Author Topic: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1  (Read 47359 times)

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Offline Mawhrin

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
I broke the second mission! With the updated missions. Not sure how though.

The NTF corvette wouldn't leave. It was disabled, but only after all waves of enemy fighters and bombers were dead, and it was in (IIRC) single digit health %age. When it finally died, a primary objected ("live") failed, and there was no RTB. It ceased firing entirely after the freighters left, even when Alpha was pounding it. I was close to it when it ceased fire.

One of the containers had been stolen, and one of the containers survived and was invlunerable (TC-TRI 9 I assume). Maybe one of the containers died before the Thieves arrived, so one Thief never arrived, and so the "is destroyed or departed" SEXPs never triggered? AFAICS that's the only time TC-TRI 9 is made vulnerable and would be attacked by the corvette.

Oh, and there are lots of misspellings from mission 3 onwards  :)

Still, it seems a good campaign from what I've seen so far.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Containers were never made invulnerable - just protected, so that AI wouldn't target them. They can still be damaged by weapons fire.

And how you managed to disable a corvette? :wtf:
Maybe I should have made the engines invulnerable...

As to your post Akalabeth Angel:


One bug I noticed. In the mission where the Delacroix bites it, I lost it to bomber attacks and was able to advance. But the debriefing makes it pretty clear that I should've lost it to the Ravana instead.

Yup. I really should have added another debrief stage. I missed that simply because in all my test run-troughs I never lost it to the bombers.

I don't know what happened to everyone. Like Iceman, Razor, and Vixen. In the other "survive" nebula-gankfest mission, it seemed everyone bought it. Then next mission they were all there again. Then after that I didn't notice what the heck happened to them, they just sorta disappeared. I think Razor may have been at the science-guard sathanas thing but didnt know if he was around for the next one. It seemed a bit like the character stuff was emphasized for the first bit, and afterwards it sorta wasn't.

In FOW canon they all survive. Given that they are all guardianed, it's night impossible for them to die, unless shot by a beam or something. You don't always fly with just vixen, IceMan and Razor IIRC (methinks I did put 1 or two other pilots flying with you that could be killed..that or my mind is slippin.)
And your observation is quite correct. The wingman do talk less in the later mission - partially because they grew and became elite, and in such difficult moments weren't really chatty...but also because I wanted to get the campaign out already.

Some of the missions I thought could've used a little more backstory. One mission I'm fighting the NTF, next I'm deep in the nebula. Would've be cool to have some more . . . command briefings just to help set the context of the mission. (ie, the Fury has been redeployed to the nebula) Some things didn't really make sense either, the one cargo guard mission (ETAK?) really early on: The captain says "we're all grounded". Next mission, flying no problem. Unless I misread it and it was just her who had her flight status revoked.

If the command briefings lack the date/explanation then it's my bad. The Fury is in fact reassigned to the Nebula theatre (I think I mentioned in the debrief of the earlier mission or the command briefing). And the mission after the grounded one take place after more than a month time-wise. I should have put a cut-scene in between to clarify that :P

And one thing I thought was, the campaign sorta didnt give me enough information about what was happening sometimes. It sort of assumed I knew the parallel story in the FS2 campaign a little too much. And of course most people who play it, will have also played FS2. But whether they remember it or not is a different matter entirely. Personally, sometimes I didn't really know what was going on in the grand scheme of things and it seems like I was supposed to.

I wished I had more beta-testers to point out those things to me....

For the end cutscene. I think you should've had the story bits, and then the credits. Having them both run at the same time meant that a person didn't really read the credits and that's a bit of a shame imo.

I would've liked it if uh . . . the briefings would tell me what ship I'm flying. Sometimes I'm in Gamma, sometimes in Delta, etcetera. I'd get confused as to where the hell I was. I'd loadout a plane and discover I was flying something totally different not even on the select screen. And sometimes I'd want my wing to cover me but I wouldn't even know what wing they were. Maybe it said on the map, I dunno. I usually just read the text.

