Author Topic: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon  (Read 23903 times)

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Offline asyikarea51

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Re: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
In most cases you need DFM, to kill one of those leads without DFM is... probably rare enough that one might as well close in and go DFM, quickly breaking if someone else starts shooting. I recall only once where I hit a leads with the SAAM from... I have no idea how far I was, and I thought that kill was lucky since the lead was about to do that rapid dodge from a friendly AI missile. I think at that point in time I was a bit pissed already because everything somehow felt uncomfortable. Especially the controls, it felt that way to me for some reason even though it's really just the same (the helicopter side upset me more, but that part is new anyway, then there's also me launching flares by mistake when I wanted to do something else).

I think I was just caught off-guard by any number of things.

Didn't get to see the whole game though, since I had to go off. I'll just take it as me still not being used to it yet. Only had enough time to try one plane, one helicopter mission and it was already a beginner's blind rush, lol how crappy I am...

If health doesn't regenerate on Ace and there's no numeric indicator... meh, at that level, every missile is to be dodged anyway. And speaking of missile dodging... I reckon all that fancy acrobatics will look really cool (to an uneducated observer anyway) once the player can get used to the timing and other soft skills... XD

"Level, level... OK GOOD NOW!!!"
*recalls tutorial pause from earlier level... triggers triggers, press the triggers!!!*
"OH YEAH~~~~" :lol:


Offline Pred the Penguin

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Re: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
For any Ace Combat controls will definitely need some time to get used to. I remember getting pretty good at AC6 'till I could pretty much finish the whole game on the hardest difficulty (without really good statistics though :P). I could even use the cockpit view pretty well.