding it. I was close to it when it ceased fire.

One of the containers had been stolen, and one of the containers survived and was invlunerable (TC-TRI 9 I assume). Maybe one of the containers died before the Thieves arrived, so one Thief never arrived, and so the "is destroyed or departed" SEXPs never triggered? AFAICS that's the only time TC-TRI 9 is made vulnerable and would be attacked by the corvette.

Oh, and there are lots of misspellings from mission 3 onwards  :)

Still, it seems a good campaign from what I've seen so far.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 26, 2008, 11:52:28 am
Containers were never made invulnerable - just protected, so that AI wouldn't target them. They can still be damaged by weapons fire.

And how you managed to disable a corvette? :wtf:
Maybe I should have made the engines invulnerable...

As to your post Akalabeth Angel:


One bug I noticed. In the mission where the Delacroix bites it, I lost it to bomber attacks and was able to advance. But the debriefing makes it pretty clear that I should've lost it to the Ravana instead.

Yup. I really should have added another debrief stage. I missed that simply because in all my test run-troughs I never lost it to the bombers.

I don't know what happened to everyone. Like Iceman, Razor, and Vixen. In the other "survive" nebula-gankfest mission, it seemed everyone bought it. Then next mission they were all there again. Then after that I didn't notice what the heck happened to them, they just sorta disappeared. I think Razor may have been at the science-guard sathanas thing but didnt know if he was around for the next one. It seemed a bit like the character stuff was emphasized for the first bit, and afterwards it sorta wasn't.

In FOW canon they all survive. Given that they are all guardianed, it's night impossible for them to die, unless shot by a beam or something. You don't always fly with just vixen, IceMan and Razor IIRC (methinks I did put 1 or two other pilots flying with you that could be killed..that or my mind is slippin.)
And your observation is quite correct. The wingman do talk less in the later mission - partially because they grew and became elite, and in such difficult moments weren't really chatty...but also because I wanted to get the campaign out already.

Some of the missions I thought could've used a little more backstory. One mission I'm fighting the NTF, next I'm deep in the nebula. Would've be cool to have some more . . . command briefings just to help set the context of the mission. (ie, the Fury has been redeployed to the nebula) Some things didn't really make sense either, the one cargo guard mission (ETAK?) really early on: The captain says "we're all grounded". Next mission, flying no problem. Unless I misread it and it was just her who had her flight status revoked.

If the command briefings lack the date/explanation then it's my bad. The Fury is in fact reassigned to the Nebula theatre (I think I mentioned in the debrief of the earlier mission or the command briefing). And the mission after the grounded one take place after more than a month time-wise. I should have put a cut-scene in between to clarify that :P

And one thing I thought was, the campaign sorta didnt give me enough information about what was happening sometimes. It sort of assumed I knew the parallel story in the FS2 campaign a little too much. And of course most people who play it, will have also played FS2. But whether they remember it or not is a different matter entirely. Personally, sometimes I didn't really know what was going on in the grand scheme of things and it seems like I was supposed to.

I wished I had more beta-testers to point out those things to me....

For the end cutscene. I think you should've had the story bits, and then the credits. Having them both run at the same time meant that a person didn't really read the credits and that's a bit of a shame imo.

I would've liked it if uh . . . the briefings would tell me what ship I'm flying. Sometimes I'm in Gamma, sometimes in Delta, etcetera. I'd get confused as to where the hell I was. I'd loadout a plane and discover I was flying something totally different not even on the select screen. And sometimes I'd want my wing to cover me but I wouldn't even know what wing they were. Maybe it said on the map, I dunno. I usually just read the text.

Duly noted. Another thing that should have been brought to my attention a LOT earlier. You're very observant. can I count on you to beta-test my next campaign?  ;7

I think the tone of the some of the briefings could've been better. Like some of the later missions, the wing leader's saying I did a fantastic job and everything but really . . the whole fleet should be ****ting their pants and thinking only of their imminent DOOM imo. A little more sense of urgency might've been cool. I was also surprised that the death of the Colossus wasn't mentioned at all. That would've been a deathblow to morale I'd a thought (for someone like Vixen anyway). There were quite a few grammatical mistakes, especially from one mission onwards (can't remember which). But it didn't bother me TOO much to be honest. One thing I've thought of, if I ever do more missions is to type up everything in Word first and then fix the mistakes there. Then just cut and paste later on. Might work well, might not.

Yup. I'm still working out some learned mistakes...ya know - when you learn to write down someting in a wrong way and it's a pain in the a** to get rid of that habbit... Like I used to write "maby" instead of "maybe".
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on March 26, 2008, 12:33:36 pm
Containers were never made invulnerable - just protected, so that AI wouldn't target them. They can still be damaged by weapons fire.

