Author Topic: Spiderman 2  (Read 2449 times)

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Offline Impurial

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"When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man, I gave up my childish ways.  Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."


Offline an0n

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"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline Nico

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Offline J3Vr6

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In smallville didn't clark kent already turn bad?  I think I remember seeing that... He went to Metropolis and started to do bank robberies on his own... He had this big ass scar on his chest too that kept glowing red.  I think it had to do with some red ring he wore or something.  He kept Lana on a string...

In regards to Spidey:  I personally didn't like him in the movie for the simple fact that he seemed too... too... I don't know, not smart ass enough.  I think it would have been better with Freddy Prince Jr.
"I wanna drink til I'm drunk, and smoke til I'm senseless..."

"Hey barkeep, who's leg do I have to hump to get a dry martini around here?"
-Brian, Family Guy


Offline Grey Wolf

Red kryptonite. Does crazy things to Kryptonians. Other varieties of kryptonite, excluding the common green, are gold (strips Kryptonians of their powers permanently) and blue (only affects Bizzaro Kryptonians). Unfortunately, he went back to being a wimp afterwards.
You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" -George Bernard Shaw


Offline Stunaep

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This discussion made me wonder a few things. Could someone fill in the linguistically challenged, the difference between nerd and geek. Apparently, seven years of cruising the intardnet hasn't made me realise the difference yet.

I guess I had it coming, being a former soviet republican.
"Post-counts are like digital penises. That's why I don't like Shrike playing with mine." - an0n
Bah. You're an admin, you've had practice at this spanking business. - Odyssey


Offline an0n

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Nerd = WWF Fan, checked shirt, smells funny, talks about quarks and Napoleonic Campaigns.

Geek = Member of the AV Club, watches Star Trek, has friends, knows about quarks but doesn't talk about them in public.
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline Su-tehp

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Originally posted by an0n
Nerd = WWF Fan, checked shirt, smells funny, talks about quarks and Napoleonic Campaigns.

Geek = Member of the AV Club, watches Star Trek, has friends, knows about quarks but doesn't talk about them in public.

Aside from the AV club thingie (what the heck is that, anyway?) I qualify as a geek, not a nerd. And I sure as hell don't smell funny.

Thank God for my cologne. :D

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast


Offline Knight Templar

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Originally posted by an0n
Nerd = WWF Fan, checked shirt, smells funny, talks about quarks and Napoleonic Campaigns.

Geek = Member of the AV Club, watches Star Trek, has friends, knows about quarks but doesn't talk about them in public.

Where do you get WWF fan? :wtf:
Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline an0n

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By the bus stop. You can sneak up through the ****es and catch them by surprise.
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline kode

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AV club = audio/video club?
Pray, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.
- Ambrose Bierce
<Redfang> You're almost like Stryke 9 or an0n
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
- Aldous Huxley


Offline an0n

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"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline Grey Wolf

Subsitute RPGs and overclocking for AV Club, and I fit your definition of a geek.
You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" -George Bernard Shaw


Offline Nico

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Originally posted by an0n
Nerd = WWF Fan, checked shirt, smells funny, talks about quarks and Napoleonic Campaigns.

Geek = Member of the AV Club, watches Star Trek, has friends, knows about quarks but doesn't talk about them in public.

since the only thing I share with those definitions is having friends, I guess I'm neither a nerd or a geek, yey!


Offline Knight Templar

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  • I'm a magic man, I've got magic hands.
WWF = Stoners and Redneck hicks.
Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read