Duly noted. Another thing that should have been brought to my attention a LOT earlier. You're very observant. can I count on you to beta-test my next campaign?  ;7

I think the tone of the some of the briefings could've been better. Like some of the later missions, the wing leader's saying I did a fantastic job and everything but really . . the whole fleet should be ****ting their pants and thinking only of their imminent DOOM imo. A little more sense of urgency might've been cool. I was also surprised that the death of the Colossus wasn't mentioned at all. That would've been a deathblow to morale I'd a thought (for someone like Vixen anyway). There were quite a few grammatical mistakes, especially from one mission onwards (can't remember which). But it didn't bother me TOO much to be honest. One thing I've thought of, if I ever do more missions is to type up everything in Word first and then fix the mistakes there. Then just cut and paste later on. Might work well, might not.

Yup. I'm still working out some learned mistakes...ya know - when you learn to write down someting in a wrong way and it's a pain in the a** to get rid of that habbit... Like I used to write "maby" instead of "maybe".
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Offline Mawhrin

  • 26
Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Containers were never made invulnerable - just protected, so that AI wouldn't target them. They can still be damaged by weapons fire.

Code: [Select]
$Formula: ( when
   ( has-arrived-delay 0 "Zhidov" )
   ( protect-ship
      "Epsilon 1"
      "Epsilon 2"
      "Omicron 1"
      "Omicron 2"
      "TC-TRI 9"
      "TC 2 12"
      "TC 2 13"
      "TAC 1 16"
      "TAC 1 17"
   ( ship-invulnerable "TC-TRI 9" )
; this one nearly ALWAYS gets killed otherwise, even from stray shots, since it's so big
; ...can you think of a better solution?

+Name: Zhidov blocks convoy
+Repeat Count: 1
+Interval: 1
+Team: 0
Code: [Select]
$Formula: ( when
   ( has-arrived-delay 4 "Thief 1" )
   ( validate-goal "Stop Thief" )
+Name: Validate Stop Thief
+Repeat Count: 1
+Interval: 1
+Team: 0

$Formula: ( when
   ( destroyed-or-departed-delay
      "Thief 1"
      "Thief 2"
      "Thief 3"
      "Thief 4"
      "Thief 5"
   ( unprotect-ship
      "TC-TRI 9"
      "TC 2 12"
      "TC 2 13"
      "TAC 1 16"
      "TAC 1 17"
   ( ship-vulnerable "TC-TRI 9" )
   ( turret-free-all "Zhidov" )
   ( beam-free-all "Zhidov" )
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-chase "TC-TRI 9" 89 )
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-chase "TAC 1 16" 88 )
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-chase "TAC 1 17" 87 )
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-chase "TC 2 12" 86 )
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-chase "TC 2 13" 85 )
   ( fire-beam
      "TC 2 12"
   ( fire-beam
      "TC 2 13"
   ( fire-beam
      "TAC 1 16"
   ( fire-beam
      "TAC 1 17"
;why doesn't this work?
That's from FOW01-02.fs2 in FOW1_MissionFix.rar posted earlier. I'll experiment more later, and if I can reproduce a problem I'll see if I can fix it. It'll be some FREDing experience for me.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Well I'll be I remember..that damn container always got tagged...that irked me in the begining.. Come to think of it, since they all got destroyed or stolen anyway, I should have removed the invulnerable tag.

Speaking of which, because the second SEXP doesn't work more often than not, I added another SEXP that self-destructs all cargo after some time. Don't tell me that didn't trigger either?
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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Duly noted. Another thing that should have been brought to my attention a LOT earlier. You're very observant. can I count on you to beta-test my next campaign?  ;7

    Uh, it's possible. If I have time at that moment I may be able to do it.


Offline Mawhrin

  • 26
Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Speaking of which, because the second SEXP doesn't work more often than not, I added another SEXP that self-destructs all cargo after some time. Don't tell me that didn't trigger either?
Correct. It's also triggered by the destruction or delay of Thief - so if one didn't arrive it wouldn't trigger.