Code: [Select]
$Formula: ( when
   ( has-arrived-delay 0 "Zhidov" )
   ( protect-ship
      "Epsilon 1"
      "Epsilon 2"
      "Omicron 1"
      "Omicron 2"
      "TC-TRI 9"
      "TC 2 12"
      "TC 2 13"
      "TAC 1 16"
      "TAC 1 17"
   ( ship-invulnerable "TC-TRI 9" )
; this one nearly ALWAYS gets killed otherwise, even from stray shots, since it's so big
; ...can you think of a better solution?

+Name: Zhidov blocks convoy
+Repeat Count: 1
+Interval: 1
+Team: 0
Code: [Select]
$Formula: ( when
   ( has-arrived-delay 4 "Thief 1" )
   ( validate-goal "Stop Thief" )
+Name: Validate Stop Thief
+Repeat Count: 1
+Interval: 1
+Team: 0

$Formula: ( when
   ( destroyed-or-departed-delay
      "Thief 1"
      "Thief 2"
      "Thief 3"
      "Thief 4"
      "Thief 5"
   ( unprotect-ship
      "TC-TRI 9"
      "TC 2 12"
      "TC 2 13"
      "TAC 1 16"
      "TAC 1 17"
   ( ship-vulnerable "TC-TRI 9" )
   ( turret-free-all "Zhidov" )
   ( beam-free-all "Zhidov" )
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-chase "TC-TRI 9" 89 )
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-chase "TAC 1 16" 88 )
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-chase "TAC 1 17" 87 )
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-chase "TC 2 12" 86 )
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-chase "TC 2 13" 85 )
   ( fire-beam
      "TC 2 12"
   ( fire-beam
      "TC 2 13"
   ( fire-beam
      "TAC 1 16"
   ( fire-beam
      "TAC 1 17"
;why doesn't this work?
That's from FOW01-02.fs2 in FOW1_MissionFix.rar posted earlier. I'll experiment more later, and if I can reproduce a problem I'll see if I can fix it. It'll be some FREDing experience for me.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 26, 2008, 04:10:18 pm
Well I'll be damned...now I remember..that damn container always got tagged...that irked me in the begining.. Come to think of it, since they all got destroyed or stolen anyway, I should have removed the invulnerable tag.

Speaking of which, because the second SEXP doesn't work more often than not, I added another SEXP that self-destructs all cargo after some time. Don't tell me that didn't trigger either?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Akalabeth Angel on March 26, 2008, 11:51:59 pm
Duly noted. Another thing that should have been brought to my attention a LOT earlier. You're very observant. can I count on you to beta-test my next campaign?  ;7

    Uh, it's possible. If I have time at that moment I may be able to do it.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on March 27, 2008, 05:58:32 am
Speaking of which, because the second SEXP doesn't work more often than not, I added another SEXP that self-destructs all cargo after some time. Don't tell me that didn't trigger either?
Correct. It's also triggered by the destruction or delay of Thief - so if one didn't arrive it wouldn't trigger.

Anyway, more bugs :)

Mission 07R, Courage or Folly. Afflicted with the Red Alert bug, with all the flags removed beams are not freed. +Flags: 640 I think should work.

The Remedy prangs itself on the Delacroix. It works itself loose eventually to jump out.

There's some oddity going on with the "save Blue Hope" objective too. I got a Blue Point is safe debriefing when it was space dust. Killed with the Pollux's beams rather than by bombs.

That's as far as I've got so far.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 27, 2008, 07:32:34 am
The Guard Blue Point station objective is complete once the Delacroix comes into position. Once it's there it takes over the protection, you're responsibility for it's safety ends there. But I should have added another debrief with  "you wing did good, but we screwed up" talk :P

the friggin Red Alert bug..I hate it.

Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Akalabeth Angel on March 27, 2008, 11:50:17 am
The Guard Blue Point station objective is complete once the Delacroix comes into position. Once it's there it takes over the protection, you're responsibility for it's safety ends there. But I should have added another debrief with  "you wing did good, but we screwed up" talk :P

the friggin Red Alert bug..I hate it.

