Author Topic: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1  (Read 47304 times)

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Offline Mawhrin

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Fixed the car bumping in mission 17. I have no idea about the targeting with the U key tough. I always use S.
I'm not sure U can be used to target subsystems.

This is the command briefing from Price of Knowledge, copy-and-pasted from the .fs2 file opened in Notepad:
$Stage Text:
 XSTR("Greetings Knights!

I know there have been rumors going around about me, and I figure it's about time I let the cat out of the bag.
Ten months after the rebellion begun, encouraged by high pilots losses, the SOC begun project "Tidal Wave".
It takes a lot of skill, training and time to become an ace pilot, and it takes only seconds to die. 

Promising pilots have been grouped together in so called "nanny" squadrons, and veteran SOC pilots have been inserted as squadron leaders. The 95'th is one of such squadrons.. or should I say was.

You have exceeded all expectations and have grown much in little time. You can now proudly call yourselves ace pilots, as the Knights of Vengance are now listed together with legendary squadrons such as the Avenging Angels, Black Knights, Vampires and others.. ", -1)
$Ani Filename: <default>
+Wave Filename: none

I'm probably explaining in excessive detail here, but just to be clear:
It's not obvious from FRED, but the text is stored as a string with double quotes characters (") to specify the beginning and end. Double quote characters can't be within it or they'll end it prematurely. What FSO (and FRED) sees as the start and end of the above string I've highlighted in red. There may be a workaround (e.g. in BASIC "" will produce a single double quote character as part of a string). Or use single quotes (').

If it works correctly for you then I'm confused.

This will work:
$Stage Text:
 XSTR("Greetings Knights!

I know there have been rumors going around about me, and I figure it's about time I let the cat out of the bag.
Ten months after the rebellion begun, encouraged by high pilots losses, the SOC begun project 'Tidal Wave'.
It takes a lot of skill, training and time to become an ace pilot, and it takes only seconds to die. 

Promising pilots have been grouped together in so called 'nanny' squadrons, and veteran SOC pilots have been inserted as squadron leaders. The 95'th is one of such squadrons.. or should I say was.

You have exceeded all expectations and have grown much in little time. You can now proudly call yourselves ace pilots, as the Knights of Vengance are now listed together with legendary squadrons such as the Avenging Angels, Black Knights, Vampires and others.. ", -1)
$Ani Filename: <default>
+Wave Filename: none

Cardinal Spear: I'm in Delta 1, and I can't change Delta's loadout. I can't even see my ship the briefing. I don't want an Ursa. I want an Ares loaded with trebs.

Gamma 1 and 2 and Delta 4 have no shields.
Code: [Select]
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" )
Gaze in The Abyss: In Delta again, and Delta's not on the the loadout screen. Beta is, but as it leaves immediately anyway it needn't be.

Begining ofthe End: I seem to be missing an RTB after losing most of the convoy, with only the GTSC escaping.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Right..fixing that briefing error.

As far as not being able to equip Delta - strange. Delta is one of 4 standard wings, it should appear in the loadout.
Altough I should note that in that specific mission, you're doing a bombing run and have only bombers selectable.

I notice a few ships have their shield systems turned off. Have no idea how that happened (or how no one noticed till now). Fixing.

Gaze in the Abyss? That's the mission with the observation of the Sath's, right?

Begining of the should be getting a RTB as soon as more than 50% of the convoy is down...Lemme modify that trigger.

EDIT: Done! Mission Fix updated. I don't know what's causing the Delta wing issue.
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Offline Mawhrin

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
As far as not being able to equip Delta - strange. Delta is one of 4 standard wings, it should appear in the loadout.
Altough I should note that in that specific mission, you're doing a bombing run and have only bombers selectable.
I can borrow an Ares or Perseus from Alpha or Gamma wings. I'll make do with an Artemis though. My current bombing mission thinking is to load up on trebs and take out turrets while the AI delivers the bombs. It's particularly useful here to take out LReds.

Gaze in the Abyss? That's the mission with the observation of the Sath's, right?


Finished now.

Two more notes:
"End" has the "no debriefing" text in the debriefing.
During the end cutscene the camera collides with an Argo, and scrapes along the hull until it's free.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
the End is not supposed to have a debriefing..once you hit the jump key it's supposed to jump to the end cutscene. But it might be prudent to tick the "No debrief" in mission specs :P
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

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Offline Mawhrin

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
I broke mission 2 again :)

Order of events in screenshot.

The mission stalled until I destroyed TAC 1 16. The Zhidov remained turret locked after the Norway died even as I shot at it.

It should be Pisces, not Pices.

If you want the containers to last longer, have you considered giving them special hit points in FRED?

[attachment deleted by ninja]


Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Hey, cool, how did you mess up the color?


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
I broke mission 2 again :)

Order of events in screenshot.

The mission stalled until I destroyed TAC 1 16. The Zhidov remained turret locked after the Norway died even as I shot at it.

It should be Pisces, not Pices.

If you want the containers to last longer, have you considered giving them special hit points in FRED?

Looks like I'll have to :P
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline Mawhrin

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Hey, cool, how did you mess up the color?
Dunno, screenshots come out like that. FSO (3.6.9 and trunk 3.6.10) also goes that way when a dialogue box is up, including "pause" and "are you sure you want to quit?". It didn't used to do so, and I'm not sure what changed.


Offline blowfish

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Three words:

starfield dot pof


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
what about it? It's the standard starfield you get with the media VPs?