Anyway, more bugs :)

Mission 07R, Courage or Folly. Afflicted with the Red Alert bug, with all the flags removed beams are not freed. +Flags: 640 I think should work.

The Remedy prangs itself on the Delacroix. It works itself loose eventually to jump out.

There's some oddity going on with the "save Blue Hope" objective too. I got a Blue Point is safe debriefing when it was space dust. Killed with the Pollux's beams rather than by bombs.

That's as far as I've got so far.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 06:42:09 am by Mawhrin »


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
The Guard Blue Point station objective is complete once the Delacroix comes into position. Once it's there it takes over the protection, you're responsibility for it's safety ends there. But I should have added another debrief with  "you wing did good, but we screwed up" talk :P

the friggin Red Alert bug..I hate it.

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
The Guard Blue Point station objective is complete once the Delacroix comes into position. Once it's there it takes over the protection, you're responsibility for it's safety ends there. But I should have added another debrief with  "you wing did good, but we screwed up" talk :P

the friggin Red Alert bug..I hate it.

       Oh another thing . . . you've got that one mission with the hulk Orion being used as an NTF base. Well when the transport comes in to board it, after it's done docking it jumps out. But it doesn't seem to orientate itself in any new direction, so when it jumps out it pushes the orion out with it in a very awkward fashion. Unless that's what it was supposed to do, not sure.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Looks like I have more fixing to do :P

But that Orion thing is a strange bug that I can't get rid off (it's not the SEXPs') ..sometimes it does twich and pull the Orion hulk into subspace with it
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Offline Mawhrin

  • 26
Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Mission 9, Dead Reckoning. The Aeolus is named Boxer, but some chat and objectives call it Guangzhou.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
It was named Guangzhou, but I didn't really like the name so I changed it. I thought I changed the name in all the chat and objectives.
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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
lol. The transport brought the Legion with it when I played. It was pretty epic.  :P
You could have made the transport do a few waypoints before jumping out...I don't think it would drag the Legion with it then :p

And that convoy escort mission, I got a "Good job, return to the Delacroix" before the convoy escapes...and then I get a fission mailed and can't progress. >.>
Actually, what in the convoy matters? All the Omega transports were toast before I even entered firing range. I shifted all power to engines and was on full burn. 3 clicks left to go, and they all bite the dust.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
That shouldn't be possible. In all my playtoughs only 1 transports was ever lost before I reached the convoy.

As to what is required - saving 50% of the convoy, medical frigate included.
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Offline Mawhrin

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
That shouldn't be possible. In all my playtoughs only 1 transports was ever lost before I reached the convoy.
I've lost two.

It seems to be futile to try to save the liner. That corvette is dangerous, and no trebs or even stilettos are provided. May as well order the serapis wing to protect the convoy.

There's no message or debriefing text if the Vasudan corvette goes down.

Mission 13, One Way Home. Gamma wing in Medusa bombers have no bombs and the player can't change their loadout. One has all trebs, the others a mix of hornets and rockeyes.

A directive to destroy the NTF destroyer's side beam cannon would be helpful. Killing this does seem to be necessary.

It's a bit jarring to be suddenly in a Vasudan squadron after the Fury escapes.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
thank for all the bug reports people. I'm fixing them now (those I can).. Will get back to you.
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Speaking of which, saving the liner is not your job - that's Delta wings buisness. Weather they save it or not has no impact on the success of the mission for you.
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Mission 13, One Way Home. Gamma wing in Medusa bombers have no bombs and the player can't change their loadout. One has all trebs, the others a mix of hornets and rockeyes.

They are armed with 2 banks of Cyclops#short and 1 hornet bank each.. I don't get what the problem can be. Unless you're weapon table has some errors in it.

EDIT: Updated the rar with the mission fixes.


Mission 02 should run smoothly now. Added some more tweaks to some other missions, like changed names for the GTC Boxerin 09, added debrief stages or command briefings for 03 and 07R. Added another friendly wing for mission 11R.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 09:53:09 am by TrashMan »
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

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Offline Mawhrin

  • 26
Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Good work on the updates. I'll see if I can break mission 2 later :)

They are armed with 2 banks of Cyclops#short and 1 hornet bank each.. I don't get what the problem can be. Unless you're weapon table has some errors in it.
That was probably my fault. I'd moved the FOW .VPs into FS2 root so FRED would load them and forgot to move them back.