       Oh another thing . . . you've got that one mission with the hulk Orion being used as an NTF base. Well when the transport comes in to board it, after it's done docking it jumps out. But it doesn't seem to orientate itself in any new direction, so when it jumps out it pushes the orion out with it in a very awkward fashion. Unless that's what it was supposed to do, not sure.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 27, 2008, 12:06:47 pm
Looks like I have more fixing to do :P

But that Orion thing is a strange bug that I can't get rid off (it's not the SEXPs') ..sometimes it does twich and pull the Orion hulk into subspace with it
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on March 27, 2008, 12:43:51 pm
Mission 9, Dead Reckoning. The Aeolus is named Boxer, but some chat and objectives call it Guangzhou.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 27, 2008, 05:16:32 pm
It was named Guangzhou, but I didn't really like the name so I changed it. I thought I changed the name in all the chat and objectives.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Droid803 on March 27, 2008, 07:43:37 pm
lol. The transport brought the Legion with it when I played. It was pretty epic.  :P
You could have made the transport do a few waypoints before jumping out...I don't think it would drag the Legion with it then :p

And that convoy escort mission, I got a "Good job, return to the Delacroix" before the convoy escapes...and then I get a fission mailed and can't progress. >.>
Actually, what in the convoy matters? All the Omega transports were toast before I even entered firing range. I shifted all power to engines and was on full burn. 3 clicks left to go, and they all bite the dust.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 28, 2008, 07:36:12 am
That shouldn't be possible. In all my playtoughs only 1 transports was ever lost before I reached the convoy.

As to what is required - saving 50% of the convoy, medical frigate included.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on March 28, 2008, 08:31:17 am
That shouldn't be possible. In all my playtoughs only 1 transports was ever lost before I reached the convoy.
I've lost two.

It seems to be futile to try to save the liner. That corvette is dangerous, and no trebs or even stilettos are provided. May as well order the serapis wing to protect the convoy.

There's no message or debriefing text if the Vasudan corvette goes down.

Mission 13, One Way Home. Gamma wing in Medusa bombers have no bombs and the player can't change their loadout. One has all trebs, the others a mix of hornets and rockeyes.

A directive to destroy the NTF destroyer's side beam cannon would be helpful. Killing this does seem to be necessary.

It's a bit jarring to be suddenly in a Vasudan squadron after the Fury escapes.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 28, 2008, 08:48:11 am
thank for all the bug reports people. I'm fixing them now (those I can).. Will get back to you.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 28, 2008, 09:31:46 am
Speaking of which, saving the liner is not your job - that's Delta wings buisness. Weather they save it or not has no impact on the success of the mission for you.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 28, 2008, 09:34:59 am
Mission 13, One Way Home. Gamma wing in Medusa bombers have no bombs and the player can't change their loadout. One has all trebs, the others a mix of hornets and rockeyes.

They are armed with 2 banks of Cyclops#short and 1 hornet bank each.. I don't get what the problem can be. Unless you're weapon table has some errors in it.

EDIT: Updated the rar with the mission fixes.

CLICKY (http://ferrium.org/trashman/Stuff/FOW1_MissionFix.rar)

Mission 02 should run smoothly now. Added some more tweaks to some other missions, like changed names for the GTC Boxerin 09, added debrief stages or command briefings for 03 and 07R. Added another friendly wing for mission 11R.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on March 28, 2008, 12:38:18 pm
Good work on the updates. I'll see if I can break mission 2 later :)

They are armed with 2 banks of Cyclops#short and 1 hornet bank each.. I don't get what the problem can be. Unless you're weapon table has some errors in it.
That was probably my fault. I'd moved the FOW .VPs into FS2 root so FRED would load them and forgot to move them back.

Mission 17, Tapping in the Dark.
I can't target the Independent's scan-able subsystems with U. Alpha plays bumper cars chasing waypoints, and sometimes Iceman won't be leading the way. Perhaps only Alpha 2 should follow waypoints and 3 and 4 should protect him?

Mission 18, The Coming Storm. Alpha 1 (the player) and 2 have ship guardian. 3 and 4 do not, although the characters reappear in the next mission.

Mission 21, Price of Knowledge. There's a problem with the $Stage text. Only some of the first page is printed. There are " characters in the text that end the string. ' characters work.

Nearly finished now.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 28, 2008, 02:21:25 pm
Fixed the car bumping in mission 17. I have no idea about the targeting with the U key tough. I always use S.

Made a guardiand event for Alpha 2, 3 & 4 in mission 18

Couldn't find anything wrong with the briefing in mission 21.

Download updated.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on March 28, 2008, 03:15:56 pm
Fixed the car bumping in mission 17. I have no idea about the targeting with the U key tough. I always use S.
I'm not sure U can be used to target subsystems.

This is the stage text from Price of Knowledge, copy-and-pasted from the .fs2 file opened in Notepad:
$Stage Text:
 XSTR("Greetings Knights!

I know there have been rumors going around about me, and I figure it's about time I let the cat out of the bag.
Ten months after the rebellion begun, encouraged by high pilots losses, the SOC begun project "Tidal Wave".
It takes a lot of skill, training and time to become an ace pilot, and it takes only seconds to die. 