EDIT: I went over mission 2 and the triggers are set up so that no matter what happens to the containers, the mission will continue.
NTF freighters jump in if the corresponding GTVA freighter undocked OR if enough time has passed.
The containers get self-destructed after some time, regardless if all of NTF freighters departed or not.

Exactly how it is possible for that mission to stall is beyond me.
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

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Offline blowfish

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
What I mean is that you should set starfield.pof as the skybox in all missions.

Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
I've got a problem... After I try ro continue after the red alert after the "Iron Grip" mission, the game crashes without giving me an error message... anyone has any idea what could be causing this? I think it might have something to do with a tech room entry that makes my game crash if I click on it, the "GVD Typhoon". Is this ship supposed to appear in that mission? Anyway, for as far as I know I've tweaked nothing, I only don't have the squad logo pack (link doesn't work) but I can't really imagine that that causes the problem as the rest of the campaign up till now played flawlessly. Thanks in advance :)

edit: I'm using 3.6.9. by the way, without anything tweaked.


Offline blowfish

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
I still have problems with events not triggering properly in the second mission.  The "Protect Vasudans" objective often never becomes true, but never becomes false either, and frequently, only a few of the rebel freighters will arrive.

EDIT: Yay!!! 1000th landing post.  Hopefully no comm drones will blow up in the hangar today ;).
« Last Edit: April 28, 2008, 09:11:05 pm by blowfish »

Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
No one? :(

I think I've fixed the Typhoon problem by the way... I found the new model on, downloaded it, put it in <root folder>/<FOW folder>/data/models and renamed it to TyphoonT.pof (error said it couldn't open that file), now it loads in the tech room... the game still crashes after the Red Alert after the "An Iron Grip" mission though :(


Offline Kszyhu

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
I've had the same problem today. I've restarted previous mission and jumped out as soon as I'm told to. Mission started without problems, but Fury's subsystems were on 0%, so I had to skip it (by jumping out 5 times).

Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Hey Trashman, me again reporting a new bug I've detected. I know, sorry, but hey, things happen. I still think it's an awesome campaign!   ;)

Recently downloading the most recent fixes of the missions, since i wanted to play through the campaign again, and I've come across a weird bug in mission 2, where you're escorting the convoy.

Basically, just after the Zhidov jumps in and demands the freighters drop the cargo, the NTF freighters jump in to (before the GTVA freighters drop their cargo may I add), and jump out immediately after they arrive. This causes the secondary objective to fail and also means that the Zhidov won't destroy the cargo. (The GTVA frieghters still undock with the cargo and jump out). Effectively it breaks the mission.  :shaking:

I've skipped on to mission three, but I have to say this is the first time I've encountered this bug.
Played through the mission three times, and the bug happened each time.  :mad2:
If I'm looking at this right, it appears to be similiar to the bug - if not the same one - that Mawhrin is encountering.

P.S. Also, could someone tell me how to open the mission files for FOWChap1 in Fred 2? I've tried but it keeps giving me an error telling me I can't. Maybe I'm just dumb.  :confused: Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 08:36:24 am by BustRobot »


Offline blowfish

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Use a VP editor like Maja to extract them.  They go in flames_of_war(or whatever)/data/missions/

Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough in my last post.

All the missions files are already extracted. It's when I try to open the mission files in Fred2 that it tells me they are "Unable to load the file <insert path name here>." They are in the right place, where you say to put them, blowfish.  :confused:


Offline Jeff Vader

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Either fiddle around with command lines or just throw the mission files to \freespace\data\missions.
23:40 < achillion > EveningTea: ass
23:40 < achillion > wait no
23:40 < achillion > evilbagel: ass
23:40 < EveningTea > ?
23:40 < achillion > 2-letter tab complete failure

14:08 < achillion > there's too much talk of butts and dongs in here
14:08 < achillion > the level of discourse has really plummeted
14:08 < achillion > Let's talk about politics instead
14:08 <@The_E > butts and dongs are part of #hard-light's brand now
14:08 <@The_E > well
14:08 <@The_E > EvilBagel's brand, at least

01:06 < T-Rog > welp
01:07 < T-Rog > I've got to take some very strong antibiotics
01:07 < achillion > penis infection?
01:08 < T-Rog > Chlamydia
01:08 < achillion > O.o
01:09 < achillion > well
01:09 < achillion > I guess that happens
01:09 < T-Rog > at least it's curable
01:09 < achillion > yeah
01:10 < T-Rog > I take it you weren't actually expecting it to be a penis infection
01:10 < achillion > I was not

14:04 < achillion > Sometimes the way to simplify is to just have a habit and not think about it too much
14:05 < achillion > until stuff explodes
14:05 < achillion > then you start thinking about it

22:16 < T-Rog > I don't know how my gf would feel about Jewish conspiracy porn

15:41 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
15:47 < EvilBagel> butt
15:51 < Achillion> yes
15:53 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]

18:53 < Achillion> Dicks are fun

21:41 < MatthTheGeek> you can't spell assassin without two asses

20:05 < sigtau> i'm mining titcoins from now on

00:31 < oldlaptop> Drunken antisocial educated freezing hicks with good Internet == Finland stereotype

11:46 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
11:50 < achtung> Surely you've heard of DVDA
11:50 < achtung> Double Vaginal Double ANal
11:51 < Kobrar> ...
11:51 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has left #hard-light []

Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Okay, now that's weird. I tried both those ideas and I'm still getting the same error when trying to open the mission files in Fred2.  :eek2: :wtf:

I know this has worked for me with other files!