Mission 17, Tapping in the Dark.
I can't target the Independent's scan-able subsystems with U. Alpha plays bumper cars chasing waypoints, and sometimes Iceman won't be leading the way. Perhaps only Alpha 2 should follow waypoints and 3 and 4 should protect him?

Mission 18, The Coming Storm. Alpha 1 (the player) and 2 have ship guardian. 3 and 4 do not, although the characters reappear in the next mission.

Mission 21, Price of Knowledge. There's a problem with the $Stage text. Only some of the first page is printed. There are " characters in the text that end the string. ' characters work.

Nearly finished now.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Fixed the car bumping in mission 17. I have no idea about the targeting with the U key tough. I always use S.

Made a guardiand event for Alpha 2, 3 & 4 in mission 18

Couldn't find anything wrong with the briefing in mission 21.

Download updated.
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Offline Mawhrin

  • 26
Re: RELEASE - Flames of War: chapter 1
Fixed the car bumping in mission 17. I have no idea about the targeting with the U key tough. I always use S.
I'm not sure U can be used to target subsystems.

This is the stage text from Price of Knowledge, copy-and-pasted from the .fs2 file opened in Notepad:
$Stage Text:
 XSTR("Greetings Knights!

I know there have been rumors going around about me, and I figure it's about time I let the cat out of the bag.
Ten months after the rebellion begun, encouraged by high pilots losses, the SOC begun project "Tidal Wave".
It takes a lot of skill, training and time to become an ace pilot, and it takes only seconds to die. 

Promising pilots have been grouped together in so called "nanny" squadrons, and veteran SOC pilots have been inserted as squadron leaders. The 95'th is one of such squadrons.. or should I say was.

You have exceeded all expectations and have grown much in little time. You can now proudly call yourselves ace pilots, as the Knights of Vengance are now listed together with legendary squadrons such as the Avenging Angels, Black Knights, Vampires and others.. ", -1)
$Ani Filename: <default>
+Wave Filename: none

I'm probably explaining in excessive detail here, but just to be clear:
It's not obvious from FRED, but the text is stored as a string with double quotes characters (") to specify the beginning and end. Double quote characters can't be within it or they'll end it prematurely. What FSO sees as the start and end of the above string I've highlighted in red. There may be a workaround (e.g. in BASIC "" will produce a single double quote character as part of a string). Or use single quotes (').

This will work:
$Stage Text:
 XSTR("Greetings Knights!

I know there have been rumors going around about me, and I figure it's about time I let the cat out of the bag.
Ten months after the rebellion begun, encouraged by high pilots losses, the SOC begun project 'Tidal Wave'.
It takes a lot of skill, training and time to become an ace pilot, and it takes only seconds to die. 

Promising pilots have been grouped together in so called 'nanny' squadrons, and veteran SOC pilots have been inserted as squadron leaders. The 95'th is one of such squadrons.. or should I say was.

You have exceeded all expectations and have grown much in little time. You can now proudly call yourselves ace pilots, as the Knights of Vengance are now listed together with legendary squadrons such as the Avenging Angels, Black Knights, Vampires and others.. ", -1)
$Ani Filename: <default>
+Wave Filename: none

Cardinal Spear: I'm in Delta 1, and I can't change Delta's loadout. I can't even see my ship the briefing. I don't want an Ursa. I want an Ares loaded with trebs.

Gamma 1 and 2 and Delta 4 have no shields.
Code: [Select]
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" )
Gaze in The Abyss: In Delta again, and Delta's not on the the loadout screen. Beta is, but as it leaves immediately anyway it needn't be.

Begining ofthe End: I seem to be missing an RTB after losing most of the convoy, with only the GTSC escaping.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 05:28:18 pm by Mawhrin »