Promising pilots have been grouped together in so called "nanny" squadrons, and veteran SOC pilots have been inserted as squadron leaders. The 95'th is one of such squadrons.. or should I say was.

You have exceeded all expectations and have grown much in little time. You can now proudly call yourselves ace pilots, as the Knights of Vengance are now listed together with legendary squadrons such as the Avenging Angels, Black Knights, Vampires and others.. ", -1)
$Ani Filename: <default>
+Wave Filename: none

I'm probably explaining in excessive detail here, but just to be clear:
It's not obvious from FRED, but the text is stored as a string with double quotes characters (") to specify the beginning and end. Double quote characters can't be within it or they'll end it prematurely. What FSO sees as the start and end of the above string I've highlighted in red. There may be a workaround (e.g. in BASIC "" will produce a single double quote character as part of a string). Or use single quotes (').

This will work:
$Stage Text:
 XSTR("Greetings Knights!

I know there have been rumors going around about me, and I figure it's about time I let the cat out of the bag.
Ten months after the rebellion begun, encouraged by high pilots losses, the SOC begun project 'Tidal Wave'.
It takes a lot of skill, training and time to become an ace pilot, and it takes only seconds to die. 

Promising pilots have been grouped together in so called 'nanny' squadrons, and veteran SOC pilots have been inserted as squadron leaders. The 95'th is one of such squadrons.. or should I say was.

You have exceeded all expectations and have grown much in little time. You can now proudly call yourselves ace pilots, as the Knights of Vengance are now listed together with legendary squadrons such as the Avenging Angels, Black Knights, Vampires and others.. ", -1)
$Ani Filename: <default>
+Wave Filename: none

Cardinal Spear: I'm in Delta 1, and I can't change Delta's loadout. I can't even see my ship the briefing. I don't want an Ursa. I want an Ares loaded with trebs.

Gamma 1 and 2 and Delta 4 have no shields.
Code: [Select]
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" )
Gaze in The Abyss: In Delta again, and Delta's not on the the loadout screen. Beta is, but as it leaves immediately anyway it needn't be.

Begining ofthe End: I seem to be missing an RTB after losing most of the convoy, with only the GTSC escaping.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on March 28, 2008, 05:33:27 pm
Fixed the car bumping in mission 17. I have no idea about the targeting with the U key tough. I always use S.
I'm not sure U can be used to target subsystems.

This is the command briefing from Price of Knowledge, copy-and-pasted from the .fs2 file opened in Notepad:
$Stage Text:
 XSTR("Greetings Knights!

I know there have been rumors going around about me, and I figure it's about time I let the cat out of the bag.
Ten months after the rebellion begun, encouraged by high pilots losses, the SOC begun project "Tidal Wave".
It takes a lot of skill, training and time to become an ace pilot, and it takes only seconds to die. 

Promising pilots have been grouped together in so called "nanny" squadrons, and veteran SOC pilots have been inserted as squadron leaders. The 95'th is one of such squadrons.. or should I say was.

You have exceeded all expectations and have grown much in little time. You can now proudly call yourselves ace pilots, as the Knights of Vengance are now listed together with legendary squadrons such as the Avenging Angels, Black Knights, Vampires and others.. ", -1)
$Ani Filename: <default>
+Wave Filename: none

I'm probably explaining in excessive detail here, but just to be clear:
It's not obvious from FRED, but the text is stored as a string with double quotes characters (") to specify the beginning and end. Double quote characters can't be within it or they'll end it prematurely. What FSO (and FRED) sees as the start and end of the above string I've highlighted in red. There may be a workaround (e.g. in BASIC "" will produce a single double quote character as part of a string). Or use single quotes (').

If it works correctly for you then I'm confused.

This will work:
$Stage Text:
 XSTR("Greetings Knights!

I know there have been rumors going around about me, and I figure it's about time I let the cat out of the bag.
Ten months after the rebellion begun, encouraged by high pilots losses, the SOC begun project 'Tidal Wave'.
It takes a lot of skill, training and time to become an ace pilot, and it takes only seconds to die. 

Promising pilots have been grouped together in so called 'nanny' squadrons, and veteran SOC pilots have been inserted as squadron leaders. The 95'th is one of such squadrons.. or should I say was.

You have exceeded all expectations and have grown much in little time. You can now proudly call yourselves ace pilots, as the Knights of Vengance are now listed together with legendary squadrons such as the Avenging Angels, Black Knights, Vampires and others.. ", -1)
$Ani Filename: <default>
+Wave Filename: none

Cardinal Spear: I'm in Delta 1, and I can't change Delta's loadout. I can't even see my ship the briefing. I don't want an Ursa. I want an Ares loaded with trebs.

Gamma 1 and 2 and Delta 4 have no shields.
Code: [Select]
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" )
Gaze in The Abyss: In Delta again, and Delta's not on the the loadout screen. Beta is, but as it leaves immediately anyway it needn't be.

Begining ofthe End: I seem to be missing an RTB after losing most of the convoy, with only the GTSC escaping.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 28, 2008, 08:15:42 pm
Right..fixing that briefing error.

As far as not being able to equip Delta - strange. Delta is one of 4 standard wings, it should appear in the loadout.
Altough I should note that in that specific mission, you're doing a bombing run and have only bombers selectable.

I notice a few ships have their shield systems turned off. Have no idea how that happened (or how no one noticed till now). Fixing.

Gaze in the Abyss? That's the mission with the observation of the Sath's, right?

Begining of the End....hmmmm...strange..you should be getting a RTB as soon as more than 50% of the convoy is down...Lemme modify that trigger.

EDIT: Done! Mission Fix updated. I don't know what's causing the Delta wing issue.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on March 29, 2008, 12:25:01 pm
As far as not being able to equip Delta - strange. Delta is one of 4 standard wings, it should appear in the loadout.
Altough I should note that in that specific mission, you're doing a bombing run and have only bombers selectable.
I can borrow an Ares or Perseus from Alpha or Gamma wings. I'll make do with an Artemis though. My current bombing mission thinking is to load up on trebs and take out turrets while the AI delivers the bombs. It's particularly useful here to take out LReds.

Gaze in the Abyss? That's the mission with the observation of the Sath's, right?


Finished now.

Two more notes:
"End" has the "no debriefing" text in the debriefing.
During the end cutscene the camera collides with an Argo, and scrapes along the hull until it's free.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on March 29, 2008, 03:00:29 pm
the End is not supposed to have a debriefing..once you hit the jump key it's supposed to jump to the end cutscene. But it might be prudent to tick the "No debrief" in mission specs :P
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on April 02, 2008, 12:48:46 pm
I broke mission 2 again :)

Order of events in screenshot.

The mission stalled until I destroyed TAC 1 16. The Zhidov remained turret locked after the Norway died even as I shot at it.

It should be Pisces, not Pices.

If you want the containers to last longer, have you considered giving them special hit points in FRED?

[attachment deleted by ninja]
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Snail on April 02, 2008, 12:50:07 pm
Hey, cool, how did you mess up the color?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on April 03, 2008, 03:30:43 pm
I broke mission 2 again :)

Order of events in screenshot.

The mission stalled until I destroyed TAC 1 16. The Zhidov remained turret locked after the Norway died even as I shot at it.

It should be Pisces, not Pices.

If you want the containers to last longer, have you considered giving them special hit points in FRED?

Looks like I'll have to :P
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on April 04, 2008, 12:00:37 pm
Hey, cool, how did you mess up the color?
Dunno, screenshots come out like that. FSO (3.6.9 and trunk 3.6.10) also goes that way when a dialogue box is up, including "pause" and "are you sure you want to quit?". It didn't used to do so, and I'm not sure what changed.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: blowfish on April 10, 2008, 11:18:43 pm
Three words:

starfield dot pof
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on April 11, 2008, 07:32:37 am
what about it? It's the standard starfield you get with the media VPs?

EDIT: I went over mission 2 and the triggers are set up so that no matter what happens to the containers, the mission will continue.
NTF freighters jump in if the corresponding GTVA freighter undocked OR if enough time has passed.
The containers get self-destructed after some time, regardless if all of NTF freighters departed or not.

Exactly how it is possible for that mission to stall is beyond me.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: blowfish on April 11, 2008, 12:56:34 pm
What I mean is that you should set starfield.pof as the skybox in all missions.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Thanatos45 on April 28, 2008, 05:49:02 pm
I've got a problem... After I try ro continue after the red alert after the "Iron Grip" mission, the game crashes without giving me an error message... anyone has any idea what could be causing this? I think it might have something to do with a tech room entry that makes my game crash if I click on it, the "GVD Typhoon". Is this ship supposed to appear in that mission? Anyway, for as far as I know I've tweaked nothing, I only don't have the squad logo pack (link doesn't work) but I can't really imagine that that causes the problem as the rest of the campaign up till now played flawlessly. Thanks in advance :)

edit: I'm using 3.6.9. by the way, without anything tweaked.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: blowfish on April 28, 2008, 05:57:44 pm
I still have problems with events not triggering properly in the second mission.  The "Protect Vasudans" objective often never becomes true, but never becomes false either, and frequently, only a few of the rebel freighters will arrive.

EDIT: Yay!!! 1000th landing post.  Hopefully no comm drones will blow up in the hangar today ;).
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Thanatos45 on May 02, 2008, 06:25:23 am
No one? :(

I think I've fixed the Typhoon problem by the way... I found the new model on freespacemods.net, downloaded it, put it in <root folder>/<FOW folder>/data/models and renamed it to TyphoonT.pof (error said it couldn't open that file), now it loads in the tech room... the game still crashes after the Red Alert after the "An Iron Grip" mission though :(
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Kszyhu on May 04, 2008, 07:08:02 am
I've had the same problem today. I've restarted previous mission and jumped out as soon as I'm told to. Mission started without problems, but Fury's subsystems were on 0%, so I had to skip it (by jumping out 5 times).
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: BustRobot on May 08, 2008, 06:23:06 am
Hey Trashman, me again reporting a new bug I've detected. I know, sorry, but hey, things happen. I still think it's an awesome campaign!   ;)

Recently downloading the most recent fixes of the missions, since i wanted to play through the campaign again, and I've come across a weird bug in mission 2, where you're escorting the convoy.

Basically, just after the Zhidov jumps in and demands the freighters drop the cargo, the NTF freighters jump in to (before the GTVA freighters drop their cargo may I add), and jump out immediately after they arrive. This causes the secondary objective to fail and also means that the Zhidov won't destroy the cargo. (The GTVA frieghters still undock with the cargo and jump out). Effectively it breaks the mission.  :shaking:

I've skipped on to mission three, but I have to say this is the first time I've encountered this bug.
Played through the mission three times, and the bug happened each time.  :mad2:
If I'm looking at this right, it appears to be similiar to the bug - if not the same one - that Mawhrin is encountering.

P.S. Also, could someone tell me how to open the mission files for FOWChap1 in Fred 2? I've tried but it keeps giving me an error telling me I can't. Maybe I'm just dumb.  :confused: Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: blowfish on May 08, 2008, 09:58:04 am
Use a VP editor like Maja to extract them.  They go in flames_of_war(or whatever)/data/missions/
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: BustRobot on May 08, 2008, 03:36:02 pm
Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough in my last post.

All the missions files are already extracted. It's when I try to open the mission files in Fred2 that it tells me they are "Unable to load the file <insert path name here>." They are in the right place, where you say to put them, blowfish.  :confused:
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Jeff Vader on May 08, 2008, 03:41:23 pm
Either fiddle around with command lines or just throw the mission files to \freespace\data\missions.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: BustRobot on May 08, 2008, 04:36:00 pm
Okay, now that's weird. I tried both those ideas and I'm still getting the same error when trying to open the mission files in Fred2.  :eek2: :wtf:

I know this has worked for me with other files!
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: blowfish on May 08, 2008, 05:02:01 pm
If all else fails, notepad (or TextEdit ;)) is the most reliable mission editor available.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: BustRobot on May 09, 2008, 09:04:03 am
Okay then, thanks.  :nod: I can see what you mean.
Just one last thing then, how do I go about removing the "Red Alert" flag for "Red Alert" missions? Thanks in advance one last time.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on May 09, 2008, 12:33:21 pm
P.S. Also, could someone tell me how to open the mission files for FOWChap1 in Fred 2? I've tried but it keeps giving me an error telling me I can't. Maybe I'm just dumb.  :confused: Thanks in advance.
Try passing FRED2 a -mod argument (same as for FSO) or moving the FOW .VPs into the Freespace root directory (but remember to move them back!).
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: blowfish on May 09, 2008, 05:37:21 pm
Okay then, thanks.  :nod: I can see what you mean.
Just one last thing then, how do I go about removing the "Red Alert" flag for "Red Alert" missions? Thanks in advance one last time.

Look for this near the top of the mission:

Code: [Select]
+Red Alert: 1
Remove it.  If it doesn't exist, look for this:

Code: [Select]
+Flags: 12345
Remove it.  Thought this is more likely to cause weird issues.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mawhrin on May 10, 2008, 01:52:34 pm
If it doesn't exist, look for this:

Code: [Select]
+Flags: 12345
Remove it.  Thought this is more likely to cause weird issues.
Yes, including ships not being beam freed.

When expressed in binary, I expect each bit of that number would correspond to a flag. Dunno which is which though.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: BustRobot on May 11, 2008, 05:36:18 am
I feel so ruddy stupid...   :blah:

Just tried using FRED2 Open for the first time... et voila!

*facepalms* Was using the "retail" one it would seem. I have much to learn still.

Anyways, thanks for the help everyone.  :) You've been a big help, and that notepad thing could prove useful in later life.   ;)
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: blowfish on May 20, 2008, 08:39:45 am
AURGG!!  MISSION 2!! :mad:

It is near impossible to save the required 3/4 of the Vasudans, but if you don't you don't get any failed mission message, the directive is just left incomplete.  And Thief 4 has a tendency to never arrive.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Stormkeeper on July 16, 2008, 06:04:18 am
Mild bump. I have discovered a bug..

In mission 2, the corvette never leaves because one of the cargo containers is marked invulnerable, and it doesn't get removed. So this allows my wing to chip the corvette down to pieces. And when it dies, I fail the mission. I thought maybe it was the time, but I made myself invulnerable and increased time compression to X64. After 32 minutes, the Zeus bombers failed to destroy the containers, and when I tested myself, the container was invulnerable. I had to toggle it off before I could continue.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: NFSRacer on August 21, 2008, 05:06:37 pm
No one? :(

I think I've fixed the Typhoon problem by the way... I found the new model on freespacemods.net, downloaded it, put it in <root folder>/<FOW folder>/data/models and renamed it to TyphoonT.pof (error said it couldn't open that file), now it loads in the tech room... the game still crashes after the Red Alert after the "An Iron Grip" mission though :(

Yea, I'm also having the same problem.  Can anyone help me fix this?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Mox on August 21, 2008, 09:08:20 pm
Just got round to playing this and have found a problem with mission 10. Seems to run ok, with the Delacroix getting whacked at the end. At debriefing it wouldn't let me proceed, stating that I have failed the mission and with no recommendations. When I retried the mission later, I could only select Myrmidon and Prometheus R's instead of the usual Perseus and Prometheus S.
I have all the mission fixes from elsewhere in this thread.

Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Knarfe1000 on July 21, 2009, 02:41:16 am
Where can I download this campaign? The links to HC seem to be dead.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on July 21, 2009, 04:37:18 am
Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough in my last post.

All the missions files are already extracted. It's when I try to open the mission files in Fred2 that it tells me they are "Unable to load the file <insert path name here>." They are in the right place, where you say to put them, blowfish.  :confused:

Did you add "-mod FOW" in the FRED shortcut? You need a flag to use stuff from mod folder within FRED.

As far as the other errors go - I hope you all downloaded the last campaign fixes from Freespacemods.net

That said, sometimes I get events not fireing properly myself (or not fireing at all). It's been a while since I player Chapter 1 again. Mayhaps I should do another error run.

Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Knarfe1000 on July 24, 2009, 02:00:47 am
I have problems with the 3. mission (the capture of the Legion). I manage to destroy beams and lasercannons, but I can´t save the transport after I called it in. After many tries I wanted to skip this mission, but it didn´t work. I jumped out 7 or 8 times right at the beginning, but there is no option to skip in the debriefing. What´s wrong here??
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on July 24, 2009, 05:20:12 am
Ordering your wingmen to ignore the Leagion and engage enemy works better than just escort. They jump at enemy fighters the second they appear.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Knarfe1000 on July 24, 2009, 11:55:14 am
Well with the distance of one day I won this mission at last (in the first attempt   ;))  Now I´m on mission 17, it seems to be very hard to keep the Independance alive...   :shaking:
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: High Max on July 24, 2009, 05:44:00 pm
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Jubster032 on July 26, 2009, 06:09:04 pm
I can't download the campaign... The download links keep dropping me at this 'search' site that's definately not hades combine, despite it saying so in bold at the top.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on July 27, 2009, 09:41:38 am
TRy getting it from Freespacemods.net
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Jubster032 on July 27, 2009, 01:33:02 pm
Did that and got the campaign, but every time I start the mod it says that I have 109 errors as well as the typhoon model crashing the game.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on July 27, 2009, 02:01:32 pm
Looks like something is missing.
You can get the new Typhoon model from Freespacemods too.

Check if you have all the needed files.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Jubster032 on July 27, 2009, 02:26:53 pm
I searched Freespacemods.net, but found no model named Typhoon. Either it's not there or it's under a different name. I also redownloaded the files, but the game still says '109 errors/bugs detected' on startup. Maybe the Freespacemods download has no squad logos or the music files as the download only has the main vp, models vp, and the nameplates.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on July 27, 2009, 04:05:50 pm
Methinks it's this: http://www.freespacemods.net/download.php?view.114

I'll see what I can do about the music files....mayhaps I'll just end up ziping everthing into one file and be done with it.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Jubster032 on July 27, 2009, 06:32:15 pm
Model shows up now, but now I'm confused on another matter.
In 'Courage or Folly?' I saved all, but one of the convoy, including the med ship PLUS Blue Point Station AND the starliner and the debrief tells me how well I did saving everybody, BUT... it says I failed when I select accept.
Debriefer: "Congrats! You saved everybody! The convoy, the frigate, the starliner, and Blue Point!"
Alpha 1: "Thanks."
Debriefer: "But you failed anyways."
Alpha 1: "....****...You....?"
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Jubster032 on July 27, 2009, 07:02:07 pm
Nevermind, I passed the mission. It seems that if the starliner survives, I fail the mission. I replayed the mission and completed it, but with the starliner being destroyed and then it says that I won the mission. Another odd thing is that the Vasudan corvette was the one to destroy the starliner. It missed the NTF corvette and hit the starliner...
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: High Max on July 27, 2009, 09:37:13 pm
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Jubster032 on July 28, 2009, 09:47:19 am
I did that prior to the above. Don't you put the new files in the FOWfolder/data/missions folder?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: High Max on July 28, 2009, 02:34:27 pm
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Jubster032 on July 28, 2009, 02:42:49 pm
I just noticed something, first in a mission then in the tech room. It seems theres parts of the Fury model missing. Looking from the top, what I've mistaken to be fighterbays turned out to be two rectangular holes in which I can see through the ship with a couple turrets 'floating' above the holes.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: High Max on July 28, 2009, 02:45:41 pm
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on July 28, 2009, 02:56:28 pm
Looks like a missing texture to me... Try download the Fury model from Freespacemods. Even better, download FOW_COTS. It has the latest versions of all of my models.

Crap, my FOW Chapter 1 folder in on the old disk.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: High Max on July 28, 2009, 03:15:30 pm
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Jubster032 on July 28, 2009, 03:36:34 pm
Downloaded Cots and tried it out. It's Fury model turned out to be OK so I took all the model files from it's model folder and dropped them all (couldn't tell which was the Fury so I just selected them all) into FOW_Chapter1/data/models. But the Fury in FOW_Chapter1 still had the holes. Gah!
Besides that though... The mod runs smoothly despite the supposed '109 errors detected.'
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: High Max on July 28, 2009, 04:01:08 pm
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Jubster032 on July 28, 2009, 04:10:09 pm
It does that in the tech room and the first mission the Fury appears in, but I havn't continued beyond that point, yet.

EDIT: Checked and it seems to do it in the other missions as well.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on July 28, 2009, 04:46:05 pm
Downloaded Cots and tried it out. It's Fury model turned out to be OK so I took all the model files from it's model folder and dropped them all (couldn't tell which was the Fury so I just selected them all) into FOW_Chapter1/data/models. But the Fury in FOW_Chapter1 still had the holes. Gah!
Besides that though... The mod runs smoothly despite the supposed '109 errors detected.'

I said missing TEXTURES. There are only models in the models folder. Maps are in the maps folder. You want those.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Jubster032 on July 28, 2009, 11:05:22 pm
*slaps head*
(1 minute later)
That seemed to do the trick as the holes are gone. Thanks.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: MC_K on January 12, 2011, 04:27:43 pm
I'd like to say this is one of the best campaigns I've ever played. Long, innovative, interesting and difficult.

Sorry for necroing, I'd just like to pass my thanks to the authors.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Nyctaeus on January 12, 2011, 05:09:29 pm
I didn't express my feelings about this campaign before, so I'm doing it now. FoW1 is really good mod, with interesting storyline [FS2 from another point of view. Orginal idea :yes:], cool new models and autenthic FS2 feelings. Good work Trashman :).
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 16, 2011, 08:57:41 am
Necroing the campaign thread when someoene has issues or wants to critique is normal. Nothing to be sorry about.

And thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Nemesis6 on January 16, 2011, 02:08:40 pm
I get an error about two missing weapon classes when loading the first mission. Anything to be worried about?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 17, 2011, 03:15:15 am
Can you be more specific about the error?

What does it say exactly?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: Nemesis6 on January 17, 2011, 10:50:05 am
No, that's the problem: It's right when enter the campaign, before the first mission briefing even starts --

Code: [Select]
Freespace was unable to find 2 weapon classes while loading this mission. This can happen if you try to play a campaign that is incompatible with the current mod.
I did apply the "fix" found on Freespacemods, though, maybe trying it without that will fix it.

Edit: that certainly did not work! :P

The way I got the campaign was by going to: http://freespacemods.net/search.php?q=flames&r=0&s=Search
I got the bottom one, then the middle one, and applied the fixes to the original FOW_Chapter1 with QuickVP. Is there some other way I should have gone about it?
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: General Battuta on January 17, 2011, 12:53:05 pm
Post a debug log please.
Title: Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Post by: TrashMan on January 21, 2011, 05:34:30 am
Which FSO build are you using b.t.w.?

I made FoW1 a while ago, and some things that just raised a warining before, might cause a crash now.